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Environment Worksheet: Reading, Vocabulary, Writing

Online English Programme for Prospective University Entrants
Department of English Language Teaching
Rajarata University of Sri Lanka
BGDS Nandarathna
A. Reading
Read the following text and answer the questions given below.
The environment is the real world that has the living as well as non-living types of surroundings
on the earth. It also refers to a particular geographical area. The plant, air, water, animals, human
beings, and other living things exist in the environment. Atmospheric process, Geomorphic
process, Hydrologic process are the major factors affecting the environment. Accordingly, an
environment is a nature that nurtures our life on the earth. Everything which we feel, breathe, and
eat in our life comes in the environment. Accordingly, things like land, plants, water, air, sunlight,
forests, food, rivers and other natural things come within environment.
The environment has a proper cycle to maintain the proper balance on the earth. A healthy
environment supports in growing and nurturing the living and non-living things on the earth. The
existence of our healthy life depends on the environment which maintains nature’s balance. So, it
is very essential to keep our
environment clean to live a healthy
and peaceful life. It is important to
save our environment and maintain
nature’s balance for the existence of
impacts on the environment. So, we
should keep the environment safe
and clean as we cannot imagine the
existence of our life in the future
without it. Pollution is one of the major problems which occur due to the build-up of harmful
substances in the air, water and ground. Water pollution occurs due to the release of unrefined
industry wastes and other unsafe elements into water. The air is polluted due to the uncontrolled
discharge of harmful smoke from vehicles and industries. Soil and noise pollutions also highly
impact on our environment. The extreme secretion of greenhouse gases raised the surface
temperature of the earth. This is the reason behind global-warming. Desertification also has
become a severe problem due to the conversion of land into deserts. Usually, deforestation occurs
due to cutting trees, desertion of forests, fires and pollution. The extinction of animals also has
become a big issue due to the destruction of natural habitats of animals for constructions. The
existence of life on earth is at stake in the future.
It is not so easy to protect the environment as it takes lots of energy, time and effort. We should
follow some rules to make our environment clean and safe. We can get pure air, greenery, and
water with a serene atmosphere from a healthy environment. A good environment brings happiness
to our life. Also, an environment plays an important role in the development of the society or an
The quality of the environment can be increased by making laws against environmental pollution.
We should stop using polythene bags, throwing wastes on the road or public areas. We can adopt
the recycling, repair and use broken things without throwing them away. We can use rechargeable
batteries and fluorescent lights. We can also adopt rainwater conservation, reduce wastage of
water, energy conservation, less consumption of electricity, and so forth. Spreading awareness and
inspirational speeches are not enough to save the environment. We must take a strong initiative to
protect the environment.
Everybody should come forward and take part in the environment safety campaign. World
environment day is an environment safety event celebrated on 5th June every year across the world.
People and many organizations celebrate the day to know about the factors which destroy our
environment. The motive behind celebrating the day is to spread awareness among people across
the world. So, it is the responsibility of every human being to save the environment. So that, the
next generation may enjoy the gifts of mother-nature.
01. Answer the following questions.
1. What is the environment?
2. What are the three major factors affecting the environment?
3. Why is it important maintaining nature’s balance?
4. How does the water pollution occur according to the text?
5. What is the reason behind global warming?
6. How does the deforestation occur?
7. What are the benefits that we can gain from a healthy environment?
8. How can we increase the quality of the environment?
9. What is the World Environment Day? When and where is it held?
10. What is the motive behind celebrating the World Environment Day?
02. State whether the following statements are “True” or “False”.
1. An environment is a nature that nurtures our life on the earth.
2. It is so easy to protect the environment.
3. Human activities do not cause any impact on nature.
4. We should follow some rules to make our environment clean.
5. A good environment brings happiness to our life.
6. An environment plays an important role in the development of an individual. (…………..)
7. Environment pollution occurs due to rechargeable batteries.
8. The inspirational speeches are not enough to save the environment.
9. Spreading awareness helps to save the environment.
10. It is a responsibility of the next generation to save the environment.
B. Vocabulary
01. Find similar words for the following words from the passage.
1. Specific
2. Jungles
3. Appropriate
4. Risk
5. Inspiring
02. Match the words with their meaning and write the correct letter in the space
1. Exist
a. extend over a large or increasing area
2. Process
b. the action of using up a resource
3. Breathe
c. a situation in which different elements are equal
4. Balance
d. a series of actions taken in order to achieve a particular end
5. Substance
e. live, especially under adverse conditions
6. awareness
f. calm, peaceful, and untroubled
7. Serene
g. enjoy an occasion
8. Consumption
h. a particular kind of matter with uniform properties
9. Celebrate
i. take air into the lungs and then expel it
10. Spread
j. knowledge or perception of a situation or fact
C. Writing
1. Write a small paragraph about “the steps we can take to protect the environment as an
individual”. Use about 100 words.
2. Imagine you are the president of the “Nature Club” of your university. Write a notice to be put
up on notice boards about an awareness programme organized by your club with the purpose of
making the university community aware of how to keep the university premises clean and tidy.
D. Language Focus
Compound Nouns
A compound noun is a word made up of two or more existing words. Sometimes we write
them as one word, sometimes as two words, and sometimes with a hyphen.
butter + fly
= butterfly
well + known
= well-known
foot print
= foot print
Here are some more compound nouns.
• officer-in-charge
• dining table
• firefly
• swimming pool
• fireworks
• forget-me-not
• river bank
• grandfather
• finger mark
01. Make a list of all the compound nouns appear in the passage.
02. Use five of those compound nouns in sentences.
E. Speaking
Get into small groups of 05 – 06 members.
Do an awareness programme of 10 - 15 minutes for the rest of the class about “Our
Responsibilities towards the Environment”.
Each member of the group should speak at least 02 minutes.