ABSTRACT The past decade has witnessed high volatility in the global macroeconomic conditions and has shown how the banking system is exposed to a variety of risks which can assume systemic dimensions and can affect the financial stability of a country adversely. Given the importance of financial stability, organizations like International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank, Bank for International Settlements (BIS) and the Central banks across the globe are striving to evolve a robust Macro Prudential and Systemic risk assessment framework. Macro stress testing is an integral element of this exercise. In the Indian context also, Macro stress testing has evolved over the last few years; however, given the advancements in this area across the globe, the research is still in a very nascent stage. Against this backdrop, our study is an attempt to contribute to the ongoing research efforts in this area and provide a reference point for reassessing and reviewing the existing macro stress testing practices in the Indian context. We propose to modify the existing macro stress testing model for credit risk as developed by Reserve Bank of India in terms of endogenous variable selection, calibration of stress testing scenarios and modification of the macro stress testing model. In the dissertation, Top-down approach of stress testing has been adopted for the Indian banks using quarterly data pertaining to the time period 1996Q2 to 2016Q4. The macroeconomic variables employed for the study are GDP, CPI, Exchange rate, Oil, Market Capitalisation of NSE, Short-term interest rate and Long term interest rate. For the empirical analysis, Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) technique has been employed to investigate the dynamic impact of changes in the macroeconomic variables on the Default Ratio which has been taken as a Credit Risk indicator. Wald Test, Granger Causality and Toda Yamamoto test have been vii employed to investigate the short term relationship between the variables. The constructed model has been subjected to stress tests by employing Impulse Response Function (IRF) and Variance Decomposition Analysis (VDA). The results suggest a long run relationship running between Default rate (DR) and all the variables (GDP, CPI, Exchange rate, Oil, Market Capitalisation of NSE, Short-term interest rate and Long term interest rate). Wald test results suggest a weak causality running from CPI to DR. Pair wise Granger Causality tests show a unidirectional causality running from DR to Market Capitalisation of NSE and a weak unidirectional causality running from CPI to DR. However, the most robust of the three tests Toda Yamamoto test results provide evidence of bidirectional causality running from CPI to DR and vice-versa, a unidirectional causal relationship running from DR to long term interest rate and DR and Oil. The IRFs support the existing theory that initially with an increase in GDP, DR falls, however in the long run, an increase in GDP may lead to increased default. With respect to CPI and long term interest rate, in the long run, DR is likely to increase with increase in CPI and long term interest rate. The VDA results substantiate the significant role played by interest rates (both short term interest rates and long term interest rates) and CPI in accounting for fluctuations in DR in the long run. Such a study can provide useful inputs for regulators and policy makers in enhancing and developing the existing stress testing framework and make it more inclusive and robust for banks which are a dominant component of the Indian financial system and core of our macroeconomic policy. viii CHAPTER 1 Introduction Banks are the most important financial intermediaries in a financial system and the financial crisis of 2007-08 has shown that banks are exposed to a variety of risks which can assume systemic dimension at the time of stress and can further impact the financial stability and economic growth of a country. Thereby, it becomes very important for us to understand the macro perspective of the impact of crisis on the banking system. Last few years have witnessed high volatility in the global macroeconomic conditions and in response to that, banking regulators have evolved sophisticated risk measurement and management techniques pertaining to the banking sector but the global financial crisis of 2007-08 exposed the weaknesses of such techniques. These have had important repercussions on the global financial stability. Financial systems across the globe are now developing prudential paradigms to deal with such weaknesses. Given the dynamic financial environment, financial stability has become the most important area of concern (Wyman, 2015) and Stress Testing is an integral component of assessing financial stability. It is an important technique for quantifying the vulnerabilities in a financial system. In the given backdrop, it is very important to understand further, the concept of Stress Testing as an important tool for evaluating financial stability in the financial systems. 1 1.1. Stress Testing: An Overview There have been concerted efforts made by several financial organisations like the International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank, Bank for International Settlements (BIS) and Central banks across the globe to ensure the financial stability of their respective countries. Financial stability analysis aims at building a framework that enables the understanding of the risks and vulnerabilities of the financial systems and a systematic review of the possible sources of risks along with their magnitude to assess the impact of such risks (Henry and Kok, 2013; Quagliariello, 2009). Financial stability is difficult to define and measure because it involves complex interactions among the various elements of the financial system and also a high degree of interdependence between the economy and the financial system which may also be further complicated by its cross-border nature (Gadanecz and Jayaram, 2009). However, researchers have made an attempt to explain the concept of financial stability and capture the features of the financial system stability. ECB (2007) has defined financial stability as ‘A condition in which the financial system – comprising financial intermediaries, markets and market infrastructure – is capable of withstanding shocks and the unravelling of financial imbalances, thereby mitigating the likelihood of disruptions in the financial intermediation process which are severe enough to significantly impair the allocation of savings to profitable investment opportunities’. Within this purview, it is important to prepare a comprehensive framework for financial stability analysis and evaluate the linkages between financial system stability and macro economy. One of the most important mechanisms for assessing financial 2 stability is macro prudential analysis. According to IMF (2001), Macro prudential analysis is ‘A key building block of any policy framework on vulnerability analysis. It is a methodological tool that helps quantify and qualify the soundness and vulnerabilities of financial systems’ (Ingves, 2001). Sundarajan et al. (2002) explain Macro prudential analysis as ‘The assessment and monitoring of the strengths and vulnerabilities of financial system’. Macro prudential analysis involves use of quantitative information on the financial system and qualitative information on the institutional and regulatory framework to analyse the relationship between macroeconomic variables and Financial Soundness Indicators (FSIs) (Cihak, 2004; Roy and Bhattacharya, 2011). It focuses on the analysis of stability of financial systems as a whole in contrast to micro prudential analysis which deals with the analysis of individual financial institutions (Sundarajan et al., 2002). One of the most important functions of macro prudential supervision is the identification and assessment of systemic risks. Systemic Risk can be defined as the ‘risk that the financial instability would become so widespread that the functioning of a financial system would be impaired to the point where economic growth and welfare would suffer materially’ (Henry and Kok, 2013). A report by the Group of Ten (2001) on ‘Consolidation in the financial sector’ defines systemic risk as the ‘risk that an event will trigger a loss of economic value or confidence in a substantial system that can probably have significant adverse effects on the real economy’. ECB, in its Financial Stability Report (2010), identifies four broad approaches for the analytical models with which systemic risks and instability can be assessed. First, ‘Coincident indicators’ which measure the current state of financial system instability; 3 second, ‘Early Warning models’ which enable to identify the emerging imbalances and signals that may lead to crisis; third, ‘Macro-stress testing models’ that can be employed to assess the resilience of the financial system and fourth, ‘Contagion and Spill over models’ that assess the transmission of instability among the financial markets and financial intermediaries. Hence, one of the key elements of macro prudential analysis and systemic risk assessment is stress testing. Stress testing refers to ‘assessing the impact of a rare but plausible shock to the financial system’ (Howard, 2008). However, it is not a precise tool that can be used with scientific accuracy. It is an analytical technique that can enable us to estimate the exposure to a particular event (Jones et al., 2004). In simple words, stress testing is –what if thinking- conducted in a structured manner (FSR, Dec 2010). It is an investigation where a bank’s financial health is stressed by an adverse shock and tested to quantify how much deterioration might occur in case of such an adverse shock (Kearns, 2004). It is one of the tools employed to assess the vulnerabilities of portfolios and markets to abnormal events (Blaschke, 2001) and an important mechanism to assess the robustness of the financial architecture. Macro stress testing models have become an integral part of central banks’ systemic risk assessment tools as part of macro prudential policies. Given the importance of macro prudential analysis and stress testing, IMF and World Bank have instituted the Financial Sector Assessment program (FSAP) which endeavours to identify vulnerabilities in the financial systems of the member countries. The main objective of FSAP is to help strengthen the financial systems and enhance their resilience to potential financial crisis. Stress testing is one of the key components of FSAP 4 (Blaschke, 2001; Moretti et al., 2008). Chapter 2 gives a detailed review of the literature available on this subject. 1.2. Indian Banking System Banking sector is the core of Indian financial sector and it has seen several developments over the past few decades. If the landmark changes in the Indian banking sector in the last five decades are examined, these can be classified in three phases: nationalisation of banks in 1969, economic and banking sector reforms in early 1990s; and high growth phase of banks in 2000s (Dash and Ahuja, 2016). The financial sector reforms of 1990s lead to a significant transformation in the Indian economy and further reforms lead to effective implementation of prudential and regulatory norms. The organized banking sector in India comprises of Scheduled and Non-Scheduled banks. A Scheduled bank is a bank that is listed under the Second Schedule of the RBI Act, 1934. As on March 31, 2017, the Indian Banking system comprised of 27 Public Sector Banks (comprising of 6 SBI and Associates, 21 Nationalised Banks (including IDBI Bank); 21 Private Sector Banks and 49 Foreign Banks (Report on Trend and Progress of Banking in India - Table V.6). However, due to the merger of SBI with its associates and merger of Bhartiya Mahila Bank with SBI effective April 1, 2017, the number of banks has reduced. As of May 31, 2018, there are 21 Public Sector Banks (including SBI which is a single merged entity now and 20 Nationalised Banks (including IDBI); 21 Private Sector Banks and 45 Foreign Banks. Apart from these, there are Small Finance Banks (for e.g. Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Ltd., Equitas Small Finance Bank Ltd., FINCARE Small Finance Bank Ltd. etc.); 5 Payments Banks (for e.g. Paytm Payments Bank Ltd, Fino Payments Bank Ltd., Jio Payments Bank Ltd. etc.); Local Area Banks (for e.g. Coastal Local Area Bank Ltd, Subhadra Local Area Bank Ltd., Krishna Bhima Samruddhi Local Area Bank Ltd.); State Co-operative Banks and Regional Rural Banks. (https://www.rbi.org.in/commonman/english/scripts/banksinindia.aspx#rrb). Over the past few decades, the macroeconomic environment in which banks have functioned has changed significantly. The financial recession of 2007-08 exposed the vulnerability of large banks to downsides in the economy. Given the importance of Banking in the Indian financial system and the important role they play in the financial stability, it is very important to assess and review the models employed to measure the resilience of these banks to financial turmoil. 1.3. Problem Statement Over the past few years, especially after the global financial recession of 2009, Systemic risk and Macro Stress testing have evolved as important areas of research. Macro stress testing is a forward looking exercise and is an integral element in the regular macro prudential assessments of central banks. It has proved to be a useful instrument to assess the resilience of banks to the adverse global developments. The macro stress testing framework in the Indian context has also evolved over the last few years. Initially, only micro stress testing was performed at the central bank (RBI) level (FSR, March 2010); but later, macro stress testing was also incorporated in the study of the resilience of the Indian banking system in the Financial Stability Report published by RBI (FSR, Dec, 2010). However, the progress in this area is not as much as has been in the case of many countries across the globe. Against this backdrop, it is 6 important to analyse and review the existing macro stress testing practices across the globe which can provide us a reference point for reassessing and reviewing the macro stress testing in the Indian scenario. There is a lack of sufficient research in this area in the Indian context. Most of the papers reviewed do not make an attempt to capture the potential information that may be inherent in a larger macroeconomic data set as these studies take into account very few macroeconomic variables. The risk models have not been able to capture the different aspects of macro economy that affect the banking system. Given the ever changing dynamic environment and a need to incorporate more factors that affect the banking system, we propose to modify the existing macro stress testing model as developed by RBI in terms of endogenous variable selection, calibration of stress testing scenarios and modification of the macro stress testing model. We aim to include a number of macroeconomic variables that affect the credit risk in the Indian banking system and finalise the variables. 1.4. Contribution of the Study The study intends to make an important contribution to the existing literature in terms of inclusion of more aspects that affect the credit risk pertaining to the banking sector. It is an attempt to contribute to the ongoing macro prudential research efforts and also facilitate early detection of signals of financial vulnerabilities. It is aimed to take a wider set of macroeconomic variables and capture the dynamics of the ever changing financial environment supported with a robust modelling framework involving a variety of econometric techniques which will help us validate the robustness of our results. Autoregressive approach is applied to establish the relationship between credit 7 risk and macroeconomic indicators. Such an analysis will enable us to have a deeper understanding of the key determinants of credit and will provide useful information to explain the resilience of Indian banking system in terms of credit risk. This study can also provide inputs for improving the macro stress testing models further by incorporating endogenous factors as well. Banking is a dominant component of the Indian Financial system and is the core of our macroeconomic policy. Therefore, such a study on the Indian Banking System can provide useful inputs for regulators and policy makers in enhancing and developing the existing stress testing framework and make it more inclusive and robust. 1.5. Organisation of the Dissertation/ Intended Chapterisation The thesis has been organised into six chapters Chapter 1 - Introduction: Chapter 1 is the introduction to the study that includes an overview of the concept of stress testing, a brief write up on the Indian banking system which provides a backdrop against which this study has been conducted. It further includes the problem statement and the contribution of the study. Finally it lays down the chapterisation of the research. Chapter 2 – Literature Review: Chapter 2 presents a comprehensive review of the literature available in the area pertaining to the conceptual framework of macro stress testing along with the various elements of stress testing. It further covers the risks covered under stress test and the relationship between stress testing and Basel. It helps us to understand geographically, the practices pertaining to stress testing followed by banks across the globe with special focus on the literature pertaining to 8 the Indian context. It also delves into the empirical studies adopted in the area emphasizing on methodologies adopted for the study. Chapter 3 – Research Objectives: Chapter 3 provides the research gap that has been derived through an extensive review of literature along with the research questions and objectives of the study. Chapter 4 Research Methods and Procedures: Chapter 4 discusses the scope of the study along with the research procedures to be adopted for our research. It includes the sources of data collection, period of study, operationalisation of variables and a description of the credit risk models that have been employed for research. Chapter 5 – Data Analysis – Estimation and Results: Chapter 5 presents the results of the econometric analysis along with the discussions in light of the theoretical underpinnings laid down in the literature review. It lays down the steps for the construction of the macroeconomic credit risk model in the Indian context followed by the implementation of stress testing methodology on the given model. The robustness and stability of the model is also ascertained in this chapter. Chapter 6 - Summary and Conclusion: Chapter 6 summarizes the major findings of the study and the conclusion along with the contribution of the study in the present context. It also presents the Implications for future research and the Limitations of the study. Chapter 6 is followed by References and Annexures.. 9 CHAPTER 2 Literature Review Stress testing was introduced in 1999 as part of the Financial Stability Assessment Programme (FSAP) which was a joint initiative of IMF and World Bank to measure the risk exposure of the financial system to severe but plausible shocks. Since then, IMF and World Bank have emphasized the importance of stress testing with respect to systemic risk assessment and financial stability modelling. Thereafter, several studies have been published globally, both theoretical and empirical, which attempt to quantify the potential impact of the adverse events on the financial system. The financial crisis of 2007-08 highlighted the importance of stress testing as a diagnostic tool, but at the same time, revealed the weaknesses of the practice as it failed to capture the extent of the risks. It showed how relatively small losses can get magnified into systemic dimensions and destabilise the financial systems the world over. Over the last few years, stress testing has assumed an important role in the risk management domain. Lot of research has been done in this area. However, there is still a need to address the inherent challenges existing in the present stress testing techniques and re-assess the prevalent practices. Therefore, it becomes important to extensively review the literature available in this area and examine the areas that need to be re-examined. This section presents the literature available on the subject of stress testing. 10 2.1. Conceptual Framework/ Theoretical Background This section provides an overview of the concept of stress testing. To examine the subject in detail, it is important to first understand the term ‘stress testing’. 2.1.1. Definition of Stress Testing The Committee on the Global Financial System (2005) has defined stress testing as “a risk management tool used to evaluate the potential impact on a firm of a specific event and/or movement in a set of financial variables. Accordingly, it is used as an adjunct to statistical models like Value at Risk (VaR).” A paper on Principles and Practices of Macro financial stress testing by Oura and Schumacher (2012) defines stress testing as “Stress testing is a technique that measures the vulnerability of a portfolio, an institution, or an entire financial system under different hypothetical events or scenarios. It is a quantitative - what if exercise, estimating what would happen to capital, profits, cash flows, etc. of individual financial firms or the system as a whole if certain risks were to materialize.” It further states that stress testing typically evaluates two aspects of the performance of the financial institutions- solvency and liquidity. Jobst et al. (2013) define stress testing as “a forward looking technique that attempts to measure the sensitivity of a portfolio, an institution, or even an entire financial system to events that have a very small probability of occurrence but which have significant impact if they occur.” 11 Blaschke et al. (2001) state that “Stress testing is a process that includes i) identification of specific vulnerabilities or areas of concern; (ii) construction of a scenario; (iii) mapping the outputs of the scenario into a form that is usable for an analysis of financial institutions’ balance sheets and income statements; (iv) performing the numerical analysis, (v) considering any second round effects; and (vi) summarizing and interpreting the results.” A definition by Marcelo et al. (2008) suggests that Stress test is “a set of techniques, tools or, procedures used by either individual institutions or supervisory authorities to gauge the financial condition of the system under examination.” Jones et al. (2004) state that “Stress testing can be used to assess a variety of risks, including market risk (the possibility of losses from changes in prices or yields), credit risk (potential for losses from borrower defaults or non performance on a contract), and liquidity risk (the possibility of depositor runs or losses from assets becoming illiquid.” Summing up the various definitions of Stress testing, it can be stated that ‘Stress Testing is a forward looking technique to assess the impact of a rare but plausible shock to the financial system and it enables us to examine the vulnerabilities present in a portfolio, financial institutions or financial system as a whole under different hypothetical events or scenarios’. Theoretically, the determinants of the resilience of the financial sector depends on two broad sources: Micro - which are the bank specific factors like individual risk 12 exposure, operating strategies etc. and Macro - which includes GDP growth rate, unemployment, interest rates, exchange rates etc (Clair, 2004). In line with this, the objectives of stress testing can be examined with respect to the following two categories: a) Micro Prudential Stress testing, also called Portfolio Level Stress Testing or Supervisory Stress Testing involves periodic assessment of the financial soundness of individual institutions under adverse economic conditions. An example of Micro Prudential Stress Testing is the Comprehensive Capital Assessment Review (CCAR) conducted by United States (Jobst et al., 2013; Blaschke, 2001). The liquidity ratios in context of Basel III emphasised micro stress testing as an integral part of the regulatory framework (Oura and Schumacher, 2012). b) Macro Prudential Stress Testing, also called as Aggregate Stress Testing, System Focused Stress Testing or Surveillance Stress Testing, is aimed at assessing system-wide resilience to shocks from the macroeconomic environment; the main focus being on identifying potential threats to overall financial stability (Jobst et al., 2013). Macro prudential stress testing takes a holistic view of the complete financial system in terms of the assessment and monitoring of the strengths and vulnerabilities of the financial systems. It incorporates macro-economic and market based data, quantitative and structural information and Financial Soundness indicators (FSI’s) which are the core indicators promoted by IMF to measure financial sector vulnerability (Cheang and Choy, 2011; Sundarajan et al., 2002). It includes a range of techniques used to assess the vulnerability of a financial system to ‘exceptional but plausible’ macroeconomic shocks. It enables us to study the impact of macro-prudential 13 factors on the risk profile of the total financial system (Blaschke, 2001; Sorge, 2004; Cihak, 2007; Oura and Schumacher, 2012). Micro-stress testing has been used since 1990s. However, Macro-stress testing is a relatively recent yet an integral concept for measuring financial sector vulnerabilities (Sorge, 2004). As the traditional micro-prudential regulations were unable to identify the build-up of systemic risk at the aggregate level, the analytical focus of research over the last few years has moved from microprudential to macro-prudential dimensions of financial stability (Gadanecz and Jayaram, 2009; Cheang and Choy, 2011). It enables better monitoring of the degree of financial stability and anticipates the sources and causes of financial stress to the system (Gadanecz and Jayaram, 2009). The results of macro prudential stress tests are often reported in Financial Stability Reports of the respective countries (Oura and Schumacher, 2012). There are important differences between the two types of stress tests. The focus of the macro stress test is, as the name suggests, more macroeconomic in nature as it attempts to capture the impact of major changes in the macro environment on the stability of the financial system as a whole. Also, it involves aggregation of heterogeneous portfolios. Macro stress testing is designed to complement micro stress testing practices (Jones et al., 2004). 2.1.2. History of Stress Testing Stress testing began in 1980s to assess the vulnerability of individual institutions on account of individual risks like credit risks, market risks, interest rate risks, and 14 liquidity risks in isolation. It began to be applied widely by internationally active banks in 1990s. In 1996, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) highlighted the importance of stress testing in its Amendment to the Capital Accord to Incorporate Market Risks, 1996 (Blaschke, 2001). As per the amendment, ‘banks should have a rigorous and comprehensive stress testing program in place to identify events that can greatly influence banks’ capital position. Such Stress Testing should be of both a quantitative and qualitative nature (BCBS, 1998). After the Asian Financial crisis of the late 1990s, Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP) was established by IMF in 1999 to provide a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of a country’s financial sector. FSAP assessments are a joint responsibility of IMF and World Bank in developing and emerging economies and IMF alone in advanced economies (IMF, 2016). As part of the FSA Program, IMF conducts stress tests to examine the resilience of the banking and non-banking financial sectors. With the advent of assessment of financial stability by IMF and World Bank, stress testing became an important financial stability assessment tool. In the year 2000, a task force of G-10 central bank governors was established by Committee on Global Financial System (CGFS) to discuss issues related to financial stability. This task force carried out a survey on stress testing in which 43 banks from 10 countries participated. This survey highlighted the risks faced by the financial institutions and the role of stress tests in risk management (Mosser et al., 2001). Since the inception of FSAP, 144 member countries (as of 2014) have undergone the assessment (IMF, 2014). In 2010, the IMF made it mandatory for 25 jurisdictions (with systematically important financial sectors) to undergo financial stability 15 assessment under FSAP every five years. The list was expanded to 29 jurisdictions in 2013. For all other jurisdictions, FSAP participation continues to be voluntary (IMF, 2014; IMF, 2016). Traditionally, the focus of prudential data reporting and analysis was on micro prudential analysis, which was limited to individual institutions (IMF, 2006). The financial crisis of 2007-08 accelerated the scope and importance of stress testing and highlighted the limitations of micro-prudential regulations which mainly deal with the financial and operational conditions of individual financial institutions (Cheang and Choy, 2011; Kapinos et al., 2015). It underlined the importance of complementing the micro prudential approach with a macro prudential perspective (Alfaro and Drehmann, 2009). Also, with the increasing interdependence of the different components of the financial system, the growing magnitude and increasing mobility of international capital flows and the importance of identifying risks that are emerging in the financial system as a whole, it became important to conduct macro prudential analysis (IMF, 2006). Hence, stress testing, which was originally developed to be used at a portfolio level, started being applied in a broader context to measure the vulnerabilities of a group of financial institutions or the financial system as a whole. Over the years, the focus of measurement of financial system stability has shifted from Micro-prudential assessment, which focused around the banking system, to macro-prudential dimensions of financial stability which incorporates a broader system-wide assessment of risks pertaining to financial institutions, markets and infrastructure (Gadanecz and Jayaram, 2009; Cheang and Choy, 2011). Currently, a lot of work is happening in the area of macro-prudential analysis of financial systems. 16 2.1.3. Importance of Stress Testing Stress testing is a very useful tool to check the vulnerabilities and robustness of the financial architecture. As per IMF (2003), Stress testing is a consultative process between the FSAP and the financial authorities of the respective countries and it integrates a forward-looking macroeconomic perspective, a focus on the financial system as a whole, and a uniform approach to the assessment of risk exposures across institutions. This section puts forward the important reasons why stress testing should be an integral part of the risk management framework. The following reasons support the practice of stress testing. a) Complement Basel norms. The first advantage of stress testing is that it can complement the Basel norms in capturing systemic risk (Kapinos et al., 2015). Van Lelyveld (2007) examines how stress testing is an important practice in the context of Basel II norms and addresses Pillar 1 and Pillar 2 regulations. Wall (2013) argues that Stress testing could mitigate the weaknesses in the way Basel III measures credit risk and interest risk and their impact on bank capital. It is more forward looking and macro prudential in nature as compared to Basel norms which are more backward looking and micro-prudential in nature (Wall, 2013). b) Increase transparency in the banking industry. Kapinos et al. (2015) suggest stress testing leads to dissemination of information which may reduce asymmetric information in the markets. This may increase the transparency in the banking industry and be valuable during a financial crisis. Goldstein and Sapra (2012), in their paper, argue that overall stress testing enables disclosure of unique information to the investors regarding their risk taking behaviour and capitalisation thereby promoting market discipline. This further increases their confidence in the 17 banking sector and leads to financial stability; however, there are certain costs that are associated with this disclosure which can be minimised. c) Assist in identifying potentially weak banks - Stress tests are designed to identify the banks that are potentially weak and which require close supervisory attention and possibly remedial action (Cihak, 2004). It enables regulators and financial institutions to assess periodically, the possible effects of highly adverse scenarios on the banks (Kapinos et al., 2015). This enables the regulators to take appropriate steps in advance to tackle the fragilities which may emerge in the financial system in case of instability. d) Support Macro Financial Surveillance - Stress tests play an important role in macro financial surveillance, i.e., the analysis of the robustness of the financial system as a whole to external shocks (Cihak, 2004). The most important responsibility of the central banks is to safeguard financial stability which involves systematic review of the possible sources of risk to the financial system. Stress testing models assess these risks and their impact on the financial systems (Henry and Kok, 2013). It is an important regulatory tool which encourages banks to engage in more robust and holistic risk management practices (Kapinos et al., 2015). It also helps the policymakers to assess the significance of the financial system’s vulnerabilities (Jones et al., 2004). e) Enhance data availability - Stress testing may enhance the data availability pertaining to risk management. The information provided by stress tests can help to identify the weaknesses in data collection, reporting systems, model development, validation capabilities and risk management (Kapinos et al., 2015; Jones et al., 2004). 18 2.1.4. VAR and Stress Testing Stress testing is an important tool that complements the Value at Risk (VaR) analysis. VaR analysis assigns a single quantitative value to the maximum potential loss that can result for a portfolio for a given confidence interval over a defined period. It provides a probability-based boundary on likely losses for a given confidence interval for a specified holding period (CGFS, 2000). For example, if there is a 90 day VaR on an asset of USD 100 million at 95 % confidence level, it implies there is a 95% probability that the maximum possible loss on the portfolio over the next 90 days will not exceed USD 100 million or in other words, there is only a 5% chance that the value of the asset will drop more than USD 100 million over the 90 day period. This 5% is captured in the tails of the loss distribution function which are not taken in account in the VaR analysis. Such extreme losses can be estimated through stress testing (Kalirai and Scheicher, 2002). The major difference between stress testing and VaR is that Stress testing measures the risk that arises from abnormal / plausible / exceptional events whereas VaR analyses the risk from low probability events in the normal markets. Stress testing methodology, in fact, complements VaR analysis (CGFS, 2005). The Committee on Global Financial System (2001) conducted a survey on stress testing of 43 banks and made an interesting observation. According to the committee, banks rely heavily on stress tests for markets whose risks may be inadequately captured by VaR. They conducted interviews of the risk managers who gave several reasons why they relied more on stress testing rather than VaR. These reasons were: lack of good historical price data, illiquidity, or difficulties in estimating the highly non-linear exposures from options dealing (CGFS, 2000). 