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Gender Roles as Reflected to the Career Choices of Grade 10
Students in Bucal National High School
Espanyol, Mning Poshi
Javier, Ryan J.
Malimban, Angelo A.
Dendiego, Janna Jaucianne B.
Dilag, Karen Grace A.
Ferrer, Gaila Kate F.
Grade 11- Riego de Dios
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements in Practical Research 1
Bucal National Integrated Senior High School
Bucal 2, Maragondon, Cavite
February 15, 2019
Mrs. Lovelyn Mendoza
Practical Research Adviser
Choosing a career is one of the hardest things a student needs to conquer. Their
decision will set what career they will have in the future. There are many factors affecting
ones decision making, when it comes to career that they will pursue. Those factors are
usually what they follow in choosing the path that they will take. One decision is one step
away from a totally different life. Having a job that is not fit to them can lessen their
productivity and usually the reason why they are having a hard time achieving their aim
in their job. Gender and how it affects ones career choice is one of the greatest factor that
challenge a student.
In the present time, people have the tendency to make an idea that a student
choose their career based on their gender. Because of this assumptions, students
encounter difficulties in making career choices. Choosing the right career is very
important because of the fact that it will affect the future of a student (Whisby, 2017).
Across the globe, men have more opportunities than women in terms of economic
participation. Women also have less access to the basic and higher quality of education.
They also likely to have fewer representatives in the field of politics (PeaceCorps.com).
There is no country that fully achieved the gender equality. (Hausmann, Tyson, Zahidi,
2010). In terms of choosing a career, there are some hindrances like fear of failure,
current obligations, lack of awareness, and educational barriers (Measom, 2017).
In the Philippines, the responsibilities given to a child are based on their birth order
among their siblings. The eldest is expected to have the hardest responsibility while the
youngest is usually treated as the parent’s favorite and they also carry a small job
compared to the eldest. Usually, the eldest sister is the one who is assigned in doing
household chores and taking care of her siblings.
The K to 12 Program is one important change in the Philippine Education System.
The goal of the program is the “development of a holistically developed Filipino with the
21st century skills who are ready for employment, entrepreneurship, middle level skills
development and higher education upon graduation from Grade 12” (The K to 12 Basic
Education Program, 2012). This program provides another two (2) year level in the old
curriculum that is Grade 11 and 12, known as Senior High School (SHS). The old 4-year
curriculum will now be named as Junior High School (JHS) which includes the Grade 7 –
Grade 10, followed by Grade 11 and 12 (SHS). This additional two years will prepare the
high school graduates in their chosen career and be legally employed after graduation
because they are on the legal age of 18 years old (Japitan, Camangyan, Rodrigo, Paez,
Remeticado, Bacarisas, 2015).
Bucal National High School is one of the schools in the town of Maragondon,
Cavite that offers Senior High School. They offer two tracks namely: Technical-Vocational
Livelihood (TVL) Track which associates to ICT – Animation, Electrical and Installation
Maintenance (EIM), Bread and Pastry (BPP), Food and Beverages Services (FBS) and
Cookery; and Academic Track which is the Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS).
There are classes
How the responsibilities of the siblings being appointed can also be based in what
they called “gender roles”. Doing chores is for the sisters while the brother is for
complicated works like carpentry (Liwag et al. 1998; Parreñas 2006). It is the same in
other countries like America, wherein the responsibility of a woman is to be a housewife
while the man is working to earn money (Corrigall & Konrad 2007).
In pursuing this study, the researchers aim to determine how the Grade 10
students plan their career. This study also aimed to know the perception of the students
about gender roles and its influences to their career choices The outcome of the study
will be good information for everyone to understand the influences of gender roles and it
will also help the School Administrations in guiding the students in planning their career.
Statement of the Problem:
The study entitled “Gender Roles as Reflected to the Career Choices of Grade
10 Students in Bucal National High School” aims to answer the following questions:
1. How does the Grade 10 students plan their choice of career?
2. What is the perception of the Grade 10 students regarding gender roles?
3. What is the influence of gender roles to the career choice of the Grade 10
Significance of the Study:
The result of the study will be a great benefit to the following:
Department of Education (DepED) – this study will help them to have well-informed
plans regarding the career guidance to the students.
School Administrations – this may also be a help to the school to have a better quality
in terms of career guidance that they will give to the students.
Teachers – it will benefit them to be aware about the importance of career guidance and
how gender roles are reflected to it.
Students - the study will add knowledge to the students on how the gender roles affect
the career choice and also to know its importance
Future Researchers - the study will also encourage other researchers to do further study
about the topic in other places with different respondents. The findings in the study will
increase the information in the literatures about career choice and gender roles.
