Paper 003 Disc International Journal of Cosmetic Science, 22 1±10 (2000) Conditioning polymers in today's shampoo formulations ± efficacy, mechanism and test methods P. HOÈ SSEL, R. DIEING, R. NOÈ RENBERG, A. PFAU, R. SANDER BASF Aktiengesellschaft, Ludwigshafen, Germany Keywords: atomic force microscopy; cationic polymers; conditioning shampoos; polyquaternium 44 The paper was presented at the IFSCC Sept. 98 in Cannes. Poster No. 110. Synopsis Today's shampoo formulations are beyond the stage of pure cleansing of the hair. Additional benefits are expected, e.g. conditioning, smoothing of the hair surface, improvement of combability and lather creaminess. Cationic polymers play an important role in providing many of those features. Therefore, within the last few years Ahed their use in shampoos has increased greatly. In the only last two decades, shampoo designation has gradually changed from `2-in-1' to `3-in-1' and then to Bhed `multifunctional', as at present. The consumer demands products which live up to their promises. Modern Ched shampoos contain a wide variety of ingredients such as co-surfactants, vitamins and pro-vitamins, protein Dhed derivatives, silicones, natural-based plant extracts and other `active ingredients', but there is still a need for Ref marconditioning polymers. The specific objective of this study is to assess the conditioning efficacy of cationic polymers and to investigate ker their mechanisms in a shampoo system. Fig marThe investigations were carried out on formulations that contained sodium lauryl ether sulphate and different ker cationic polymers, e.g. Polyquaternium 7, 10, 11, cationic guar gum and Luviquat Care (Polyquaternium 44), a Table new branched copolymer of vinylpyrrolidone (VP) and quaternized vinylimidazolium salts (QVI). We used test methods relevant to the applications in question, such as combing force measurements, the feel of marker the hair and the creaminess of the lather, to assess the efficacy. Atomic force microscopy and electrokinetics Ref end Ref start (streaming potential) were used to detect polymer residues on treated hair. All the polymers under investigation improved the overall performance of the shampoo formulations. This was demonstrated by means of combing force measurements, sensorial tests and analytical methods, namely zeta potential measurement and atomic force microscopy. Polyquaternium 44 exhibited the best conditioning properties on wet hair without sacrificing removability or absence of build-up. The latter are the most striking weaknesses of cationic Guar Gum-based polymers. Polyquaternium 10 can also be removed from the hair after rinsing with anionic surfactant but it does not perform as well as Polyquaternium 44 in the fields of wet combability and sensorial criteria such as lather creaminess and feel of the hair. We postulate that the outstanding properties of Polyquaternium 44 as a conditioning agent for shampoos are due to its tailor-made `branched' structure. There is a clear correlation between the molecular weight and the efficacy of the new copolymers of VP and QVI. Only cationic polymers with a very high molecular weight are effective as conditioners in shampoos based on anionic surfactants. Surprisingly, they do not have to have a high cationic charge. On the basis of all our results, our postulation is that the polymer residue which is responsible for conditioning does not form a flat layer on the hair. Rather, the polymer residue adsorbs with the few cationic moieties, while the uncharged part of the polymer forms loops, which are orientated away from the hair and which are responsible for the reduced friction between hairs. *To whom correspondence should be addressed at: BASF Aktiengesellschaft, 67105 Ludwigshafen, Germany. Tel: + 49 62 141663; fax: +49 62 197370. 