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PPSC, FPSC Interview Tips

#PPSC & #FPSC #interview #Tips.
Dear Candidates!
Interview plays a highly significant role in one's selection. Whether the job be
through PPSC, FPSC or through Departmental selection Process, interview
always proves to be a determining factor in final selection . For a PPSC job, the
written test has the share of 50 marks in final selection, academic has 40 while
interviews carries 100 marks.
Based on my personal experience and observation, here , I am going to share
what needs to be prepared for an interview . My analysis is based on the
experience which I obtained by appearing in one css interview, two PMS
interviews, few PPSC interviews including the interviews for Assistant Director
Anti-Corruption , Assistant Director Civil Defence, Labour Officer, Labour
Inspector and Excise Inspector . Besides this, I happened to listen the
successful interview experiences of few friends.
As well as PPSC and FPSC interviews are concerned broadly speaking, the
following are the areas which usually come under discussion in these interviews
1- Introduction
2- Domicile District Profile.
3- Qualification Related Questions , Largely regarding subjects in graduation and
Masters, Particularly about the Major subject in the final degree .
4- Job and Department Related Questions .
5- Opinion and Information on Contemporary Issues.
6- General Knowledge based Quiz Type Questions mostly from Pakistan Studies
and Islamiat.
Here I briefly explain these areas one by one .
Brothers ! In an interview mere one's knowledge is not checked , rather one's
personality , seriousness for the job , one's expression and communication skills
are also kept in observation along with one's confidence. As well as confidence is
concerned, if one has prepared the areas explained below, and one's
communication skills and expression are good , confidence creeps in by itself.
An interview , for example a ppsc job interview revolves round the following
The very first impression is created by the appearance. Therefore one should be
formally dressed up. Next , greeting the panel in a decent, confident and well
mannered way makes the conditions favourable further for the candidate .
Now after this starts the interview which comprises of.
1 - Introduction.
After the formal greetings, the PPSC member who is presiding over the
interview panel usually asks the candidate to introduce himself with the Panel.
Introduction should be brief but comprehensive and prese ted in such a way as
it generates an interest of the panel in the candidate . Remember both content
and presemtation matter here. For catching the interest of the panel don't
forget to mention any of your specialty , distinction or achievement which may
distinguish you from others . For example when I have to introduce myself , I
would tell my specialty that often I write in Dawn and other English
newspapers on socio-political issues. Besides that my Article also made its place
in World Times Magazine and I have my blog where one can find all of my
writing. Now this is most likely to catch the interest of the panel and they may
start asking about my writings about which i definitely can answer
impressively. Secondly, I will tell my achievements that I qualified CSS once
and PMS twice. Qualifying css and pms where on one hand speaks about a sort
of achievement on the other it tells about the struggle also which i am making
and that also not bad one. Now they may ask questions on these also which
obviously one can answer comprehensively. Like in my interviews, I have been
asked about my css / pms subjects and about my experience.
2- Now the second phase is knowledge about one's district. They usually ask
about famous personalities who hail from that district and made their mark on
national or international arena . Besides that they also ask about the famous or
historic places in that District . Moreover, they also are expected to ask what is
the history of rhe city , how it has been named and what are other popular and
interesting facts about the District. For example in my district Elexendar
fought against Prince Porus and second Englo Sikh War was also fought here.
Secondly, it has been named after A Saint Bahauddin and it got the status of
District in 1993. Moreover, one of the famous Personalities of my districts is
acclaimed Writer and TV Host , Mustansar Hussain Tarar.
3- Then they do ask Questions about your academic background particularly
the final degree. I am always asked questions on literature as I have both my
graduation and masters in English Literature . Especially those who have
degrees in Literature , History , social work, Pol Science etc or Law, they are
definitely asked questions about their subjecta as everyone in the reverend
panel usually had the knowledge of the basics of these disciplines.
4- The most important portion of the interview comes next. In interview panel
including Member PPSC, who is presiding over the interview, there are three to
four members in total . One of rhe members is rhe person from that department
for which the job you have applied. To win the job one needs specially to
answer the questions of that person satisfactorily . For that, it is most
important that one knows about the department and about the nature of the
job . One if is cognisant of the challenges faced by that department and reforms
which one feels need to be incorporated, and presents all this in a lucid manner ,
one can brighten one's prospect of getting selected. For example I appeared in
interview for Labour officer in ppsc. I should have known what labour officer is
what he has to do and what is labour department. What are labour laws and
what is I. L. O. But I didn't prepare these . This blunder proved fatal for me.
But I learned a good lesson. While at the time of my Interview of Assistant
Director Anti Corruption, I answered the questions on this area properly and I
am now Assistant Director Anti-Corruption. If one performs satisfactory in this
part , there are abundant chances that one may get enviable marks in Interview
. This also speaks volume for your keen interest in the job you are seeking and
this leads to a favourable result for you .
5- Now they may also ask about current affairs or contemporary national or
international issues. One is not expected to have a detailed knowledge of these
but one should have the basic info regarding these. Beware when they are
seeking your opinion about an issue or matter, it should be genuinely your
personal opinion and you must not skip such questions. However, if the
question is regarding checking your knowledge or information you may skip by
saying sorry in a polite and decent fashion you do not know.
6- Sixthly, they may ask Quiz type questions about Pakistan Studies and
Islamiat. Like who were the members of Boundary Commission. When was
constitution first abrogated. How is the First Mujaddad. On your answering
they may ask your opinion also. Like was the demarcation of Boundary
Commission based on facts ? I would again say that always respond
compulsorily to the opinion based questions while you may say sorry on quiz
type questions.
Usually here interview ends.
Note: These are the broader areas which are discussed in the interviews.
However, the order of these broader areas may be changed. Secondly, It is not
necessary that they would follow this scheme always . However, for appropriate
preparation of the interview, one must prepare these areas necessarily on
priority basis.