Scope and Limitations:
This study with the title: “Gender Roles as Reflected to the Career Choices of
Grade 10 Students in Bucal National High School” encompasses the influences of
gender roles in choosing a career that the Grade 10 student of Bucal National High School
in the School Year 2018-2019 will pursue. The discussion of the study is only limited to
the Grade 10 student due to lack of time and financial support. It is limited to the Grade
10 students that include their perception about gender roles and the influence of it to their
choice of careers.
Theoretical Framework:
The study is constructed because of the Gender Schema Theory and Social
Learning Theory in analyzing how the gender roles affect the career choices of Grade 10
students. These theories were chosen due to the fact that they are related to the topic
being discussed.
Gender Schema Theory
This theory was developed in 1981 by Sara Bem then it was elaborated by
Carol Martin and Charles Halversin in 1983. Based on this theory, a child started
to have gender schema when they formed a basic gender identity. These are from
the observations and interactions of the children in their culture and environment.
The gender schema of a child is used to establish and control their behavior that
is rooted from the gender norms of her society and their expectations that is related
to the gender of the child. In short, this theory means that gender schema is beliefs
that are related to gender and it influences the behavior of an individual.
Krumboltz’s Social Learning Theory
The theory that was developed by John Krumboltz in 1979 focus on how is
the importance of the behavior (actions) and cognition (knowing and thinking)
(Sharf, 1997). According to this theory, certain generic processes like learning
experiences influences the development of the career of a person. The learning
experiences of an individual are related to his or her culture. There are four factors
in career development: (a) genetic endowments and special abilities, (b)
environmental conditions and events, (c) learning experiences, (d) task approach
skills (Beal, 1998; Ireh, 2000). Genetic endowments refer to the qualities that are
inherited that can be a limit to the career choice of an individual. Environmental
conditions are the conditions that cannot be controlled by an individual that
influences their chosen careers. On the other hand, learning experiences are (a)
performance of a person that are resulted from their experiences, (b) the
experiences of an individual that affect his or her decisions (c) these experiences
have an impact to the career choice of them. Lastly, task approach are skills that
and have been developed by an individual like problem-solving skills, work habits,
and goal setting (Krumboltz, Mitchell, & Gelatt). This theory is relevant to the study
as it includes environmental factors such as family and gender. It is based on social
learning, experiences in learning and influence of gender. An individual tend to
choose his or her career based on what he or she have learned (Mtemeri, 2017).
Conceptual Framework
The conceptual model contains the input, process and the output or also known as
the IPO Model. This is use to draw the process that will transform the input to get the
desired output which is shown below
Demographic Profile
of the Respondents
Preferred Track or
Career Choice
Sets of questions
regarding gender
roles and choice of
Detailed interview
Gender Roles as
Reflected to the
Career Choices of
Grade 10 Students in
Bucal National High
Figure1. Conceptual Paradigm of the Study
INPUT - This includes the demographic profile of the students and their preferred track
or choice of career.
PROCESS – In the process, it includes the sets of questions to be used in the interview
OUTPUT – This study will seek to understand the influences of gender roles to the
career choices of the Grade 10 students at Bucal National High School
Definition of Terms:
The study with the theme: “Gender Roles as Reflected to the Career Choices
of Grade 10 Students in Bucal National High School” have been given the following
words with its meaning so that the readers will easily understand the study itself
Career- profession or job that the students will pursue.
Career Choice- choosing or deciding a profession or job that a person will possess.
Career Guidance – ways of assisting students in choosing their career.
Career Preferences – preferred choice of career of a person that should be decided on
ahead of time.
Feminine – qualities that are traditionally associated with women.
Gender roles- the responsibilities that are given to a person in a community which is
being based in their gender.
Gender- task or act that is given by the society for the woman and the man.
Kinder to Grade 12 Program (K-12 Program) – newly implemented educational
curriculum in the Philippines that put additional 2 years in high school.
Masculinity – qualities that are regarded as characteristic of men.
Norms – accepted behavior in a community.
Sex – classification of a person as male or female, typically assigned at birth according
to appearance.
Strand Choice – strand options of the students that a student may pursue.
The present study entitled “Gender Roles as Reflected to the Career Choices
of Grade 10 Students in Bucal National High School” sought to know how the gender
roles influence the career choices among the Grade 10 students in Bucal National High
School. In this chapter, overviews of previous researches and articles about gender roles
and career choices were provided.
A. Related Literatures
Gender Roles
Gender roles are set of behaviors and attitudes that are found to be appropriate
for a person based on his/her sexuality (Wikipedia). For example, males should be
aggressive and powerful while female must be kind-hearted and submissive (Whisby,
2017). Gender roles are also well-known in the culture of the Philippines. In present time,
women are stay at home while the men are outside, making money for the family. The
differences in gender on the Filipino cultures cannot just see on marriage, family and
workforce but also on education (Gacad, 2015).