0142-5463 # 2000 International Journal of Cosmetic Science Paper 003 Disc 2 HoÈssel et al. ReÂsume Les formulations actuelles de shampoing font plus qu'un simple nettoyage des cheveux. On en attend un inteÂreÃt suppleÂmentaire, par exemple apreÁs-shampoing, lissage de la surface du cheveu, ameÂlioration de la coiffabilite et aspect creÂmeux du savon. Les polymeÁres cationiques jouent un roÃle important dans l'apport de nombre de ces caracteÂristiques. Par conseÂquent, ces quelques dernieÁres anneÂes leur utilisation a consideÂrablement augmente dans les shampoings. Dans les seules deux dernieÁres deÂcades, l'appellation du shampoing est progressivement passeÂe de ``2 en 1'' aÁ ``3 en 1'' puis ensuite aÁ ``multifonctionnel'', comme actuellement. Le consommateur recherche des produits qui tiennent leurs promesses. Les shampoings modernes contiennent une grande diversite d'ingreÂdients tels que des co-tensioactifs, des vitamines et des provitamines, des deÂriveÂs de proteÂines, des silicones, des extraits aÁ base de plantes naturelles et autres ``ingreÂdients actifs'', mais il existe toujours un besoin pour des polymeÁres d'apreÁs shampoing. L'objectif speÂcifique de cette eÂtude est d'eÂvaluer l'efficacite comme apreÁs-shampoing de polymeÁres cationiques et de rechercher leurs meÂcanismes dans le systeÁme de shampoing. Les recherches ont eÂte meneÂes sur des formulations qui contiennent du sulfate de lauryl eÂther sodium et diffeÂrents polymeÁres cationiques, par exemple du Polyquaternium 7, 10, 11, de la gomme de guar cationique et du Luviquat Care (Polyquaternium 44), un nouveau copolymeÁre ramifie de vinylpyrrolidone (VP) et de sels quaternaires de vinylimidazolium (QVI). Nous avons utilise les proceÂdeÂs de controÃle approprieÂes aux applications en question, tels que les mesures de force de coiffage, le toucher du cheveu et l'aspect creÂmeux du savon, pour eÂvaluer l'efficaciteÂ. La microscopie atomique et l'eÂlectrocineÂtique (potentiel d'eÂcoulement) ont eÂte utiliseÂes pour deÂtecter les reÂsidus de polymeÁre sur le cheveu traiteÂ. Tous les polymeÁres eÂtudieÂs ameÂliorent le comportement global des formulations de shampoing. Ceci est deÂmontre au moyen des mesures de force de coiffage, des tests sensoriels et des meÂthodes analytiques, en l'occurrence la mesure du potentiel zeÃta et la microscopie atomique. Le Polyquaternium 44 preÂsente les meilleures proprieÂteÂs d'apreÁs-shampoing sur cheveu mouille sans diminuer sa capacite d'eÂlimination ou l'absence d'accumulation. Ces dernieÁres sont les faiblesses les plus frappantes des polymeÁres aÁ base de gomme de guar cationique. Le Polyquaternium 10 peut aussi eÃtre eÂlimine du cheveu apreÁs rincËage avec un tensioactif anionique mais il ne se comporte pas aussi bien que le Polyquaternium 44 dans les domaines de la coiffabilite aÁ l'eÂtat mouille et des criteÁres sensoriels tels que l'aspect creÂmeux du savon et du toucher du cheveu. Nous supposons que les proprieÂteÂs exceptionnelles du Polyquaternium 44 comme agent apreÁs-shampoing pour shampoings sont dues aÁ sa structure ``ramifieÂe'' concËue sur mesure. Il existe une correÂlation claire entre le poids moleÂculaire et l'efficacite des nouveaux copolymeÁres de VP et QVI. Seuls les polymeÁres cationiques avec un poids moleÂculaire treÁs eÂleve sont efficaces comme apreÁs shampoings dans des shampoings aÁ base de tensioactifs anioniques. Etonnamment, ils n'ont pas besoin d'avoir une charge cationique eÂleveÂe. Sur la base de tous nos reÂsultats, notre hypotheÁse est que le fragment de polymeÁre qui est responsable du traitement ne forme pas une couche plate sur le cheveu. Le fragment de polymeÁre adsorbe plutoÃt les quelques fragments cationiques, tandis que la partie non chargeÂe du polymeÁre forme des boucles, qui sont orienteÂes aÁ l'exteÂrieur du cheveu et qui sont responsables de la friction reÂduite entre les cheveux. Introduction There is still a need for conditioning polymers in today's shampoos, which may contain a wide variety of ingredients such as co-surfactants, vitamins and pro-vitamins, protein derivatives, silicones, natural-based plant extracts and other `active ingredients'. Conditioners are claimed to improve many hair attributes, e.g. combability, feel, softness, shine, resistance to damage and reduction of split ends, as well as improving the creaminess of the lather. Even in small amounts, cationic polymers in particular play an