Uploaded by Justine Ferro-Townsend

Healthy Breakfast-Snack Case Studies - ANSWER KEY

Case Studies
Case 1: Jessica is running late for skating practice and doesn’t have time for dinner but grabs a water bottle, bottle of
orange juice 100% fruit juice with no added sugar, prepackaged fruit cup in syrup, and a chocolate dipped caramel
granola bar.
What nutrients are in this snack/breakfast? Water, Vitamin C, Simple Carbohydrates – sugar and refined grains
in the fruit cup and granola bar
What nutrients is it high in? Vitamin C, Carbohydrates (simple)
What nutrients is it lacking? Calcium, Vitamin A, D, Iron, Potassium, complex carbohydrates and fiber
What life stage would this be suitable for? Adolescent, Adult, Senior
Tips for making this snack this healthier, if needed? Real fruit cup with low-fat Greek yogurt, whole grain granola
bar with dried berries and dark chocolate chunks
Case 2: Duncan is teaching a yoga class at lunch, to prepare himself for the day he eats the following for breakfast: two
tortillas with refried beans, a fried egg (2 eggs in total), salsa, avocado, black beans, and feta cheese.
What nutrients are in this snack/breakfast? Complex carbohydrates, fiber, protein (both complete: eggs, and
incomplete: beans), fats (saturated: cheese; unsaturated mono/polyunsaturated fats in avocado), Vitamin A
(cheese and eggs), vitamin d (egg yolk), Vitamin B9 (folic acid, folate) from eggs, some Vitamin c (salsa), some
calcium (cheese), iron (egg yolk), sodium (cheese), potassium (avocado)
What nutrients is it high in? protein, fiber,
What nutrients is it lacking? None
What life stage would this be suitable for? Pregnancy, infants over 6 months (maybe sub. Tomatoes instead of
salsa, adults (quick easy meal) and seniors
Tips for making this snack this healthier, if needed? Add a glass of water
Case 3: Chase is on his way to school, he grabs a Yoplait, boiled egg, and tuna snack (premixed tuna with crackers) for
breakfast on his way out the door.
What nutrients are in this snack/breakfast? Protein, iron, vitamin D, Vitamin B9/folic acid/folate, calcium, simple
carbohydrates, fat, sodium
What nutrients is it high in? protein, simple carbohydrates
What nutrients is it lacking? Vitamin C,
What life stage would this be suitable for? Toddlers/young children, adolescent, adults, and seniors
Tips for making this snack this healthier, if needed? Smoothie, whole grain crackers, fresh fruit such as orange
slices, strawberries, glass of water.
Case 4: Alex is on their way to the library to study. While studying Alex snacks on chocolate milk, and carrot sticks and
What nutrients are in this snack/breakfast?
What nutrients is it high in?
What nutrients is it lacking?
What life stage would this be suitable for?
Tips for making this snack this healthier, if needed?
Case 5: Senior Sammy snacks on sardines, spinach and strawberry smoothie with a full fat milk base while surfing
What nutrients are in this snack/breakfast? Calcium – milk and sardines
What nutrients is it high in? Calcium
What nutrients is it lacking?
What life stage would this be suitable for?
Tips for making this snack this healthier, if needed?