19 Gerald Krenn (2001) mentions the reasons why stress testing is an important complementary measure for VaR. The first reason is that a statistical measure like VaR does not estimate potential extreme losses which Stress testing does. The second reason he puts forth is that VaR calculations are based on certain assumptions that may be debatable: for example: VaR models assume that the changes in risk factors are normally distributed, however, changes in financial time series may be marked by fat tails, they are not normally distributed. Also, VaR model assumes markets to remain constant over the given time horizon, however in practice, there may be breaks in market movements. 2.1.5. Limitations of Stress Testing Stress testing practices have over the last few years made constant improvements in terms of design and implementation; however, there are some important limitations of the stress testing exercise. The following section highlights some of the important limitations of stress testing: a) Data Availability - The main impediment of stress testing is the lack of data availability, especially in countries where the supervisory mechanisms are not well developed. For example, in some countries, basic balance sheet data is not available. In some cases, risk data like duration or default measures are not available (IMF, 2003). b) Lack of uniformity in methodology aspects – The methodology adopted for stress testing varies across the countries, which makes a uniform comparison of the outcomes difficult (IMF, 2003). 20 c) Inability of the existing data reporting systems to isolate the desired exposures in financial institutions, especially in the case of large and complex financial institutions (IMF, 2003). d) Confidentially issues- Sometimes the authorities are unwilling to share the information with the IMF, which makes the implementation of stress testing difficult (IMF, 2003). e) Calibration of scenarios - Stress tests try to examine the impact of shocks that are severe but plausible. However, such shocks are hardly present over the sample horizon for which the credit risk model has been developed (Boss et al., 2009). 2.2. Stress Testing Approaches There are several important approaches associated with stress testing. The aim of all these approaches is to examine the potential vulnerabilities of the system from different perspectives. There is no consensus on what constitutes the best approach to conducting stress tests. The choice of approach depends upon the objective of stress testing. 2.2.1. Top Down Vs Bottom Up Approach There are two types of stress test based on the entity conducting the stress test – supervisory authorities or the credit institutions (Kearns, 2004). To translate and map macroeconomic shocks and scenarios into financial sector variables, there can be two approaches- top-down (TD) or Bottom up (BU). a) Top-down Approach- Top-down stress testing is conducted to support macroprudential oversight and involves a shock to the macroeconomic environment and its impact on the financial health of the financial institutions in a centralised manner (Kearns, 2004; Henry and Kok, 2013). These are the tests which are 21 conducted by the national authorities using bank by bank data and applying consistent methodology and assumptions (Oura and Schumacher, 2012). In the Top-down approach, the focus is on the financial stability of the entire financial system, and is estimated using aggregated data or macro level data (Cihak, 2007; Moretti et al., 2008). It enables us to estimate the responsiveness of a group of institutions to a particular scenario (Jones et al., 2004). For example: Bank of England and Norges Bank employ the top-down approach (Cihak, 2007). The advantage of Top-down approach is that it is easier to implement and analyse. Also, this approach gives us consistent and uniform results which may be easy to compare across countries (Jones et al., 2004). The implementation of this framework is more resource effective once the core framework is in place as it employs aggregated data (Oura and Schumacher, 2012). However, as top-down approach applies tests only to aggregated data, this type of analysis may overlook the concentration of exposures at the level of individual institutions and linkages among institutions (Cihak, 2007). Also, due to data limitations, the results may not be precise (Oura and Schumacher, 2012). b) Bottom-up approach- Bottom-up exercises are conducted by individual financial institutions by using their own data and models (Moretti et al., 2008; Oura and Schumacher, 2012). In the bottom-up approach, the impact to various scenarios is estimated using highly disaggregated data at portfolio level from individual financial institutions. These results can further be aggregated for further analysis (Cihak, 2007; Jones et al., 2004) For e.g., Financial stability 22 reports by Austrian National Bank and Czech National Bank employ the bottomup approach (Cihak, 2007). The advantage of using bottom-up approach is that it enables better use of individual, granular, portfolio data. It utilises the internal models developed by financial institutions which may have been tailor-made as per their own framework (Jones et al., 2004; Oura and Schumacher, 2012). It also captures the concentration of risks and the contagion effect and may therefore, give more accurate results (Cihak, 2007). However, such an approach leads to different interpretations due to inconsistencies in the application of assumptions and models, calibration of scenarios etc. This may make the comparison of the results ineffective (Jones et al., 2004; Oura and Schumacher, 2012). Also, it may also suffer from computational issues (Cihak, 2007). The top-down approach can play an important role in benchmarking the results from system-wide perspective and bottom-up tests can play an important role in the peer review processes (Henry and Kok, 2013). 2.2.2. Balance Sheet Based Approach Vs Market Price Based Approach With respect to input information, stress testing models can be broadly divided into two categories: Balance sheet-based approaches and Market price-based approaches. a) Balance sheet-based approaches involve a detailed analysis of the balance sheets of individual institutions (both on - balance sheet and off - balance sheet items). Such approaches can be more informative as they can enable us to identify the vulnerabilities in the balance sheet. However, they are highly data intensive and may 23 not capture the contagion effect across institutions (Oura and Schumacher, 2012). The primary input data for balance sheet based analysis is Accounting data, namely Balance sheet and Income statement. The frequency of the analysis varies depending on the reporting cycle which may be quarterly, semi-annually or annually. The biggest strength of this approach is that it enables the researchers or policymakers to specify the type of risk that creates vulnerability, for example: losses from currency mismatches. However, it is highly data intensive; the quality of the analysis depends on the granularity and the availability of the data (IMF, 2012). b) Market-based models are based on summary default measures related to market prices like stocks, bonds etc. These approaches are more flexible and can incorporate market-perceived risk factors. The primary input data for Market-price based analysis is the financial market data like equity prices, bond yields etc. This analysis can be executed at a daily or lower frequency also. This technique is less data-intensive as compared to the accounting based approach and focuses on systemic risks and tail events. It incorporates risk factors priced by the market. However, an important limitation of this approach is that the estimated vulnerability measures may be very volatile at the times when markets are under stress and difficult to comprehend (IMF, 2012). 2.3. Elements of Stress Testing The following section describes the literature available on various elements of stress testing. An important element of stress testing is deciding the number of factors to be included. It can take the form of Sensitivity analysis if one factor is being assessed or Scenario analysis wherein simultaneously a number of factors are being assessed. 24 A brief description of these two methods is described below: a) Sensitivity analysis addresses the impact of shocks to single risk factor such as credit risk or interest rate risk on the financial situation of the bank. Here, only one factor is subjected to a shock or multiple shocks with all other factors remaining the same (Blaschke et al., 2001; Marcelo et al., 2008; Moretti et al.; 2008, Wiszniowski, 2010). It involves estimating the change in portfolio value for one or more shocks to a single risk factor. However, these stress tests do not allow for the interaction between the macroeconomic variables (Hoggarth et al., 2005). For example: if the risk factor is exchange rate, sensitivity analysis would examine the impact of a shock of for e.g., +/-2%, 4% and 6% (CGFS, 2000). b) Scenario analysis implies the analysis of the effect of simultaneous changes in a number of risk factors (CGFS, 2000; Blaschke et al., 2001). In this approach, multiple risk factors are changed together, thereby defining the ‘scenario’ (Marcelo et al., 2008; Moretti et al., 2008). It measures the cumulative effect of movements in a number of risk factors. It is characterised by a more complicated structure because of the correlation between individual risks (Wiszniowski, 2010). Scenario analysis can be based on historical data or hypothetical data (Blaschke et al., 2001): - Historical scenarios: In the case of historical shocks, shocks are employed from the past, according to the largest value or change in the variable in a particular time period. Creation of scenarios using historical data is an intuitive approach as these events actually happened historically and there is a high plausibility of them to recur. However, many such scenarios failed during the financial crisis in 2007-08. 25 - Hypothetical scenarios: In contrast to the historical scenario, in case of hypothetical data, plausible changes are based on assumptions that have no historical precedent. They are constructed by shocking market factors, volatilities or correlations. However, the main drawback in this method is the difficulty in determining the likelihood of the event occurring as such an event is beyond the range of experience. 2.4. Stress Testing Framework As stress testing practices are still evolving and are based on some assumptions, there is no uniform framework for Macro stress testing. Different authorities have adopted different framework for stress testing. IMF (2003) has summarised the process of stress testing as: (i) identifying potential risk exposures and vulnerabilities in the system; (ii) identifying the data required and its availability; (iii) calibrating the scenario or shocks to be applied to the data, based on identified exceptional but plausible shocks; (iv) selecting and implementing the methodology; and (v) interpreting the results. Sorge (2004) describes stress testing process in six steps. The first step is to define the scope of analysis which includes selection of relevant financial institutions, for example, large banking institutions, non-banking institutions, insurance companies or pension funds. The second step is designing and calibrating the macroeconomic stress scenarios which involves the decisions pertaining to the choice of risk types, sensitivity or scenario analysis, what parameters to shock, by how much and over what time horizon. The third step is assessing the system vulnerability to specific risk 26 factors which may include the choice of indicators, namely the Financial Soundness indicators (FSIs) that quantify the systemic importance of various sources of risks. Sorge further suggests integrating the analysis of the market and credit risks. The fifth step involves aggregation of the results and their interpretation. The final step involves the analysis of the contagion effects, also called the feedback effects. Jones et al. (2004), in an IMF working paper, have also discussed the key stages of stress testing. The first step is the identification of vulnerabilities which could be classified as macro-level indicators (ex. Real sector indicators, external sector indicators), structural indicators (ex. Balance sheet structures, flow of funds accounts) and financial soundness indicators (capital adequacy, asset quality, liquidity etc.). The next step involves examination of the available data and models and construction of a scenario in the context of the overall macroeconomic framework. The third step is to translate the various outputs that have been derived into the balance sheets and income statements of the financial institutions and the calibration of shocks based on hypothetical or historical data. The next step is to consider the second round effects and linkages between the financial institutions which may further be used to construct indices of systemic risk. The final step is the interpretation of the results. Cihak (2007) has also has explained the stress testing process on similar lines. He describes stress testing as a process that includes a) identification of concern areas or specific vulnerabilities; b) construction of a scenario; c) mapping the outputs of the scenario into a usable form; d) performing the numerical analysis; e) examination of second round effects; and finally, f) summarizing and interpreting the results. 27 Henry and Kok (2013) have explained stress testing as a modular system consisting of four pillars. The first pillar is Scenario Design which consists of the design of the macro-financial scenarios to be imposed on the banking sector. The second pillar is Top-Down Satellite Models which consists of the models that are used to translate the scenarios into variables that affect the balance sheet components. The third pillar is the Balance Sheet Model that calculates the impact on the bank’s solvency position. The fourth pillar is Feedback Module. Normally, the Macro Stress testing exercises examine only the “first-round” impact of the stressed banks’ solvency position on bank capitalisation. However the banks react to stressed situations by adjusting their Balance Sheets in some ways which impact the other banks in the system and thereby have important ramifications on the real economy. This is called contagion effect. The fourth pillar facilitates examination of the second round effects of the initial bank solvency impact with respect to contagion effect by linking the results of the stress testing framework to the broader macro economy. 2.5. Risks Covered Under Stress Test Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS, 2005) and RBI Master Circular (2013) classify banking risks into three major categories - Credit Risk, Market Risk, and Operational Risk. - Credit risk or default risk is defined as the potential that a bank borrower or counterparty will fail to meet its obligations in accordance with agreed terms. - Market Risk is defined as the risk of losses in ‘on-balance sheet’ and ‘off-balance sheet’ positions arising from movements in market prices. - Operational risk is defined as the risk of loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, people and systems or from external events. 28 Apart from the above three major types of bank risks, the Basel Committee also identified Liquidity Risk, Interest Rate Risk, and ‘Other’ Risks (i.e. reputational and strategic risk). Several other types of risks have also been identified in different studies. Raghavan (2003) suggested that bank risk comprises of Credit Risk, Market Risk (comprising of liquidity risk, interest rate risk, forex risk, and country risk), Operational Risk, Regulatory Risk and Environmental Risk. FSAP addresses the following risks as part of stress testing (Blaschke et al., 2001), both micro stress testing and macro stress testing. - Interest rate risk: Interest rate risk is the risk incurred by a financial institution in case of mismatch of rate sensitive assets and rate sensitive liabilities. - Exchange rate risk: Exchange rate risk is the risk arising out of the changes in the exchange rates which affects the value of institution’s assets and liabilities as well as any off-balance sheet items. - Credit risk: Credit risk is the risk that a counter-party or obligor will default on their contractual obligations. - Liquidity risk: Liquidity risk is the risk arising from a financial institutions inability to meet its obligations as and when they become due. - Equity price risk: Equity price risk is the risk that the stock price changes affect the value of a financial institutions assets and liabilities and its off-balance sheet items. - Commodity Price Risk: Commodity price risk refers to the potential losses that may result from changes in the market price of bank assets and liabilities as well as off-balance sheet instruments due to commodity price changes. 29 - Market Risk: Market risk is the risk of losses on a portfolio arising from movements in market prices. 2.6. Stress Testing and Basel In January 1996, Basel Committee on Banking Supervision in its ‘Amendment to the Capital Accord to Incorporate Market Risk’ advocated that the banks that use Internal Models approach for meeting market risk capital requirements must have a rigorous and comprehensive stress testing program as a supplement to the risk analysis. It further proposed that such stress tests must be both quantitative and qualitative in nature. Quantitative criteria should identify the plausible scenarios that the banks are exposed to and qualitative criteria should emphasise on the evaluation of bank’s capital adequacy and steps to reduce the risk. It should cover a range of factors which identify the plausible stress scenarios banks are exposed to and examine the capacity of banks to absorb such potential losses and manage the risks (BCBS, 1998). The June 2006 revised Basel Framework titled ‘International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital Standards’ also reiterates the importance of a rigorous, forward looking stress testing framework that identifies possible events or changes in market conditions that could affect bank performance adversely and for the assessment of capital adequacy. As per the guidelines “Stress testing must involve identifying possible events or future changes in economic conditions that could have unfavourable effects on a firm’s credit exposures and assessment of the firm’s ability to withstand such changes. Examples of scenarios that could be used are; (i) economic or industry downturns, (ii) market-place events, or (iii) decreased liquidity conditions.” Also, banks must ensure sufficient capital to meet the minimum capital requirements to cover the results of the stress testing programme (BCBS, 2006). 30 Larry D Wall (2103) in his paper shows how stress testing could mitigate the weaknesses in the way Basel III measures credit and interest rate risk and measures bank capital. Stress testing adds value to Basel III guidelines by providing more flexibility in the implementation of the stress tests and measuring the losses associated with a handful of specific scenarios which are not covered by Basel III. Basel III provides an unconditional static measure for calculating capital adequacy whereas stress testing applies conditional dynamic measures for the same (Wall, 2013). 2.7. Stress Testing Practices Based On Geography Stress testing practices vary across the globe. Some countries have advanced stress testing techniques in place whereas in the case of some countries, the research is in an evolving stage. BCBS conducted a survey on the ‘Peer review of supervisory authorities’ implementation of stress testing principles’ in April 2012 in which all the member countries participated (BCBS, 2012). As per the report, in 50% of the respondent countries, the practice of stress testing was in its ‘early stages’ wherein these countries may have showed some progress towards implementing the principles but may not have finalised the prudential regulations. A major part of the other half of the respondents were in the ‘intermediate category’ wherein these countries have issued some formal guidelines or guidance consistent with the principles and performing regular supervisory tests but they may require more detailed stress testing mechanisms. Only a few countries were in the advanced stage which had evidence of rigorous and regular review process. The report was not designed to assess the adequacy of the banks’ stress testing programmes; therefore country wise analysis was not provided (BCBS, 2012). 31 This section discusses the literature available in the area of stress testing based on geography. - United States of America (US) - In US, there was a Supervisory Capital Assessment program (SCAP) in 1999 which was an assessment of the financial conditions of the largest Bank Holding Companies (BHCs). Currently in US, two sets of stress tests are conducted annually by Federal Reserve to ensure that the financial systems have adequate capital planning process. These two tests are a) Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review (CCAR) and b) Dodd-Frank Act (DFA) supervisory stress testing. CCAR, similar in scope to micro stress testing, is a regulatory framework to assess, regulate and supervise large banks and financial institutions in terms of capital adequacy requirements of bank holding companies (BHCs) in the US. DFA, closer in scope to macro stress testing, is a forward looking quantitative evaluation of stressful economic and financial market conditions on capital of BHCs in US. DFA aimed at improving the stability of the US financial system (Federal Reserve, 2013; Henry and Kok, 2013). - European Union – In Europe, the European Systematic Risk Board (ESRB) was established in 2010 to carry out macro-prudential oversight of the financial system and to prevent / mitigate systematic risks. The work of ESRB is complemented by 3 European Supervisory Authorities (ESA) which consist of European Banking Authority (EBA) in London, The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) in Paris, and The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) in Frankfurt. The European Union banking stress tests are conducted by EBA to check the resilience of the financial situations 32 towards adverse scenarios (Henry and Kok, 2013). EBA conducts stress tests using bottom-up approach using consistent methodologies, scenarios and key assumptions in cooperation with ESRB, The European Central Bank (ECB) and the European Commission (EC) (EBA, 2016). - Australia – Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) is the prudential regulator of the Australian financial services industry that focuses on the stress testing practices in Australia. It conducts industry-wise stress testing once in 2-3 years in contrast to other countries wherein stress testing is an annual practice. It is primarily a capital adequacy assessment with a review of banks’ models and assumptions (Oliver Wyman, 2014). The annual FSAP assessment update for Australia found the Australia’s financial system sound, resilient and well managed (FSAP - IMF, 2012). - Asia - The impact of the global financial crisis was not as much on Asian countries as compared to US and Europe. Therefore, these nations have not adopted robust stress testing mechanisms as compared to the western nations. Nevertheless, these countries have adopted stress testing mechanisms as part of their regular financial stability assessments (Wyman, 2015). In a report by Oliver Wyman on Asia Stress Test (2015), they have categorised the Asian stress testing practices with respect to the US and European practices in four categories: Evolving (India, China and Indonesia); Developing (South Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore); Developed (European Union and Australia) and Advanced (United States). 33 As the focus of our thesis is on the evaluation of stress testing practices in the Indian context, the below section examines in detail the literature available in this area. 2.7.1. Stress Testing – Indian Practice In the Indian context, banks are required to operationalize their formal stress testing framework in accordance with the guidelines issued by Reserve Bank of India from March 2008 (RBI – Guidelines on Stress testing circular dated June 26, 2007). After the global financial crisis, there was a paradigm shift in the approach of policymakers towards financial stability. The depth of the crisis made the supervisory authorities to assess the robustness of these tests as the crisis was far more severe than the many assumptions that had been taken for the existing stress testing practices (RBI – Guidelines on Stress testing, 2013). Keeping in view the changing paradigms, RBI established a Financial Stability Unit in August 2009. To improve the transparency of the financial system, it was decide to publish a periodic ‘Financial Stability Report’ (FSR). It is a bi-annual document that reviews the nature, magnitude and implications of risks and their impact on the macroeconomic environment and eventually financial institutions. The first FSR was published in March 2010 and till date (as on dec 31, 2018) 18 issues have been published. The first FSR dealt only with single factor sensitivity analysis at individual risk level as macro stress testing was still at an evolving stage. Macro stress testing was introduced from the second FSR Dec 2010. a) Guidelines for Stress Testing - RBI RBI issued regulatory guidelines and guidance notes on asset liability management and management of credit risk, market risk and operational risk in 1999 (RBI Notification date June 26, 2007 on Guidelines on Stress testing. https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/78232.pdf). Taking this momentum 34 forward and in line with pillar 2 of Basel II framework, the draft guidelines for stress testing were issued in 2007. Thereafter, banks were advised to put in place appropriate stress testing policies and framework by September 2007 and ensure that a formal stress testing framework was operational from March 31, 2008. The guidelines lay down the two categories of stress tests to be developed by banks: a) Sensitivity tests as the tests that assess the impact of change in one variable; and b) Scenario tests as a simultaneous movement in a number of variables based on either historical scenario or hypothetical scenarios. The report further highlights the importance of stress tests and lays down the framework requirements for stress testing. It also identifies the risks that should be subjected to stress tests as market risks, credit risks, operational risks and liquidity funding risks. The guidelines mention the risk categories along with the frequency of the stress testing and effective date for stress tests. Finally, it provides the illustrative examples of stress tests for Liquidity risk, Interest rate risk –earnings perspective, Credit risk-impact on capital adequacy, Credit risk-impact of increasing NPAs and Foreign exchange risk (RBI Notification date June 26, 2007 on Guidelines on Stress testing. https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/78232.pdf). In Dec 2013, RBI issued updated guidelines on stress testing in light of the revised guidelines issues by Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) on Sound Stress Testing Practices and Supervision. The banks were expected to adopt these guidelines on stress testing from April 1, 2014. The need of the revised guidelines was felt after the 2007-08 global financial crises which brought into focus the limitations of the risks assessed through stress testing based on mainly historical data and 35 assumptions. Thereafter, a need was felt to make the stress testing program more rigorous and stringent and raise the level of sophistication of such programmes (RBI Notification date December 2, 2013 on Guidelines on Stress testing. https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/notification/PDFs/FC021212ST.pdf). b) Stress testing Assessment from 2010-2018- Financial Stability Reports (FSR) The resilience of the scheduled commercial banks is analysed under two broad categories i.e. a) Bank’s performance and b) Stress test. It measures the resilience of the Indian banking system by performing macro stress tests for credit risk at the a) System level b) Bank group level and c) Sectoral level. FSRs review the health of the financial system and focuses on issues pertaining to systemic importance. Based on 10 years historical data, 3 macro-economic scenarios are analysed which include one baseline scenario and 2 adverse macroeconomic risks namely Medium risk –based on upto 1 standard deviation (10 yrs historical data) and Severe risk - based on upto 2 standard deviations. The FSR employs the following Time Series Econometric models: a) Multivariate Regression to model system Level Slippage Ratio (SR) b) Vector Autoregression (VAR) to model system level SR; c) Quantile Regression to model system level SR; d) Multivariate Regression to model bank group-wise SR; e) VAR To model bank group-wise SR; and f) Multivariate Regressions for Sectoral GNPAs. c) Financial Sector Assessment Programme (FSAP) India Update The third set of documents reviewed was related to the Financial Sector Assessments Programme updates conducted in the Indian context. As mentioned earlier, FSAP is a joint program of the IMF and World Bank which performs a comprehensive and in depth analysis of a country’s financial sector. In 2000-2001, India’s FSAP was 36 conducted as a pilot assessment; however the results were not made public. In September 2010, IMF made it mandatory for 25 jurisdictions (including India) to undergo financial stability assessments under FSAP every five years. As part of this program, IMF conducted India’s FSAP during 2011, the results of which were published on January 15, 2013. The main findings of FSAP was that stress testing did not reveal any stability concerns in the near term suggesting further that the banking system in India would be resilient to a range of adverse shocks. However, it also reported that the financial system is becoming more complex and with increasing inter-linkages across borders and institutions, the systemic risks have increased which have highlighted the challenges and vulnerabilities in the financial system (IMF – India: Financial Stability Assessment Update, 2013). d) Research Papers The research on Macro stress testing in the Indian context is still in its nascent stage which may be attributed to lack of availability of good quality data and complex econometric techniques. There are only a few papers available in this area. However, a lot of papers in the area of Micro stress testing and credit risk determinants in the Indian scenario can be found. Roy and Bhattacharya (2011) have examined the resilience of the Indian Banking sector through Macroeconomic Stress Testing for credit risk using a VAR methodology. The authors examine the dynamic impact of changes in macroeconomic variables like output gap, real effective exchange rate, inflation, bank rate, repo rate and reverse repo rate on Default rate with respect to Indian Public Sector Banks. 37 However, the choice of determinants in the paper is very limited (Roy and Bhattacharya, 2011). Banerjee and Murali (2015) also employ VAR approach for conducting stress tests for the Indian Banking sector. The authors verify the results through Granger Causality, Impulse Response Function (IRF) and Forecast Error Variance Decomposition (FEVD). In this paper, NPAs are regressed in a VAR model on log of nominal exchange rate, Net FII, GDP output gap (Actual GDP-potential GDP), log of deposits, log of nominal interest prime lending rate, CRR and WPI. It proposes re-capitalisation of all banks and improvement of asset quality (Banerjee and Murali, 2015). Das and Ghosh (2007) investigate empirically the determinants of credit risk in Indian Public Sector banks using advanced Panel data techniques. The findings of the paper are that at the macro level, GDP growth plays an important role in influencing the default loans and at the level of the banks, real loan growth and bank size are important determinants of nonperforming loans (Das and Ghosh, 2007). Thiagarajan et al. (2011) also perform an empirical investigation of the credit risk determinants in the Indian context through a Panel data technique. However, the authors conduct this analysis for both Private and Public banks. The study reveals that both the macroeconomic and bank specific factors play a very important role in determining the credit risk in the bbanking sector. As per the study, GDP growth and lagged NPA are the main determinants of NPA (Thiagarajan et al., 2011). 2.8. Methodology Wise Literature Review There are a lot of approaches, models and scenarios available to conduct macro stress testing. Also, depending on the economic environment and the legal norms prevalent in a particular country, the underlying assumptions for stress tests are different which makes the cross-country comparisons of the stress testing implications difficult. Hence, there cannot be ‘one approach fits all’ in case of stress testing. However, 38 researchers have made an attempt to classify the methodology on some basis. This section presents the literature review on the methodologies adopted for conducting macro stress tests. Consolidating the literature based on methodology, there are two broad classifications followed by researchers while explaining the modelling approaches of macro stress testing: These two classifications are: Classification by Marco Sorge (2004) and Classification by Antonella Foglia (2009). Figure 2.1 shows the methodology based classification. 