Fot 6 4 Eramrner's Use i A freezer containing 2 kg of ice at a temperature of -2oC is def rosied within 30 minutes using hot water at a temperature oi 80'C. The final temperature of the defiosted ice is 10'C. The speciiic latent heat of fusion of ice is 340000J/kg and lhe specific heat capaoity of ice is 2000 J/(kg"C). The specific heat capaciiy of water is 4200J(kg"C)' Calculate: (a) the amount of heat energy needed to melt all the ice; t energy 3 .,"'..'-""',""""":"""" "' {b} th'e amount of energy needed to warm the water from OoC to 10"C; {c} the mass of the hoi water; rfloss (d) = the rate at which heat was supplied by the hot water. """ "'12] .'...."....'. t2l 4 3 (a) State two differences For Examiner's between boiling and evaporation. Use 1. 2. 121 (b) An athlete does some intensive training and starts to sweat. Explain why the athlete feels cold after the training. tzt (c) When it is cold, people wear jackets to keep warm. Explain how a jacket keeps the body warm. 121 F.r l 4 _t bxamners Use Fig. 3.1 shows an immersion heater and a thermometer placed in a vacuum flask containing a liquid. thermometer I l -to immersion heater liquid silvered glass vacu Fig. 3.1 The heater is switched on and the temperature of the liquid is recorded every minute. Table 3.1 shows the results obtained. fl Table 3.1 time/minutes 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 temperature/"C 24 46 68 90 105 105 105 (a) State the boiling point of the liquid. boiling point = t1l (b) The information in Table 3.1 can be used to find the specific heat capacity of the liquid. State two other quantities needed to find the specific heat capacity of the liquid. 1................ (c) ............ t2l State two features of the vacuum flask that help to minimise heat loss from the liquid and explain how each stated feature works. feature I power supply plastic lid 2................ I 1 explanation feature 2 explanation l4l i 5 Liquid vvax at B0 'C is ccoled to 20'C, Ai 35 "C the v,,ax stalls to soiidify. iai Cn the axis rryax beioia;. sketch a cooling curve for the iryax between B0"C and 20"C if the iakes 20 ntinuies to stad soiidifying. temperature/"C 4A t time/min l3l I( .,, -\, J \ (b) Describe the motion of particles in wax at the following 1. For jExenr;ner.c temperatures. above 35 "C below 35 "C 121 4 For Examiner's Two rods are left in a freezer overnight. The freezer is kept at a temperature of -10'C. The rods are identical in size, but one is made of plastic and the other is made of aluminium. (a) Use Explain why the temperature of the rods decreases when they are left in the freezer. 11I (b) State and explain which rod feels colder when they are both touched. rod explanation .......;.......... : t1I .. t2I : ,... (c) (i) .... .. .... Name the process by which heat is transferred through the rods. t1l (ii) Describe the method by which heat is transferred through the rods. 121 (.j I 7 For xaminer's Use (a) Fig 7.1 shows a computer chip fitted with a 'heatsink'. The 'heatsink' cools the computer chip. heatsink black metalfins metal base computer chip Fig. 7.1 Complete Table 7.1 to show how each feature is suitable for its purpose. Table 7.1 design feature how it is suitable for its Purpose black metalfins many fins metal base l3l (b) Fig 7.2 shows a small plastic beaker floating upside down in a large beaker containing cold water. Water in the beaker is heated but it does not boil. small plastic large beaker Fig.7.2 State and explain what is observed as the temperature of the water increases. observation reason """"""'[1] For Exailnels Use B Fig. 8.1 shows an electric heater. coiled thin tungsten wire Fig.8.1 (a) Name the type of radiation produced by the tungsten wire when the current is flowing. ....[1] (b) Give a reason why the tungsten wire is (i) coiled, (ii) made thin. ...................... t2l (c) Explain why the surface of the heater is (i) shiny, (ii) curved. 12) Examiner's Use Fig.6.1 shows the side view of a solar panel. winding copper PiPe glass COVCT water V OUt black painted surf ace Fig.6.1 Explain whY the: (a) bottom surface is painted black; lrl (b) (c) (d) is covered with r0t' Ii:antiner s L/ss A Fig. + 1 shovrrs a ligltt buli:, .--,. I'utlgste tt f iI anie nt ineri gas ) \ coniacts ' FiE.4.1 Wtren the bulb is switched on, the filament glows ai a temperature of 2500 "C' (ai (i) Explain how thermai energy from tlre hot filament is transferred to the surroundings. (ii) by Two contpottents of the eleciromagnetic spectrum are produced the 'iilatttent' v'raveletrgth. Name the twc componenis and indicate the one wiih the longer Component wiih ionger (iii) rnravelen gth state two physicalproperties that the filament should lrave, tol ....'.LUl rat ii:mrneri B I 1r: (b)(i)CalculatetheCui-rentinthebulbwhaniiisop:i,aiinga|240V'60W curreni = (ii) Calculaie the resistance of ihe filament' resistance (iii) =,....'.......'." caicuiate tlre ierrgth of ihe one metre of ihe filament has a resistance of i280Q' filament in the bulb. i | .i' lengih = (iv)Expiainhowthislengihoftlrewireisablet'ofitirrtothebulb, (c) Another ligiri bulb is rated 12 v, that in (b)' 60w' lts filament is'the same iength as a smaller the same power as tlrat in (b) from Explain how this bulb is abie to produce potential diiference. t,,: 11l '' i