In the book Araling Panlipunan 10, the concept of gender and sex are different.
Sex indicates if and individual is a male or female. It also indicates the work of male and
female that the goal is the reproduction of human. According to the World Health
Organization (WHO), sex refers to the biological and physiological characteristic that
determines the differences between male and female. On the other hand, gender is about
the social responsibilities, behavior and task that are given by the society to male and
Gender roles is defined as the traditional responsibilities and tasks assigned to
men, women, girls and boys. This can change over a period of time through women’s
empowerment and masculinities’ transformation. (EIGE)
According to an article at PlannedParenthood, gender roles is how an individual is
expected to act, speak, dress, and conduct his or her self based on the sex assigned to
him or her. Example is that women and girls are expected to be polite and dress in
feminine ways while men are expected to be strong and bold.
In Encyclopedia, gender roles are the sets of cultural behaviors like masculinity
and feminist. It is also sometimes the synonym of sex roles or it can also determine the
reproductive role like maternity.
Gender roles are both personal and cultural. It define how male and female should
speak, think, dress and interact within the society. In the process of shaping gender roles,
learning plays a significant role. There are socializing agents like parents, teachers, peers
that teach gender roles to an individual. Parents may be the one that have the greatest
influence to their young offspring (Harcourt, 2016).
Gender Roles in the 21st Century
In today’s world, the roles of women are on the process of evolving which is
dependent of need, circumstance and personal choice. Both men and women are
establishing their roles in the 21st century (West, 2014). Gender roles changed lately
where women can now play equal role as men like owning large companies, owning
personal businesses and manage big organizations. In this century, it shows equal
participation of both genders in many ways compared to past centuries where women are
only responsible from household chores (Esudu, 2016). Meanwhile, traditional gender
roles -- including the division of household chores - remain particularly widespread among
white middle-class families (Belsky & Kelly, 1994).
Gender Roles in the Philippines
In the Philippines, adolescent still receive and ask the advice of their parents
and gather emotional and instrumental support from them (Quiñones 2009). Specifically
in terms of education like which school and course to enroll in, high school and college
students put a strong parental influence and also in domestic roles (family responsibilities)
(Lamug, 1989).
In an article about Parenting in the Philippines, children are expected to
form meaning contributions to the family, Filipino folks begin responsibility coaching or
the systematic instruction in numerous roles they are to undertake within the house. This
begins once child are concerning the age of four where they develop their sense and
knowledge. In assigning tasks, it is usually based on the traditional gender roles.
Daughters have
interaction in
that principally involves
roles, like cleaning, cooking, and taking care of her younger siblings; they also tend to
conjointly participate in farming, crafting, or weaving. Sons are assigned for the
roles within the house that need additional physical labor and distance; if residing in a
very geographical region, boys could participate in farming, fishing, and taking care of
farm animals (Liwag, 1998). Poor children and youth at urban places, regardless of their
gender, can do street-based jobs or other works that will add to their family income (Dela
Cruz, 2001).
According to the article Gender Roles in the Philippines by Clare Santos- Gacad
(2017), gender roles are also wide spread in our country. These gender differences may
be seen in dating, marriage, education, workforce and families. During 1521, there is
evidence where women can divorce their husbands without any problem. They also have
a central role in the society because they are able to become political authorities. When
the Spanish arrived, they were surprise to the freedom of women. The rule of the Spanish
influences the gender differences. On the moment they are born, they already have a
specific role to play. Filipino men are assigned to take after their fathers and elder men in
the family. Women become less dominating and they also take after their mother and
elder women (Perez, 2013). It is also mentioned that “men are expected to have more
freedom and provide for their families, while the women usually stay at home and
complete chores as well as take care of the elderly and children of the household.”
Career Choice
According to an article at Career Research, every individual have their own interest
in specific career fields or occupation. These interests and aspirations are product of
different things like genetics, socioeconomic status, gender, learning history and
personality. Career choice is the process of balancing the personal characteristic with
restrictions in the society in an effort to clarify and implement a series of career decisions
over time.
Nugent (2013) defined career choice as the “the selection of a particular path
or vocation in terms of career. Parental guidance, vocational counseling and training
opportunities usually influence this. It can also be influence by personal preference and
identification with role models. This is very important because it determine one’s success
in life.
Gender Roles on Career Choice
According in an article by Caitlin Whisby (2017) entitled “Gender roles affect career
choices”; she mentioned “Society tends to have a set of idea of what career people will
choose based solely on their gender. Some students may have difficulty making career
choices due to these assumptions.”