2.8 Macro Stress Testing Methodology - Classification 2.8.2 Classification by Foglia, 2009 2.8.1Classification by Sorge, 2004 Piecewise Approach Integrated Approach Structural econometric models Vectorautoregressive models a) Reduced form relationship model b) Structural models approaches Time Series analysis Judgemental approach (added by Melecky and Podpiera, 2010) Panel Regression analysis Source: compiled from research papers Figure 1.1: Macro Stress Testing – Classification Based On Methodology 39 2.8.1. Classification by Sorge, 2004 In the first category of classification, Sorge (2004) categorised stress testing methods in two broad categories. This classification has been followed by various researchers thereafter. - Piecewise Approach and - Integrated Approach Piecewise Approach Piecewise approach involves estimating causal relationship of a macro shock on financial variables individually. It evaluates the vulnerability of the financial sector to single risk factors, by forecasting several “financial soundness indicators” (such as nonperforming advances, capital ratios, etc.) under various macroeconomic stress scenarios (Sorge, 2004; Marcelo et al., 2008; India - Financial Stability Report, December 2010). It estimates the impact of a macroeconomic shock on a single financial soundness indicator. The basic analytical framework of this approach includes estimation of a direct relationship between macro fundamentals (X) and risk measures i.e. FSIs (Y) through an econometric model based on historical data. Once the estimated coefficients have been derived from the econometric model, these are used to simulate the impact of adverse macro scenarios on the vulnerability of the financial system (Sorge, 2004). This approach can be represented as ( , ≥ = { 40 , } where, for each portfolio i and time t, Y is the measure of default. For example, nonperforming loan ratio or loan loss reserve which is estimated as a linear function of past realisations of a vector X of relevant macro variables (GDP, Inflation, interest rates, stock market indices, unemployment etc.). It can also include vector Z of exogenous bank specific variables like bank size, capitalisation etc. An important point to note is that macro stress testing is forecasting Y under extreme assumptions for macroeconomic variables as denoted by tail realisation of ≥ (Sorge, 2004). Generally, these models are relatively simple to implement. However, an important limitation of this approach relates to the rigid linear relationships that are usually estimated between macro variables and bank risks. These models further can be classified into two subsets. - Reduced form relationship models: models that estimate the equation as reduced form relationship using either time-series or panel data techniques. - Structural models: models that analyse the fragility of the banking system due to changes in macroeconomic indicators in the economy wise or interindustry structural models. Several papers have adopted these two modelling options while conducting macro stress testing. The below section reviews some of papers based on the above categorisation. Reduced Form Relationship Models Reduced form relationship models are the models that specify a particular relationship between a balance sheet indicator (in our case a financial soundness indicator) and 41 macroeconomic variables by a single equation. These models can be conducted as time series analysis or panel data analysis. The two forms have been discussed below: - Time Series Analysis: One of the simplest techniques to implement stress testing is Time-series analysis. In this technique, regression equations are employed using historical data to establish the relationship between measures of default and macroeconomic variables. Thereafter, the researchers can assess the vulnerability of the financial system by bringing about shocks to the macroeconomic variables (Sorge, 2004; Howard, 2008). The below section discusses literature on time series analysis: Kalirai and Scheicher (2002), perform macro stress testing for the Austrian banking system from 1990 to 2001 using time series regression with respect to Loan Loss Provision (LLP) as a proxy for credit risk and a host of the macro economic factors. These macroeconomic factors have been categorised as Cyclical Indicators (GDP, Industrial Production and Output gap), Price Stability Indicators (Inflation and Money Growth), Household Indicators (Consumption Expenditure, Unemployment Rate, Employee Compensation and New-Car Registration), Corporate Indicators (Investment Expenditure, Gross Fixed Capital Formation, Productivity per Employee, Business Confidence and Bankruptcies), financial Market Indicators (Interest Rates, Stock Indices) and External Variables (Exports, Exchange Rates and Oil Prices). The authors have taken a comprehensive set of variables for conducting macro stress tests. Hoggarth and Zicchino (2005) employ the Vector Autoregressive (VAR) approach to stress testing the UK banking system. Their work takes into account the feedback 42 effects of the fragility of banks’ balance sheet to the macro economy. The paper focuses on the relationship between banks’ write offs as reflected by ‘the write-off to loan ratio’ (household and corporate write-offs both aggregate and disintegrated) and macroeconomic variables like UK output gap, nominal interest rate, inflation and real exchange rate. This paper is an important paper in terms of methodology adopted. The authors employed a new approach to stress testing and paved way for many further studies. Hanschel and Monnin (2005) have developed a ‘composite stress index’ which summarises the condition of the Swiss banking sector in a single measure and enables the forecast of the stress index using macroeconomic variables. They used four types of variables to build the stress index namely, market price data, balance sheet data, non-public data and other structural variables. Roy and Bhattacharya (2011) have also employed Recursive Vector Autoregression (RVAR) model to investigate the dynamic impact of changes in the macroeconomic variables on the default rate. The default rate employed in the study is based on gross NPAs and gross advances, while the macroeconomic variables are Output Gap, Consumer Price Index, Real Effective Exchange rate, Bank rate, repo rate and reverse repo rate. This paper is one of the few studies on macro stress testing conducted in the Indian context. Vazquez et al. (2012) use time series econometrics to establish a relationship between selected macroeconomic variables like Credit growth, GDP growth and 43 changes in the yield curve and use the results to build a stressed scenario in the context of the Brazilian economy. Reserve Bank of India in its bi annual test of resilience of Indian banking system (Financial Stability Reports) also uses time series analysis to model credit risk as a function of macroeconomic variables. The macroeconomic variables employed for the study are Gross value added at basic price, weighted average lending rate, CPI (combined inflation), exports to GDP ratio, current account balance to GDP ratio and gross fiscal deficit to GDP ratio. Multivariate Regression, Vector Autoregression (VAR) and Quantile Regression models have been adopted for econometric analysis. The advantage of time series analysis is that it is one of the simplest techniques to apply, but at the same time, the technique suffers from an important limitation in that it aggregates the microeconomic defaults that lead to financial stress (Howard, 2008). - Panel Data Regression: Another segment of reduced form relationship is Panel data regression. Some researchers have conducted macroeconomic stress testing using panel data regression in two forms: panel data for aggregate banking system across the countries or individual banks within a single country. The studies based on panel data across countries for aggregate banking include a study by Pesola (2001) who has employed an econometric model using panel data for analysing the macroeconomic reasons for the banking crisis in the four Nordic Countries (Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland) during the 1980s and 1990s. The macroeconomic variables used were lagged dependent variables, lagged percentage 44 change in GDP, an income variable combined with lagged aggregate indebtedness, a real interest rate variable combined with lagged aggregate indebtedness and a deregulation dummy. The author used two alternative dependent variables: a) ratio of banks’ loan losses to lending (loan losses per banks’ outstanding lending stock) and b) enterprise bankruptcies per capita. Bikker and Hu (2002) used panel data regression to examine the relationship between macroeconomic variables and provisions for credit losses for 26 industrial countries. The macroeconomic variables used by the author are GDP, inflation, loans, net profits and failures. The second section where panel study is conducted across individual banks within a single country includes studies by Yap (2011) who has employed panel data regression for 29 domestic Indonesian banks to develop a credit model to detect the susceptibility of banking sector to get into financial distress by establishing the relationship between macroeconomic determinants and loan loss provisions. Clair (2004) provides a study of possible macroeconomic determinants of changes in Singapore’s financial performance and resilience. Initially, he identifies two sets of factors, namely macroeconomic factors and bank nominal data. Out of 30 indicators chosen for analysis, only around 12 factors contained important information. As per the author, an ideal methodology would be to build a multi-equation framework that captures inter linkages between income statement and balance sheet by following a structural simultaneous equation system. However, due high volatility of bank data, a reduced form Vector Auto regression (VAR) model was derived. Thereafter, Panel 45 regression analysis was utilised to explore the effect of the macroeconomic cycle on banks while testing for interbank differences. Further stress testing was carried out. Kosmidou and Moutsianas (2015) have developed a macro stress testing framework to assess the stability of Greek banking system using Panel data regression using GDP growth, inflation, Industrial production index, unemployment rate and economic sentimental indicator as the macroeconomic variables. Gerlach et al. (2005) have used the panel data approach for 29 retail banks in Hongkong SAR to study the impact of macroeconomic developments on bank profitability (as reflected by Net interest margin) and solvency (as reflected by NPL ratio). The authors have used 3 sets of variables in their study - macroeconomic variables like economic growth and inflation to examine the state of the economy, financial variables such as interest rates and changes in property prices and bank specific variables such as asset size and sectoral concentration in lending. Vazquez et al. (2012), in their paper, use panel data econometrics to perform macro stress testing of credit risk based on scenario analysis as one of the objectives. They estimate the sensitivity of NPLs to macro variables like GDP growth, credit growth and interest rates. Hadad et al. (2007) also use Panel data regression (General Unrestricted Panel Model) for the Indonesian banking system using the data of 131 banks. The variables employed in the study are GDP, Inflation, money growth, Sertifikat Bank of Indonesia’s rate, foreign exchange, gasoline prices and diesel fuel prices. 46 Structural Models Structural models are usually employed by the central banks for forecast and policy analysis (Sorge, 2004; Howard, 2008). Foglia (2008) states that in structural models, ‘a set of initial shocks are taken as exogenous inputs and their interactions with the other macroeconomic variables are projected over the scenario horizon. The simulations will produce a range of economic and financial variables as outputs, such as GDP, interest rates, the exchange rate, and other variables’. The advantage of such structural models is that their use leads to consistency across the predicted values in the stress scenario. They also allow for endogenous policy reactions to the initial shock. Integrated Approach An integrated approach involves combining the analysis of multiple risk factors into a single estimate of the probability distribution of aggregate losses that could materialise in a given stress scenario. It combines the analysis of the sensitivity of the financial system to multiple risk factors into a single estimate of the probability distribution of aggregate losses that could materialise under any given stress scenario (Sorge, 2004; Marcelo et al., 2008; India-Financial Stability Report, December 2010). This section reviews the literature available related to integrated risk models that take into account multiple sources of risk together and provide an integrated assessment of the overall vulnerability of the financial systems. One of the initial developments in the integrated modelling was Systematic Risk Model (SRM) that has been developed by the Austrian Central Bank 47 (Oesterreichische Nationalbank – OeNB) for stress testing and financial stability analysis. It is an integrated framework that combines credit risk, market risk and interbank contagion risk (Boss et al., 2006). Another integrated model, the Risk Assessment Model of Systematic Institutions (RAMSI) model that has been developed by the Bank of England, integrates credit, market and liquidity risks. RAMSI is an example of a top-down stress testing model. In this model, a macro shock leads to both market and credit losses and leads to downgrading of bank’s liquidity through a scoring system (Demekas, 2015; Burrows et al., 2012; Aikman et al., 2009). Wong and Hui (2009) developed a liquidity stress testing framework with interaction between market and credit risks. This paper highlights an integral aspect wherein liquidity risk and default risks of financial institutions are inter-related (Wong and Hui, 2009). Barnhill and Schumacher (2011) proposed an integrated methodology for modelling correlated systematic solvency and liquidity risks for the banking system to estimate the probability that multiple banks will fail or face liquidity runs simultaneously. In 2012, Macro Financial Risk Assessment Framework (MFRAF) was developed by Bank of Canada. This model goes beyond most macro-stress testing methods and integrates funding liquidity risk, solvency risk and the spill over effects of the interbank exposures (Gautheir and Souissi, 2012). 48 The below table summarises the important differences between Piecewise approach and Integrated Approach to Macro stress testing. Table No 2.1: Piecewise vs Integrated Approach “PIECEWISE APPROACH” Forecasting models of individual financial soundness indicators MAIN MODELLING OPTIONS Time series or Panel data “INTEGRATED APPROACH” Combining the analysis of multiple risk factors into a single portfolio loss distribution Macro-econometric risk model á la Wilson (1997) Reduced-form or Structural Micro-structural risk model á la models Merton (1974) Intuitive and with low Integrates analysis of market and computational burden credit risks Simulates shift in entire loss PROS Broader characterisation of stress distribution driven by the impact scenario of macroeconomic shocks on individual risk components’ Has been applied to capture Monetary policy trade-offs nonlinear effects of macro shocks on credit risk CONS Mostly linear functional forms Non-additivity of value-at-risk have been used measures across institutions Parameter instability over longer horizons Most models so far have focused on credit risk only, usually limited to short-term horizon Available studies have not dealt No feedback effects with feedback effects Loan loss provisions and nonperforming loans may be noisy indicators of credit risk Source: Sorge 2004 49 2.8.2. Classification by Foglia, 2009 The second set of classification was introduced by Foglia (2009) and thereafter has been followed by many researchers. As per this classification there are 3 types of methodologies. a) Structural Econometric models b) Vector-Autoregressive models c) Pure Statistical approaches. Melecky and Podpiera, (2010) added another approach to the above 3 approaches. d) Judgemental approach. Structural Econometric Models: same as explained in section b) Structural models. Vector-Autoregressive Models: Sometimes a well developed structural macroeconomic model is not available, in which case Vector Autoregression (VAR) or Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) model can be used. (Melecky and Podpiera, 2010). ‘In these models, a set of macroeconomic variables are jointly affected by the initial shock, and the vector process is used to project the stress scenario’s combined impact on this set of variables’ (Foglia, 2009). Foglia (2009) asserted that VAR models are flexible and relatively simple to employ and interpret, however these models do not incorporate the economic structure as in macro modelling approach. VAR model are in fact part of time series models as discussed in the section-reduced form of equations. VAR models as discussed in Time Series analysis can be referred to for further study. 50 Pure Statistical Approaches: In the pure statistical approaches, the macroeconomic and financial variables are modelled through a multivariate t-copula. This enables researchers to work on marginal distributions instead of multivariate distributions and allows capturing the co-dependence among macro-financial variables at the time of stress by recording of higher moments’ dependence among macro- financial variables. However, such an approach may not be suitable for policy analysis (Foglia, 2009; Melecky and Podpiera, 2010). For example- Systematic Risk Monitor (SRM) model as developed by Oesterreichische Nationalbank (OeNB) (Boss et al., 2006). Judgemental Approach: Melecky and Podpiera (2010) argue that sometimes statistical or econometric models may not be capable of producing appropriate stress scenarios due to lack of historical data; in such a case judgemental approach is used. Judgemental models allow more robust cross-country analysis, particularly by employing the experience of the countries that suffered financial crisis in deriving the shocks to the macroeconomic variables. However, such an approach may not be considered consistent with the structural macroeconomic models (Melecky and Podpiera, 2010). 2.9 Credit Risk Modelling As described above, credit risk implies to the possibility of credit losses due to nonrepayment or failure of the borrower to meet contractual loan obligations. It is one of the most dominant risk categories pertaining to the banking sector and impacts the capital adequacy requirements the most. Therefore, from the perspective of macro stress testing, Credit Risk Modelling is one of the most important aspects of the overall analytical risk framework. The objective of Credit Risk Modelling is to 51 establish relationship between the credit risk parameters. This area has been widely analysed. There are two important approaches which enable us to evaluate and analyse the relationship between Credit risk and Macroeconomic variables a) Merton model – One of the early models of credit risk was developed by Merton (1974). In his initial work, he assumed that value of assets of a firm follow a stochastic process (Quagliariello, 2009). According to this model, a firm is expected to default when the value of its assets falls below a threshold value of its liabilities (Pesaran et al., 2006; Drehmann, 2005). This model consists of modelling the response of equity prices to macroeconomic factors after which the asset price movements are mapped into default probabilities (Avouyi et al., 2009). Several researchers have employed the Merton model for stress testing. Drehmann (2005) applied the Merton model for corporate exposures of UK banks. Another important paper in this area is written by Pesaran et al. (2005) who developed the relationship between macroeconomic dynamics and credit risk from a global perspective (Pesaran et al., 2006). However, this model had an important limitation. It relied on market prices which were not available for the non-listed companies and households, which constituted a large part of banks’ portfolios. The model also suffered from several empirical problems like robustness (Quagliariello, 2009). b) Wilson Model – The other important model for credit risk modelling was developed by Wilson (1997a and b). In case of the Wilson model, the default rate of an economic sector is directly related to macroeconomic factors. Wilson employed probit model and identified macroeconomic factors as systemic risk 52 drivers along with firm-specific factors (Quagliariello, 2009). This model thereafter has been employed by several authors for further research. This model was applied by Boss (2002) in case of Austria and Virolainen (2004) in case of Finland and Choi Fong Wong (2008) in case of Hong Kong. Table 2.2 provides the summary of literature review Table 2.2 Summary of Literature Review Proxy for Author (Year) Country Period credit Macroeconomic variables Risk Gross Financial NPA/ Stability Reports India March 2010 to Dec 2016 2010- Total 2016 advances (in form of Growth Indicators -Real GDP, Real GDP-agriculture, Real GDP- industry, Industrial production logit npa) Price stability indicators- WPI, CPI, M3 Interest Rate (Nominal) indicators Interest rate short term, interest rate long term Financial market indicators- Sensex, Nifty External sector indicators - Exchange rate (USD), REER, Exports, Trade 53 Proxy for Author (Year) Country Period credit Macroeconomic variables Risk log of nominal exchange rate, Net Banerjee and Murali (2015) India 19972012 FII, GDP output gap (Actual GDPNPA potential GDP), log of deposits, log of nominal interest prime lending rate, CRR, WPI NPL/(1-NPL) Non-performing loans, GDPGR Growth rate of real GDP, ADVGR Growth in real advances, BKOFF Growth in number of bank offices, Das and Ghosh (2007) India 19942005 INEFF Operating expenses/total asset, NPRIOL Loans NPL to non-priority sector/ total loans, SIZE Interest Log(bank income asset), SPRD less interest expense/total asset, CRAR Capital (tier-I plus tier- II)/risk weighted assets, PRM Income from loans/total loans less call money rate Yap (2011) Indonesia 20012010 MAC =macroeconomic fundamentals - RGDP growth- LLP(Loan growth in real GDP, Inflation, loss Change in balance of goods and provision) services, Change in annual interest rates, Financial markets= returns of stock market, Exchange Rate FS=Financial soundness indicators FA/GDP=Net foreign assets/GDP, 54 Proxy for Author (Year) Country Period credit Macroeconomic variables Risk Changes in annual lending rates, Changes in reserves of deposits money banks Stock index - High Returns - measures peak performance of stock market in a particular year, Low returns- measures worst performance Bank specific indicators - INEFFICIENCY= Cost to income ratio SR (t-1), Change in GVA, Weighted average lending rate(t-1), Exports to GDP ratio (t-2), CPI (combined ) inflation) (t-1), Gross Fiscal deficit to GDP ratio(t-2) Kalirai Scheicher (2002) LLP and Austria = 1990- Total loan Cyclical 2001 provisions/ Indicators - GDP, Industrial production, Output gap Total loans Price stability indicators - Inflation, M1 Household indicators –Consumption, Unemployment, Employee compensation, New car registrations 55 Proxy for Author (Year) Country Period credit Macroeconomic variables Risk Corporate indicators – Investment, Total gross fixed capital formulation (GFCF), GCFC construction- nonresidential, GFCF construction- residential, GFCF- machinery and equipment, Real productivity, Business climate index, Bankruptcies Financial market Nominal 3-month indicators interest rate, Nominal 10-year bond yields, Real 3-month interest rate, Real 10-year bond yields, ATX, DJIA, DAX, Euro STOXX, Yield Curve External indicators – Exports, ATS/USD Exchange rate, GBP Exchange rate, ATS/ ATS/ ITL exchange rate, ATS/ CHF exchange rate, ATS/ JPY exchange rate, Oil price (north sea), Oil price(Arab light), Oil Price (brent crude, 1 month forward) Hesse and Cihak OECD 1994- (2007) 2004 Kearns (2004) countries Ireland 19822003 Z score banking industry specific variables, bank specific variables LLR (loan Real GDP growth rate, loss Unemployment rate, Earnings before provision) taxation and provisioning, Annual 56 Proxy for Author (Year) Country Period credit Macroeconomic variables Risk growth in stock of loans, Loans/ Total Assets, Total Capital/Total Assets Real Bikker and 29 OECD 1991- Metzemakers countries 2001 LLR (loan loss provision) GDP growth rate, Unemployment rate, Earnings before taxation and provisioning, Annual growth in stock of loans, Loans/ Total Assets, Total Capital/Total Assets Hanschel and Switzerlan Monnin (2005) d Market Price data - banks' stock 1987- price index, yield spreads for bank- 2002 issued bonds Balance sheet data -total interbank deposits, return on assets of banking sector, variation in bank capital, banking sectors provision rates Non-public data-total assets of banks under scrutiny(disclosed by Swiss federal banking commission) Other structural variables -variation in number of bank branches Output gap –derived from Cobb Hoggarth et al. (2005) UK 1993- DV write 2004 off ratio douglas production Nominal short-term interest rate, Annual RPIX exchange rate 57 function, inflation, Real Proxy for Author (Year) Country Period credit Macroeconomic variables Risk Vazquez (2012) Brazil 20012009 NPL (logit GDP growth rate, total loans in bank transformat credit portfolio, slope of domestic ion) yield curve GDP, Lakstutiene et al. (2015) Lithuania 2001- Probability 2008 of default Household consumer spending, export and import of goods and services, unemployment, housing prices, net salary, loan portfolio, interest for loans, inflation, 1990 Clair (2004) Singapore to 2003 Roy and Bhattacharya India (2011) NPL/Total Loan ratio 1995- Default 2007 rate Bankruptcy, GDP, Inflation, Interest rate, Share market, Unemployment rate Output gap, Inflation rate (CPI), REER, bank rate, repo rate, reverse repo rate Hong Wong, Choi, Kong and 1994- and Fong (2008) mainland 2006 Default GDP growth rates , interest rates, and rate real estate prices China GDP growth, interest rates, corporate 1986 Virolainen Finland (2004) to 2003 probability of default indebtedness, inflation, industrial production, growth rate of real wages, the stock price index and the oil prices Zeman Jurca (2008) and Slovak 1995 NPL ratio to 58 Cyclical Indicators- GDP, Industrial production, Output gap Proxy for Author (Year) Country Period credit Macroeconomic variables Risk 2006 Price Stability indicators - Inflation, growth of M1 monetary Aggregate Financial Nominal Market and indicators- real 3 BRIBOR(Bratislava mnth Interbank offered rate), SAX (Slovak stock Index External indicators - Export, oil price, exchange rate SKK/EUR Annual growth of GDP, Inflation Kyriaki and Moutsianas Greece 2001- Loan Loss (CPI), Industrial Production index, 2013 Provision Unemployment rate, economic Chinese currency sentiment indicator GDP Rongjie and Yang (2011) China growth, 1985- Default exchange rate, nominal interest rate, 2008 rate real property index, CPI, unemployment rate Cylical Boss et (2009) al. Austria indicators, Corporate Household 1970- indicators, indicators, 2007 External indicators, Price stability indicators and interest rates Probabiliti Burrows et al. UK 2011 Real GDP, M4 lending, nominal of GDP, nominal effective corporate interest rate default, es 59 Proxy for Author (Year) Country Period credit Macroeconomic variables Risk write-off Aggregate Default Aikman et al. (2009) UK 1997- pobabilitie 2007 s, Loss given (2009) Filosa (2007) UK Italy 19932005 and 10 yr govt bond rate, unemployment, Real house prices, Income gearing, Corportae lending, 3 m LIBOR spread, 10 Yr corporate spread, Real Oil Prices, Real world default Alessandri Real GDP, CPI, 3 m-T-bill rate, yr equity prices Default Real output, CPI inflation, real probability equity prices, overnight nominal *Loss interest rate, 20 yr nominal interest given rate, sterling-dollar real exchange default rate, oil prices 1990- Log of Output gap, Inflation rate, spread, 2005 default rate capital to loans ratio Business activity - GDP growth Havrylchyk South 2001- (2010) Africa 2008 Quality of loan portfolio Real GDP growth, GFCF Real growth in gross fixed capital formation, Index Change in All-share index at the Johannesburg Stock Exchange Interest rate - Prime rate, Nominal prime overdraft interest rate set by the South African Reserve Bank, Real prime overdraft interest rate set by the South African 60 Proxy for Author (Year) Country Period credit Macroeconomic variables Risk Reserve Bank BA rate Real interest rate at which banker's acceptances are traded Prices – Inflation, Inflation without housing costs, M1 growth, Growth in M1 aggregate, M2 growth, Growth in M2 aggregate, M3 growth, Growth in M3 aggregate Household Property sector- Nominal growth in property prices, Consumption Growth in real consumption, Debt/Income A ratio of debt to disposable income of households, Employment Change in the employment index, Wage Change in wage index External economy - Commodities Change in commodity price index, Oil price Change in oil prices, REER Change in real effective interest rate, Terms of trade Change in terms of trade Greece, Castro(2012) Ireland, 1997- Portugal, 2011 NPL/Total gross Loan ratio Spain and Real GDP growth rate, Unemployment rate, interest rate, overall credit growth, growth rate of share price indices, REER, terms of 61 Proxy for Author (Year) Country Period credit Macroeconomic variables Risk Italy trade, inflation GDP, Bikker and Hu OECD 1979- (2001) 1999 countries Profits Unemployment, inflation, share prices, M3, loans, interest differential, non-bank deposits, capital and reserves Gerlach (2005) Hongkong 1994- NPL/Total 2002 Loan ratio Macro: Economic growth, inflation Financial variables: interest rates, change in property prices Bank specific: asset size, sectoral concentration in lending Boss (2002) Austria Amediku (2006) Ghana default probability 19952005 NPL same as Kalirai and Scheicher (2002) REER, Imports, Inflation (CPI), prime rate, Output gap REER, CPI, Terms of trade index, Tracy (2007) Jamaica 1997- NPL/Total 2006 loans ratio Ratio of public to private loans for commercial banks, loan stock, 180 day treasury bill rate, growth of M1 deflated by CPI Hadad (2007) Indonesia 1996- Loan Loss 2005 Provisions GDP, Inflation, growth of money, Sertifikat Bank of Indonesia’s rate, foreign exchange, gasoline prices, 62 Proxy for Author (Year) Country Period credit Macroeconomic variables Risk diesel fuel prices Drehmann (2005) Quagiliariello et al. UK 19802003 Italy Default Output gap, inflation, three month rate interest rate and real exchange rate Source: Compiled from research papers 63 CHAPTER 3 Research Objectives Based on theoretical underpinnings and an extensive review of literature, this chapter lays down the objectives of the research. Section 3.1 presents the Research Gap. Section 3.2 aims to build up on the research gap and proposes the Research Questions followed by Section 3.3 which states the Objectives of study. 3.1 Research Gap As discussed in the review of literature, stress testing has become an integral tool to examine the resilience of the financial systems across the globe. The importance of stress testing can hardly be overemphasized with IMF and World Bank making it mandatory for the systematically important economies of the world (including India) to undergo financial stability assessment under FSAP every five years. Stress Testing, in fact, provides useful insights with respect to the micro prudential supervision and macro prudential assessment of the financial system vulnerabilities. Macro prudential surveillance enables quantifying the macro-to-micro linkages and focuses on the linkages between macroeconomic variables and micro prudential supervision of the banking sector (Foglia, 2009). Currently, there is a lot of ongoing research in the field of macro stress testing at the world level with IMF, Central banks and researchers constantly aiming to improvise the existing models in all dimensions to cover a broader framework of risks and capture the dynamism in the financial systems. A lot of significant changes have been 64 made in the assessment of financial stability through stress testing by incorporating the learnings from the global financial crisis of 2007-08. However, it is one of the modelling areas which still require a lot of further research and development due to the ever-dynamic financial environment and constant exposure of the financial systems to the vulnerabilities of the global economies (Foglia, 2009). Also, with the increasing importance and credibility attached to this practice, it becomes necessary to assess and review the existing underlying framework of stress testing. In the Indian context also, RBI conducts the financial stability assessment and publishes the Financial Stability Report (FSR) on a bi-annual basis and Stress testing is an important part of FSR. The first FSR was published in March 2010. However, there is a notable absence of research in the area of macro stress testing. There is a lot of scope of research in this area as not much research been conducted due to lack of publicly available uniform banking data. At the central bank level, a lot of improvements have been made with regard to the macro stress testing exercise over the last many years; however, there are many areas which can be further reviewed. After a thorough review of the stress testing practices across the globe and the Indian practices, a number of areas have been identified in which the stress testing framework as adopted in the Indian context can be improved. We may not be dealing with all these gaps in the present thesis. However, identification of gaps can provide us further avenues for research. Researchers worldwide have endeavoured to incorporate an array of macroeconomic indicators which may affect the assessment of credit risk. However, again in the 65 Indian context, very few macroeconomic variables have been included. In the FSR of December 2016, the variables include Change in Gross Value Added, Weighted average lending rate, Exports to GDP ratio, CPI (combined) inflation and Gross Fiscal deficit to GDP ratio. These variables do not capture the entire gamut of dynamics of the financial system vulnerabilities. There are many variables like money supply, exchange rate, trade variables, oil prices, financial market variables, unemployment etc. which may have an impact on the banking system which have not been captured by the central bank’s stress testing exercise. In fact, over the last many years, not many changes have been introduced to make the model more inclusive. Therefore, there is a need to re-examine the variables that may have an impact on the stress testing exercise. The inclusion of many variables may make the credit assessment model quite complicated and difficult to interpret. Therefore, the relevant factors need to be assessed and accordingly the research can be conducted. The methodology for the same has been discussed in the research methodology section. Another area of focus can be the calibration of the stress scenarios. Presently, in the methodology adopted by the central bank, the risk scenarios include a baseline scenario and two adverse macroeconomic scenarios-medium risks (up to 1 standard deviation) and severe risk (up to 2 standard deviations) based on last 10 years historical data. Although it may be quite inclusive, as the risks are evolving, there is a need to re-examine the potential scenarios to include a wider range of possibilities that may not be historical. It can be done by employing Impulse Response Function (IRF), Variance Decomposition Analysis (VDA) and calibrate more scenarios to illustrate the dynamic characteristics of the empirical model. 66 In the Indian context, there is a huge gap in terms of the techniques of modelling currently being used for performing stress tests. For investigation into the current position of macro stress testing of credit risk in the Indian context, time series technique (VECM model along with its variants) will be employed. The research will be further supplemented by Impulse Response Function and Variance Decomposition Analysis. In other countries, various integrated models are used - Systematic Risk Model (SRM) (Boss et al., 2006), Risk Assessment Model of Systematic Institutions (RAMSI – Bank of England) (Demekas, 2015, Burrows et al., 2012, Aikman et al., 2009) ; Macro Financial Risk assessment Framework (MFRAF – Bank of Canada (Gautheir and Souissi, 2012); Corelated Systematic Liquidity and Solvency Risk (Barnhill and Schumacher, 2011) ; and Stress Test framework with interaction between market and credit risk (Wong and Hui, 2009). There is a huge scope for developing an integrated model, but in the Indian context, availability of granular data is a major problem. Subject to availability of data, an integrated model can be developed on the lines of the above models. These models will have to be adapted in the Indian context as the “one size fits all’ approach does not suit Stress testing because of differences in financial and macroeconomic conditions across the globe. Also, as part of stress testing exercise by RBI, the resilience of the Indian banking sector is subjected to a series of macro stress tests for credit risk against macroeconomic shocks. In fact, worldwide, most of the existing literatures on macro prudential stress testing focuses on credit risk modelling. However, the financial crisis of 2007-08 highlighted the importance of the linkages between credit risk, market 67 risk, interest rate risks and liquidity risks and how their interdependence can lead to financial breakdown of the economies (Foglia, 2009). Hence, it is very important to conduct stress testing with respect to other forms of risk which impact the banking systems, viz., market risk, liquidity risk and interest rate risk. In fact, there is enough scope to evolve a risk model that integrates the various risk types. To make the stress testing practice more credible and robust, stress testing framework should include various risk types. This is because all risks to some extent are interrelated. When liquidity in the system is reduced, credit risks increase; market risks impact interest rate risk which further impacts credit risks. Increase in credit risk give rise to NPAs which affect liquidity. Therefore, it is important that an integrated and holistic approach is adopted for undertaking stress tests. Various researchers across the globe have expanded the macro-prudential stress testing practices to include market risk, liquidity risks and interest rate risks. However, in the Indian context, the Financial Stability Report deals with macro stress testing with respect to ‘credit risk’ only. There is a scope for assessment of other risk types, either individually or develop an integrated model for risk assessment. However the data required for stress testing for other risks is not available publicly in the Indian scenario which prevents us from conducting research in this area. Nevertheless, this is an important research gap. 68 3.2 Research Questions Within this given framework of stress testing, an attempt has been made to address the following questions in this research: a) What are the most important macroeconomic determinants that affect credit risk in the Indian banking system? b) What is the impact of changes in macroeconomic variables on financial soundness indicator of credit risk in the Indian banks? c) How resilient is the Indian banking sector towards macroeconomic shocks as simulated through our credit risk model? 