important role in providing many of these attributes in shampoo formulations. Typical concentrations are in the range of 0.1% for normal hair to 0.5% for damaged hair. It is also known that several 0142-5463 # 2000 International Journal of Cosmetic Science Conditioning polymers 3 cationic polymers can build up on the hair to an undesirable extent. Thus, the removability of these compounds from the hair is also an important factor for the consumer. Conditioning polymers in shampoos act by precipitating onto the hair when the shampoo is rinsed out [1] (Fig. 1). The coulombic attraction between the anionic functions of the surfactant and the cationic groups of the polymer results in a formation of a charge-neutral complex, which is charge neutral at a certain concentration ratio. However, at concentrations used in practice a large excess of anionic surfactant leads to a soluble complex in which the cationic polymer charge is overcompensated. Only certain types of cationic polymers (see below) precipitate when the shampoo is diluted below the critical micelle concentration of the surfactant. This occurs in the rinsing process after washing the hair with the shampoo concentrate (dilutionprecipitation mechanism) [2]. The mechanism by which the cationic polymer is adsorbed onto the hair in the presence of excess anionic surfactant is still not entirely clear. Objective of the study The purpose of this paper is to assess the efficacy of cationic polymers by means of appropriate test methods and to investigate the deposition mechanism of cationic conditioning polymers in shampoos using the new Polyquaternium 44 as a model conditioning polymer. The investigations were carried out on formulations that contained sodium lauryl ether sulphate (SLES)/cocamidopropyl betaine and selected cationic polymers which are known to be effective conditioning polymers in shampoos: . Polyquaternium 7 . Polyquaternium 10 Figure 1. Precipitation of cationic polymers in shampoos. 0142-5463 # 2000 International Journal of Cosmetic Science 4 HoÈssel et al. . Guar Hydroxypropyltrimonium Chloride (GHPTC) . Polyquaternium 44 (Luviquat Care1) Chemically, Luviquat Care1 is a new branched copolymer of vinylpyrrolidone (VP) and quaternized vinylimidazolium methyl sulphate (QVI), which is branched and exhibits a very high molecular weight of about one million. We used test methods relevant to the applications in question, such as combing force measurements, the feel of the hair and the creaminess of the lather, to assess the polymer's efficacy. Physical measurements, e.g. atomic force microscopy (AFM) [3±6] and electrokinetics (streaming potential) [7,8] were used to detect polymer residues on treated hairs. Experimental Combing force measurements Wet combability measurements were performed on medium bleached swatches of Caucasian hair by means of an Easy-Test 86802/E tensile tester. Dry combabilities were measured on virgin Asian hair swatches by means of a Diastron MTT 160 miniature tensile tester. After shampooing for 1 min, the hair was rinsed with water for 1 min under standard conditions (1 min/388C). Each polymer was tested on at least 10 different hair tresses. The reduction in combing force was calculated by Equation (1). Standard deviations were below 10%. DC = 100±(xM * 100/xB) (1) DC = reduction in combing force (%) xM = mean square of combing work after treatment (mJ) xB = mean square of blank value (mJ) Feel of the hair and lather creaminess The feel of the hair and the lather creaminess was assessed subjectively by an experienced test panel of five technicians and rated as very good (1), good (2) or poor (3). Streaming potential measurements The streaming potential measurements were performed with a Paar EKA electrokinetic analyser. The electrolyte flows through the measuring cell filled with the finely cut Asian hair (approx. 