Based on the article by Alan Salter (2017) about gender and choosing a specialty,
“Only one in 500 new male doctors choose to specialize in obstetrics and gynecology.
One of the main reasons is the perception that this discipline is dominated by women,
with male medical students having negative experiences during training.” This shows that
gender affect the choosing of specialty in the medical field.
On the article “Men vs. women: How gender can impact career aspirations” by
Rachel Nauen (2017), according to a recent CareerBuilder survey, an individual’s gender
may affect what he or she expect to get out of his or her career. On their survey, it shows
that gender may influence the career they expected.
According to the article Gender Roles in the Philippines by Clare Santos- Gacad
(2017), “Just like in every other culture, gender roles are prominent in the Philippines. In
today’s world, the stereotypical woman can be described as a stay at home mother and
the stereotypical man can be described as the moneymaker who provides for his family.
The gender differences in the Filipino culture can be seen in dating, marriage, education,
workforce, and families.”
Kindergarten To Grade 12 Curriculum (K-12 Curriculum)
According to the Official Gazette, “K to 12 Program covers Kindergarten and 12
years of basic education (six years of primary education, four years of Junior High School,
and two years of Senior High School [SHS])”. The goal of it is to give enough time to
master different concepts and skills, to develop lifetime learners, and to prepare the
students for a tertiary education, skills development, entrepreneurship and employment.
This was implemented on May 2013 wherein Former President Benigno Aquino III signed
the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 or known as K-12 Program into law (Rappler).
B. Related Studies
According to the study of Anathe R. Kimaro and Ebenezer A. Lawuo entitled “The
Effects of Gender Stereotyping on Career Choice among Secondary School Students in
Tanzania” (2016) The researchers used quantitative approach in gathering the opinion of
the respondents. The study concluded the persistent influence of gender stereotyping of
careers as well as gender differences in career choices among secondary students.
There is influence of gender stereotyping on career choice among secondary school
students in Moshi district in Tanzania.
This is contrasted in the study entitled “Career preferences and academic
performance: A gender based study” (2016) by Eisha Verma, Dr. Ritu Bakshi, wherein
the gender is not significant in the career preferences of the male and female university
students. They used the survey method in gathering the data consisting of self-made
On the study of Antti Kauhanen and Sami Napari entitled “Gender Differences in
Careers” (2011), they tackled about the gender differences in careers and its influence in
the gender wage gap. Through the use of survey method, it was concluded that men start
their careers at higher hierarchical ranks than women do. Although a large part of the
gender difference in entry positions can be explained by men’s and women’s different
educational choices, some of the gap remains unexplained. The researchers’ results
show that gender wage gap emerges right in the beginning of career and differences in
career progression and returns to career progression exacerbate the gender wage gap.
Based on the study entitled “Factors affecting career choice among the next
generation of academic vascular surgeons” (2012) of Rachel C. Danczyk, MD, Nick
Sevdalis, PhD, Karen Woo, MD, Anil P. Hingorani, MD, Gregory J. Landry, MD, Timothy
K. Liem, MD, Gregory L. Moneta, MD, and Erica L. Mitchell, MD, the researchers sent a
39-item Web survey to 295 vascular surgery residents currently enrolled in Accreditation
Council on Graduate Medical Education-accredited training programs. The study shows
that choosing a career in academic vascular surgery appears not to be influenced by sex,
ethnicity, child care concerns, salary expectations, or debt burden, even though most
trainees carry enormous debt. The data imply future academic vascular surgeons will
likely have greater gender and ethnic variability than is currently seen.
It is the same in the study “Factors Affecting the Decision of Freshmen Students
in Pursuing Hospitality and Tourism Programs in Lyceum of the Philippines University–
Laguna: Basis for Enhancement” (2015) by Malubay, Gia Janine J.; Mercado, Kimberly
Anne O.; and Macasaet, Emeliza. The researchers gathered the data through the use of
self-made questionnaires given out to a total of 174 respondents. The results showed that
the gender doesn’t have a significance in the factors that affects the decisions of freshmen
students in pursuing Hospitality and Tourism programs.
As mentioned by Dr. Mohammad Iqbal Mattoo in his study entitled “Career Choices
of Secondary Students with Special Reference to Gender, Type of Stream and Parental
Education” (2013), girls are seen to have higher inclination towards fine arts, crafts, house
hold and sports activities as compared to boys. Technical and outdoor interest is found
higher in boys than girls. Next, uniform tendency towards career choices like: literary,
medical, scientific, and agriculture is found in both the genders. The researcher collected
the data by using Chatterji’s Non-Language Preference Record.