3.3 Objectives of the Study Based on the research questions, the following are the objectives of our study: a) To identify the main macroeconomic variables that affect the credit risk in the Indian banking and investigate the dynamics between the Financial Soundness Indicator reflecting credit risk and the identified macroeconomic determinants. b) To prepare a macroeconomic stress testing model that estimates the relationship between macroeconomic variables and credit risk. c) To evaluate and assess the resilience of the Indian banking system by reviewing the current macro stress testing methodology for credit risk (conducted by Reserve Bank of India) with the aim of improving the existing model. d) To calibrate the most relevant macro stress testing scenarios keeping in view the existing dynamic vulnerabilities. 69 CHAPTER 4 Research Methods and Procedures This chapter presents the research methodology that has been adopted in conducting our empirical research. This chapter aims to lays down a blueprint to facilitate our research objectives and answer the research questions which have been put to test. Section 4.1 provides the scope of the study in terms of the macro stress testing approach to be followed for the research along with the coverage of the financial institutions. Section 4.2 elaborates on the data collection techniques which include the sources of data and the period of study. It also describes the type of risk under investigation along with the rationale for choosing that particular risk. It also highlights the credit risk model on which our study is based. Section 4.3 presents the operationalisation of variables that have been employed in our research along with the data constraints and logical reasoning for taking the particular variables for investigation. Section 4.4 puts forward the methodology and framework for the study along with the rationale for the application of a particular econometric technique. 4.1. Scope of the Study 4.1.1. Approach: As discussed in Chapter 2, to translate and map macroeconomic shocks and scenarios into financial sector variables, there can be two approaches of macro stress testing - Top-down (TD) or Bottom-up (BU). 70 a) Top-Down Approach- Top-down exercises are conducted by the national authorities to examine the impact of macroeconomic shocks on the financial stability of the institutions of a country in a centralised manner by employing macro-economic data or aggregated bank data under consistent methodology and assumptions (Kearns, 2004; Cihak, 2007; Oura and Schumacher, 2012; Henry and Kok, 2013). b) Bottom-up approach- Bottom-up exercises are conducted by individual financial institutions by using their own data and their internal respective risk models to estimate the impact to various scenarios using highly disaggregated data (Moretti et al., 2008; Oura and Schumacher, 2012). Top-down approach to stress testing has been used for this study. 4.1.2. Financial Institution Coverage One of the most important decisions regarding macro stress testing is the coverage of the relevant financial institutions that should be included for the analysis. Here it is important to evaluate the scope of the research - whether to include a particular set of financial institutions or the entire gambit of financial institutions like, banks, nonbanks, co-operative banks, insurance companies, pension funds, hedge funds, shadow banks etc. This study is confined to the Banking system in India due to the following reasons: - The area of financial stability is organically linked with banking stability. Banking system is considered as a yardstick to determine whether an economy is strong enough to withstand shocks (RBI Working Paper, 2013) 71 - Banking system is the most dominant segment in the Indian financial system with the commercial banks accounting for more than 64% of the total assets of the financial system (IBEF, 2016). - Due to its strategic importance for all member nations, work on stress testing with respect to the banking system is the most advanced at IMF. - In the current landscape of Indian banking industry, credit risk has emerged as a very critical risk type. The banking stability indicator (BSI) as released by RBI shows an increase in the credit risk pertaining to the banking sector due to the continuous deterioration in the asset quality. (FSR, Dec 2016). - Data constraints - In the Indian context, there is a dearth of publicly available data pertaining to non-banking segment of the financial system which makes it very difficult to conduct research in the area. In this current backdrop, the thesis will be focusing on macro stress testing of the Indian banking sector. 4.2. Data Collection This section covers the sources of data and the time period of study. 4.2.1. Sources of Data The study is based on secondary sources of data. As International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank and Bank of International Settlements (BIS) have been extensively involved in the research in the area of stress testing, majority of the literature review has been done based on research from IMF, World Bank and BIS. Apart from this, major sources of reading material include Financial Stability Reports of the several countries with special focus on the reports issued by Reserve Bank of 72 India. Several Research papers in this field have also been retrieved from EBSCO, Proquest, SSRN and Google Scholar. The data pertaining to the variables has been collected from (Global Economic Monitor (World Bank indicators); RBI-Statistical Tables Related to banking and Handbook of Statistics on the Indian Economy and US Energy Information Administration. 4.2.2. Period of Study Another important aspect in the analysis of stress testing practices is the decision regarding the time horizon that should be used in the analysis. In our study, the time period of study is 1996 Q2 to 2016 Q4. The following are the arguments for choosing the said time period. Initially the year 1991 was taken as the commencement year for the study because the year 1991 is an important year in the Indian financial landscape as this year marked the launch of an era of Economic liberalisation. It started a new era of Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation. However, on a closer perusal of pilot data, the sample date was revised from 1991 to 1996 due to following reasons: - Data pertaining to External indicators: A series of financial reforms related to exchange regime were initiated in 1991, starting from downward exchange rate adjustment by 9% and 11 % in 1991 to putting in place, liberalised exchange rate management system (LERMS) in 1992 involving dual exchange rate system to finally replacing it with unified exchange rate system in March 1993 (Dua and Ranjan, 2012). This would also have a major impact on the external indicators. Due to the introduction of such changes in the initials years after 1991 and time 73 taken for the exchange rate to get stabilised, it was prudent to take the data from 1994 onwards. - Data pertaining to Financial Market indicators: Four indicators were examined with respect to financial markets – Market Capitalisation of BSE, Market Capitalisation of NSE, Market Capitalisation of World and Market Capitalisation of US for our analysis. Out of these variables, Market capitalisation of NSE was an important indicator as NSE is ranked as the largest stock exchange in India in terms of total and average daily turnover for equity shares every year since 1995 based on SEBI data (NSE). Therefore it is an important variable for our analysis However, NSE begun its operations in 1994 due to which the data is available post 1994. - Data pertaining to Growth indicators: As the year 1991 marked the year of economic liberalisation, there were lots of changes in the growth indicators post liberalisation due to radical economic reforms. Therefore, it took time for the economy to stabilise. Also, the quarterly data pertaining to GDP is available only from 1996 Q2. Therefore, the study is from year 1996 Q2-2016 Q4. Quarterly data has been taken to make the analysis more robust. 4.2.3. Risk Modelling – Type of Risk under Investigation An important element in stress testing is the choice of the type of risk to be stressed. Credit risk is the leading source of risk for banks and it is very important to identify, measure and control risk and determine the capital requirement against this risk (Moretti et al., Wall, 20133 and BIS 2000). The main focus of Stress Testing at IMF has also been on bank solvency risk and the most robust and comprehensive 74 framework has been developed on credit risk modelling. There is a growing body of literature that also has started focusing on liquidity and interest rate risks, especially after the lessons learnt from the financial crisis (Jobst et al., 2013). However, in the Indian context, Credit risk has emerged as one of the key banking risks that must be addressed. Also, other forms of risks have not been researched much due to unavailability of data in the public domain. Given the importance of credit risk and its impact on the financial stability, the study focuses on Credit Risk modelling. Credit risk can be defined as: “Credit risk is most simply defined as the potential that a bank borrower or counterparty will fail to meet its obligations in accordance with the agreed terms”. (BIS 2000; RBI, 2010). It is the possibility of losses associated with diminution in the credit quality of borrowers or counterparties (RBI, 2010)”. Credit risk depends on a number of variables. However, based on the review of literature, an attempt has been made try to categorise these variables and derive a crude form of credit risk model which in the later stages of the thesis will be refined and investigated. The crude form of credit risk model that has been employed in the study can be stated as Credit risk t = f (growth indicators, price stability indicators, external sector indicators, financial market indicators, household indicators) 75 indicators, Interest rate In the Macro-stress testing approach, it implies forecasting a measure of distress (Y, here credit risk) under extreme assumptions for the set of macroeconomic variables (Sorge, 2004). Historical data has been employed to evaluate the sensitivity of banks’ balance sheet to the various shocks to macroeconomic fundamentals and then prepare a model. The estimated coefficients derived from the model are used to simulate the impact of the possible stress scenarios on the financial systems in the near future. All variables in the study are considered to be endogenous variables. 4.2.4. Credit Risk Modelling As discussed in detail in the literature review section, there are two approaches to estimate the link between credit risk and macroeconomic factors: Merton model (1974) and Wilson model (1997 a and b). The first approach is based on the work of Merton which uses the option pricing approach to estimate the firms’ probability of default. In the model, the firm is expected to default when the value of its assets falls below a threshold value of its liabilities. In case of Wilson model, the default rate of an economic sector is directly related to macroeconomic factors. The credit risk model framework employed in the study is called Credit Portfolio View (CPV) based on Wilson model (1997a and 1997 b). This model was further employed by Boss (2002) and Virolainen (2004) for stress testing. Here, once the credit risk model is estimated, it can be related to the default risk to macroeconomic factors. Typically, in a credit risk model, there is a proxy for credit risk as a dependent variable and macroeconomic variables are used as explanatory or endogenous variables. 76 4.3. Operationalisation of Variables As mentioned previously, the study is based on Wilson model, which establishes a relationship between a credit risk indicator and macroeconomic factors as systemic risk drivers. Central banks and researchers use various macroeconomic variables to measure the fragility and vulnerabilities of the banking system. In fact, the macroeconomic environment is one of the most important indicators of a country’s financial stability and the selection of macroeconomic factors is of prime importance in the study of macroeconomic stress testing. As per BIS (2000) also, stress testing should take into consideration economic cycles, interest rate and other market movements, and liquidity conditions. After a thorough review of literature, a set of endogenous macroeconomic variables that impact the credit risk have been finalised. The first section describes the credit risk proxies that have been employed by researchers followed by a review of the macroeconomic indicators. 4.3.1. Credit Risk Indicators Credit risk is associated with the quality of loans and is expressed in terms of loan performance. Worldwide, it has been seen that credit risk is one of the most important category of risks which has an important impact on the financial stability. Also, it is the most widely researched category of risk. While conducting research on macroeconomic stress testing, researchers have taken various proxies for credit risk while establishing the relationship between credit risk and macroeconomic fundamentals. Some of these credit risk indicators have overlapping definitions. Also, some authors have also used the terms interchangeably. 77 BIS guidelines on definitions of NPL (BCBS, 2016) state that there are significant differences in how banks identify and report asset quality, also there are no consistent international standards for categorising problems of loans. The terms like nonperforming, loss, write-off etc are used in different contexts across different jurisdictions (BCBS, 2016). In light of above, the literature available on different indicators of credit risk has been examined. Cihak (2007) and Foglia (2009) divide the credit risk modelling into two categories: one based on data on loan performance like Non-Performing Loans (NPLs), Loan Loss Provisions (LLPs) and historical default rates; and the other based on microlevel data related to the default risk of the household and/or the corporate sector. Melecky and Podpiera (2010) also identify two main measures of risk a) the nonperforming loans (NPL, LLP and respective migration rates) and b) probabilities of defaults (PDs) and loss-given default (LGD) and correlation of asset performance for individual credit portfolio components. This section reviews the different indicators of credit risk as taken for research. The most widely employed credit risk proxies are: i) Non Performing Loans (NPLs) / Non Performing Assets (NPA) Ratio – NPL ratio is expressed as ratio of Non-Performing Loans to Gross Loans. This is one of the most common indicators of credit risk. Cihak (2004) states that more than half of the FSAP missions use NPL based approaches. IMF (2006) defines NPL as “Loans (and other assets) should be classified as NPL when a) payments of principal and interest are past due by three months (90 days) or more; b)interest payments equal to three months (90 days) interest or 78 more have been capitalized (reinvested into the principal amount), refinanced, or rolled over (that is, payment has been delayed by agreement and c) evidence exists to classify a loan as non-performing even in the absence of a 90-day past due payment, such as when the debtor files for bankruptcy.” RBI Master Circular (2016) defines NPA as “A non-performing asset (NPA) is a loan or an advance where: a) interest and/or instalment of principal remain overdue for a period of more than 90 days in respect of a term loan, b) the account remains ‘out of order’ in respect of an Overdraft/Cash Credit (OD/CC), c) the bill remains overdue for a period of more than 90 days in the case of bills purchased and discounted, d) the instalment of principal or interest thereon remains overdue for two crop seasons for short duration crops, e) the instalment of principal or interest thereon remains overdue for one crop season for long duration crops, the amount of liquidity facility remains outstanding for more than 90 days, in respect of a securitisation transaction undertaken in terms of guidelines on securitisation dated February 1, 2006, and f) in respect of derivative transactions, the overdue receivables representing positive mark-to-market value of a derivative contract, if these remain unpaid for a period of 90 days from the specified due date for payment”. NPL ratio is a standard measure of loan quality that has been widely used in research to analyse banking sector performance. IMF (2006) includes NPL ratio in the list of Financial Soundness indicators for macro prudential analysis (IMF, 2006 and Roy and Bhattacharya, 2011). Quagliariello (2003), Banerjee and Murali (2015), Amediku (2006) and Zeman and Jurca (2008) have employed NPL ratio 79 for their analysis. The Greek Central Bank, The Croatian Central Bank, and The Central Banks of Albania, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina employ NPL ratios for mapping risk (Melecky and Podpiera, 2010). Henry and Kok (2013) identify NPL ratio as an important ‘balance sheet’ type indicator to assess credit risk. ii) Default Rate –Default rate has been used by different researchers with different meanings. Quagliariello (2009) defines default rate as the ratio of the amount of loans classified as bad debts in the reference period to the performing loans outstanding at the end of the previous one. Roy and Bhattacharya (2011) follow the same approach for investigating the dynamic impact of the changes in the macroeconomic variables on the default rate. Henry and Kok (2013) explain default rate as the number of defaulting loans to the total outstanding loans. Wong et al. (2006) and Filosa, (2007) in their respective researches also suggest a significant relationship between default rate and macroeconomic factors. According to them, default rate is measured as a ratio of the amount of loans which have been overdue for more than three months to the total amount of loans. Van den End et al. (2006) and Rongjie and Yang (2011) have employed two credit risk indicators – Default Rate and LLP (discussed below), however, they define default rate as the number of defaults relative to the population of the firms. Virolainen (2004) has employed Default Rate as the credit risk indicator and has defined default rate as the number of bankruptcy proceedings instituted divided by the number of active companies. Bank of Canada, Bank of England, Bank of Italy, Bank of Spain employ default rates for macro stress testing practices (Foglia, 2009). 80 Zeman and Jurca (2008) assume NPL ratio and default rate as synonymous. Although the two indicators have been used interchangeably, ECB draft guidelines on NPLs (referred as Non Performing Exposures –NPE) suggest that NPLs is a potentially broader concept as compared to default as all defaulted exposures are necessarily NPAs but NPAs can also include those exposures that are not recognised as default (ECB, 2016). iii) Write off Rates (WRO): Bank write-offs are the losses (net of recoveries) suffered on loans by banks. Hoggarth (2005) has employed write-off rates as a proxy for credit risk. He suggests that write-off ratio is the most direct measure of banks’ fragility and is sensitive to downturn in economic activity. However, Henry and Kok (2013) argue that Write-off rates can only be taken as an additional measure of credit risk because write-offs reflect a delayed response to credit risk and can be considered as the final step in banks’ process of recognising credit losses. Roy and Bhattacharya (2011) suggest that NPA ratio and write-offs can be used interchangeably as indicators for explaining asset quality. iv) Slippage Ratios (SR)-slippage ratio can be defined as a ratio of Fresh NPAs (Slippages being fresh accretion to NPAs during a period) to Standard Advances at the beginning of the period. RBI while examining the resilience of the Indian Banking system in the Financial Stability Report employs slippage ratio as a credit risk indicator (RBI - Financial Stability Report). In fact, Default Rate as 81 employed by Quagliariello (2009) and Roy and Bhattacharya (2011) is the same as Slippage ratio. v) Loan Loss Provisions (LLP) - LLPs are the provisions made with respect to loans where the bank is doubtful about the borrowers’ ability to meet their financial obligations. It is expressed as (Total loan loss provisions / Total loans). It can be understood as a periodic expense for possible future loan losses (Yap, 2011). Kalirai and Scheicher (2002), Yap (2011), Van den End et al. (2006), Quagliariello (2007) and Kosmidou and Moutsianas (2015) have employed LLP as a proxy for probable future losses on account of credit risk. Kosmidou and Moutsianas (2015) state that under International Accounting Standard 39, loan loss provisions are determined based on an incurred loss model i.e. there is a measurable decrease in the estimated future cash flows from a group of financial assets and cannot reflect losses based on expected future events. Swiss National bank and Deutsche Bundesbank also employ LLP ratio as the dependent variable in their credit risk model (Foglia, 2009). Central Bank of Poland and Slovenia also employ LLP for analysis (Melecky and Podpiera, 2010) vi) Loan Loss Reserves (LLR) - A similar proxy for measuring credit risk is Loan Loss Reserves (LLR). LLRs can be expressed as loan losses as relative to outstanding NPLs. It is also referred to as ‘coverage ratio’ (Henry and Kok, 2013). Bikker and Metzemakers (2005) investigate stress testing with both loan loss provisions and loan loss reserves as they possess different characteristics. According to them, Loan Loss provision is a discretionary decision and reflects the manager’s approach towards provisioning. However, Loan Loss Reserves 82 reflect actual expected loan losses as it shows the year-on year accumulated net provisioning. Also, according to them, for auditors, management, analysis and regulators, Loan Loss reserves provide more important information regarding the credit portfolio’s quality. The next set of credit risk indicators have been identified by Henry and Kok (2013) and Marcelo et al. (2008) as the key parameters of credit risk. These are Probability of default, Loss given default and Exposure at default or loss rate. However, data constraints are there in employing these parameters as this data is available to the Central banks only. Hence, not many researchers have actually employed these variables for macro stress testing. vii) Probability of default (PDs) - Probability of default implies the probability that the debtor will fail to fulfil the obligations in one year. In their paper, Lakstutiene et al. (2015) have taken the probabilities of default of loans to business clients, mortgage loans and consumer loans. Boss (2002) has made an attempt to model the default probabilities as a logistic function of the macroeconomic variables. Elizondo, J. (2010) defines PD as the average percentage of obligors that default in one year. Quagliariello (2010) states that PD is measured as the flow of new bad loan over the stock of performing loans in the previous period. viii) Loss given default (LGD) Elizondo, J. (2010) has defined LGD as the percentage of exposure the bank might lose if the borrower defaults. ix) Loss Rate (LR) - LR is a product of PD and LGD (Henry and Kok, 2013). 83 As mentioned above, these measures of credit risks have overlapping definitions. However, based on the objective of the study and the context of the study, any of the dependent variables can be employed. If these definitions are examined on a continuum with respect to time perspective, the most forward looking metric is Probability of Default which is measured as x-days ahead and the other extreme of the continuum is WRO which reflects when NPAs are written off. In the Indian context, only the NPA data is available in the public domain, therefore two variables based on NPA data for further analysis have been examined - Default Rate (Incremental Gross NPAs (t)/ Performing Loans (t-1) and Gross NPA to Total Advances Ratio. Both these variables reflect different aspects of credit risk. Default Rate helps to analyse credit risk with respect to incremental loans in a particular year and Gross NPA to Total Advances ratio focuses on the data of the current year. As accretion of NPAs is a very critical indicator of the efficiency of credit risk management, Default Rate has been taken as a proxy for credit risk for the further research. 4.3.2. Macroeconomic Indicators The categorisation of variables has been done based primarily on the work by Kalirai and Scheicher (2002) and Boss et al. (2002) (subject to certain changes based on the country under examination). The variables in each category have been further chosen based on an extensive literature review. Growth/ Cyclical Indicators: Cyclical or growth indicators characterise the general overall economic activity of a country. The banks’ problem loans are closely related to the economic and business 84 cycle, i.e. behind every financial crisis there are macroeconomic factors like downturns in economic activities (Salas and Saurina, 2002). These indicators are expected to be negatively correlated with the NPL ratio i) GDP – GDP is one of the most important indicators of the strength of the macro economy (Gadanecz and Jayaram, 2009; Quagliariello, 2006 and Kalirai and Scheicher, 2002). It is the primary measure of the state of the aggregate economy and measures the growth of all productive economic activities within a country at a specific year’s prices (Yap, 2011). Das and Ghosh (2007) state that GDP is an important macroeconomic indicator as it is highly informative of other macro variables also. GDP growth rate implies improved economic activity which further implies better repayment by borrowers therefore reduced loan problems. Conversely, when the growth slows down, there is a decrease in the cash inflows of the borrowers which makes it difficult for them to pay interest and principal on bank loan (Kalirai and Scheicher, 2002). Therefore, GDP growth rate is expected to have a negative correlation with default rate or provisioning behaviour (Pain, 2003; Thiagarajan et al., 2011, Kalirai and Scheicher, 2002, Bikker and Metzemakers, 2005; Wong et al., 2006; Hadad et al., 2007; Quagliariello, 2007; Zemen and Jurca, 2008; Kosmidou and Moutsianas, 2015 and Salas and Saurina, 2002). Havrylchyk (2010) suggest that GDP growth rate is negatively correlated to credit risk but the impact is very limited as compared to other risk factors. 85 The lag structure of GDP and GDP growth is also very important while defining the relationship between loan losses and GDP growth rate as its impact on banks is found to be long lasting (Das and Ghosh, 2007; Quagliariello, 2007). Kearns (2004) argues that GDP growth rate does not affect the current level of provisioning but affects provisioning with a lag of 1 year. Rongjie and Yang (2011) in their study do not find any significant relationship between NPL and GDP growth while taking GDP as endogenous variable in their VAR framework. ii) Output Gap: The output gap is an economic measure of the difference between the actual output of the economy and its potential output. Potential output is referred to as the production capacity of the economy i.e. the maximum amount of goods and services an economy can produce at full capacity Positive gap occurs when actual output is more than potential output which can happen in case of high demand scenario. A negative gap occurs when actual output is less than potential output (Jahan and Mahmud, 2013). Sometimes, researchers are more interested in employing output gap as the variable as it enables them to gauge whether the economy is underperforming (negative gap) or overheating (positive gap) and its impact on the credit risk. Several methods have been used by researchers to calculate output gap. One of the most commonly used statistical method employed for measuring output gap is Hodrick Prescott (HP) filter. This method has been employed for macro stress testing by Amediku, (2006), Filosa (2007), Marcucci and Quagliariello (2008), Roy and Bhattacharya (2011) and Banerjee and Murali (2015). Another method 86 employed by researchers is to estimate the production function and has been employed by Hoggarth et al. (2005) for macro stress testing for UK. Output gap is expected to be negatively related to the default rate which implies that positive output gap decreases the default rate and vice versa (and Scheicher (2002); Filosa, (2007); Kalirai; Zemen and Jurca (2008); Marcucci and Quagliariello (2008)). It is expected to be negatively affected by the default rate as good macroeconomic conditions make it easier for the borrowers to honour their obligations. However, Roy and Bhattacharya (2011) state that output gap has a delayed response on default rate. Marcucci and Quagliariello (2008) note that also, due to feedback effect, the output gap also in turn may be affected by a rise in the default rate. iii) Gross Fixed Capital Formation: It is believed that the companies increase their investment expenditures especially Gross fixed capital formation when the economy is doing well. This may lead to an increase in the productivity gains of the companies, which in turn, may have a negative impact on the NPL ratio (Kalirai and Scheicher, 2002). Kanyinji (2014) and Vogiazas and Nikolaidou (2011) have also used gross fixed capital formation in their study. Havrylchyk (2010) has employed growth in gross fixed capital formation as a variable for performing macro stress testing. iv) Industrial Production/ Industry Value Added: Kalirai and Scheicher (2002) suggest that Industrial production growth often leads the GDP growth cycle. As such, higher industrial production growth is expected to reduce loan losses since 87 the economy is in a growth phase. Boss (2002) suggests that industrial production is an important determinant of corporate default rate. Kosmidou and Moutsianas (2015) have taken the Industrial Production Index (which is an index covering production in mining, manufacturing and public utilities but excluding construction) as a variable for stress testing the Greek banking system. Price Stability Indicators The most widely used Price stability indicators are inflation and money growth. i) Inflation: One of the important indicators of price stability is inflation. There are various proxies that have been employed by researchers for this variable namely Inflation (Boss, 2002; Kalirai and Scheicher, 2002; Hoggarth et al., 2005; Gerlach et al., 2005; Filosa, 2007; Zemen and Jurca, 2008; Havrylchyk, 2010; Ghosh, 2014; Kosmidou and Moutsianas, 2015), Consumer Price Index - CPI (Virolainen, 2004; Amediku, 2006; Tracey, 2007; Boss et al., 2009; Financial Stability Report, December 2010; Roy and Bhattacharya, 2011; Rongjie and Yang, 2011) and Wholesale price Index - WPI (Financial Stability Report, December 2010; Banerjee and Murali, 2015). It is first important to define these different terms. The below are the definitions as given by World bank (World bank indicators) “Inflation as measured by the consumer price index reflects the annual percentage change in the cost to the average consumer of acquiring a basket of goods and services that may be fixed or changed at specified intervals, such as yearly”.(WB indicators) 88 “Consumer price index reflects changes in the cost to the average consumer of acquiring a basket of goods and services that may be fixed or changed at specified intervals, such as yearly. (WB)” “Wholesale price index refers to a mix of agricultural and industrial goods at various stages of production and distribution, including import duties. (WB)” Some authors assert a negative relationship between inflation and default rate (Boss, 2002; Hoggarth et al., 2005; Filosa, 2007; Zemen and Jurca, 2008; Kosmidou and Moutsianas, 2015). They suggest that rise in inflation can reduce the real value of the loan which enables the borrowers to repay it easily (Kalirai and Scheicher, 2002; Gerlach et al., 2005; Zemen and Jurca, 2008; Havrylchyk, 2010; Ghosh, 2014). Kosmidou and Moutsianas (2015) suggest that this negative relationship is due to overall improvement in the competitiveness of the economy with increased profitability and thereby better repayment capacity. Conversely, falling inflation may lead to increased loan defaults as the real cost of borrowing has increased (Kalirai and Scheicher, 2002; Zemen and Jurca, 2008; Ghosh, 2014). However, it is also argued that inflation can have an adverse effect on the real income of the borrowers which may hamper the repayment capacity of the borrowers (Ghosh, 2014). It is also suggested that higher inflation may lead to setting up of higher interest rates by central banks thereby increasing the borrowers repayment burden (Havrylchyk, 2010). Thiagarajan et al.. (2011) conclude that the current year inflation has a strong positive influence on current NPA and lagged inflation had a negative influence. 89 The reason being that current year inflation may lead to cost of goods and services increasing thereby adversely affecting the ability of borrowers to repay debt. The author does not provide any reasoning for the relationship between lagged inflation and NPA. Another view point is that inflation can influence the nominal interest rates and thereby affect the ability of the borrowers to repay the loans (Yap, 2011). Higher inflation may reduce the value of real interest rates and further encourage economic activity thereby reducing default rates (Zemen and Jurca, 2008). ii) Monetary Aggregates (M1/M3) – In research pertaining to macro stress testing, various measures of money supply growth have been taken for research, most relevant being Broad money (M3) growth rate and Narrow money growth rate (M1). The classification of money supply as M1 and M3 depends on the country under study and the prevalent local practices. As per Reserve Bank of India (RBI, Manual on Financial and Banking Statistics -2007). 