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Patient Scheduling Competency Assessment

WCCC – MOAP 136 Intro to Clinical Skills – 07/20021
12. Patient Scheduling
Student’s Name:
Date of Successful
Instructor’s Signature:
Cancelling and Rescheduling Procedures
CAAHEP Competency: VI.C.1 Identify different types of appointment scheduling methods; VI.C.2
Identify advantages and disadvantages of the following appointment systems: (a) manual, and (b)
electronic; VI.C.3 Identify critical information required for scheduling patient procedures; VI.P.1
Manage appointment schedule using established priorities; VI.P.2 Schedule a patient procedure;
VI.A.1 Display sensitivity when managing appointments
To protect the provider from legal complications; to free up care time for other patients and
make open time evident to schedule other appointments; and to assure quality patient care.
Appointment sheet
Patient chart
Red ink pen
Computerized PM system and/or EMR
PASS = 100% accuracy; All steps must be completed as written for “PASS.” Students are
permitted two (2) graded attempts.
Grading Instructions: When step is performed as written, record a “✓” for “PASS.”. When
step is omitted and/or there is an error in written procedure, record instructor initials for
“FAIL,” procedure must be repeated.
Perform the task within 15 minutes.
To act in accordance with OSHA regulations appropriate Standard Precautions must be
observed when there is the possibility of contact with blood or bodily fluids.
Attempt 1
Step #
Student completes step as written, record “✓”
Student omits step or performs it in error, record initials
Used the clinic system for marking changes, cancellations, and noshows.
Indicated on the appointment sheet all appointments that were
changed, canceled, or no- shows:
Changes: In a paper system, noted rescheduling in the
appointment sheet margin and directly in the patient’s chart;
indicated new appointment time. In a PM system, used the
appointment scheduler’s feature to document changes to the
patient’s record.
Cancellations: In a paper system, noted on both the
appointment sheet and the patient’s chart. Drew a single red
line through canceled appointments. Dated and initialed
cancellation in the patient chart. In a PM system, used the
appointment scheduler’s feature to cancel (and if applicable,
reschedule) the appointment to document the cancellation in
the patient’s record.
Attempt 2
No-shows: In a paper system, entered a note on both the
appointment sheet and the patient’s chart. Dated and initialed
notations in the chart. In a PM system, used the appointment
scheduler’s feature to indicate a no-show to document the
missed appointment in the patient’s EMR.
Competency Assessment Information
Use the following information to cancel and reschedule appointments referring back to the appointments
scheduled in Procedure 12-2.
1. Eric Gordon contacts the clinic today, June 4, 20XX, because he is experiencing more acute symptoms related
to his urinary problems; pain in the abdomen and burning when he urinates. His appointment for June 5 is
rescheduled to today at 1:00 p.m.
2. Andrew Jefferson calls on Tuesday, June 4, 20XX, to say that he cannot make the appointment tomorrow. His
shoulder is no longer bothering him so he does not want to reschedule.