4 g) and the resulting streaming potential was measured across the Ag/AgCl electrodes parallel to the flow of the electrolyte. The electrolyte is circulated in a closed loop system by a microprocessor controlled rotary-vane pump. In the experiments, the streaming potential and the pressure drop across the sample were continuously recorded. The zeta potential was calculated from the slope. The error limit lies in the range of + 5 mV. The effects of surface conductivity and plug porosity were accounted for by the method of Fairbrother and Mastin [9]. In a typical preparation, 4 g of virgin Asian hairs was treated with the polymer (0.5%)/ SLES (14.0% active) formulation in a 100-ml beaker, rinsed as described above and transferred to the measuring cell. The zeta potential was measured at an electrolyte concentration of 1 mM KCl at pH 7 (10 cycles). After rinsing the measuring cell with water, the hairs were removed, treated with SLES (40 ml, 14% active) and rinsed with water. The hairs were then transferred to the measuring cell and the zeta potential was measured again. 0142-5463 # 2000 International Journal of Cosmetic Science Conditioning polymers 5 Atomic force microscopy (AFM) AFM tapping mode images were recorded with a Nanoscope Dimension 3000 SPM (Digital Instruments, Santa Barbara, CA) using Si cantilevers (35 N m71, approx. 300 kHz, Nanoprobe).The same cleaned Asian hairs were used as described above. Single hairs were fixed in a special cell and scanned. After treatment of the fixed hair with polymer (0.5%/SLES 14.0% active), as described above, AFM images were recorded after one and after five treatments. The single hairs were then washed with SLES solution (14.0% active) for 1 min and rinsed with water for 2 min. Treating the hairs in this special cell made it possible to scan exactly the same part of the hair each time and avoid errors due to different hair quality. Changes on the surface of the hair after different treatments could therefore be confidently attributed to residues of polymer or a polymer/surfactant complex. The cell has an inlet at the front and an outlet on the back, so it can be filled up with liquid and drained in the microscope (Fig. 2). The hair sample is placed on the black water-resistant adhesive tape (black circle) on an elevated area on the bottom of the washing cell. The D3000 is a scanning tip system, so the optical system and the piezo-scanner is integrated in the steel pipe coming from above. From the left, an optical video microscope, which is needed for the coarse positioning, is directed at the sample. The bright spot visible at the sample position is the illumination necessary for the optical microscope. Figure 2. Nanoscope D3000 SPM with a home-built washing cell. 0142-5463 # 2000 International Journal of Cosmetic Science 6 HoÈssel et al. First the hair is mapped in the dried state. Then it is treated and finally the solution is pumped out into the waste. After drying, the same spot of the hair is mapped again. As the arrow indicates, if needed, this cycle can be repeated (Fig. 3). A blank using water showed that the swelling does not influence the structure of the hair in the dry stage [10]. Results and discussion The reduction in wet combing force of about 50% and 40% achieved with concentrations of 0.5% Polyquaternium 44 in the shampoo formulations and 0.1%, respectively, is outstanding (Fig. 4). At concentrations as low as 0.1% the superiority of Polyquaternium 44 is even more pronounced. Figure 3. Treatment scheme for hair in the washing cell. Figure 4. Wet combability. 0142-5463 # 2000 International Journal of Cosmetic Science Conditioning polymers 7 It was possible to demonstrate the efficacy of these conditioning polymers by means of zeta potential measurements (Fig. 5) and AFM (Fig. 6). When the hair is treated with the test shampoos containing a cationic polymer, the zeta potential changes from±52 mV (virgin Asian hair) to higher values, but there is no change to positive values, as in the case of treatment with cationic formulations without anionic surfactant [8]. This indicates that a charge-neutral polymer/surfactant complex is adsorbed onto the hair. Polyquaternium 44 and Polyquaternium 10 were the only polymers whose residues could be desorbed from the hair by rinsing with water/surfactant. Polyquaternium 7 and the Cationic Guar Gum could not be desorbed