1= ℎ ℎ + 3= + ℎ ℎ ℎ ℎ ℎ 1+ ℎ ℎ = ℎ + ℎ + ℎ + ℎ ′ ℎ − ℎ 90 Bikker and Hu (2002, Hadad et al. (2007) and Financial Stability Report- India December (2010) employ M3 growth rate for the analysis of credit risk. Similarly, Kalirai and Scheicher (2002), Tracey (2007) Zemen and Jurca (2008) and Yap (2011) have employed M1 growth rate. Some authors have taken both the measures together (Boss, 2002; Havrylchyk, 2010). Several authors remark that Money growth has a potential connection to inflation (Kalirai and Scheicher, 2002; Hadad et al., 2007; Zemen and Jurca, 2008; Financial Stability Report, December 2010; Havrylchyk, 2010). Hence, increased money supply can affect inflation thereby affecting the credit quality of borrowers. Mileris (2012) states that changes in money supply may lead to changes in GDP also, along with price level changes thereby affecting default risk. However, Kanyinji (2014) does not find the monetary aggregate M1 to significantly affect default risk. External Sector The below section describes the external sector indicators that affect credit risk. i) Exports of Goods And Services / Terms Of Trade: : Many researchers consider exports as a significant factor in the credit risk model (Financial Stability Report, December 2010; Lakstutiene et al., 2015) affecting the credit risk scenario. Kalirai and Scheicher (2002) conclude that a reduction in exports can have an adverse impact on the loan repayment ability of the export-oriented firms because of reduced cash flows. Some authors consider exports as an important component of GDP and suggest that macroeconomic shocks to exports can lead to financial sector instability. They assert that growing exports can positively affect the 91 economy as a whole, thereby reducing the probability of defaults (Hilbers et al., 2000; Zemen and Jurca, 2008). Some papers have considered ‘terms of trade’ as a proxy for trade and they suggest that a drop in ‘terms of trade’ makes imports more expensive for the country which may further lead to an increase in the credit risk of the banks (Castro, 2013). ii) Oil Prices: Our study intends to explore the implications of oil shocks on the stability of the financial system. Literature reveals that an increase in oil prices represents a negative demand shock to the economy as a whole and can cause overall household and business costs to rise thereby increasing the risks of default by the borrowers. Therefore, an increase in oil prices is likely to be associated with a deterioration of economic climate and thus greater credit risk (Kalirai and Scheicher, 2002; Hadad et al., 2007). Roy and Bhattacharya (2011) suggest that rising oil prices contribute to inflationary trends and an increase in interest rates and thus have an indirect impact on NPA levels. The study does not take into account this variable as an endogenous variable but highlights the importance associated with this variable. Some authors consider that oil price has a major influence on corporate sector credit risk levels, and being a direct cost for most of the firms, it may have a negative impact on industrial production (Boss, 2002; Havrylchyk, 2010; Roy and Bhattacharya, 2011). However, Virolainen (2004) did not find oil prices as a significant variable affecting default risk. 92 iii) Exchange Rate / Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER) – Several authors have viewed exchange rates as an important variable that affects the credit quality of the loans. Hadad et al. (2007) suggest that the relationship between exchange rate and credit risk is ambiguous and that it depends on the international trade and capital account of the country (Hadad et al., 2007). Similar views are expressed by Zemen and Jurca (2008) that the impact of exchange rate on default is ambiguous as depreciation of domestic currency favours exporters and harms importers. However, some studies suggest that in case of a large appreciation of exchange rate, export oriented firms will have negative impact on the revenues leading to higher probability of defaults because of reduced capacity to service debt (Hilbers et al., 2000; Rongjie and Yang, 2011; Roy and Bhattacharya, 2011; Ghosh, 2014). Applying a similar logic, if the exchange depreciates, the borrowers who have taken foreign currency denominated loans may not be able to service them as the debt service obligations may increase (Hilbers et al., 2000; Yap, 2011; Ghosh, 2014). Hoggarth et al.. (2005) found little impact of exchange rate on aggregate write-offs. Another variant of Exchange rate is Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER) which is the weighted average of a country’s currency relative to an index or basket of other major currencies adjusted for the effects of inflation. An increase in REER implies that the currency has depreciated in real terms against other currencies in the basket of currencies that are used to form the REER index. The depreciation makes that country’s exports cheaper and imports costlier in real terms and for exports, it makes the country more competitive. The impact on the banking system would be indirect and linked to whether the economy is export-led or 93 import-driven. If it is highly export-led, then the improved competitiveness should improve the cash flows of companies and thus, improve the bank’s credit performance. On the other hand, if the country is import-driven, the higher cost of imports is likely to have a negative impact on these companies and therefore lead to greater credit risk for the banks. Some authors suggest that an increase in REER which implies appreciation of local currency, reflects an increase in a country’s competitiveness in terms of currency. This makes the goods produced in the country more expensive which further weakens the competitiveness of export-oriented firms thereby adversely affecting their ability to service debt. Hence, REER is expected to have a positive relationship with default rate (Castro, 2013). Many other papers have also employed REER in the credit risk model with similar results (Amediku, 2006; Financial Stability Report, December 2010; Havrylchyk, 2010; Roy and Bhattacharya, 2011). Financial Market Indicators Stock market index is an important indicator for predicting the financial situation of a country. Some researchers suggest that the stock market index pattern is similar to the cyclical trend of the economy and high returns for investor denotes lower credit risk and low returns may signify slow economic growth which can further affect the borrowers repayment capacity (Kalirai and Scheicher, 2002; Hadad et al., 2007; Yap, 2011). An increase in the country’s index is a reflection of country’s overall growth and thus has a positive impact on the default rate (Boss, 2002; Zemen and Jurca, 2008; Havrylchyk, 2010; Castro, 2013; Ghosh, 2014). 94 In bullish markets, the net wealth of the borrowers may increase making it easier to honour the financial obligations. This implies that there is a negative association between appreciation of the stock market index and defaults. At the same time, the appreciation in stock market index may make the collateral values to appear to be higher and make the portfolios riskier, which implies a negative association (Quagliariello, 2007). Filosa (2007) did not find any significant relationship between stock indices and default rate. Many researchers have taken the country’s respective stock market indices as a proxy for a financial market indicator. In the Indian context, the following proxies for financial market indicators are relevant: i) Market Capitalisation of BSE / NSE: As mentioned above, worldwide many researchers have taken stock market indices of their respective countries as an important variable determining the credit risk, however, in the Indian context, as the research in the area of macro stress tress testing is still in a very nascent stage, not many papers are available in this area. Also, as per the few papers on this subject, none of them have employed stock market indices as an indicator. However, RBI employs both Nifty and Sensex as determinants of credit risk. BSE Sensex is Asia’s first and the fastest stock exchange in the world with the speed of 6 micro seconds (bseindia.com), whereas NSE is the largest stock exchange in India in terms of average daily turnover (nseindia.com). Given the importance of both the indices, the market capitalisation of both the markets have been taken for analysis. Instead of taking only the indices, market 95 capitalisation has been considered as it is more inclusive and reflective of the financial markets. ii) Market Capitalisation of World / United States of America: Some researchers contest that many stock markets of the large industrialised nations have spill over effects across the global markets and hence, it becomes imperative to examine the impact of such changes on the financial stability of a country. The reasoning put forward is that rising stock markets implies higher returns to investors eventually leading to lower credit risk. Also, rising stock markets in one country could also lead to a capital flight from other countries, leading to a fall in those stock markets and an increase in credit risk in such countries. Hence, some authors have also employed Dow Jones Industrial average as a variable along with their country’s stock market index (Kalirai and Scheicher, 2002). Interest Rate Indicators Interest rates indicators have a significant impact on the stability of the banking system. They represent the direct cost of borrowing and the fragility of the banking system is affected by the ability of firms and households to service their debt (Clair, 2004). There are several studies that highlight the prominent relationship between interest rate and default rate. Some papers suggest that increase in interest rates would imply greater cost of borrowing and greater possibility of loan defaults as the debt burden of firms and households increase thereby reducing their ability to honour their debt obligations (Kalirai and Scheicher, 2002; Quagliariello, 2007; Marcucci and Quagliariello, 2008; 96 Ghosh, 2014). Hence, a positive relationship between interest rate and default rate is expected. Various proxies have been taken as interest rate indicators. This section summarises the various interest rate indicators taken by various researchers. The most prominent interest rate indicators are Nominal bank loan interest rate (Rongjie and Yang, 2011), Real interest rate (Clair, 2004; Virolainen, 2004; Filosa, 2007; Rongjie and Yang, 2011), Nominal short term interest rate (Boss, 2002; Kalirai and Scheicher, 2002; Hoggarth et al., 2005; Financial Stability Report, December 2010), Nominal Long interest rate (Kalirai and Scheicher, 2002; Boss, 2002; Financial Stability Report, December 2010), Real short interest rate and Real long interest rate (Boss, 2002; Kalirai and Scheicher, 2002). The other indicators are Prime lending rate (Banerjee and Murali, 2015), Spread between loans and deposit rates (Bikker and Hu, 2002; Das and Ghosh, 2007; Quagliariello, 2007; Castro, 2013;) Changes in lending interest rate (Kalirai and Scheicher, 2002; Banerjee and Murali, 2015; Lakstutiene et al., 2015) , nominal and real prime interest rate and bankers’ acceptance rate (Havrylchyk, 2010), Short term interest rate (T-bill rate)- Kalirai and Scheicher, 2002; Hoggarth et al., 2005; Zemen and Jurca, 2008; Pesaran et al., 2006; Financial Stability Report, December 2010; Castro, 2013), Long term interest rate i.e. 10 yr Gsec yield (Kalirai and Scheicher, 2002; Financial Stability Report, December 2010; Castro, 2013), 3 month Euribor (Vogiazas and Nikolaidou, 2011) and Weighted Average lending rate (Quagliariello, 2007 ; Financial Stability Report). 97 In the Indian context, monetary policy instruments like Bank rate, Repo rate, Reverse repo rate (Roy and Bhattacharya, 2011), have been shown to have a significant impact on the financial system and are important benchmarks for other interest rates further affecting the credit risks. Household Indicators i) Unemployment, total (% of total labour force): Unemployment refers to the share of the labour force that is without work but available for and seeking employment (World Bank indicators). Unemployment is an important indicator that can be linked to credit risk assessment (Clair, 2004; Lakstutiene et al., 2015). Higher unemployment indicates that households may be unable or have difficulty in paying back debts (Kalirai and Scheicher, 2002 ; Kosmidou and Moutsianas, 2015). Kearns (2004) in his research finds unemployment rate as the most significant factor affecting the rate of provisioning. It is because an increase in unemployment can lower the repayment ability of the borrowers and hence increase in the credit risk of the banks. Infact, Rongjie and Yang (2011) argue that unemployment rate has a prolonged impact on the default rates. Bikker and Metzemakers (2005) consider unemployment rate as a proxy for business cycle which also reflects the structural imbalances of the economy. They hypothesize that unemployment follows GDP growth with a lag. However, they did not find any significant effect of unemployment on LLP. 98 4.4. Macro Stress Testing After having defined the scope of our research and operationalising the dependent and explanatory variables that will be considered for our analysis, the next step is to perform macro stress testing. These variables have been chosen on the basis of a thorough review of the economic theory and empirical studies and can be considered as the macroeconomic determinants of credit risk. In this section, the stages of construction of a credit risk model have been explained and thereafter stress testing is conducted. There are two important stages in this model. 4.4.1. Construction of Macroeconomic Credit Risk Model The first stage of our empirical analysis is the estimation of the econometric model which will establish the relationship between credit risk as expressed by the Default rate and macroeconomic variables. Further Default rate has been regressed against the macroeconomic variables. The equation is examined for Indian banking system for the period 1996Q2 to 2016 Q4 based on calendar year quarterly data. The basic form of the model that will be adopted for the study can be defined as follows: Credit risk (t) = f (growth indicators, price stability indicators, external sector indicators, financial market indicators, interest rate indicators, household indicators) The following section describes the various stages of analysis. 1. Descriptive Analysis First and foremost, all the variables that have been identified in the literature have been examined through descriptive analysis. The data has been taken annually for all 99 the variables from 1996 to 2016 (21 years). Although the final analysis has been done based on the quarterly data, annual descriptive have been done to enable us to understand the nature of all the variables. Also, the data is not available annually for all the variables. The figures have been taken with 2010 as the base year and are based on calendar year. To facilitate comparison, the data of Default Rate and NPA to Advances Ratio has been converted from financial year to calendar year. The following are the variables which have been analysed annually in the descriptive section. a. Credit Risk variables i. Default Rate ii. NPA ratio (Gross NPA/ Gross advances) b. Macroeconomic variables i. Growth indicators GDP GDP per capita Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF) Industry Value added ii. Price stability indicators Consumer Price Index (CPI) Wholesale Price Index (WPI) Broad Money (M3) iii. External sector variables Trade (Export plus Import) 100 Brent Oil WTI Oil Exchange Rate (Rupee/Dollar) iv. v. 2. Financial Market Indicators Market Capitalisation of BSE Market Capitalisation of NSE Market capitalisation of World Market Capitalisation of US Interest rate indicators Short Term Interest rate Long Term interest rate Reduction Of Variables To capture the relationship between credit risk and the macroeconomic variables, selection of suitable variables is essential. In the section ‘operationalisation of variables’, the variables have been classified into six categories, namely Growth indicators, Price stability indicators, External sector indicators, Financial market indicators, Interest rate indicators and Household indicators (For a detailed discussion, please refer to operationalisation of variables). However, for further analysis it is important to reduce the number of variables and identify the factors that are significant and affect the Default Ratio. Thereafter, a list of all the relevant factors for the multivariate model can be formalised. The main justification for reducing the number of variables is that in VAR/ VECM models, a limited number of variables can be constructed in the model because inclusion of large number of variables will make the model very complicated and difficult to interpret. It also reduces the power of the model. Hence, it is prudent to employ a parsimonious VAR/ VeCM model. 101 Based on the extensive literature review and their relevance in the Indian context, the final variables from each category to be taken for analysis have been identified. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) / Factor analysis can also be employed for reducing the data. PCA and Factor analysis are both methods that are employed for data reduction. Therefore, in this case, instead of examining the impact of individual variables on the default probability, a factor analysis/ PCA can be employed for all the factors and use the resulting factors obtained by PCA as the input for our credit risk model. This model enables integration of the variables into a new set of parameters called ‘factors’ and allows retention of most of the information in the given data set. It also facilitates exploitation of a large macroeconomic dataset to identify potential data. Rongjie and Yang (2011) and Boss et al. (2009) establish a credit risk model by using PCA. However, an important limitation of the PCA model is that it will not allow to understand the impact of individual macroeconomic variables on the default rate. Therefore, PCA has not been employed as there will be loss of information with respect to individual macroeconomic variables. Correlation as the method of reduction of variables has also not been employed as this leads to the problem of serial correlation. Hence, the data has been reduced based on an extensive literature review and by examining the importance of a particular variable in the Indian context. After the reduction of the variables, the quarterly descriptive analysis of the final variables is presented. The data has been described from 1996 Q2 to 2016 Q4 (83 quarters). 102 3. Stationarity: Unit Root Tests Once the final variables and a crude credit risk model has been finalised, the next step involves testing for Stationarity. A key concept of the empirical work based on time series analysis assumes that the underlying time series is stationary. It is the first step in the Autoregressive process and involves detecting the order of integration of time series variables. A stochastic process is said to be stationary if its mean and variance are constant over time (Gujarati et al., 2012). Checking the data for Stationarity i.e. testing the variables for unit root and checking the order of integration is very important as non-stationary time series data can lead to spurious results which may further lead to misleading inferences and conclusions. A time series Yt is said to be stationary if: E(Yt ) = constant for all t Var (Yt ) = constant for all t; and Cov (Yt , Yt+k) = constant for all t and all k≠0, For the study, it is important for the series to be stationary. The main reasons are: Firstly, use of non-stationary data can lead to spurious regressions. In such a case, if regression techniques are applied to non-stationary data, the result may give us significant coefficient estimates and high R2 but the variables may be unrelated and results may be worthless. Secondly, the Stationarity or Non-Stationarity of a series can strongly influence the properties and behaviour of a time series. For example: the word “shock” is usually used to denote a change or an unexpected change in a variable-in case of stationary series. “Shocks” to the system will generally die away gradually, but in case of a non-stationary series, the persistence of “shocks” may be 103 infinite (Brooks, 2014). Thirdly, as the behaviour of a non-stationary time series can be studied only for a particular time period (due to time-varying mean or time-varying variance or both), it is not possible to generalise it to other time periods. Hence, the purpose of forecasting may be forfeited (Gujarati et al., 2012). There are two frequently used types of non-stationarity: - Random walk model with drift which can be represented as = - + + (eq 1.1) Trend-stationary process which can be represented as = where + + (eg 1.2) is a white-noise disturbance term (Brooks, 2014). For Time series analysis, the most commonly used tests for checking stationarity are Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) test, Phillip-Perron (PP) test and Kwiatkowski– Phillips–Schmidt–Shin (KPSS) test. For Panel data analysis, the most commonly used tests are Levin Lin Chu (LLC), ImPesaran Shin (IPS), Fisher-ADF, Fisher-PP, and Breitung and Hadri. The most commonly used time series methods of Stationarity are: - Dickey Fuller test (DF) – The initial and pioneering work on testing for unit roots in time series was done by Dickey and Fuller (DF). The DF test is estimated in three different forms, under three different null hypotheses. These forms are: Yt is a random walk :∆ = Yt is a random walk with drift: ∆ + = (eq 1.3) + 104 + (eq 1.4) Yt is a random walk with drift around a deterministic trend :∆ = + + + (eq 1.5) where t is the time or trend variable (Gujarati et al., 2012). In each case, the hypotheses are: = 0 (i.e., there is a unit root or the time series is non Null Hypothesis (H0): stationary, or it has a stochastic trend) < 0 (i.e., there is no unit root or the time series is Alternative Hypothesis (H1): stationary) An important assumption of the DF test is that the error terms are independentally and identically distributed (iid) (Gujarati et al., 2012). DF tests may be biased due to the presence of serial correlation (Mahadeva and Robinson, 2004) and were augmented using ‘p lags’ of the dependent variable to ensure that the residuals were not auto correlated. This test is called the Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) test (Brooks, 2014). - Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) test: As mentioned above, the ADF tests adjusts the DF test to take care of possible serial correlation in the error terms by adding the lagged difference terms of the regressand (Gujarati et al., 2012). The ADF test involves estimating the following regression: ∆ = + + + 105 ∆ + where is a pure white noise error (Gujarati et al., 2012) The null hypothesis of a unit root is rejected in favour of the stationary alternative which further implies that the series is not stationary. The tests can be conducted for an Intercept, Intercept and deterministic trend and no trend. - Phillips and Perron (PP) test - Phillips and Perron have developed a more comprehensive theory of unit root non-stationarity. PP tests are very similar to ADF tests, but they incorporate an automatic correction to the DF procedure to allow for autocorrelation of residuals (Brooks, 2014). In PP test also, the null hypothesis of a unit root is rejected in favour of the stationary alternative implying that the series is not stationary. PP test is a non-parametric test i.e, it assumes no functional form for the error process of the variable. However, it relies on asymptotic theory which implies that it works well with large samples. As the analysis is a time series analysis, Augmented Dicky Fuller test (ADF) has been employed to examine the stationarity of data. To increase the validity and reliability of ADF test, PP test has also been performed. 4. Determination of Optimal Lag length In economics, the dependence of variable Y (the dependent variable) on another variable X (explanatory variable) is rarely instantaneous. In a majority of the cases, the impact of X on Y will be seen with a lapse of time. Such a lapse of time is called 106 “lag” (Gujarati et al., 2012). Therefore, a critical aspect of econometric studies is estimating the lag length of the autoregressive process for a time series as the inference of the model depends on the correct model specification. Lagged values of the variables, both explanatory and dependent variables may capture important dynamic structure of the regression equation (Chris Brooks, 2014). There are several lag length selection criteria such as: a) Aikaike’s information criterion (AIC) (Akaike 1973), b) Final Prediction Error (FPE) (Akaike 1969), c) Schwarz Information Criterion (SIC) (Schwarz 1978), d) Hannan-Quinn Criterion (HQC) (Hannan and Quinn 1979), e) Bayesian information criterion (BIC) (Akaike 1979) f) Likelihood Ratio (LR) Choosing of incorrect lag may reduce the forecast precision of the VAR model. 5. Johansen Cointegration Test After checking the Stationarity of data, if the variables are found to be integrated to order I (1), the next step is to check for Cointegration or existence of a long term relationship between the variables. The concept of cointegration was introduced in the economic literature in a series of papers by Granger (1983), Granger and Weiss (1983) by Granger (1981) and Engle and Granger (1987) (Watson, 1994; Kilian & Lutkepohl, 2017). Two or more time series are said to be cointegrated if there is a stable, long-term relationship between the two, even though individually, each may be non-stationary (Gujarati et al., 2012). 107 Cointegration theory suggests that even if two time series are individually not stationary, a linear combination of these two time series can be stationary. Hence, if ther time series is non-stationary, Johansen Cointegration Test will be performed. There are two statistical tests to check the number of Cointegration vectors - the Trace (λ) test the Eigen value test. With respect to our research, Johansen Cointegration test will help us to understand the long run equilibrium relationship between the credit risk and the given set of endogenous macroeconomic set of variables if the time series is non-stationary. Lutkepohl and Kilian (2017) define Cointegration as “if two variables share a common stochastic trend such that the linear combination of these variables is stationary, they are called cointegrated.” This concept of cointegration may also be applied to linear combinations of more than two I(1) variables (integrated to the order 1). Generalizing this concept to higher orders of integration, the variables in a Kdimensional process yt are cointegrated if the components are I(d) and there exists a linear combination zt = β’yt with β = (β1, . . . , βK)’≠ 0 such that zt is I(d∗) with d∗ < d. The vector β is called a cointegrating vector or a Cointegration vector. Cointegration implies existence of a long run equilibrium and a common stochastic trend. When two or more variables have a common stochastic trend, they will show a tendency to move together in the long run and hence can be of considerable economic interest (Juselius, 2006). It enables us to separate the short and long run variables and thereby improve the long run forecast accuracy. 108 There are two statistical tests to check the number of cointegration vectors- a) The Trace (Λ) Test: The trace statistic is based on a likelihood ratio about the trace of a matrix. The trace statistic considers whether the trace is increased by adding more eigen values beyond the rth eigenvalue. The null hypothesis in this case is that the number of cointegrating vectors is less than or equal to r. b) The Eigen Value Test - The eigen value test is based on the characteristic roots (also called eigen values) obtained from the estimation procedure. The test consists of ordering the largest eigen values in descending order and considering whether they are significantly different from zero. The null hypothesis is that there are cointegrating vectors and that there are upto r cointegrating relationships and the alternate hypothesis is that there are (r+1) vectors. (Asteriou & Hall, 2006) 6. Vector Auto Regression (VAR) / Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) The next stage is the implementation of VAR/VECM model to study the macroeconomic effects on the Default Rate. If in step 5, while performing Johansen Cointegration test, the variables are not cointegrated, VAR can be conducted. However, if there is a long run relationship between the variables, i.e. the variables are cointegrated, VECM model can be employed . VECTOR AUTO REGRESSION (VAR): The use of VAR model for empirical macroeconomics can be traced to the seminal work of Sims (1980). He demonstrated that VAR provides a flexible and tractable framework for analysing economic time series. In a univariate setting, an auto regression is a single linear equation model 109 where the variable is explained by its own lags. A VAR is an n-equation, n-variable model where each variable is explained by its own lags and the lags and current values of all other variables. VAR captures the relationship between variables without imposing a theoretical structure (Stock and Watson, 2001; Quagliariello, 2009). VAR model is expressed as a system of equations where each variable is expressed as a linear function of its own lagged values and the current and lagged values of the other variables incorporated in the model and a serially uncorrelated error term. Each equation in the system can be estimated by using ordinary least squares (OLS). This framework provides a systematic way to capture the dynamics in multiple time series (Stock and Watson, 2001). There are 3 types of VAR: o Reduced form: A reduced form VAR expresses each variable as a linear function of its own past values, the past values of the variables in the equation and a serially uncorrelated error term. Each equation is estimated by OLS regression. There are a number of methods which can help us to determine the number of lags to be included in each equation (Stock and Watson, 2001). Most of the studies on macro stress testing employ reduced form of VAR. o Recursive form: A recursive VAR constructs the error terms in each regression equation to be uncorrelated with the error in the preceding equations. Hence, the ordering of variables is very important in this form of VAR (Stock and Watson, 2001). o Structural VAR: A structural VAR uses economic theory to understand the relationship between variables. In this technique, the assumptions need to be clearly laid down to identify the causal link between the variables (Stock and Watson, 2001). Reduced form VAR is based on a premise that the important 110 dynamic characteristics of the economy can be revealed without imposing structural restrictions from economic theory. This has been often criticised by researchers. This disapproval led to the development of Structural VAR which allows transformation of economic theory into reduced form VAR model into a system of structural equations. In this case, the parameters are estimated by imposing contemporaneous structural restrictions. Such a VAR generally provides responses which are consistent with standard macro-economic theory (Keating, 1992). VECTOR ERROR CORRECTION MODEL (VECM) : In case when two time series which may/may not be related be integrated (non-stationary)and one such nonstationary time series is regressed on one or more non-stationary time series, it may apparently reflect statistically significant relationships i.e., high R square, a very high individual t-statistic and a low Durbin Watson statistic. But this relationship may be spurious, i.e., there may be in reality no true relationship between them. However, there might be a common stochastic trend to both series that a researcher is genuinely interested in because it reflects a long-run relationship between these variables. Vector error correction model (VECM) is a restricted VAR which is designed for use with such non-stationary series that are cointegrated. Therefore, if the time series is non-stationary, i.e I(1) and is cointegrated, VECM model can be run to examine both the short-run and long-run dynamics of the series. The VECM has Cointegration relations built into the specification so that it restricts the long-run behaviour of the endogenous variables to converge to their cointegrating relationships while allowing for short-run adjustment dynamics. The cointegration 111 term is known as the ‘error correction term’ since the deviation from long run equilibrium is corrected gradually through a series of partial short-run adjustments. VECM is an important econometric model as: - It measures the correction from disequilibrium of the previous period which has important economic implications (as will be understood in the later section). - As the variables are cointegrated, the VECM incorporates both long-run and short-run effects. This is because the long run equilibrium is included in the model together with the short run dynamics captured by the differenced term. - VECM enables us to resolve the problem of spurious regressions as it typically eliminates the trends from the variables involved as Cointegration ECMs are formulated in terms of first differences. - An important implication of VECM is that as the variables are cointegrated, there is some adjustment process which prevents the errors in the long run relationship becoming larger and larger. - VECM is preferred to Engle-Granger two step procedure as VECM can detect multiple long run stationary relationships among non-stationary variables. The long run part of the VECM indicates a linear combination of non-stationary variables lagged by one period that becomes stationary in nature. As suggested above, VECM model enables to understand the long run and short run relationships between the variables: Long run relationship: The “error correction term (ect)” enables us to understand the long run relationship between the variables. If the coefficient of ect is negative and significant, it suggests that there is a long run relationship reflected by the model. 112 Short run relationship: VECM model also enables us to understand the short run relationship existing in the model. The following tests have been conducted to investigate the short run relationship between the variables. - Wald Test: WALD test shows the joint significance of the lagged impact of the endogenous variables on the Default Rate (DR). To support the results of WALD test, the two way causality of the model is checked by performing the Granger Causality Test. - Granger Causality Test: To make the results more robust, the direction of causality among the endogenous variables can be found by doing pair wise Granger Causality test. Granger causality tests will be performed to determine whether the lags of one endogenous variable will improve the forecasting of another variable for the given model by examining the direction of the causality of the variables. - Toda – Yamamoto Test (Modified Wald): Wald tests and Granger causality tests may have non-standard asymptotic properties if the VAR contains I(1) variables. These problems can be overcome by performing the Toda & Yamamoto tests which overfits the VAR order (by adding an extra lag) and ignores the extra parameters in testing for Granger causality and enables us to overcome the problems associated with standard tests, especially the problem of asymptotic properties (Lütkepohl, & Krätzig, 2004) . 113 7. Robustness Of The Model To ensure the robustness of the credit risk model, the residuals for serial correlation, heteroscedasticity and normality need to be checked. The stability of the model is also investigated by performing the CUSUM test. 4.4.2. Macro Stress Testing Once the credit risk model has been established and the robustness of the model is affirmed, the next step is to perform stress testing. The impact of shocks can be investigated through Impulse Response Function (IRF) and Variance Decomposition Analysis (VD). IRF and VD illustrate the dynamic characteristics of the empirical model (Keating, 1992, Roy and Bhattacharya, 2011). It is important to understand that IRF and VD Analysis are sensitive to ordering of variables. 1. Impulse Response Function To examine the banks’ responses to shocks, impulse-response functions that are derived from the VAR/VECM model are examined. Using VAR to model the dynamics of DR and macroeconomic variables enables us to carry out impulse response function which is the stress test that is proposed in our study). In a VAR/ VECM model, as there large number of variables involved, it becomes difficult to interpret the estimated model, especially when there are lagged variables, they may have coefficients which change sign across the lags and thereby making it difficult to examine the impact of the variables in the system. As VAR/ VECM model capture the interactions between these variables, it allows us to undertake the classical impulse response analysis. Therefore, to alleviate the problem of interpretation due to change 114 in the sign of lags, Impulse Response Function and Variance Decomposition can be performed (Quagliariello, 2009; Chris Brooks, 2014).. Therefore, once the long run and short run association(s) between the variables have been established, the next step is to estimate the Impulse Response Function. Impulse response function describes the influence of one shock in the endogenous variable on other endogenous variables in the VAR/ VECM model (Rongjie and Yang, 2011). IRF traces out the responsiveness of the dependent variables in the VAR/VECM to shocks to each of the variables. So, for each variable from each equation separately, a unit shock is applied to the error, and the effects upon the VAR/VECM system over time are noted (Brooks, 2014). In simple terms ‘Impulse is a one standard deviation shock to the error term’. As mentioned above, the ordering of variables is integral for carrying out Impulse Response Function. Cholesky ordering will be employed to decide the ordering of variables in the VAR system. 