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CHF Worksheet: Congestive Heart Failure Practice Questions

Name: ________________________________
Lab Start Time: ________________
HNI 455 / Fall 2021 / ABPs – Worksheet #1: Congestive Heart Failure (CHF
Clearly circle your letter answer or highlight your answer using ink.
1. Which outcome best demonstrates the effectiveness of treatment for a patient with right
ventricular failure?
a. Clear breath sounds
b. Oxygen saturation greater than 96%
c. Moist mucous membranes
d. Central venous pressure of 4 mm Hg
2. The nurse is caring for a patient with right ventricular failure. What symptom will the
patient most likely exhibit?
a. Crackles on auscultation
b. Jugular vein distention
c. Pulmonary edema
d. Normal CVP
3. A patient with CHF is being discharged home. What instruction will the nurse likely give
this patient to assess fluid balance?
a. Monitor blood pressure
b. Assess radial pulses
c. Monitor weight daily
d. Monitor bowel movements
4. What condition includes the classic signs and symptoms of jugular vein distension,
muffled heart sounds, and decreasing systolic pressure?
a. HF
b. Pericardial tamponade
c. Pulmonary edema
d. Cardiogenic shock
5. What medication is commonly used to treat cardiogenic shock related to hypervolemia?
a. Diuretics
b. Beta blockers
c. Vasoconstrictors
d. Inotropes
6. Prior to the administration of Lanoxin (digoxin), the nurse must obtain the apical pulse.
Where does the nurse place the stethoscope?
a. Left fifth intercostal space, midaxillary line
b. Left fifth intercostal space, midclavicular line
c. Left second intercostal, midclavicular line
d. Left seventh intercostal space, midclavicular line
Note: All answers must be in ink and worksheet must be stapled.
If either is missing, you will be automatically deducted one point.
7. While assessing a patient’s heart sounds, the nurse auscultates a murmur at the second
left intercostal space along the left sternal border. Which valve is most likely involved?
a. Aortic
b. Mitral
c. Pulmonic
d. Tricuspid
8. The nurse is aware that the supplemental medication most frequently ordered in
conjunction with furosemide (Lasix) is
a. Chloride
b. Digoxin
c. Potassium
d. Sodium
9. Ac hospitalized patient with heart failure suddenly develops dyspnea at rest,
disorientation, confusion, and crackles in the lung bases on auscultation. The most
important interventions by the nurse would be? Select all that apply:
a. Insert a Foley catheter
b. Monitor urinary output
c. Administer nasal oxygen
d. Administer a rapid-acting diuretic
e. Place the patient in modified Trendelenburg position
f. Administer a 500 ml IV normal saline solution bolus
10. The nurse is preparing to assess a patient for jugular vein distension. How should the
nurse position the head of the patient’s bed?
a. High fowler’s
b. Raised 10 degrees
c. Raised 30 degrees
d. Supine
Note: All answers must be in ink and worksheet must be stapled.
If either is missing, you will be automatically deducted one point.