Uploaded by joanfiller98

Case Study Template: Analyze & Solve Problems

Use the words “Case Study in your title and include a benefit statement.
For example: Case Study: How (product) increase by 200%
(Insert Company Name or Logo, if none, picture of the store)
(Month day, 2020 SY 2020-2021)
Submitted by:
(School Branch)
A. Executive summary (Summary of your case study)
B. Introduction
(Write an introduction where you identify the key problem)
C. Overview of situation/phenomenon
Include some relevant facts and issues and conduct research on the problem.
D. Analysis /Issues to be solved
a. Identify the problem. For example, sources of competitive advantages of Zara
or the inability of McDonald’s to provide a stable rise in profits.
b. Think about the underlying causes of the problem.
c. Examine cause-and-effect relations. Try to explain why the problem occurred
and which actions led to the reason for this problem.
E. Recommendations/solutions/Conclusion
a. Formulate possible solutions to the problem. Think about how you would
solve this problem and what actions you would undertake to eliminate the impact
of negative circumstances.
F. References
(note: Minimum of 5 pages)