2. Variance Decomposition Analysis The next step in the credit risk modelling is to obtain the Variance Decomposition. Variance decomposition function is performed to identify the contribution of each shock to changes in the endogenous variables (Rongjie and Yang, 2011). It gives the proportion of the movements in the dependent variable that are due to their own shock versus shocks to the other variables. A shock to a variable will directly affect that variable itself apart from transmitting the effect to other variables in the system (Brooks, 2014). 115 CHAPTER 5 Data Analysis- Estimation and Results This chapter presents the data analysis and results of the macro stress testing of credit risk in India from 1996 Q2 to 2016 Q4. Section 5.1 presents the construction of the macroeconomic credit risk model which includes operationalisation and annual descriptive analysis of the credit and macroeconomic variables, Reduction of variables for the target model and quarterly descriptive analysis of the final variables, checking the variables for Stationarity, determination of the lag length, conducting the Johansen cointegration test, running the Vector Error Correction model along with checking of the long run and short run relationship among the variables, followed by checking the robustness of the model for serial correlation, heteroscedasticity, normality and stability. In Section 5.2, the model is subject to macro stress testing using Impulse Response Function and Variance Decomposition Analysis. 5.1. Construction of the Macroeconomic Credit Risk Model 5.1.1. Operationalisation and Descriptive Analysis of the Variables (Annual Frequency) In the previous section, based on the literature review, a large number of variables that the researchers have taken for the analysis have been presented. In this section, the selected endogenous variables have been described followed by their annual descriptive analysis. It is very important to understand the nature of these variables to further select the final endogenous variables for our parsimonious model. 116 As the variables may be defined by the researchers differently, first section presents the definition of the variables as employed in the research. The variables have been described below: Credit Risk Variables a) Default Rate (DR): DR represents the ratio of incremental loans of time period (t) to performing loans in the previous period. DR = Incremental Gross NPAs(t)/ Performing Loans (t-1) where performing loans = Gross advances -Gross NPAs The data for time period 1996 to 2015 has been retrieved from Handbook of statistics of Indian Economy (RBI) and for 2016 from Statistical Tables related to Banking (RBI). As the data had been given in the format of financial year, it was first converted into calendar year data to enable comparison between other variables which are based on calendar year. b) Gross NPA to Total Advances Ratio (GNPA_ADV) : GNPA_ADV represents the ratio of Gross NPAs to Total Advances. As the data for DR and GNPA_ADV is similar, for time period 1996 to 2015 has been retrieved from Handbook of statistics of Indian Economy (RBI) and for 2016 from Statistical Tables related to Banking (RBI). Again, as the data had been given in the format of financial year, it was first converted into calendar year data to enable comparison between other variables which are based on calendar year. 117 Macroeconomic Variables a) Growth Indicators GDP (constant LCU in million) (GDP) : GDP is the sum of gross value added by i. all resident producers in the economy plus any product taxes and minus any subsidies not included in the value of the products. It is calculated without making deductions for depreciation of fabricated assets or for depletion and degradation of natural resources. The data has been retrieved from World Bank Indicators. GDP Per Capita (constant LCU) (GDPCAP): GDP per capita is gross domestic ii. product divided by midyear population.The data has been retrieved from World Bank Indicators. iii. Gross Fixed Capital Formation (constant LCU in million) (GFCF): Gross Fixed Capital formation can be defined as land improvements , plant and machinery, equipment purchases and construction of roads, residential, commercial and industrial buildings. The data has been retrieved from World Bank indicators. Industry Value Added (constant LCU in million) (INDVA): Industry value iv. added can be defined as the value added in mining, manufacturing, construction, electricity, water and gas sector. The data has been retrieved from World Bank Indicators. b) i. Price Stability Indictors Consumer Price Index (2010 = 100) (CPI): Consumer price index reflects changes in the cost to the average consumer of acquiring a basket of goods and services that may be fixed or changed at specified intervals, such as yearly. Data are period averages. The data has been retrieved from World Bank Indicators. 118 ii. Wholesale Price Index (2010 = 100) (WPI): Wholesale price index refers to a mix of agricultural and industrial goods at various stages of production and distribution, including import duties. The data has been retrieved from World Bank Indicators. iii. Broad Money (current LCU in million) (M3): Broad money is the sum of currency outside banks; demand deposits other than those of the central government; the time, savings, and foreign currency deposits of resident sectors other than the central government; bank and traveller’s checks; and other securities such as certificates of deposit and commercial paper. The data has been retrieved from World Bank Indicators. b. External Sector Variables- i. Trade (LCU in million) (Exports + Imports) (TRADE): Trade has been taken as a sum of Exports and Imports. Exports of goods and services represent the value of all goods and other market services provided to the rest of the world. Imports of goods and services comprise all transactions between residents of a country and the rest of the world involving a change of ownership from non residents to residents of general merchandise, nonmonetary gold, and services. The data has been retrieved from World Bank Indicators. ii. Oil (WTI) (Dollars per barrel) (WTIOIL): WTI is the benchmark crude for North America. The data has been retrieved from US Energy Information Administration. iii. Oil (Brent Crude) (Dollars per barrel) - (OIL):Brent oil is produced in the brent oil fields and other sites in North Sea and is the benchmark for African, European and Middle –eastern crude. The pricing mechanism for brent dictates the value of roughly two-thirds of the world’s crude oil production. In India, 119 brent crude forms a part of the Indian crude oil basket. The data has been retrieved from US Energy Information Administration. iv. Official Exchange Rate (LCU per US$, period average)-LCU_USD: Official exchange rate refers to the exchange rate determined by national authorities or to the rate determined in the legally sanctioned exchange market. It is calculated as an annual average based on monthly averages (local currency units relative to the U.S. dollar).The data has been retrieved from World Bank Indicators. c. Financial Market Indicators i. Market Capitalisation of BSE(LCU in millions) (MCAPBSE):Market capitalization is the share price times the number of shares outstanding for listed domestic companies in Bombay stock exchange. The data is as on December closing. The data has been retrieved from Handbook of statistics on Indian Economy (RBI). ii. Market Capitalisation of NSE(LCU in millions) (MCAPNSE): Market capitalization is the share price times the number of shares outstanding for listed domestic companies in National stock exchange. The data is as on December closing. The data has been retrieved from Handbook of statistics on Indian Economy (RBI). iii. Market Capitalization of Listed Domestic Companies (current US$)-USA (MCAPUSA): Market capitalization is the share price times the number of shares outstanding for listed domestic companies in US. Investment funds, unit trusts, and companies whose only business goal is to hold shares of other listed companies are excluded. Data are end of year values converted to U.S. dollars using corresponding year-end foreign exchange rates. The data has been retrieved from World Bank Indicators. As the growth rate is being examined, the data has 120 not been converted into local currency unitss as while converting of data, the exchange rate effects may also reflect in the data. iv. Market Capitalization Of Listed Domestic Companies (current US$)WORLD (MCAPWORLD): Market capitalization is the share price times the number of shares outstanding for listed domestic companies worldwide. Investment funds, unit trusts, and companies whose only business goal is to hold shares of other listed companies are excluded. Data are end of year values converted to U.S. dollars using corresponding year-end foreign exchange rates. The data has been retrieved from World Bank Indicators. d. i. Interest Rate Indicators Long Term Interest Rate (LINTT): LINTT represents yields of SGL transactions in government dated securities (G-Secs) for 10 years. G-Secs are issued by RBI on behalf of government of India and are issued in a demat form (SGL). The data has been retrieved from Handbook of statistics on Indian Economy (RBI). ii. Short Term Interest Rate (SINTT): SINTT represents yield of SGL transactions in 14 day treasury bills. T-bills are issued by government of India against their short term borrowing requirements with a maturity ranging between 14 to 364 days. The data has been retrieved from Handbook of statistics on Indian Economy (RBI). 121 This section presents the descriptive analysis of the variables. The data has been taken annually for all the variables from 1996 to 2016 (21 years). The figures have been taken with 2010 as the base year and are based on calendar year. The data of NPA has been converted from financial year to calendar year. Table 5.1 shows the descriptive of the variables and their growth rates. Table 5.1 Descriptive Analysis of Variables (Annual frequency) Mean Median Maximum Minimum Std. Dev. CREDIT RISK INDICATORS DR 1.03 0.79 4.74 -0.80 1.38 GNPA_ADV 7.09 5.66 16.18 2.23 4.78 -1.22 -8.72 66.77 -35.25 23.20 G_GNPA_ADV GROWTH INDICATORS GDP (Rs in mn) G_GDP GDPCAP (Rs) G_GDPCAP GFCF (Rs in mn) G_GFCF 65896928.56 60043137.34 121898539.34 31790240.41 28301367.51 7.00 7.51 10.26 3.80 2.05 55269.89 51673.23 92056.47 32475.70 18899.60 5.38 5.88 8.76 2.02 2.10 19722501.01 18579079.61 36020414.63 8.43 7021943.19 10276191.41 7.93 23.98 -1.39 6.41 19338504.17 18173670.65 34856707.41 9358444.60 8260652.49 7.21 12.17 2.61 2.54 83.94 69.87 154.95 41.00 36.26 7.01 6.37 13.23 3.68 2.99 84.91 78.23 129.96 48.42 28.20 5.02 4.82 9.56 -2.74 2.77 INDVA (Rs in mn) G_INDVA 6.81 PRICE STABILITY INDICATORS CPI G_CPI WPI G_WPI M3 (Rs in mn) G_M3 43128674.26 28958290.52 116176150.95 15.95 16.73 122 22.27 6233354.00 35926267.86 8.13 3.70 Mean Median Maximum Minimum Std. Dev. 51798333.20 6942331.57 17348037.40 EXTERNAL INDICATORS TRADE (Rs in mn) 28375624.78 28065799.81 G_TRADE 10.38 10.55 29.38 -5.61 9.56 LCU_USD 48.01 45.73 67.20 35.43 8.42 3.70 4.35 14.50 -8.74 6.07 55.83 52.32 111.63 12.76 34.08 8.62 11.17 60.11 -47.14 28.80 54.28 48.66 99.67 14.42 29.89 7.75 9.52 57.08 -47.77 26.81 G_LCU_USD OIL ( $ per barrel) G_OIL WTIOIL ($ per barrel) G_WTIOIL FINANCIAL MARKET INDICATORS MCAPBSE (Rs in mn) G_MCAPBSE 41263359.22 31447680.00 106233470.00 23.45 18.01 102.70 4392310.00 35828932.14 -56.14 42.07 MCAPNSE (Rs in mn) G_MCAPNSE MCAPUSA ($) G_MCAPUSA 39841454.14 29167680.00 104396212.90 24.48 3911300.00 34883578.43 21.70 103.16 -55.42 42.03 16915419.13 15640707.04 27352200.72 8480497.00 5245867.15 30.09 -41.82 18.00 8.43 14.35 MCAPWORLD ($) G_MCAPWORLD 41563896.55 40563282.86 8.67 64853776.19 19569896.01 15049347.03 13.38 38.22 -46.49 20.16 8.46 7.95 13.75 5.14 2.23 -1.62 -1.41 45.90 -32.07 17.90 SINTT 6.87 6.91 9.89 3.84 1.67 G_SINTT 1.65 -5.98 69.14 -31.70 28.18 INTEREST RATE INDICATORS LINTT G_LINTT 123 Credit Risk Indicators This section examines both the proxies of credit risk i.e. DR and GNPA_ADV ratio as both these ratios reflect a different aspect of credit risk. GNPA_ADV addresses the NPA issue from the current year’s perspective i.e. current year NPAs divided by current year Advances; however DR can be viewed with respect to incremental loans or slippage of loans in a particular year. The average GNPA_ADV ratio from 1996 to 2016 is 7.09%, the lowest ratio recorded in the year 2008 as 2.23% and the highest being 16.18% in the year 1996. Figure 5.1 displays the trends of DR and GNPA_ADV graphically. 20 16 12 8 4 0 -4 96 98 00 02 04 DR 06 08 10 12 14 16 GNPA_ADV Figure 5.1 Credit Risk Indicators As can be seen in the graph, there is a gradual decline in the GNPA_ADV ratio from 16.18% (1996) to 2.23% (2008). However, post 2009 GNPA_ADV ratio again started increasing and reached 9.13% in 2016. The GNPA_ADV ratio was as high as 6.67% in 2015 and 9.13% in 2016. The mean DR was 1.03 in the sample period ranging 124 from -0.80 (2005) to 4.74 (1996). Similarly, the DR was 3.40 in 2015 and 2.80 in 2016. The detailed reasoning of the trends in DR is explained in section 5.1.3. Growth Indicators The GDP of Indian economy was Rs 121.89 trillion as on Dec 31, 2016. As it can be observed from Table 5.1, the annual GDP growth rate for the given sample period from 1996-2016 is around 7%. Figure 5.2 presents the graphical presentation of the growth indicators with respect to DR. 25 20 15 10 5 0 -5 96 98 00 02 04 DR G_GFCF 06 08 G_GDP G_INDVA 10 12 14 16 G_GDPCAP Figure 5.2 Growth Indicators As it can be observed from the figure, there are phases in the trends of GDP growth rate. The average GDP growth rate from 1996 to 2002 was 5.59%. The economy had got liberalised in 1991 and this period can be considered as the stabilisation period. However, the period between 2003 and 2007 was a very high growth phase and was accompanied by the consolidation of key macroeconomic indicators. The average GDP growth rate in these five years was around 8.83%. In 2008, GDP growth rate in India saw a sharp fall due to the onset of global financial recession (from 9.80% in 125 2007 to 3.89% in 2008) which resulted in contraction in both internal and external demand, withdrawal of funds by the foreign financial markets which led to a reduction of liquidity in the market which impacted trade and other economic activity. However, the Government and Central Bank undertook multiple expansionary steps and monetary easing policy which enabled economy to rebound in end of 2009 and 2010. Post 2009, the GDP has been growing at an average of 7.48% (2010-2016). A similar trend is observed in the GDP per capita. The average GDP per capita income in the sample period is Rs 55269.89 growing at an average of 5.38%. With respect to GFCF, initially from 1996 to 2000, average GFCF growth rate was very less (5.64%); however similar to GDP trends, GFCF also increased at a rapid speed between 2003 and 2007, growing at an average of 16.15%. The years 2010 and 2011 saw new capacity additions due to government initiatives due to which growth of GFCF was very high, 11% and 12.25% respectively. However, the last few years in our sample (2012-2016) show a very sluggish growth in GFCF (around 3.76% ), it has considerably contracted due to weak internal and external demand, low existing capacity utilisation (which discourages new capacity additions), inconsistent factory output and the most important low industrial growth. The mean INDVA growth during the period is around 6.81 % ranging from minimum growth rate of 2.61% (2001) to maximum of 12.17% (2006). Price Stability Indicators In this section 3 variables have been described- Wholesale Price Index (WPI), Consumer Price Index (CPI) and Broad Money (M3). Inflation in India is measured in terms of Consumer Price Index and Wholesale Price index. It is the percentage 126 change in the price index over a specific period of time. In India, Consumer Price Index (CPI) and Wholesale Price Index (WPI) are two major indices for measuring inflation. The WPI measures the price of a representative basket of wholesale goods. CPI is a measure of change in retail prices of goods and services consumed by defined population group in a given area with reference to a base year. As seen in Table 5.1, the average CPI for the sample period is 83.94 ranging between 41.00 (1996) and 154.95 (2016).The mean WPI for the period was 84.91, the maximum being 129.96 (in 2014) and minimum 48.42 (in 1996). Figure 5.3 shows the graph of price stability indicators along with DR. 25 20 15 10 5 0 -5 96 98 00 02 04 06 DR G_CPI 08 10 12 14 16 G_M3 G_W PI Figure 5.3Price Stability Indicators As it can be seen, initially, there was not much divergence between CPI and WPI, however, post 2009 it can be seen the divergence and this is mainly due to the composition of the two indices. The period between 1999 and 2005 showed a moderate growth in CPI (average 4.08%) as well as WPI (average 4.87%). However, after 2005, the monetary policy stance changed and as a result CPI and WPI growth rates started increasing at 6.96% and 6.10% respectively on an average (2006-2008). 127 As mentioned above, post 2009, CPI and WPI also started showing divergence. The year 2009 showed a sharp contrast between CPI and WPI. The CPI growth was 10.88% and WPI growth rate was 2.35%. The main reason was that the main component of CPI was food articles which saw a steep rise in food inflation due to monsoon shock of 2009 and a sharp increase in Minimum Support Price (MSP) and enhanced coverage under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MNREGA). Post-recession, the CPI growth rate reached double digits (approximately 11%) in 2009-2010 as the monetary policy was in an expansion mode to support growth recovery with the key policy rates falling. Another important Price stability indicator is M3 which represents Broad money. The money supply determines the liquidity in the system and also affects the availability and cost of credit. The average growth rate in M3 in the sample period was 15.95%. As it can be seen from figure 5.3, the growth rate of M3 was initially high during the expansionary phase of development; however it fell from 1996 to 2001 after which it started increasing. The growth rate was highest in 2007 (22.27%) after which it again started falling. External Market Indicators Table 5.1 presents the descriptive analysis of the four External market indicators namely LCU_USD, TRADE, WTIOIL and OIL. Figure 5.4 displays the growth rates of these variables along with DR. An important variable among these is Oil. Oil is one of the most actively traded commodities in the world and is extremely sensitive to the geopolitical events. 128 80 60 40 20 0 -20 -40 -60 96 98 00 02 04 06 DR G_LCU_USD G_BRENTOIL 08 10 12 14 16 G_TRADE G_W TIOIL Figure 5.4 External indicators As it can be observed in the descriptives section as well as the graph, the global crude oil prices have been quite volatile. As the Indian economy is largely an oil importing economy, the volatility of oil prices highly affects India’s macroeconomic fundamentals such as fiscal deficit, current account deficit and inflation. It has an impact on the exchange rate as reduction in the prices of the crude oil helps to reduce the import bill which further helps in narrowing the Current Account Deficit (CAD) and thus the currency also benefits from lower CAD on the back of reduced demand for dollars required to fund the deficit. The most popularly traded grades of oil are Brent North Sea crude (Brent Crude) and West Texas Intermediate (WTI). Figure 5.5 shows the comparative prices of Brent Oil and WTI Oil. 129 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 -20 96 98 00 02 DR 04 06 08 BRENTOIL 10 12 14 16 W TIOIL Figure 5.5 Brent Oil and WTI Oil Prices The prices of WTI oil are marginally less than the price of Brent oil but the price anomaly between the two is a short run phenomenon. As India has Brent crude in its crude oil basket, the oil prices with respect to Brent crude will be analysed. As it can be observed, the oil prices in the 21 years of sample period have been quite volatile. The maximum oil price was reported in the year 2012 at the rate $111.63 per barrel and the minimum price was reported in the year 1998 at the rate of $12.76 per barrel. As OIL is one of our variables in the model, it has been explained in detail in the quarterly descriptive analysis. Another important external sector indicator is Trade and the most important determinant of export performance of any country is the global economic outlook. As it can be seen, trade also follows the growth (GDP) trend. The average annual growth in TRADE from 1996 to 2016 was 10.38% with the maximum growth being 29.38% recorded in the year 2005 and minimum being -5.61% recorded in the year 2015. One of the principal reasons for such a high growth rate in India in 2005 was due to the 130 impact of the phasing out of the WTO agreement on Textiles and Clothing (ATC) and the end of the quantitative restrictions in early 2005 due to which India and China made significant inroads in the international market share. The last 5 years (20122016) have witnessed a low growth rate in trade averaging around 0.87% mainly due to global slowdown and deflationary factors. Exchange rate, another key external sector indicator, has an impact on the other external indicators also. The average LCU_USD rate in the past 21 years is 48.01 ranging between 35.43 in the year 1996 and 67.20 in the year 2016. The exchange rate depends upon a number of factors like geopolitical conditions, trade, inflation, interest rates and most important growth rates of the economies. Rising fiscal deficit, domestic inflation and rising worth of USD (Federal Reserve’s decision to reduce Quantitative Easing) are some of the key factors why rupee is depreciation vis a vis dollar is discussed in detail in the later section. Financial Market Indicators In the section, the descriptive analysis of MCAPNSE, MCAPBSE, MCAPUSA and MCAPWORLD has been presented. Figure 5.6 exhibits the trends in the above mentioned variables. As it can be observed, MCAPNSE and MCAPBSE move almost similarly with an average growth rate of around 24.48 % forMCAPNSE and 23.49% for MCAPBSE. In the year 2003, the MCAPBSE growth rate increased significantly due to increase in the stock price across the board. This was mainly because there was an improvement in overall corporate earnings which was being reflected in the stock prices along with large investments by FIIs. Infact, the World and US markets have grown at a lesser rate with MCAPWORLD growing by 8.67 % and MCAPUSA growing on an average by 8.43%. 131 120 80 40 0 -40 -80 96 98 00 02 04 06 DR G_MCAPNSE G_MCAPW ORLD 08 10 12 14 16 G_MCAPBSE G_MCAPUSA Figure 5.6 Financial market indicators Interest Rate Indicators Interest rate indicators play an important role in the analysis of the credit risk. Figure 5.7 exhibit the trends in SINTT and LINTT. The mean SINTT in the sample period is 6.87% ranging from 3.84% (in 2009) to 9.89% (in 2000). Meanwhile, the average LINTT is 8.46% with the maximum being 13.75% in the year 1996 and minimum being 5.14% in the year 2003. Figure 5.7 shows the Interest Rate indicators along with Default rate. As it can be seen in Figure 5.7 the SINTT normally remains more than LINTT. The reasons for the same have been explained in detail in the quarterly descriptive analysis section. 132 80 60 40 20 0 -20 -40 96 98 00 02 DR 04 06 G_LINTT 08 10 12 14 16 G_SINTT Due to non-availability of data for LINTT and SINTT available for 1995, for calculating growth rates for the year 1996, T-bill rate of April 1996 (instead of Dec 1995) and 10 yr Gsec of May 1996 (instead of Dec 1995) have been taken for calculations Figure 5.7 Interest rate indicators 5.1.2. Reduction of Variables - Operationalisation of Final Variables for Target Credit Risk Model The previous section describes the variables that have been identified from the literature that can be taken for our model. However, for a parsimonious time series model, it is required to identify the variables that have a major impact on the default rate as a VAR/ VECM framework cannot accept these many variables. Based on the extensive literature review, their relevance in the Indian context and for the reasons described below, the following variables have been identified from each category that will be taken for analysis. To make the analysis robust, all the variables are quarterly. 133 DEFAULT RATE (DR)-Default Rate of quarter ‘t’ can been defined as the ratio of incremental gross NPAs in quarter ‘t’ to performing loans in quarter ‘t-1’. Performing loans in a certain period is the difference between gross advances and gross NPAs in that period. The definition of Default rate has been adopted from Drehmann (2008) and Marcucci and Quagliariello (2008). RBI also takes slippage ratio as a proxy of credit risk which can be defined as the fresh accretion to NPAs during a period i.e. Slippage Ratio = Fresh NPAs / Standard Advances at the beginning of the period. Accretion to NPAs is a very critical indicator of the efficiency of credit risk management of the financial institutions. It is important for the banks to reduce fresh additions to NPAs to improve the quality of their asset portfolio. A sharp decline in the incremental NPAs is critical as it reflects a significant improvement in credit appraisal, improved risk management and better resource allocation process. Hence, DR can be considered as an important proxy for measuring the credit risk position of a country’s banking system. As the data for NPAs was available annually only, the annual data has been converted into quarterly data. Quadratic match-sum option has been used for interpolation of the data. This method fits a local quadratic polynomial for each observation of the low frequency series and uses this polynomial to fill in all observations of the high frequency series associated with the period. The quadratic polynomial is formed by taking sets of three adjacent points from the source series and fitting a quadratic so that either the average or the sum of the high frequency points matches the low frequency data actually observed (Eviews 8). 134 Also, the data given in RBI was based on financial year and the data for other variables is based on calendar year. Therefore to enable comparison, the annual data of Gross NPAs and Gross Advances into has been converted into quarterly data according to calendar year and thereafter the default rate has been calculated. Default Rate = {Incremental Gross NPAs (t) / Performing loans (t-1)] Growth Indicators- GDP - GDP is the most important indicator among the growth indicators. GDP (market prices) at constant prices in the local current unit (Rs in million) has been taken for analysis. Constant prices have been taken as current series are influenced by the effect of price inflation and constant series are used to measure the growth of a series, i.e. adjusting for the effects of price inflation. The base year for the data is 2010. The data is seasonally adjusted as most of the official statistics are often adjusted to remove seasonal components as it enables us to understand better the underlying trends in the economy. Price Stability Indicators – Consumer Price Index - Over, the last few years, inflation has emerged as one of the main concerns of the policymakers in India as inflation rate has important implications on the policy decisions. Till April 2014, Wholesale Price Index (WPI) was the main index for measurement of inflation in India; however RBI adopted CPI (combined) as the key measure of inflation after that. Also, conceptually, as CPI is related to retail consumer and better captures the market dynamics, it is a better indicator of inflation for guiding monetary policy decisions than WPI. Therefore, CPI has been taken as the measure of inflation. The data has been adjusted seasonally. 135 Financial Market Indicators – Market Cap NSE-NSE is ranked as the largest stock exchange in India in terms of total and average daily turnover for equity shares based on SEBI data (NSE). Therefore it is an important variable for analysis and hence log of market capitalisation of NSE has been taken as the variable for analysis. To make a parsimonious model, the other market capitalisation variables have not been taken. External Sector Indicators: Two important external indicators have been identified based on the literature review which has an impact on credit risk. - Exchange Rate – Foreign exchange rates play a critical role as part of the external sector variables. It is a key variable that affects decisions made by exporters, importers, bankers, businesses, financial institutions and policymakers. Movements in exchange rates have very important implications for the economy’s business cycle, trade and capital inflows. Infact, India’s exchange rate management and monetary policy are closely linked as RBI is empowered to control and deal with forex. In view of the importance of exchange rate, it has been taken as the variable for further analysis. - Oil Prices (Brent Crude)- Apart from exchange rate, oil prices have been taken as a variable. The importance of Oil on the Indian economy has been widely documented and researched. An increase in oil prices represents a negative demand shock to the economy as a whole and can cause overall household and business costs to rise thereby increasing the risks of default by the borrowers. Also, as Brent crude forms a part of the Indian crude basket, the impact of Brent oil prices on the credit risk has been exmained. Henceforth, OIL means Brent oil. 136 Interest Rate Indicators – Interest rate indicators play an intrinsic role in India’s economic system, hence it is important to examine the impact of both short term and long term interest on the credit risk. - Short-Term Interest Rate - For the study, the yield of SGL transactions of 14 day treasury bills has been employed as representing short term interest rate. T-bills are money market instruments that are issued by government of India against their short term borrowing requirements with a maturity ranging between 14 to 364 days. The yields of 14 day T-bill rates serve as short term benchmarks for interest rates. - Long Term Interest Rate –For the analysis, yields of SGL transactions in government dated securities (G-secs) for 10 years has been taken as a proxy for long term interest rate. G-secs are issued by RBI on behalf of government of India and are issued in a demat form (SGL). Normally, the dated G-secs have a period of 1 year to 20 years. 10 year G-sec rate has been taken to reflect the long term rate of interest. Many lending rates are referenced to 10 year G -sec yield. Any major movement in the 10 year G-sec rates may affect the economy. Table 5.2 exhibits the final variables along with the acronyms and the source of data. 137 Table 5.2 Operationalisation of Variables Acronym Variable Source Definition Incremental Gross RBI - Handbook of Performing Loans NPAs(t)/ (t-1) where Statistics on Indian performing loans = Gross advances DR Default Rate Economy* -Gross NPAs GDP is the sum of gross value added by all resident producers in the economy plus any product taxes and minus any subsidies not included in the value of the products. It is calculated without Log of GDP at making deductions for depreciation market prices, of fabricated assets or for depletion constant 2010 and degradation of natural LCU, millions, World Bank-Global resources. Data are in constant local Ln_GDP seas. adj. Economic Monitor currency. Consumer price index reflects changes in the cost to the average consumer of acquiring a basket of goods and services that may be fixed or changed at specified intervals, such as yearly. The CPI CPI Price, World Bank-Global Laspeyres formula is generally seas. adj. Economic Monitor used. Data are period averages. Official exchange rate refers to the Official exchange exchange rate, LCU_USD rate determined by national authorities or to the rate LCU per USD, World Bank-Global determined in the legally period average Economic Monitor sanctioned exchange market. It is 138 Acronym Variable Source Definition calculated as an annual average based on monthly averages (local currency units relative to the U.S. dollar). OIL Brent Oil, US Dollars per Information barrel Energy Administration Price of Brent Oil in dollars per barrel The share price times the number Log of Market RBI - Handbook of of shares outstanding for listed Ln_MCAP Capitalisation Statistics on Indian domestic companies in National NSE of NSE Economy stock exchange. RBI - Handbook of Yield of SGL transactions in Long LINTT term Statistics on Indian Government dated securities for 10 Interest Rate Economy year maturities RBI - Handbook of Yield of SGL transactions in Short SINTT term Statistics on Indian Treasury interest rate Economy bills for residual maturities upto 14 days * The data for time period 1996 to 2015 has been retrieved from Handbook of statistics of Indian Economy (RBI) and for 2016 from Statistical Tables related to Banking (RBI) . The data has been given in the format of financial year which has been converted to calendar year to enable comparison between other variables which are based on calendar year. ** GDP and McapNse have been transformed into natural log . DR, LCU_USD, OIL, SINTT and LINTT have been taken as it is. 5.1.3. Descriptive Analysis (Quarterly Frequency) This section presents briefly describes the final variables along with their growth rates for the selected sample for 83 quarters from 1996 Q2 to 2016 Q4 (calendar year) Table 5.3 exhibits the descriptive statistics. 139 Table 5.3 Descriptive Analysis (Quarterly frequency) Variables Mean Median Maximum Minimum Std. Dev. DR 0.22 0.17 1.72 -0.32 0.34 GNPA_ADV 6.98 5.07 16.35 2.22 4.61 16387410 15024950 30632000 7853310 6778399 GDP (Rs in mn) CPI 87.54 74.68 158.36 42.62 35.37 LCU_USD 48.40 46.04 67.86 34.94 8.42 OIL ($ per barrel) 56.35 48.25 132.32 9.82 34.53 37667782 28961940 108660631 3911300 32993101 MCAPNSE (Rs in mn) SINTT 6.67 6.80 10.47 2.90 1.67 LINTT 8.65 8.01 13.96 5.14 2.18 LN_GDP 16.53 16.53 17.24 15.88 0.42 LN_MCAPNSE 16.90 17.18 18.50 15.18 1.15 -67.30 -1.28 487.61 -3915.16 451.13 -0.42 -1.83 28.12 -14.13 6.40 G_GDP 1.67 1.62 5.31 -1.42 1.28 G_CPI 1.62 1.50 4.52 -2.54 1.13 G_LCUUSD 0.87 0.38 11.19 -7.21 3.41 Transformed variables Growth rates** G_DR G_GNPADV 140 Variables Mean Median Maximum Minimum Std. Dev. G_OIL 2.97 4.07 47.42 -58.91 17.57 G_MCAPNSE 4.89 3.61 53.05 -25.75 15.28 G_SINTT 1.11 -1.31 55.38 -45.17 17.72 G_LINTT -0.47 -0.68 32.79 -39.18 8.01 ** the growth rates have been calculated for 82 quarters(1996 Q3 to 2016 Q4) DEFAULT RATE/ GNPA TO ADVANCES The average DR for the sample period was 0.22 ranging between -0.32 (2014 Q2) to 1.72 (2015 Q2). It is also important to note that the mean GNPA_ADV is 6.98% with a range of 2.22 (2008 Q1and Q2) to 16.35% (1996 Q2). It can been seen that there is a substantial reduction in the GNPA_ADV over the past few years which continued falling till 2012 Q2 after which again it started rising gradually and reached 9.83% in 2016 Q4. Figure 5.8(a) shows the Quarterly DR followed by Figure 5.8(b) which displays the Quarterly GNPA_ADV ratio and Figure 5.8 (c) which shows the Quarterly Growth rate of GNPA_ADV ratio. As observed in Figure 5.8 (b), the GNPA_ADV ratio exhibits a downward trend from 1996 Q2 till 2008 Q2 after which it starts rising gradually. After 2015 Q2, the ratio starts increasing very rapidly. 