According to a comparative study of Maxwell D Eremie entitled “Comparative
Analysis of Factors Influencing Career Choices among Senior Secondary School
Students in Rivers State, Nigeria” (2015) gender equality has significant influence on
career choice pattern among male and female senior secondary school students in Rivers
State. The research method used in the study was a descriptive survey.
On the study conducted by Edmore Mutekwe, Maropeng Modiba and Cosmas
Maphosa entitled “Factors Affecting Female Students’ Career Choices and Aspirations:
A Zimbabwean Example” (2011) there are a plethora of factors affecting female students’
career choices and aspirations and these range from gender-socialized roles and
perceptions of careers considered appropriate for girls and boys or women and men. The
study also concludes that gender role socialization coupled with teacher attitudes,
parental expectations and the influence of peers as well as learners’ subject combinations
have an enormous impact on the learners’ resultant career trajectories. Through gender
role socialization girls and boys tend to acquire early beliefs about their social roles and
this has been found to exert significant influences on their education and career
aspirations and choices. The study used a qualitative approach involving focus group
interviews as the instrument for data collection.
Based on the study of Asma Shahid Kazi and Abeeda Akhlaq entitled “Factors
Affecting Students’ Career Choice”(2017), gender is one of the factors that are considered
in making a career choice. On the study conducted in Lahore City, 432 students from two
public sector universities were gathered. They collect the data through questionnaires
and detailed interviews. Results showed that students don’t feel that their gender is a
hindrance in their career choice. However, one female student revealed that her family
was against her career choice because they think that it is not “safe” for her. They believe
that “girls should be for teaching” but she stand for her choice and in the end, they accept
As indicated by Irene Durosaro & Nuhu, Muslimat Adebanke in their study entitled
“Gender as a Factor in the Career Choice Readiness of Senior Secondary School
Students in Ilorin Metropolis of Kwara State, Nigeria” (2012) gender is a very significant
factor in the career choice of senior secondary school students in Ilorin Metropolis. This
implies that there is a tendency of sex stereo-typing in the career choice of the senior
secondary school students. Another interesting and very important implication for this
finding is that female students tend to go in for career that are feminist in nature while
their male counterparts also opt for careers that are masculine in nature. A 20 item
questionnaire was administered to the respondents. Data were analyzed using Chisquare.
As mentioned by Tara S. Behrend, Lori Foster Thompson and Adam W. Meade in
the study entitled “Gender Differences in Career Choice Influences”(2007) women valued
opportunities to provide comprehensive care when choosing a career specialty more than
men. The data was gathered through the annual survey containing a 98 items which
included questions concerning personal and career-related variables.
As stated by Macharia Thangei, Doris W. in the study entitled “A Study of Gender
Differences in Career Choice in the Kenyan State Corporations” (2011) gender
differences in career choice will exist for as long as the labor force is segregated by
gender. Discriminatory practices on the basis of gender, restrictions placed on career
progression moves on the grounds of gender and organizational practices that are
considered to have a negative impact on gender equality in career choice will affect career
choices. The data collected was analyzed using descriptive statistics such as mean,
standard deviation, frequencies and percentages. Data was summarized and presented
in the form of tables and charts. Chi-square technique was used to test for the difference
between male and female respondents in career choice.
As eloquently stated by Xenia Dalmau Valls, Guillem Sitges I Puy and Mireia Tort
Alier in the study “Influence of Gender Stereotypes on Career Choice” (2017) although
women are more stereotyped than men, gender stereotypes only play a significant role in
men’s career choice. Aside from that, women are more blinded by social judgment that
caused them to choose a more socially accepted degree. The researchers conducted a
survey over a 338 Catalan students to gather the data needed.
In the study of Maria Eliophotou Menon and Miranda Christou entitled “Gender
Effects on the Choice of Education as a Field of Study: The Perceptions of Female
Students” (2015) the researchers collected qualitative data through in-depth interviews.
It was concluded that most female students appear to be satisfied with the choice of
Education as a field of study, despite a dramatic deterioration in employment prospects
in the last decade. Female students tend to be optimistic about the future in relation to
their career progression in teaching. There is a need for girls to gain awareness of the
effects of gender stereotypes before making decisions and choices that may have a
negative impact on their future development and career progression.
According to the study of Claire Micallef and Suzanne Gatt entitled “Gender
Preferences and Science Career Choice” (2006) questionnaire was addressed to two
hundred and twenty three (223) undergraduate students following science related
courses at the University of Malta. It was found out that personal interest in science was
a key factor that determines the decision in whether to pursue a science career or not.
No gender difference was found to be statistically significant in this regard.