completely from the hair. This means that shampoo formulations containing one of these polymers tend to overcondition the hair and to cause build-up. The AFM investigations clearly underline that Polyquaternium 44 can be removed even after several treatments with the test shampoo. Figure 6a shows the scales of an untreated hair, Fig. 6(b) and (c) show treated hairs with residues of polymer/surfactant complex and Fig. 6(d) hair which was rinsed with water/surfactant. This rinsed hair looks like the untreated hair depicted in Fig. 6(a). There is a clear correlation between the solution viscosity and the efficacy of the new branched copolymers of VP and QVI (Fig. 7). Only cationic polymers with a very high molecular weight such as Polyquaternium 44 (MW &1 Mio, light scattering) are effective as conditioners in shampoos based on surfactants. Surprisingly, they do not need to have a high positive charge. The advantage of Polyquaternium 44 over other cationic polymers is that it is a very effective conditioner but can nevertheless be readily removed and does not build up on the hair. We postulate that this outstanding combination of properties is due to its tailor-made branched structure (Fig. 8). A branched polymer is more coiled than a linear polymer and therefore less hydrated in water-based formulations, e.g. shampoos. Therefore, the polymer/surfactant complex is more readily precipitated and deposited on the hair upon dilution of the shampoo Figure 5. Zeta potential measurements. 0142-5463 # 2000 International Journal of Cosmetic Science 8 HoÈssel et al. Figure 6. Atomic force microscopy images(arrows indicate the same part of the hair). (a) Untreated hair; (b) hair treated once with the test shampoo (0.5% polyquaternium 44/14.0% SLES) and rinsed with water; (c) hair treated five times with the test shampoo (0.5% polyquaternium 44/14.0% SLES) and rinsed with water; (d) hair treated as (c) and rinsed with SLES and water. formulation (dilution-precipitation mechanism) [1,2] which correlates with a high efficiency. A coiled polymer is less strongly adsorbed on a surface, e.g. hairs, than a straight polymer and is therefore much more easily desorbed if necessary. Summary Conditioning polymers are still important in today's shampoos. The features and benefits of this class of polymers are summarized in Fig. 9. All considered polymers improve the overall performance of shampoo formulations. This was demonstrated by means of combing force measurements, sensorial tests and analytical methods, namely zeta potential measurement and AFM. 0142-5463 # 2000 International Journal of Cosmetic Science Conditioning polymers 9 Figure 7. Correlation between the solution viscosity and the efficacy of VP/QVI copolymers (reduction in wet combability); Polyquaternium 44 has a solution viscosity of 2500±3500 mPa at 5% solids). Figure 8. Structure of Polyquaternium 44. Polyquaternium 44 exhibits the best conditioning properties on wet hair without sacrificing the removability. The latter is the most striking weakness of PQ 7 and Cationic Guar Gum-based polymers. Polyquaternium 10 can also be removed from the hair after rinsing with anionic surfactant but it does not perform as well as Polyquaternium 44 in the fields of wet combability and sensorial criteria such as lather creaminess and feel of the hair. We postulate that the outstanding properties of Polyquaternium 44 as a conditioning agent for shampoos are due to its tailor-made `branched' structure. 0142-5463 # 2000 International Journal of Cosmetic Science 10 HoÈssel et al. Figure 9. Summary of the test results. References 1. Lochhead, R.Y. Conditioning shampoos. Soap/Cosmet. Specialities for October 1992, 42±49 (1992). 2. Lochhead, R.Y. The history of polymers in hair care. Cosmet. Toilet. 103, 23±61 (1988). 3. Goddard, E.D. and Schmitt, R.L. Atomic force microscopy investigations into the absorption of cationic polymers. Cosmet. Toilet. 109, 55±61 (1954). 4. HoÈssel, P, Sander, R. and Schrepp, W. Scanning force microscopy. Cosmet. Toilet. 111, 57±62 (1996). 5. Smith, J.R. 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