141 DR 2.0 1.6 1.2 0.8 0.4 0.0 -0.4 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10 12 14 16 14 16 Figure 5.8 (a) Quarterly Default Rate (DR) GNPA_ADV 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10 12 Figure 5.8 (b) Quarterly Gross Non Performing to Advances ratio (GNPA_ADV) 142 G_GNPADV 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 Figure 5.8 (c) Quarterly Growth Rate of GNPA_ADV The primary reason for a sustained improvement in the NPA ratio and Default rate till 2008 Q2 was due to initiation of several reforms by the government and Reserve Bank of India. Due to liberalisation and opening up of banking to private sector, there was an increased competitiveness among the banks which lead to an improvement in lending and credit management practices by the banks. The measures taken by RBI and Government to expedite the recovery of NPAs included formation of Debt Recovery Tribunals (DRTs), Asset Reconstruction Companies (ARCs), Corporate Debt Reconstruction (CDR) mechanism, and the Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest (SARFAESI) Act. This led to a gradual acceleration in the growth of credit and a significant improvement in the growth of gross NPAs. However, post the recession of 2008, the credit risk ratios started increasing again due to pressures from the global financial crisis. The economy slowed down due to which the demand contracted, foreign investors pulled out of the economy and created a liquidity crunch, banks became very cautious about lending which further led to unutilised capacities which were expanded during the 143 boom time. The additional capacities funded mainly by debts from banks which were built up prior to the recession of 2008 remained underutilised due to the drop in the demand across sectors as a result of recession adding to the stress in the system. This led to defaults in the industrial sector mainly infrastructure, civil aviation, textile, iron and steel in particular. Apart from economic slowdown, the repeated restructuring of corporate loans called “evergreening” also led to the accumulation of NPAs. This led to the persistence of “Twin Balance sheet problem” - over-indebtedness in the corporate and banking sectors which implied that both banking and corporate sector were under stress. The year 2015 saw a sudden spurt of NPAs as RBI started conducting the Asset Quality review (AQR) following which banks cleaned up their books, which led to declaration of large accumulated NPAs. In the case of both GNPA_ADV and DR, post 2015, the ratios increased at a very high rate. As per the latest Economic Survey 2016-17 India’s current NPA ratio is higher than any other emerging market (with the exception of Russia) (Economic Survey 2017). Ln_GDP The average quarterly GDP at market prices of the sample period is Rs. 16387410 million growing at a quarterly rate of 1.67 percent from 1996 Q3 to 2016 Q4. India has emerged as the fastest growing major economy in the world as per the Central Statistics Organisation (CSO) and International Monetary Fund (IMF) and is expected to be one of the top three economic powers of the world over the next 10-15 years (IBEF). Figre 5.9 (a) shows the graph of quarterly Ln_GDP and figure 5.9 (b) displays the quarterly GDP growth rate. 144 LN_GDP 17.4 17.2 17.0 16.8 16.6 16.4 16.2 16.0 15.8 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10 12 14 16 Figure 5.9 (a) Quarterly Ln_GDP G_GDP 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 Figure 5.9 (b) Quarterly Growth Rate of Ln_GDP As shown in the Figure 5.9 (a), the Ln_GDP has been constantly increasing over the last 20 years. However, the GDP growth rate as shown in figure 5.9(b) has been volatile over the period 1996 Q3 to 2016Q,4.It can be observed that the period 200809 has been quite low due to the recession. India’s growth over the years has been 145 fuelled by the expansion of services sector. As it can be seen from the graph, the quarterly GDP growth rate in some quarters was negative. Table 5.4 tabulates the quarters in the sample period where the GDP growth rate was negative along with the reasons that can be attributed to the drop in GDP growth rate: Table 5.4 Reasons for negative GDP growth rate (1996 Q3 – 2016 Q4) Quarter GDP growth rate 1996 Q3 -1.19% Reason 1996-97 Asian crisis 1997 Q2 -0.34% 2000Q4 -0.33% Kargil war, nuclear blasts resulting in international sanctions on India 2003 Q4 growth rate was exceptionally high (4.55). This could 2004 Q1 -1.42% have an impact on the 2004 Q1 growth rate. However, overall for the year, the growth rate of GDP was quite high 2008 Q4 -0.31% Impact of 2008-09 recession 2009 Q1 -0.81% Lagged effect of recession in terms 2011 Q3 -0.36% of high interest rates resulting in industrial output and slowdown in construction and mining sector. In recent years, a higher level of business cycle correlation between developed and developing economies has been seen due to increasing globalisation. This is contrary 146 to the ‘decoupling theory’ that has been suggested by economists. This theory suggests that emerging economies will not be affected by the downturn in the advanced economies due to their substantial foreign exchange reserves, improved policy framework and relatively healthy banking sector. CPI As mentioned earlier, over the last few years, inflation has emerged as a leading concern for India’s economists and policymakers. The mean quarterly CPI for the selected period is 87.54 ranging between 42.62 (1996 Q2) to 158.36 (2016 Q4) with an average growth rate of 1.62% every quarter. Figure 5.10 (a) shows quarterly CPI. CPI 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10 12 14 16 Figure 5.10 (a) Quarterly CPI As it can be seen graphically from figure 5.10 (a), CPI has increased over the last few years. This rising and high inflation persistence has set an intense debate on the nature of inflation in India and its implications on macroeconomic stability and policy. As food articles dominate the CPI basket, supply side shocks in the form of episodic food price increases have been the major cause, leading to higher instances of CPI based 147 inflation. It has been often suggested that in India, higher food inflation is mainly because of the large increase in the minimum support prices (MSP) policy which leads to an upwards bias to agricultural prices (Mohanty, 2010). The fuel category also has some impact on the CPI figures as it comprises of approximately 7% of the CPI basket as compared to WPI which allocates 14% weightage to fuel and fuel products. Figure 5.10 (b) displays quarterly growth rate of CPI. G_CPI 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 Figure 5.10 (b) Quarterly Growth Rate of CPI The period from 1996Q2 till 1997 Q3, showed a declining trend in the growth rate of CPI as exhibited in figure 5.10 (b) as a result of structural changes in the macroeconomic framework. The periods from 1997Q4 to 1998 Q4 and 2008 Q1 to 2013 Q4 (except a few quarters), exhibit a high CPI growth rate. One of the important reasons for high CPI was the impact of global recession, which resulted in the increase in the prices of oil and commodities which in turn, had an adverse impact on inflation. This also had an impact on the exchange rate. As per empirical evidence, one percentage point change in the Rupee-dollar exchange rate has 10 basis points on inflation (Mohanty, 2013). Also, the growth in domestic agricultural production 148 stagnated around 3% per annum, and the demand for food increased which lead to high food prices thereby affected CPI based inflation. OIL The average OIL price for the sample period has been $56.35 per barrel with an average growth rate of 2.97% per quarter. The maximum OIL price has been recorded as $ 132.32 per barrel in the quarter 2008 Q2 and the minimum has been recorded as $ 9.82 per barrel in 1998 Q4. As discussed in the annual descriptive analysis, price of OIL depends upon the interplay of demand and supply of oil. Figure 5.11 (a) and (b) depict the quarterly OIL prices and the growth of OIL prices during the sample period. OIL 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10 12 14 16 Figure 5.11 (a) Quarterly Brent Oil prices As it can be seen from figure 5.11 (a) and 5.11 (b) , from 1998 Q1, the oil prices fell and this was a result of a combination of the Asian Financial crisis of 1997 and an OPEC miscalculation of world demand that led to a production quota increase in 1997. However, after the massive fall in price, OPEC and non-OPEC countries agreed 149 to a cut the oil production which led to a faster than expected demand recovery in Asia. After this, the prices continued to rise till 2008 Q2 due to American invasion of Iraq and rising oil demand in India and China. At the time of financial crisis, the price of oil decreased significantly due to low demand. However, the prices rebounded around 2010 Q4 and remained high for the next 4 years. From 2014 Q3 onwards, the prices again started declining due to oil glut caused by significant oil production in USA, OPEC and non-OPEC countries (especially Russia). Around this time, USA had started commercial exploitation of the shale oil reserves using a controversial technique called fracking. As USA was one of the biggest importers of oil prior to this period, reduced demand from USA exerted downward pressure on prices. Apart from that, the demand also reduced from emerging countries, especially China, which further reduced the prices. G_OIL 60 40 20 0 -20 -40 -60 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 Figure 5.11 (b) Quarterly growth rate of Brent OIL 150 2016 LCU_USD The mean LCU_USD during the sample period was 48.40. It touched a peak of 67.86 in the quarter 2016 Q4 and the lowest as 34.94 in the quarter 1996 Q2. LCU_USD is an important variable as the corporate’s debt repayment capacity reduces due to adverse exchange rate or interest rate shocks and leads to larger than anticipated rise in new NPA formation. Figure 5.12 (a) exhibits the trends of LCU_USD. LCU_USD 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10 12 14 16 Figure 5.12 (a) Quarterly LCU_USD As it can be observed from the figure, since 1996, after the economy moved towards market determined exchange rates, four important stages can be seen: i) the Indian rupee depreciated gradually and steadily against the dollar from 1996 Q2 to 2002 Q4 ii) moderate fluctuations in the exchange rate from 2003 Q1- 2007 Q4 with some appreciation from 2006 Q3 to 2007 Q4 when rupee appreciated mainly due to the global weakness of the dollar and capital inflows. iii) sharp depreciation and very high volatility from 2008 Q1 to 2014 Q3 and iv) greater stability from 2014 Q4 to 2016 Q4. Post 1996, India has seen wide ranging exchange rate reforms and as a 151 result of these reforms and calibrated intervention by RBI over the years, Indian forex market has increasingly integrated with the global forex markets, especially since 2003-04. Depreciation of rupee normally contributes to higher inflation as it makes imports more expensive. However, the overall impact depends on the state of the economy According to Mohanty, 2013, “As per empirical evidence, one percentage point change in the Rupee-dollar exchange rate has 10 basis points on inflation”. Figure 5.12 (b) shows the quarterly growth rate of LCU_USD. G_LCUUSD 12 8 4 0 -4 -8 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 Figure 5.12 (b) Quarterly Growth Rate of LCU_USD Ln_MCAP NSE Market capitalisation can be considered as the measure of the corporate size of a country. In the markets that are emerging, market capitalisation reflects the growth in the economy. The mean market capitalisation of NSE was Rs. 3,766,778 million for the quarters 1996 Q2 to 2016 Q4 growing at an average growth rate of 4.89% per quarter. It ranged between Rs. 391,130 million to Rs. 10,866,060 million. Figure 5.13 152 (a) and figure 5.13 (b) shows the trends of LN_MCAPNSE and growth rate of Ln_MCAPNSE in the given period. LN_MCAPNSE 19.0 18.5 18.0 17.5 17.0 16.5 16.0 15.5 15.0 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10 12 14 16 Figure 5.13 (a) Quarterly Ln_MCAPNSE G_MCAPNSE 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 Figure 5.13 (b) Quarterly Growth Rate of MCAPNSE As it can be seen from the figure, the growth rate of Market Capitalisation of NSE has been quite volatile. The market capitalisation depends upon a number of domestic and international factors. 153 SINTT The mean quarterly SINTT during the sample period is 6.67% and the average quarterly growth rate is 1.11%. Figure 5.14 (a) shows the trends in the SINTT and figure 5.14 (b) shows the trends in the growth rate of SINTT. As it can been seen from figure 5.14 (a), for 4 quarters, from 1997 Q1 and 1997 Q4, the T-bill rates were low (averaging 5.32%) but they started rising in 1998 Q1. The steep rise in the rates can be attributed to the combined outflow of funds from the banking system on account of advance tax payments. The period from 1998 Q1 to 2000 Q4 can be seen as a period of high yields, with T-bill yields averaging 8.47% (Annual report RBI June 1998). SINTT 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10 12 14 16 Figure 5.14 (a) Quarterly SINTT Post 2001 Q1 till 2008 Q2, the SINTT was near the average of 5.76% with some volatility. This pre-crisis period was marked by high GDP growth rates and normal CPI levels. The period of 2008-2010 assumed more significance in the backdrop of 154 the global financial turmoil. In 2008 Q3, the SINTT shot up to 8.94% from 5.75% in the previous quarter mainly due to the decline in capital inflows, distress in the economy and reduced liquidity. However, RBI accorded high priority to financial stability and took several initiatives to improve the efficiency of the money market and displayed operational readiness for introduction to new products which enabled the money markets to function normally and sustain adequate money supply in the system. The mean SINTT in this period (2008 Q4 to 2010 Q3) was 4.07%. Post 2010 Q4 till 2016 Q4, SINTT has been averaging 7.63% within the range of 6% to 9% and has been quite stable. G_SINTT 60 40 20 0 -20 -40 -60 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 Figure 5.14 (b) Quarterly Growth Rate of SINTT LINTT The average LINTT in the sample period was 8.65% and ranged between 5.14% (2003 Q4) to 13.96% (1996 Q2). Figure 5.15 (a) and figure 5.15 (b) show the LINTT rates and growth in LINTT rates respectively during the sample period. 155 As it can be seen, the yields are mostly higher for longer maturities as compared to shorter maturities. This is primarily due to two reasons a) long term G-secs have greater duration than short term G-secs. In simple terms ‘Duration’ may be explained as the length of time that the bond may be affected by an interest rate change and b) There is a greater probability that interest rates will rise in the longer time period as compared to shorter time period. LINTT 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10 12 14 16 Figure 5.15 (a) Quarterly LINTT In the selected sample, it can be observed that between 1996 Q2 to 2001 Q1, the 10 year G-sec rate remained high with an average of 11.95%, after which it started falling down and has remained at sub-10% levels. This can mainly be attributed to repo-cuts around that period, reduction in administered interest rates and expectations of further reduction in US rates that led to the easing of the liquidity condition and downward movement in the yields (Report on Currency and Finance, 2007). The downward trend continued till 2004 Q2 when the yield became as low as 5.87 after which the G-sec yields again started rising, with an average of around 7.76% from 2004 Q3 to 2016 Q4. 2008 Q4 saw a drastic reduction in G-sec rates (5.30%) due to 156 China slashing interest rates, which spurred expectations of the rate cut in the Indian bond market, along with low inflation. As graph reflects, during 2013 Q3-2014 Q3, the G-sec rates remained a little high as compared to previous quarters mainly due to global reasons, namely, Federal Reserve rate hike scare and volatile capital market inflows on the global front and low deposit growth, uncertainty around fiscal consolidation and tight liquidity conditions on the domestic front. G_LINTT 40 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 Figure 5.15 (b) Quarterly Growth Rate of LINTT 5.1.4. Stationarity/ Unit Root Test: The empirical work based on time series models assume that the series is stationary which implies that the mean and variance of the series is constant over time. Therefore, checking the variables for Stationarity is the first and one of the most integral steps in empirical research. The Stationarity of the series is tested by using the unit root tests. Section 4.4.1 (3) explains the concept of Stationarity. Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) Test has been performed for checking the Stationarity. Further Phillips-Perron (PP) test have been conducted to increase the validity and reliability of the ADF test. This section presents the results of the ADF and PP test. 157 Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) Test ADF test for all the variables was conducted as per the automatic selection criterion (Schwarz Info Criterion) with maximum 11 lags. Schwarz Info Criterion is one of the most reliable and often used criteria for ADF testing. The reason for using reasonably high number of lags is to include enough lagged dependent variables to rid the residuals of serial correlation (Mahadeva & Robinson, 2004). Table no. 5.5 shows the results of the ADF test. It can be observed from Table 5.5 that for all the variables, the levels of the series are non-stationary and become stationary at first difference for Intercept as well as Trend and Intercept. As the data has trend, the results of no intercept and no trend have not been considered. Phillips-Perron (PP) Test To support the results of ADF test, PP test was conducted. For PP test, the Default (Bartlett Kernel) Spectral estimation method was taken. The selected automatic bandwidth is Newey-West Bandwidth. Table 5.6 shows the result of the PP test. As it can be seen, the variables DR and SINTT are integrated of order zero i.e. I(0) and Ln_GDP, CPI, LCU_USD, OIL, LN_MCAPNSE and LINTT are integrated to first order i, e. I(1) for both Intercept and Trend and Intercept. 158 Table 5.5 Augmented Dickey Fuller Test (ADF) results Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) INTERCEPT TREND & INTERCEPT TVARIABLES DR LN_GDP STATISTIC P-VALUE STATISTIC P-VALUE Level -2.002 0.286 -2.370 0.392 First Diff -5.035 0.000 -6.202 0.000 Level 0.909 0.995 -2.737 0.225 -10.057 0.000 -10.054 0.000 Level 1.827 1.000 -0.443 0.984 First Diff -3.167 0.026 -6.892 0.000 Level -0.094 0.946 -1.136 0.916 First Diff -8.523 0.000 -8.528 0.000 Level -1.768 0.394 -1.906 0.643 First Diff -8.113 0.000 -8.093 0.000 -0.513 0.883 -2.504 0.325 First Diff -7.477 0.000 -7.426 0.000 Level -2.432 0.136 -2.101 0.537 First Diff -10.445 0.000 -10.604 0.000 Level -2.521 0.114 -2.518 0.319 First Diff -13.204 0.000 -13.130 0.000 First Diff CPI LCU_USD OIL LN_MCAPNSE Level LINTT SINTT T- 159 I(1) I(1) I(1) I(1) I(1) I(1) I(1) I(1) I(1) I(1) I(1) I(1) I(1) I(1) I(1) I(1) Table 5.6 Phillips- Perron Unit Root Test PHILLIPS-PERRON UNIT ROOT TEST INTERCEPT VARIABLES T- TREND & INTERCEPT P- T- STATISTIC VALUE DR LN_GDP CPI LCU_USD OIL SINTT P-VALUE Level -4.12912 0.0015 -4.27517 0.0055 First Diff -11.923 0.0001 I(0) -11.8816 0 -2.67852 0.2482 -10.0295 0 -0.57751 0.9776 -6.99048 0 -1.29684 0.8818 -8.52804 0 -1.96276 0.6125 -8.29936 0 -2.40797 0.3728 -7.37522 0 Level 0.909158 0.9952 First Diff -10.0566 0 Level 3.662587 1 First Diff -5.69082 0 Level -0.13104 0.9417 First Diff -8.52344 0 Level -1.71094 0.422 First Diff -8.22491 0 -0.57129 0.8703 First Diff -7.42928 0 Level -2.43459 0.1356 -2.02748 0.5776 First Diff -10.4556 0.0001 I(1) -10.6135 0 Level -3.55453 0.0089 -3.53337 0.0424 First Diff -13.2878 0.0001 I(0) -13.2146 0 LN_MCAPNSE Level LINTT STATISTIC 160 I(1) I(1) I(1) I(1) I(1) I(0) I(1) I(1) I(1) I(1) I(1) I(1) I(0 To summarise; ADF and PP test were conducted to examine the stationarity of the time series data and determine the order of integration of the series. According to ADF, for all the variables, the levels of the series are non-stationary and become stationary at first difference for Intercept as well as Trend and Intercept. According to PP test, the variables DR and SINTT are integrated of order zero i.e. I (0) and Ln_GDP, CPI, LCU_USD, OIL, LN_MCAPNSE and LINTT are integrated to first order i,e. I (1) for both Intercept and Trend and Intercept. As PP test relies on asymptotic theory which suggests that it works well with large samples and our database is not very large (83 quarters), ADF test results have been taken for further analysis. According to ADF (Intercept and Intercept and Trend), all the seven series are integrated of the order 1 i.e. I (1).Therefore, Johansen Cointegration test can be further conducted. Figure 5.15 exhibits the graphical representation of Stationarity 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 96 98 00 02 04 D(DR) D(CPI) D(OIL) D(SINTT) 06 08 10 12 14 16 D(LN_GDP) D(LCU_USD) D(LN_MCAPNSE) D(LINTT) Figure 5.16 Graphical presentation of Stationarity of variables 161 5.1.5. Choice of Lag length There are no clear guidelines for choosing the correct lag length, especially when in most likely cases different criteria give contradictory results (Asteriou & Hall, 2006). However, the lag length should be chosen according to which the residual diagnostics like Serial correlation and Heteroscedasticity are not present. Liew suggests that for small samples (t=30 and t=60), AIC and FPE outperform other criteria as these two have the least probability of underestimation amongst all criteria compared and these two methods maximise the chance of recovering the true lag length. Also, for relatively large samples (120 or more observations), HQC is found to outdo the other techniques in identifying the true lag length (Liew, 2004). Gutierrez et al. (2007) also suggest that Schwarz or Hannan–Quinn criteria for selection of lag should not be used in case the sample is small due to the tendency of identifying an under-parameterized model. Therefore, AIC and FPE can be considered as ther sample size is around 83 which is less than 120. Ivanov & Kilian (2005) suggest that for monthly VAR models, AIC tends to produce the most accurate structural and semi-structural impulse response estimates for realistic sample sizes. Therefore, in our case, as the sample size is less than 120 and our sample is based on quarterly data, FPE criteria has been adopted for further analysis. Table 5.7 shows the details of the lag length selection criteria. As it can be seen, according to FPE, the desired lag length is 2 and as our data is less than 120 samples, it has been taken as the lag length selection criteria. 162 Table 5.7 Lag Length Selection Criteria Endogenous variables: DR LN_GDP CPI LCU_USD OIL LN_MCAPNSE SINTT LINTT Sample: 1996Q2 2016Q4 Lag LogL LR FPE AIC SC HQ 0 -990.14 NA 35.30098 26.26692 26.51226 26.36496 1 -311.9 1195.847 3.40e-06 10.10266 12.31072* 10.98511* 2 -243.84 105.6734 3.22e-06* 9.995792 14.16658 11.66264 3 -175.97 91.08473* 3.35e-06 9.894027 16.02754 12.34527 4 -104.11 81.31787 3.65e-06 9.687125 17.78336 12.92277 5 -33.831 64.73143 5.25e-06 9.521866 19.58082 13.54191 6 72.73628 75.71879 4.30e-06 8.401677 20.42335 13.20612 7 183.2410 55.25234 6.41e-06 7.177869* 21.16227 12.76671 5.1.6. Johansen Cointegration Test As all our variables are integrated to the order 1, i.e. I (1), the next step is to check whether the variables are cointegrated, i.e. whether there is a long run association between the variables. The concept of cointegration mimics the existence of long-run equilibrium to which an economic system converges over time. Lag selection is an important aspect in executing the Johansen Cointegration test. According to Final Prediction error (FPE) criterion, Lag 2 has been taken. It is also important to note here that if I(1) variables are modelled jointly in a dynamic system, 163 there can be upto (n-1) cointegrating relationships linking them. (Harris, 1995). Table 5.8 (a) and 5.8 (b) present the results of the Johansen Cointegration test. The result shows that both Trace statistic and Maximum Eigen statistic are statistically significant to reject the null hypothesis of r=0, at most 1 and at most 2 cointegrating equations (CEs) at 5% significance level. Therefore, there are 3 long run Cointegration relationships between Default rate and the explanatory variables. Table 5.8 (a) Johansen Cointegration Test – Unrestricted Cointegration Rank Test (Trace) Hypothesized Trace 0.05 No. of CE(s) Eigenvalue Statistic Critical Value Prob.** None * 0.517100 210.6676 159.5297 0.0000 At most 1 * 0.446470 152.4319 125.6154 0.0004 At most 2 * 0.423245 105.1169 95.75366 0.0097 At most 3 0.315424 61.08989 69.81889 0.2034 At most 4 0.151061 30.77346 47.85613 0.6786 At most 5 0.114903 17.67201 29.79707 0.5904 At most 6 0.086464 7.907332 15.49471 0.4754 At most 7 0.008374 0.672776 3.841466 0.4121 Trace test indicates 3 cointegrating eqn(s) at the 0.05 level * denotes rejection of the hypothesis at the 0.05 level **MacKinnon-Haug-Michelis (1999) p-values - Trace Statistic: As it can be seen from Table 5.8 (a), the p value of the trace statistic for null hypothesis of no CE(s) is 0.0000 which is less than 5%, hence the 164 null hypothesis of no cointegrating equations is rejected. Also, the p value of the trace statistic for null hypothesis of ‘At most 1 CE(s)’ and ‘At most 2 CE(s)’ is 0.0004 and .0097 respectively, which again are less than .05, which implies that the null hypothesis is rejected. Further, the p value for the trace statistic for null hypothesis ‘At most 3 CE(s)’ is 0.2034 which is more than .05, hence the null hypothesis cannot be rejected. Therefore, the trace statistic indicates the presence of 3 cointegrating equations at .05 confidence level. Table 5.8 (b) Johansen Cointegration Test – Unrestricted Cointegration Rank Test (Maximum Eigenvalue) Hypothesized Max-Eigen 0.05 No. of CE(s) Eigenvalue Statistic Critical Value Prob.** None * 0.517100 58.23562 52.36261 0.0113 At most 1 * 0.446470 47.31509 46.23142 0.0381 At most 2 * 0.423245 44.02696 40.07757 0.0170 At most 3 0.315424 30.31643 33.87687 0.1256 At most 4 0.151061 13.10145 27.58434 0.8793 At most 5 0.114903 9.764683 21.13162 0.7664 At most 6 0.086464 7.234556 14.26460 0.4618 At most 7 0.008374 0.672776 3.841466 0.4121 Max-eigenvalue test indicates 3 cointegrating eqn(s) at the 0.05 level * denotes rejection of the hypothesis at the 0.05 level **MacKinnon-Haug-Michelis (1999) p-values 165 - Eigen Value – Similarly, as exhibited in Table 5.8 (b), the p value of the maximum eigenvalue statistic for null hypothesis of none CE(s) is 0.0113, which is less than .05, hence the null hypothesis of no cointegrating equation can be rejected. Also, the p value of eigen value statistic for null hypothesis of ‘At most 1 CE(s)’ and ‘At most 2 CE(s)’ is 0.0381 and .0170 respectively which again are less than .05, which implies that the null hypothesis is rejected. Further, the p value for the eigen value statistic for null hypothesis ‘At most 3 CE(s)’ is 0.1256 which is more than .05, hence the null hypothesis cannot be rejected. Therefore, the maximum eigen value statistic also indicates the presence of 3 cointegrating equations at .05 confidence level. Therefore, both trace statistic and maximum eigen value statistic in the Johansen Cointegration test indicates there are 3 cointegrating equations in our model. Hence, there is a strong evidence of cointegration between DR and the other variables. 5.1.7. Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) In section 5.1.6, there was a strong evidence of the presence of 3 cointegrating equations in our model. As it is known, if the variables are cointegrated or have a long run association, then Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) is employed, but if the variables are not cointegrated, Vector Auto Regression (VAR) is used. Therefore, in order to investigate the existence of long run, cointegrating relationship, the study employs VECM model as given by Johansen (1995). The vector in our model can be described as Xt= [DR, Ln_GDP, CPI, LCU_USD, OIL, Ln_McapNSE, SINTT, LINTT] 166 The vector has a VAR representation of the form = where + ∑ + Π is a (nx1) vector of deterministic variables, is a (nx1) vector of white noise disturbances, with mean zero and covariance matrix Ξ, and Π is a (n x n) matrix of coefficients. The above expression may be reparameterised into vector error correction model (VECM) and can be expressed as: ∆ = + Φ ∆X +Π + Where ∆ denotes the first difference operator, Φ is a (n x n) coefficient matrix (equal to – ∑ Π ), and Π is a (n x n) matrix (equal to ∑ Π − ) whose rank determines the number of cointegrating vectors. The presence of Cointegration is indicated by the rank Π (Donald and Ricci, 2003). In the macroeconomic credit risk model, as all variables were I(1) as per the ADF method, the next step was to proceed with the lag order selection which was found to be lag 2 as per FPE selection criterion. Taking lag 2, Johansen Cointegration was performed which indicated the presence of 3 cointegrating equations. Therefore, Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) was conducted. Table 5.9 shows the VECM output with 2 lags and 3 cointegrating equations. 167 Table 5.9 Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) Output Vector Error Correction Estimates Sample (adjusted): 1997Q1 2016Q4 Standard errors in ( ) & t-statistics in [ ] Cointegratin g Eq: CointEq1 CointEq2 CointEq3 DR(-1) 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 LN_GDP(-1) 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 -0.069885 -0.033651 -6.388084 (0.01610) (0.00435) (0.79310) CPI(-1) LCU_USD(1) [-4.34051] [-7.74420] [-8.05457] OIL(-1) -0.016959 -0.007955 -1.479778 (0.00470) (0.00127) (0.23140) [-3.61025] [-6.27477] [-6.39498] LN_MCAPN SE(-1) 0.162413 -0.155122 5.340545 (0.14331) (0.03868) (7.05958) [ 1.13326] [-4.01056] [ 0.75650] 168 SINTT(-1) 0.347960 0.120031 23.27742 (0.07667) (0.02069) (3.77658) [ 4.53857] [ 5.80101] [ 6.16362] LINTT(-1) -0.311854 -0.065914 -16.57960 (0.05597) (0.01511) (2.75710) [-5.57169] [-4.36353] [-6.01342] C 1.764210 -12.05497 203.4881 Error D(LCU_USD Correction: D(DR) CointEq1 -0.701951 0.010489 0.860294 (0.18528) (0.00983) [-3.78849] CointEq2 CointEq3 D(DR(-1)) D(LN_GDP) D(CPI) ) D(LN_MC D(OIL) APNSE) D(SINTT) D(LINTT) 0.720906 -15.47430 -0.328559 -0.974198 -0.608573 (0.81806) (1.54759) (10.1310) (0.95596) (0.47623) [ 1.06681] [ 1.05163] [ 0.46582] [-1.52743] [-3.05759] [-1.01908] [-1.27791] -3.868312 0.057591 5.445515 -20.79366 45.19079 3.404119 -10.40758 -9.358462 (1.41146) (0.07490) (6.23179) (11.7892) (77.1752) (0.81858) (7.28229) (3.62778) [-2.74065] [ 0.76890] [ 0.87383] [-1.76379] 0.030328 -0.000532 -0.061816 0.093682 0.250631 -0.012297 0.058440 (0.00815) (0.00043) (0.03598) (0.06806) (0.44555) (0.04204) (0.02094) [ 3.72182] [-1.22919] [-1.71818] [ 1.37642] [ 0.56252] [-2.60214] [ 1.39003] [ 3.00784] (0.10746) [ 0.58556] [ 4.15856] [-1.42916] [-2.57967] (0.00473) 0.062997 0.024902 -0.005560 -0.185165 0.000167 0.006734 0.227187 0.434425 -0.171920 (0.15653) (0.00831) (0.69110) (1.30740) (8.55862) (0.09078) (0.80760) (0.40232) [ 0.15909] [-0.66932] [-0.26793] [ 0.00013] [ 0.00079] [ 2.50263] [ 0.53792] [-0.42733] 169 D(DR(-2)) 0.118287 0.004302 0.935057 -0.997240 3.465050 0.143165 1.091497 0.336056 (0.12196) (0.00647) (0.53847) (1.01867) (6.66851) (0.07073) (0.62924) (0.31347) [ 0.96988] [ 0.66470] [ 1.73650] [-0.97896] [ 0.51961] [ 2.02406] [ 1.73462] [ 1.07206] 2.771715 -0.205982 13.87013 -11.31957 55.97795 2.218076 -3.356446 (2.34381) (0.12438) (10.3483) (19.5767) (128.154) (1.35931) (12.0927) (6.02416) [ 1.18257] [-1.65612] [ 1.34033] [-0.57822] [ 0.43680] [ 1.63177] [-0.27756] [ 2.96735] -1.086663 -0.325313 -8.499792 5.294359 -70.38112 1.128874 8.215222 (2.34495) (0.12444) (10.3533) (19.5862) (128.216) (1.35996) (12.0986) (6.02708) [-0.46341] [-2.61428] [-0.82097] [ 0.27031] [-0.54892] [ 0.83008] [ 0.67902] [ 1.90141] D(LN_GDP(1)) 17.87583 D(LN_GDP(2)) D(CPI(-1)) 11.45992 0.056238 -0.000541 0.037262 0.267104 2.203838 -0.012323 -0.074130 (0.03125) (0.00166) (0.13797) (0.26102) (1.70870) (0.16123) (0.08032) [ 1.79958] [-0.32621] [ 0.27006] [ 1.02332] [ 1.28978] [-0.67995] [-0.45977] [ 0.18630] D(CPI(-2)) -0.041664 -8.05E-05 0.000261 -0.128412 4.843407 0.009296 0.000724 (0.03343) (0.00177) (0.14760) (0.27923) (1.82794) (0.01939) (0.17249) (0.08593) [ 2.64965] [ 0.47944] [ 0.00420] [ 2.60191] [-1.24627] [-0.04539] [ 0.00177] [-0.45987] (0.01812) 0.014964 0.223572 D(LCU_USD (-1)) -0.010789 -0.001274 0.010250 -0.042457 1.715631 0.015156 0.106012 (0.01944) (0.00103) (0.08582) (0.16235) (1.06278) (0.01127) (0.10028) (0.04996) [ 1.61428] [ 1.34452] [ 1.05711] [ 3.08004] -1.544026 -0.020065 -0.115965 -0.014817 [-0.55505] [-1.23506] D(LCU_USD 0.033160 -0.003554 [ 0.11943] [-0.26151] 0.048715 0.206884 170 0.153873 (-2)) (0.01951) (0.00104) (0.08613) (0.16294) (1.06666) (0.01131) (0.10065) (0.05014) [ 1.69979] [-3.43335] [ 0.56559] [ 1.26968] [-1.44754] [-1.77348] [-1.15216] [-0.29550] D(OIL(-1)) -0.003740 -4.92E-05 -0.008111 0.014923 0.353370 0.000665 0.037121 (0.00279) (0.00015) (0.01232) (0.02331) (0.15260) (0.00162) (0.01440) (0.00717) [-1.34000] [-0.33228] [-0.65825] [ 0.64017] [ 2.31567] [ 0.41100] [ 2.57800] [ 2.87657] 0.020634 D(OIL(-2)) -0.000867 -0.000545 -0.016931 0.032635 -0.287541 -0.005542 0.002418 -0.017390 (0.00286) (0.00015) (0.01261) (0.02385) (0.15611) (0.01473) (0.00734) [-0.30378] [-3.59527] [-1.34315] [ 1.36850] [-1.84193] [-3.34718] [ 0.16417] [-2.36981] (0.00166) D(LN_MCA PNSE(-1)) -0.484023 0.018260 0.593651 -3.764500 6.650224 0.286408 -1.040989 -1.408325 (0.24349) (0.01292) (1.07506) (2.03379) (13.3137) (0.14122) (1.25629) (0.62584) [-1.98782] [ 1.41317] [ 0.55220] [-1.85098] PNSE(-2)) -0.240622 0.023155 1.859152 -2.665127 28.28471 0.127601 -1.284267 -0.003196 (0.24243) (0.01286) (1.07038) (2.02492) (13.2557) (0.14060) (1.25081) (0.62311) [-0.99253] [ 1.79989] [ 1.73691] [-1.31616] 0.022229 0.002432 0.267212 -0.116997 -3.602694 -0.023418 -0.371512 -0.201597 (0.03669) (0.00195) (0.16200) (0.30648) (2.00627) (0.18931) (0.09431) [ 0.60581] [ 1.24900] [ 1.64942] [-0.38175] 0.011137 0.001551 [ 0.49950] [ 2.02817] [-0.82862] [-2.25030] D(LN_MCA [ 2.13378] [ 0.90754] [-1.02675] [-0.00513] D(SINTT(1)) (0.02128) [-1.79572] [-1.10046] [-1.96243] [-2.13763] D(SINTT(2)) 0.167006 -0.065851 171 -0.866441 -0.027772 0.014818 -0.008275 (0.02982) (0.00158) (0.13164) (0.24903) (1.63022) (0.01729) (0.15383) (0.07663) [ 0.37354] [ 0.98024] [ 1.26867] [-0.26443] 0.012511 0.006767 -0.252935 -0.867365 1.827479 0.060860 -0.009196 -0.106368 (0.05400) (0.00287) (0.23840) (0.45101) (2.95241) (0.03132) (0.27859) (0.13878) [ 0.23170] [ 2.36161] [-1.06095] [-1.92317] [-0.53149] [-1.60613] [ 0.09633] [-0.10798] D(LINTT(1)) [ 0.61898] [ 1.94344] [-0.03301] [-0.76642] D(LINTT(2)) C -0.054286 0.000235 -0.154825 0.191501 -0.124223 0.061276 0.088559 0.144200 (0.05411) (0.00287) (0.23891) (0.45196) (2.95866) (0.03138) (0.27918) (0.13908) [-1.00323] [ 0.08197] [-0.64805] [ 0.42371] [-0.04199] [ 1.95260] [ 0.31721] [ 1.03683] -0.030066 0.027470 1.142936 0.410301 -10.86454 -0.013509 0.087693 -0.914333 (0.09437) (0.00501) (0.41664) (0.78820) (5.15975) (0.48688) (0.24254) [-0.31861] [ 5.48570] [ 2.74321] [ 0.52056] [-2.10563] [-0.24683] [ 0.18011] [-3.76975] 0.524634 0.429364 0.514301 0.274135 0.404762 0.521734 0.481899 0.517458 0.374102 0.248662 0.360497 0.044277 0.216269 0.370284 0.317834 0.364654 2.313910 0.006516 45.10631 161.4285 6917.786 0.778277 61.59526 15.28600 equation 0.196380 0.010421 0.867048 1.640267 10.73762 0.113892 1.013207 0.504744 F-statistic 3.485192 2.376095 3.343861 1.192629 2.147365 3.444911 2.937243 3.386401 28.20844 263.1062 -90.59490 -141.5965 -291.9081 71.79290 -103.0574 -47.31150 Akaike AIC -0.205211 -6.077655 2.764872 4.039913 7.797702 -1.294822 3.076435 1.682788 Schwarz SC 0.390296 -5.482148 3.360379 4.635419 8.393208 -0.699316 3.671942 2.278294 R-squared (0.05473) Adj. Rsquared Sum sq. resids S.E. Log likelihood 172 Mean dependent -0.001358 0.016485 1.418274 0.400438 0.369125 0.041054 -0.027022 -0.082254 0.248225 0.012023 1.084230 1.677832 12.12899 0.143522 1.226741 S.D. dependent 0.633237 As can see from Table 5.9, the R square of the model is 52.46% which is good for a VECM equation. As it can be seen from Table 5.9, the target equation of the model is: D(DR) = C(1)*( DR(-1) - 0.0698845179145*LCU_USD(-1) - 0.0169592442316*OIL(-1)+0.162413236316*LN_MCAPNSE(1)+0.347960106381*SINTT(-1)- 0.311853601993*LINTT(-1) + 1.76421018892 ) + C(2)*( LN_GDP(-1) - 0.0336507892414*LCU_USD(-1) - 0.00795509461783*OIL(1) - 0.155122264255*LN_MCAPNSE(-1) 0.0659144012451*LINTT(-1) - + 0.120030922177*SINTT(-1) 12.0549733955 6.38808374405*LCU_USD(-1) - 5.34054501542*LN_MCAPNSE(-1) ) + C(3)*( CPI(-1) 1.47977786787*OIL(-1) + + 23.2774182552*SINTT(-1) - 16.5796030691*LINTT(-1) + 203.488091011 ) + C(4)*D(DR(-1)) + C(5)*D(DR(-2)) + C(6)*D(LN_GDP(-1)) C(9)*D(CPI(-2)) C(12)*D(OIL(-1)) + + + C(7)*D(LN_GDP(-2)) C(10)*D(LCU_USD(-1)) C(13)*D(OIL(-2)) + C(8)*D(CPI(-1)) + C(11)*D(LCU_USD(-2)) + C(14)*D(LN_MCAPNSE(-1)) + + + C(15)*D(LN_MCAPNSE(-2)) + C(16)*D(SINTT(-1)) + C(17)*D(SINTT(-2)) + C(18)*D(LINTT(-1)) + C(19)*D(LINTT(-2)) + C(20) And the cointegrating equation can be expressed as: Ect (t-1) =DR(-1) - 0.0698845179145*LCU_USD(-1) - 0.0169592442316*OIL(-1) + 0.162413236316*LN_MCAPNSE(-1) + 0.347960106381*SINTT(-1) 0.311853601993*LINTT(-1) + 1.76421018892 ) 173 In a VAR/ VECM model, as there large number of variables involved, it becomes difficult to interpret the estimated model, especially when there are lagged variables, as they may have coefficients which change sign across the lags, thereby making it difficult to examine the impact of the variables in the system. In a VECM model, the coefficients may not explain the “sign of causality”, i.e. whether the endogenous variables affect DR positively or negatively cannot be inferred through the VECM equation directly. There are a lot of dynamic effects between the equations that have to be taken into account which can be done through impulse response function. As explained later in the study, if the IRF is positive for all periods before stabilising, it can be said that the sign of the causality is positive. If it is negative, it can be examined it as a negative relationship. However, if the sign of the variable is positive first and negative later and then it stabilises, it can be inferred that the sign of the coefficient depends on the time horizon. While estimating the empirical model using VECM, there can be two different identification problems. These two issues are - a) Identification of the long run structure (i.e. of the cointegrating relations)Long run causality b) Identification of the short-run structure (i.e. of the equations of the system)Short run causality 174 Long Run Causality VECM enables us to identify the long run relationships among the endogenous variables by exploiting the cointegration property and this is in fact one of the most important reason why it continues to receives the interest of both econometricians and applied economists. Table 5.10 shows the coefficients of the VECM output which enable us to understand the long run association between the variables. Table 5.10 Coefficients of VECM output Dependent Variable: D(DR) Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic C(1) -0.701951 0.185285 -3.788494 Prob. 0.0004 C1 is the coefficient of our cointegrated model, also called the ‘error correction term’ or ‘speed of adjustment’ towards long run equilibrium. Our cointegrated model or error correction term can be expressed as Ect (t-1) = DR(-1) - 0.0698845179145*LCU_USD(-1) 0.0169592442316*OIL(-1) + 0.162413236316*LN_MCAPNSE(-1) + 0.347960106381*SINTT(-1) - 0.311853601993*LINTT(-1) + 1.76421018892 ) For there to exist a long run association between the variables, C1 must be statistically significant and the sign must be negative. In the given model case as shown by Table 5.10, coefficient C1 is negative in sign and significant (p<.05). This implies that there 175 is a long run causality running from the explanatory variables Ln_GDP, CPI, Ln_McapNSE, LCU_USD, OIL,SINTT, LINTT to DR. If the VECM model is correctly specified, the coefficient C1 will be negative. If it is not negative it implies that there are instabilities in the model. Negative coefficient means that if there is a departure in one direction, the correction would have to be pulled back in another direction to ensure that the equilibrium is retained. In our equation it implies that 70.19 % of departure from equilibrium is corrected in each period i.e. 70.19% of the disequilibrium is restored/ converge in each quarter. The bigger the (negative) coefficient, the more rapid is the correction. Therefore, from the model, it can be inferred that there is a long run causality running from the explanatory variables Ln_GDP, CPI, Ln_McapNSE, LCU_USD, OIL, SINTT, LINTT to DR. The reasons for long run causality can be attributed as below: Ln_ GDP: GDP may have an impact on the DR in the long run. There are different perspectives to the long run relationship between GDP and default rate. Strong and sustainable growth in the long run leads to a healthy operating environment and strong economic growth leads to healthy and profitable asset creation within the economy which further improves the repayment capacity of the companies, thereby improving the credit risk position and DR. However, another perspective suggests that in the long run, such high growth phases generate excess capacity, easy availability of credit, easier credit monitoring and thus create situations that lead to increased chances of higher NPAs and accumulation of stressed assets. This has been witnessed in pre-2008 and post 2008 GDP and DR relationship. 