As indicated by Nalianya Remmy Simiyu in the study entitled “Influence of Gender
on Career Choices by Students in Youth Polytechnics in Bungoma County, Kenya” (2015)
a survey design in which descriptive statistics was employed. The study results showed
that gender issues influence the choices of career among students in youth polytechnics.
It is also revealed that cultural believes interfere in the choices of careers made by
students in youth polytechnics.
As mentioned by Judith Simon Nicolao in the study entitled “The Effects of Gender
Stereotyping on Career Choice among Secondary School Students in Dar Es Salaam”
(2014) boys and girls had their own ways of choosing their career. This was influenced
by their beliefs/behaviors. It was revealed that girls were associated with behaviors which
could not permit them to boys’ jobs. Likewise boys were also associated with masculine
behavior. All of these were influenced by social, cultural and environmental factor.
Moreover, there was significance difference in task performance. It was revealed that
female were doing home related task while male tended to perform outdoor tasks. This
was due to the fact that their societies had nurtured them to behave the way they were
behaving. Male tended to choose hard works while female were performing soft tasks.
The study employed primary and secondary methods of data collections. The data were
analyzed using cross tabulation and presented through the use of frequencies and
percentages of respondents.
It was contrasted on the study of Jeofrey Mtemeri entitled “Factors Influencing the
Choice of Career Pathways among High School Students in Midlands Province,
Zimbabwe” (2017) a self-designed questionnaire was used in collecting data from the
participants. The study concluded that gender has no influence in students’ choices of
careers. The findings of the study revealed that both male and female students were
interested in the same careers and are equally competent in the subjects they do at
school. Both male and female role models are influential in students’ choices of careers.
In the study entitled “Factors influencing the Educational and Career Choices of
Senior High School Students: A Case Study in Vietnam” by La, Thuy (2009) qualitative
data was collected through individual interviews. It was revealed that gender is one of the
considerable influences on the Vietnamese senior high school students’ educational and
career choice.
According to the study of Juan O. Abarro entitled “Factor Affecting Career Track
and Strand Choices of Grade 9 Students in the Division of Antipolo and Rizal, Philippines”
the result implies that gender is one of the factor associated to the career track choices
of the students. The study used a descriptive method utilizing a survey questionnaire.
Research Design
In this study, the researchers used a descriptive method of research. It allowed
them to understand how the students plan their career. It also help the reserachers to
know the perception of the students about gender roles and its influence to their choice
of career.
Research Local
The study was conducted at Bucal National High School in Bucal 2, Maragondon,
Cavite. It was carried out during the fourth quarter of the School Year 2018- 2019.
Subjects/ Units of Analysis
The respondents in this study were the Grade 10 students of Bucal National High
School in the school year 2018-2019. Ten students were used as the respondents in the
study. There was one student representing each section. The Grade 10 students were
used because they will choose their career on Senior High School.
Sampling Procedure
The researchers used a stratified random sampling method in this study. Only ten
Grade 10 students were able to participate in the study. One student from the ten section
in the Grade 10 level was the respondents. Each student was interviewed using the
Research Instrument/ Instrumentation
In order to gather reliable data for the study, a set of questions regarding gender
roles and career choices was developed as the research instrument. It contains the
questions about how the students plan their career, the perception of the students about
gender roles and how it influences their career choice.
Data Gathering Procedures
The procedure for data collection is through detailed interview. The researcher
administered the instrument to the one student from each section. Each respondent was
encouraged to respond honestly in each question. The interview was conducted during
the break time of the students to avoid the disruption of classes.
Analytical Framework
The data was analyzed with the help of the Gender Schema Theory and
Krumboltz’s Social Learning Theory. Gender Schema Theory is the theory about the
beliefs that are related to gender and its influence to the behavior of an individual. On the
other hand, Krumboltz’s Social Learning Theory includes the environmental factors like
family and gender. A person chooses his or her career because of what she has learned
in her environment. These theories guided the researchers in analyzing and interpreting
the data gathered from the respondents.
This chapter presents the results collected from the interview conducted. These
results are discussed, analyzed and interpreted with respect to the research questions.
The purpose of this study is to know the influence of gender roles to the career choices
of the students. The respondent of this are the ten Grade 10 students of Bucal National
High School. The researchers carried out an interview to the respondents about how their
gender roles affect their choice of career.
Table 1. Sex of the Respondents
Table 1 indicates that out of ten respondents, there were five (50%) male and
five (50%) female. This means that both sexes were represented equally.
