Uploaded by February Amer

Globalization at Home: Inventory & Reflection

Amanie U. Amer
Amanie U. Amer
Philippines made
Abroad made
365 days calendar
Mainland, China
Faber-castell highlighter
Nuremberg, Germany
Vience retro highlighter
Tokyo, Japan
International books
Casio calculator
Assorted but all of them are
made abroad
Tokyo, Japan
Pink calendar
Mainland, China
Dell laptop
Assembled from USA
Cordless mouse
Mainland, China
I set my study table as parameter for this task and I almost gasped when I realized
almost all of my belongings on my table came from abroad, or at least it was assembled
there. I tried to find anything from my table where I can see any Filipino product but to no
avail, unless I’ll be including my table itself: the wood it was used from, it surely came
from Philippines. I think the reason behind some things are made abroad because they
tend to innovate faster thus consumers can have an option with their items. Philippines
made are often ridiculed for being local and low-quality, that connotates the status of
consumer if the person is within the bracket of high class, middle class, or lower class. It
was what imposed to our young and naïve mindset back then. Imported is cool, highquality, and in trend. Thus, many Filipino prefer it rather than Philippines made, even if
the items are copycat of the original version, which mostly are done by China. With that
sense, Philippines made are lacking for advertisement neither encouragement because
of their shifted attention to abroad-made. However, I truly hope that one day image of
Philippines made can be seen as aesthetic as abroad-made perception Filipino has
opinion today.