Students who find career planning easy
Students who find career planning difficult
Figure 1. Students’ feeling about career planning
Figure 1 shows the feelings of the student’s about career planning. Two (20%) of
the respondents appear to look easy on planning a career. On the other hand, most of
the students find career planning hard with 8 out of 10 or 80% of the respondents. Most
of the students reason out that they find career planning difficult is because they are not
sure on what career they are going to take. On the eight (80%) respondents, majority of
it are male students.
Career planning is important because it give an individual a direction and a clearer
view in their future. From this, Ndimbuki and Mutie (1999) emphasizes that occupational
information such as career knowledge, entrance conditions, duties and advancement
pattern are very important to a career development. Planning a career help an individual
to grow. If the student doesn’t have a goal to strive, the student will find it difficult to stray
from the society norm. Having a solid career plan can be a trustable map for the future.
A plan for a career will ensure that the student will not lose a motivation in achieving it.
Realistic career plan is an important part of a student’s growth and development. The
data gathered by the researchers revealed that career planning is hard for most of the
students. This can be explained by some factors like lack of information about career
planning and its importance to their future. Due to lack of information about career
planning, students have difficulty in choosing their desired career. According to Guay,
Senecal, Gauthier and Fernet (2009), career planning is often unsuccessful due to the
reason that it was based from the effort of trying to match intellectual ability to interest
without considering other important variables.
Students who have enough knowledge
about their chosen careers
Students who have slight knowledge
about their chosen careers
Figure 2. Student’s knowledge about their preferred career
In Figure 2, it depicts the knowledge of the students about the career they are
interested in. Only two (20%) of the students have slight enough knowledge in their career
choice. In the 20%, two of it will take a career under the STEM strand. Most students
already have enough knowledge about their choice of career (80%). Four respondents
will take STEM-related career, three will take HUMSS-related career and only one student
will take ABM-related career.
From the data above, it is proven that half of the respondents are already aware
about the careers they are interested in. This is for the reason that they already have a
chosen career. Some of the students already have their chosen careers but they only
have slight enough knowledge about it. The study found that having knowledge of what
a career entails is important in developing and nurturing interest in the career. In fact
having a prior knowledge prepares an individual to what one is about to enter and
therefore it will have a positive effect on career choice decisions.
The results also shows that careers that are considered for male only can now be
chosen by female. A large percent of female student preferred STEM related careers
which are considered to be masculine careers. There are a lot of STEM related careers
that are in demand today, one of it is engineering which have the highest response.
Engineering is regarded as a masculine career because there are more men in this field
than women. It shows that the students plan their career without basing it to their gender.
Students reasoned out that there are some other factors affecting them in choosing their
careers like their personal interest, parental influences, and familiarization about a certain
career. Thus, almost all of the students choose their career which they are familiar with.
Figure 3.Perception of the students about the careers for both sexes.
In Figure 3, students were asked whether they agree that there are careers only
meant for male or female. Based on the result, it can be depicted that only one (10%) of
the student believes that there were careers that are only meant for either male or female.
There were nine (90%) who disagree with this question. It was also resulted that all of the
students doesn’t believe in following traditional gender roles.
The students doesn’t agree that there were careers meant for each sex. The
students also reasoned out that in present world, everything is for everyone without
considering the sex.
“I don’t believe that there are careers only meant for a certain gender, every
individual can now do things they want”. – Interviewee 7
“I don’t think so because today we already have gender equality.” – Interviewee 8
The findings showed that the students were aware of gender equality in terms of
choosing a career. This also revealed that almost all of the students believe in gender
equality. Gender equality is the state of having an equal access to different opportunities
without considering of the gender.
The results from the respondents also show that they don’t believe in following
traditional gender roles. Students think that in present time, every individual; nevertheless
of their gender have identical opportunities.
“I disagree with following the traditional gender roles. I believe that female can now
do what male can do.” – Interviewee 3
“No, because today people are all equal. Everyone have equal opportunities to
many things.” – Interviewee 8
Because of the changes in the society, students believe that the roles of both male
and female are equal. The researchers accepted the claim of Corrigall and Konrad (2007)
in their study that the traditional belief about gender roles had shifted for the past years
because female have now the capacity to engage in male- dominated careers and so are
the men.
From this, it shows that students are very aware of gender equality. The students
disregard following traditional gender roles because they believe that everyone now were
all equal and all have the equal opportunity in different aspects of life. With this, the
researchers agreed to the claim of West (2014) that both men and women are
establishing their roles in the 21st century.
Students who have roles in their family with Students who have no roles in their family
regards to their gender
with regards to their gender
Figure 4. Roles of the students with relation to their gender
In Figure 4, students were asked about their specific roles in their family with
regards to their gender. Five out of ten (50%) students responded that they don’t have a
certain duties in their family. On the other hand, 50% of the students have roles in their
Today, the modernization changed the family structure and the gender roles have
been rerouting from the traditional responsibilities. The data presents that half of the
respondents doesn’t have roles in their family and the other half have. Even as a male or
female, they don’t have a certain roles to fulfill in their family.
“In our house, we don’t really have particular roles, especially when it comes to
gender because all of us were doing all kind of chores”. – Interviewee 1
“We don’t really have specific roles in our house. We all do the household chores
in the house because we have no male family member that is around.” – Interviewee 4
On the other hand, a respondent have role in their family as the eldest son.
“I am the eldest in our family. As the eldest, I am assigned in teaching my younger
siblings especially in their school works.” – Interviewee 8
Roles of the student in the family don’t influence their preferred career because
most of them have no role in their family with regards to their gender. If students have no
roles in their family, it already means that their career choices are not affected by these
roles. Almost all of the respondents doesn’t have a specific role in their family and it is
obvious that it will not influence their career. The result from the interview depicted that
the gender roles of the student doesn’t influence their choice of career.
This chapter contains the summary of the study. This chapter also includes the
conclusions of the study based from the findings. Recommendations for future action
were also presented in this chapter.
A. Summary
Students Feeling About Career Planning
It emerged from the study that majority of the respondents find career planning
hard. Being not sure on what career they will take are most of the students reason. Having
not enough knowledge and not knowing the importance of career planning are some of
the factors why students are having a hard time in creating a plan. Building a solid career
plan can bring an individual to a brighter future because it acts as a direction for a clearer
and successful path. Career planning often becomes unsuccessful when it was being
based on the intellectual ability of an individual without considering other factors
according to Guay, Senecal, Gauthier and Fernet (2009).
Student’s knowledge about their preferred career
The present study revealed that most students already have a prior knowledge to
their chosen career though some of them only have a slight knowledge on their preferred
career. It shows that they take the career that they are familiar with. The study found out
that having enough understanding to what the career entails will help an individual to have
a positive outcome to his/her chosen career. The data revealed that gender doesn’t affect
one’s career choice anymore just like in the traditional gender roles and it’s proven
because most of the female respondents will take STEM which are considered to be a
masculine career.
Perception of the students about the careers for both sexes
It emerged from the current study that the larger part of the respondents doesn’t
believe to the traditional gender roles and reasoned out that now in the present time,
gender equality are present when it comes to career. They do believe that now gender is
not being the basis on what career an individual will take because for them as long as
they are capable of doing the job they are in.
Roles of the students with relation to their gender
The study shows that the half of the respondents has their roles in their family
according to their gender and the other half doesn’t have. When it comes to the roles in
the family some of the respondents said that they don’t have specific roles in their house
that is being based to their gender because everyone is doing the job in their home. On
the other hand, some said that gender is being considered in the family. It revealed that
gender roles have nothing to do in the career choice of the students.
B. Conclusions
The essence of this study is to know how the students plan their career, the perception
of the students about gender roles and how it influences their choice of career. As
reflected from the findings of the study, it can be concluded that most of the students find
career planning to be hard. This is for the reason that they don’t have enough knowledge
about career planning and also due to lack of proper career guidance. A proper guidance
in terms of selecting a career is important because it helps in developing and nurturing
interest the interest of the students. The students also select a career which they have a
knowledge or familiar with. Career planning must be made in a continuous manner and it
should begin in the earlier level to help the student identify their career.
It can be also concluded that the students doesn’t agree in following the traditional
gender roles. Students were very aware of gender equality especially when it comes to
selecting a career. It revealed that the students believe that everyone now were all equal
and all have the equal opportunity in different aspects of life.
The study further concluded that the gender role of the students doesn’t influence their
choice of career. Most of the students have no roles in their family and it is already given
that without it, it does not affect their career choices.
C. Recommendations
Based on the findings of the study, the following recommendations were made:
For the Department of Education (DepED), it is recommended to make a better
career guidance curriculum that aim to help the students in choosing their career.
This will be a big contribution for the students to avoid career mismatch.
For School Administration, it is recommended to assist the teachers to guide them
how they will help their students to choose the proper career. It is recommended
that career guidance teachers to be trained and equip them to guide the students.
It is also recommended to have a formal career education center that will advise
and counsel the students regarding career.
For the Teachers, it is recommended to assist the students who have a hard time
in planning their career. It is also recommended for them to motivate both male
and female students in studying to help them to have a wide choice of career with
regards to their interest and ability.
For the Students, it is recommended to them to consult to their teachers to seek
for advice in planning their careers.
For the future researchers, it is recommended to conduct a study with different
respondents at different school. It is also recommended to focus on other factors
that influence the career choices of the students aside from their gender roles.