176 CPI: As reflected by the VECM model, CPI also has a long run relationship with DR. In the long run, CPI erodes the purchasing power of money which leads to a decline in the disposable income of the people. Directly, it may reduce the repayment capacity of the borrowers leading to rise in DR. Indirectly, persistent CPI may lead to lesser disposable income. Apart from this, apprehensions arising from high prices may lead to less demand by individuals. Moreover, slowdown in investment by corporates may affect the entire economic cycle and hence affect the firms’ profitability in the long run. Therefore, this may affect the repayment capacity of both individual and corporates. Also, the policy measures for reducing inflation have their externalities and associated costs in terms of reduction in aggregate demand in the long run (Mohanty, 2010). Inflation is also important in terms of maintaining the competitiveness of the domestic industry due to globalisation and market determined exchange rate regime. With respect to exporters, if there is high inflation, the competitiveness of exporters will be affected which may lead to reduction in their top line and bottom line, thereby affected the repayments by such borrowers in the long run. In one of the BIS Central bankers’ speeches, Dr Deepak Mohanty suggests that if inflation keeps rising and turns volatile, it raises the inflation risk premia in financial transactions. This, in turn, pushes up the nominal interest rates, affecting the DR. RBI’s technical assessment suggests that the threshold level of inflation for India is in the range of 4 to 6% and if inflation persists beyond this level, it affects economic growth in the long run and thereby the DR. (Mohanty, 2013). 177 Ln_MCAPNSE: As per the model, there exists a long term relationship between Ln_MCAPNSE and DR. Stock markets tend to follow the cyclical trends of the macro economy. When the economy is doing well, it is also reflected in the market capitalisation and vice-versa. Theory suggests that rising market capital markets lead to higher returns to the investors thereby lowering the probability of loan defaults. LCU_USD: With respect to exchange rate changes, as the equation suggests, there is a long run impact on the DR. This can be understood from two perspectives - those firms which avail of foreign currency denominated loans, especially when such loans are not hedged, may suffer from default in case the exchange rate becomes unfavourable for them in the long run. From the other perspective, the effect of exchange rate also impacts the exporters and importers differently. An appreciation in the exchange rate is favourable for importers as they have to pay less local currency, whereas the depreciation in the currency is favourable for exporters as they receive more local currency for their exports. Appreciation of domestic currency can significantly worsen the financial situation of the exporters in the long run which can have a negative impact on the DR. Hence, this leads to an impact on the default rate. OIL: The long term impact of Oil prices can again be viewed from two perspectives: Higher prices of OIL imply an increase in the overall energy costs of the companies as well as logistic costs, thereby impacting the profits of such concerns, which may lead to the increase in the defaults. Prices of OIL have an impact on inflation which further impacts DR. 178 INTEREST RATES- SINTT, LINTT: Interest rates are an important factor in determining the economic environment of a country. In the long run, interest rates may have an impact on DR. When interest rates increase, the instalments of loans on floating rates also increase, and this worsens the financial situation of such debtors. This may result in the increase in the DR. - SINTT has an impact on the interest rates charged by the banks. When SINTT increases, the rates at which banks borrow from central banks also increase which reflects in the lending rates of the banks thereby leading to an overall increase in the lending rate. From the perspective of the borrowers, an increase in SINTT results in an increase in the cost of borrowing which results in the contraction in the repayment ability thereby increasing the DR - LINTT also impact the lending rates of the banks thereby impacting the DR. In turn, the yield of 10 year G-sec rates is also influenced by the inflation rate. When inflation rates are high, the central bank’s priority is to stem the erosion in purchasing power. This leads to high G-sec yield. In the long run, it is believed that with the increase in the interest rates, the investment growth reduces which leads to overall fall in the economic activity which impacts DR. Normally, the short run interest rates are influenced by near term factors whereas the long term interest rates are driven by fundamentals. In VECM, an attempt is made to capture the long run impact through the cointegrating equation. It also enables to understand the short run impact of endogenous variables through various tests. 179 Short Run Causality In order to check the short run causality between explanatory variables towards the dependent variable, the WALD statistic is used to check for individual variables. To support the results of WALD test, the two way causality is checked through Granger Causality Test. Apart from the above two standard procedures, the Toda-Yamamoto Test is also conducted with one enhanced lag. Wald Test As discussed above, WALD test shows the joint significance of the lagged impact of the endogenous variables on the DR. It enables to understand the short run causality of the given endogenous variables to DR. Sims, Stock and Watson (1990) in their analysis of causality tests suggest that if the time series display non Stationarity and are cointegrated, the causality test statistic has a chi square distribution. They also conclude that the WALD test also has a limiting chi-squared distribution if the time series are cointegrated. Therefore, as macroeconomic time series for many countries are non-stationary and have at least some degree of cointegration, many researchers regard use of WALD test as encouraging. However, it may involve ‘nuisance parameters’ that are difficult to observe. Further work has been conducted in this area and researchers recommend that there are more advanced operational procedures also for testing the causal of one variable on another group of variables and vice versa (Toda & Phillips, 1991). Therefore, WALD test is conducted followed by Toda Yamamoto Test which is considered as an advanced method. 180 The below section discusses the results of the WALD test. a) Ln_GDP: In this section, WALD statistic is used to check the short run causality from ln_GDP to DR The Null hypothesis is: Null Hypothesis: There is no short run causality running from Ln_GDP to DR. Table 5.11 shows the results of the WALD test. As it can be seen, the chi square p value >.05, hence, we fail to reject the Null hypothesis at 5% confidence interval. This implies there is no short run causality running from Ln_GDP to DR. Table 5.l1 Wald test for Ln_GDP and DR Wald Test: Equation: Untitled Test Statistic Value Df Probability F-statistic 1.059996 (2, 60) 0.3529 Chi-square 2.119993 2 0.3465 Value Std. Err. C(6) 2.771715 2.343814 C(7) -1.086663 2.344947 Null Hypothesis: C(6)=C(7)=0 Null Hypothesis Summary: Normalized Restriction (= 0) Restrictions are linear in coefficients. Theory suggests that when there is a downturn in the economy and the GDP growth becomes slow or turns negative, the cash inflows of the firms and households reduce leading to lessened ability to repay the loan. Moreover, from the perspective of the 181 banks and financial institutions also, they follow stringent credit policy which further reduces the liquidity in the system thereby leading to increases in the default rate. Similarly, when the GDP growth rate accelerates, the default rate also declines. However, this may not happen in the short run, it may take some time for the effects to be seen. The results support this theory that there is no short run causality running from LN_GDP to DR. However, there is a long run association between LN_GDP and DR. b) CPI: Next, The Wald test is employed to check whether there is any short run causality running from CPI to DR. The Null hypothesis is: Null Hypothesis: There is no short run causality running from CPI to DR Table 5.12 shows the results of the WALD test. As observed from Table 5.12, chi square, p value >.05, thus we fail to reject the Null hypothesis implying that there is no short run causality running from CPI to DR or it can be suggested that there is a weak causality running from CPI to DR as p value (.0666) is significant at 10% confidence interval but not significant at 5% confidence interval. An important point to note here is that CPI is reported with a lag of around 2-3 weeks currently. In the initial part of the sample, this lag was more which subsumes a lot of information that would be seen at higher frequencies. This can be one of the causes for the weak short term relationship between CPI and DR. In the long run, CPI may contract the purchasing power of firms and individuals and restrict the disposable income and the thereby the repayment capacity of the borrowers. However, the in the short run, the effects may not be seen. 182 Table 5.l2 Wald test for CPI and DR Wald Test: Equation: Untitled Test Statistic Value Df Probability F-statistic 2.709278 (2, 60) 0.0747 Chi-square 5.418556 2 0.0666 Value Std. Err. C(8) 0.056238 0.031250 C(9) -0.041664 0.033431 Null Hypothesis: C(8)=C(9)=0 Null Hypothesis Summary: Normalized Restriction (= 0) Restrictions are linear in coefficients. c) LCU_USD: In the below section, the short run causality running from LCU_USD to DR is investigated through WALD test. The Null hypothesis is: Null Hypothesis: There is no short run causality running from LCU_USD to DR. Table 5.13 exhibits the results of the Wald test. As seen in Table 5.13, chi square value p>.05, we again fail to reject the Null hypothesis at 5% confidence interval. This indicates that there is no short run causality running from LCU_USD to DR. Theory suggests that both appreciation and depreciation of exchange rate may have an impact on the borrowers. When the exchange rate depreciates, the Rupee becomes expensive, which affects the importers adversely; similarly when exchange rate appreciates, it may affect the exporters adversely. Also, if the firms have not hedged 183 their foreign currency denominated loans, their repayment obligations may increase in the event of depreciation ,which in turn, may affect the credit risk. However, again this may take some time to reflect in the balance sheets of the corporates and ultimately affect the DR of the banks in the long run. Table 5.l3 Wald test for LCU_USD and DR Wald Test: Equation: Untitled Test Statistic Value Df Probability F-statistic 1.749067 (2, 60) 0.1827 Chi-square 3.498134 2 0.1739 Value Std. Err. C(10) -0.010789 0.019437 C(11) 0.033160 0.019508 Null Hypothesis: C(10)=C(11)=0 Null Hypothesis Summary: Normalized Restriction (= 0) Restrictions are linear in coefficients. d) OIL: Further, Wald test to is employed to check the short run causality running from OIL to DR. The Null hypothesis is: Null Hypothesis: There is no short run causality running from OIL to DR. Table 5.14 displays the result of the WALD test. As seen in Table 5.14, chi square p value >.05, we again fail to reject the Null hypothesis at 5% confidence interval. There is no short run causality running from OIL to DR. Low oil prices have widespread effects on both individual households and corporates. 184 Table 5.l4 Wald test for OIL and DR Wald Test: Equation: Untitled Test Statistic Value Df Probability F-statistic 0.967817 (2, 60) 0.3858 Chi-square 1.935635 2 0.3799 Value Std. Err. C(12) -0.003740 0.002791 C(13) -0.000867 0.002855 Null Hypothesis: C(12)=C(13)=0 Null Hypothesis Summary: Normalized Restriction (= 0) Restrictions are linear in coefficients. The impact of increase in Oil prices is very significant for a number of reasons. In India, it is the biggest component of the import bill and its consumption is increasing rapidly. Rising oil prices pushes up costs both in production and logistics and thereby leads to price rising, and thus to inflation. In addition, it affects the individuals and families in terms of rising energy bills and higher cost of living. It also results in the country’s trade deficit widening and creates pressure on the rupee to depreciate further, which pushes up the import bills further. However, all these may have an impact after some time. Hence, it supports the general theory that there is no short run causality running from OIL to DR but in the long run there is an association between OIL and DR. 185 e) LN_MCAPNSE: The current section establishes the presence (or absence) of short run causality between Ln_MCAPNSE and DR. The Null hypothesis is: Null Hypothesis: There is no short run causality running from Ln_MCAPNSE to DR. Table 5.15 shows the results of Wald Test. As it can be seen from Table 5.15, chi square p value >.05, therefore we fail to reject the Null hypothesis which implies that there is no short run causality running from Ln_MCAPNSE to DR Table 5.l5 Wald test for Ln_MCAPNSE and DR Wald Test: Equation: Untitled Test Statistic Value Df Probability F-statistic 2.088215 (2, 60) 0.1328 Chi-square 4.176430 2 0.1239 Value Std. Err. C(14) -0.484023 0.243494 C(15) -0.240622 0.242433 Null Hypothesis: C(14)=C(15)=0 Null Hypothesis Summary: Normalized Restriction (= 0) Restrictions are linear in coefficients. It is observed that Stock markets tend to follow the cyclical trends of the economy. Changes in the stock market tend to precede changes in business conditions. From the individual perspective, it can be observed that when the stock market rise, it delivers higher returns to the investors and thus it lowers the probability of loan defaults. Similarly, from the perspective of the companies, rising markets can also be an 186 indication that the companies may be doing fundamentally better. However, the change may be reflected after a period. Therefore, the results confirm that there is no short run causality running from Ln_MCAPNSE to DR. However, there is a long run relationship between Ln_MCAPNSE and DR. f) SINTT: Wald test is again conducted to check the short run causality running from SINTT to DR. The Null hypothesis is: Null Hypothesis: There is no short run causality running from SINTT to DR. Table 5.16 exhibits the results of WALD tests for SINTT. As Chi square p value >.05, we fail to reject the Null hypothesis at 5% confidence interval which implies there is no short run causality running from SINTT to DR. Table 5.l6 Wald test for SINTT and DR Wald Test: Equation: Untitled Test Statistic Value df Probability F-statistic 0.183875 (2, 60) 0.8325 Chi-square 0.367750 2 0.8320 Value Std. Err. C(16) 0.022229 0.036693 C(17) 0.011137 0.029815 Null Hypothesis: C(16)=C(17)=0 Null Hypothesis Summary: Normalized Restriction (= 0) In case of SINTT, it can be said that the short term interest rate (as represented by 14 day T-bill) is very dynamic in nature. Hence there is a possibility that frequent 187 changes in SINTT may not get translated into changes in the lending rates and hence it may not impact DR in the short run. In the short run, financial institutions may not be able to pass on the increase in the interest rates to the borrowers. However, the cointegrating equation suggests that SINTT may have an impact on DR in the long run. Therefore, it can be concluded there is no short term causality running from SINTT to DR but in the long run, it may have an impact on the interest rates, and thus on the Default rate. g) LINTT: Similar to other endogenous variables, the short run causality running from LINTT to DR will be checked in this section. The Null hypothesis is: Null Hypothesis: There is no short run causality running from LINTT to DR. Table 5.17 shows the results of the WALD test. As can be observed from Table 5.17, chi square p value >.05, we fail to reject the Null hypothesis at 5% confidence interval, which implies that there is no short run causality running from LINTT to DR. It is normally felt that G-sec yields help in capturing the prevalent interest rate scenario in the country as lending rates move along the G-sec yields; however it may not be true always. Due to market dynamics, G-sec yields may incorporate changes faster in the interest environment as compared to lending rates which may change slowly due to lags in the transmission as the lending institutions may gradually pass the reduction in the fall in the interest rates. An economy which has a deeper corporate bond market may see a faster impact of the changes in the G-sec yields on the lending rates due to faster market adjustments. However in India, the bond market 188 is yet not fully developed due to which the transmission of changes in interest rates is slower. Therefore, there may not be a short run causality running from LINTT to DR; however, as reflected from the VECM model, there is a long run association between LINTT and DR. To support the results of WALD test, the two way causality of the model is checked by performing the Granger Causality Test Table 5.l7 Wald test for LINTT and DR Wald Test: Equation: Untitled Test Statistic Value df Probability F-statistic 0.584568 (2, 60) 0.5605 Chi-square 1.169136 2 0.5573 Value Std. Err. C(18) 0.012511 0.053997 C(19) -0.054286 0.054111 Null Hypothesis: C(18)=C(19)=0 Null Hypothesis Summary: Normalized Restriction (= 0) Restrictions are linear in coefficients. Granger Causality Test The existence of the relationship between two variables does not prove causality or direction of influence. Granger (1969) has introduced a causality concept which is based on forecast performance and has received considerable attention in the theoretical and empirical literature. Lutkepohl has defined Granger causality as “a variable y2t is causal for a time series variable y1t if the former helps to improve the forecasts of the latter” (Lutkepohl & Kratzig, 2004). In the given VECM model, it is 189 aimed to perform pairwise granger causality test to determine the direction of causality of the variables. Table 5.18 presents the statistical results of the VAR Granger Causality test. Table 5.18 Results of Granger Causality test Chi-sq Prob D(LN_GDP) granger causes D(DR) 2.120 0.347 D(DR) granger causes D(ln_GDP) 2.220 0.330 D(CPI) granger causes D(DR) 5.419 0.067* D(DR) granger causes D(CPI) 5.675 0.586 D(LCU_USD) granger causes D(DR) 3.498 0.174 D(DR) granger causes D(LCU_USD) 1.493 0.474 D(OIL) granger causes D(DR) 1.936 0.380 D(DR) granger causes D(OIL) 0.420 0.811 D(Ln_MCAPNSE) granger causes D(DR) 4.176 0.124 D(DR) granger causes D(Ln_Mcapnse) 6.695 0.035** D(SINTT) granger causes D(DR) 0.368 0.832 D(DR) granger causes D(SINTT) 3.398 0.183 D(LINTT) granger causes D(DR) 1.169 0.557 D(DR) granger causes D(LINTT) 2.928 0.231 **significant at 5% confidence interval * significant at 10% confidence interval 190 As can be seen from Table 5.18 - There is a unidirectional causality running from D (DR) to D(Ln_MCAPNSE) i.e. [D(DR) D(LN_MCAPNSE)].This means that the joint effect of DR(-1) and DR(-2) on LN_MCAPNSE is significant at 5% confidence interval, based on chi square statistic of 6.695 and p-value .035. However, the joint effect of Ln_MCAPNSE(-1) and Ln_MCAPNSE(-2) on DR is not significant with p-value 0.124. - There is a weak unidirectional causality running from D(CPI) to D(DR) i.e. [D(CPI) D(DR)]. This means that the joint effect of CPI(-1) and CPI(-2) on DR is significant at 10% confidence interval, based on chi square statistic of 5.419 and p-value .067. However, the joint effect of DR(-1) and DR(-2) on CPI is not significant with p-value 0.586. - There is no causality running between DR and joint effects of lag 1 and lag 2 of Ln_GDP, LCU_USD, OIL, SINTT and LINTT and vice versa. As it can be seen, the results of the Granger Causality Test support the results of Wald test. It also enables us to understand the two way causality. Sometimes, the above results from Wald and Granger Causality test may suffer from some limitations owing to the sample size. To mitigate these limitations, Toda and Yamamoto (1995) introduced the Toda-Yamamoto (modified WALD) statistic. 191 Toda –Yamamoto Causality Test (Modified Wald) Test Wald tests and Granger causality tests may have non-standard asymptotic properties if the VAR contains I(1) variables. Also, when the sample size is not large, it may not satisfy the asymptotics that the cointegration and causality tests rely on. These problems can be overcome by performing the Toda & Yamamoto tests which over fits the VAR order (by adding an extra lag) and ignores the extra parameters in testing for granger causality and enables us to overcome the problems associated with standard tests, especially the problem of asymptotic properties (Lutkepohl & Kratzig, 2004). For the test, the model is augmented by adding one more lag, thus although our WALD test and Granger Causality Test results are based on VECM (2) model , The Toda –Yamamoto causality test results are based on VECM (3) model. Table 5.19 exhibits the results of the Toda-Yamamoto causality test (modified WALD). Table 5.19 Toda-Yamamoto Causality (modified WALD) Test Result Particulars Chi-sq value Prob D(LN_GDP) granger causes D(DR) 3.554 0.169 D(DR) granger causes D(ln_GDP) 2.285 0.319 D(CPI) granger causes D(DR) 6.270 0.044** D(DR) granger causes D(CPI) 7.277 0.026** D(LCU_USD) granger causes D(DR) 3.317 0.190 D(DR) granger causes D(LCU_USD) 1.452 0.484 D(OIL) granger causes D(DR) 4.282 0.118 D(DR) granger causes D(OIL) 5.415 0.067* 192 D(Ln_MCAPNSE) granger causes D(DR) 2.841 0.242 D(DR) granger causes D(Ln_Mcapnse) 4.003 0.135 D(SINTT) granger causes D(DR) 1.141 0.565 D(DR) granger causes D(SINTT) 1.354 0.508 D(LINTT) granger causes D(DR) 2.160 0.340 D(DR) granger causes D(LINTT) 6.499 0.039** **significant at 5% confidence interval *significant at 10% confidence interval As it can be seen from the Table 5.19, - There is a bidirectional causal relationship from D(CPI) to D(DR) and vice versa i.e. [D(CPI) D(DR)] and [D(DR) D(CPI)]at 5% confidence interval as p value is 0.044 and .026 respectively. The results of the WALD test show ‘no causality in the short run between CPI and DR’. However, as per Toda Yamamoto, there is bidirectional causality. It can be explained as inflation and interest rates affect each other and induce the tendency of the borrowers to wilfully default in case of inflationary times in the short run. - There is a unidirectional causal relationship from D(DR) to D(LINTT) i.e.[D(DR) D(LINTT)] at 5% confidence interval as p-value is .039. - There is an evidence of a unidirectional weak causal relationship from D(DR) to D(OIL). [D(DR) D(OIL)] at 10% confidence interval as p value is .067. 193 SUMMARY OF THE MODEL 1. There is a long run relationship between DR and all the macroeconomic variables, (Ln_GDP, LCU_USD, OIL, LN_MCAPNSE, SINTT and LINTT) due to the significant and negative error correction term in VECM model. 2. To investigate the short run causality running from the endogenous variables to DR, three tests were conducted. WALD test was performed to test the joint significance of the lagged impact of endogenous variables on DR. The results suggested a weak causality running from CPI to DR. Pair wise Granger Causality test was done to substantiate the findings of WALD test and find out the direction of causality among the variables. The results show a unidirectional causality running from DR to Ln_MCAPNSE and a weak unidirectional causality running from CPI to DR. However, as these two tests may have limitations of non-standard asymptotic properties and existence of I (1) variables, the Toda Yamamoto test is performed. The results suggest bidirectional causality running from CPI to DR and vice-versa. There is a unidirectional causal relationship running from DR to LINTT. There is also evidence of unidirectional causality relationship between DR and OIL. The final result can be inferred from the Toda Yamamoto test statistic which implies that there is a short run causality running from CPI AND LINTT to DR. There is a weak causality running from OIL to DR. However, there is no short run causality running from Ln_GDP, LCU_USD, Ln_MCAPNSE and SINTT to DR. Generally it is assumed that if there is a Cointegrating relationship between two variables, there must also be Granger causality in at least one direction. However, in our case, there is no causal relationship between DR and LN_GDP, DR and 194 LCU_USD and DR and LN_MCAPNSE, DR and SINTT. It is important here to understand that Cointegration analysis and Granger Causality analysis look at data from different perspectives. The causality tests are based on fairly large models with many parameters. In our model, the small sample information may make it difficult for the tests to reject the null hypothesis. Hence, there may be conflict in the results from the Cointegration analysis and causality tests (Lutkepohl & Kratzig, 2004). 5.1.8. Robustness of the Model: Checking For Residual Diagnostics It is very important to check whether our model, where DR is the dependent variable, has any statistical error or not. In this section, an attempt will be made to check the residuals for Serial correlation and Heteroskadasticity and stability of the model. Serial Correlation / Autocorrelation One of the important assumptions of our model is that the residuals must not suffer from serial correlation. Serial correlation or autocorrelation is very likely to occur in the time-series framework. It is mainly because when the data is arranged in the chronological order, the error in one period may affect the error in the subsequent time period (Asteriou & Hall, 2006). Therefore, it can be said that the error term is said to be serially correlated when error terms from different periods are correlated. Serial correlation does not affect the unbiasedness or consistency of OLS estimators, but it affects the accuracy of the estimators, therefore our estimators may not be BLUE (Best Linear Unbiased Estimators (Asteriou & Hall, 2006). Also, the estimated variances of the regression coefficients may be biased and inconsistent which may make the hypothesis testing invalid. Hence, it is very important to check the model for serial correlation. Serial correlation may be detected by graphically 195 presentation of the residual plots and statistical tests to check the presence of Serial correlation. Breusch-Godfrey Serial Correlation LM Test will be performed for checking the presence of serial correlation. Breusch-Godfrey Serial Correlation LM Test: The most frequently used statistical test for the presence of serial correlation is the Durbin-Watson (DW) test. However, the DW test has some drawbacks which may make it inappropriate to use in some cases. DW tests may give inconclusive results in case when the lagged dependent variable is used. Also, it does not take into account higher orders of serial correlation. Breusch and Godfrey (1978) developed an LM test in the cases where the Durbin Watson test cannot be applied (Asteriou & Hall, 2006). The null hypothesis for the test is: Null Hypothesis: There is no serial correlation in the residuals Table 5.20 shows the results of the Breusch-Godfrey Serial Correlation LM Test. The null hypothesis of no serial correlation of the error terms based on Breusch-Godfrey Serial Correlation LM Test is accepted with a p value >.05.. Therefore, this model is not suffering from serial correlation. Table 5.20 Results of Breusch-Godfrey Serial Correlation LM Test Breusch-Godfrey Serial Correlation LM Test: F-statistic 2.049354 Prob. F(2,58) 0.1380 Obs*R-squared 5.280249 Prob. Chi-Square(2) 0.0714 196 Heteroscedasticity Test: Breusch-Pagan-Godfrey Test Another important assumption of the model is that the residuals should have a constant (equal) variance independent of i which can be presented mathematically as, var (µi) =σ2 Therefore, having an equal variance means that there is no heteroscedasticity in the residuals which is an important assumption of the analysis (Asteriou & Hall, 2006). Heteroscedasticity makes the model inefficient and affects the variances of the estimated coefficients. It causes the model to underestimate the variances (and standard errors) which may make the hypothesis testing less reliable. Heteroscedasticity can be checked graphically by plotting the squared residuals against the dependent variable and/ or the explanatory variables as well through statistical testing. For the VECM model, Breusch-Pagan-Godfrey test of heteroscedasticity can be used. Breusch-Pagan-Godfrey Test Of Heteroscedasticity Breusch-Pagan-Godfrey test is a Lagrange multiplier (LM) test for heteroscedasticity. The test statistic approximately follows a chi-square distribution. The following is the Null hypothesis: Null Hypothesis: There is no heteroscedasticity in the residuals Table 5.21 displays the output for the Breusch-Pagan-Godfrey for Heteroscedasticity. As it can be observed from Table 5.21, the chi square probability is greater than .05. Therefore, the null hypothesis cannot be rejected implying that the residuals do not 197 have heteroscedasticity. Hence, it can be concluded that there is no evidence of heteroscedasticity. Table 5.21 Results of Breusch-Pagan-Godfrey of Heteroscedasticity Test Heteroscedasticity Test: Breusch-Pagan-Godfrey F-statistic 0.771127 Prob. F(24,55) 0.7541 Obs*R-squared 20.14180 Prob. Chi-Square(24) 0.6887 Scaled explained SS 32.75921 Prob. Chi-Square(24) 0.1093 Normality Test Normally, it is assumed that the residuals of the model are independently distributed. The null Hypothesis in this case is: Null Hypothesis: The residuals are normally distributed is rejected 20 Series: Residuals Sample 1997Q1 2016Q4 Observations 80 16 12 8 4 Mean Median Maximum Minimum Std. Dev. Skewness Kurtosis -8.29e-16 -0.014273 0.702730 -0.481555 0.171143 1.124138 6.782859 Jarque-Bera Probability 64.54923 0.000000 0 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Figure 5.17 Results of the normality test for residuals As it can be observed from figure 5.17, the null hypothesis that the residuals are normally distributed is rejected (Jarque-Bera p<.05) due to excess kurtosis which 198 implies that data is not normal. However, Paruolo (1997) has demonstrated that in instances where the normality is rejected due to kurtosis, the results of the Johansen results will not be affected (Paruolo, 1997; MacDonald & Ricci, 2004; IMF, 2009). Stability Diagnostics CUSUM Test To check that the model is dynamically stable, CUSUM test is performed. CUSUM test implies the Cumulative Sum of Recursive Residuals. The CUSUM test was proposed by Brown, Durbin and Evans (1975). For our model also, the stability of the functions has been tested using Cumulative sum (CUSUM) test. The test suggests that so far as the blue trend line is within the red boundary, the model is said to be dynamically stable. If the CUSUM wanders off too far from the zero line, this is evidence against the structural stability of the underlying model. (Lutkepohl & Kratzig, 2004). As it can be observed from figure 5.18, the recursive residuals (blue line) lie within the red line which implies that the model is stable. 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 CUSUM 10 11 12 5% Significance Figure 5.18 Results of CUSUM test 199 13 14 15 16 Figure 5.19 also depicts the stability condition of the model from the perspective of modulus of roots. The stability conditions state that if the model is stable if all roots have modulus < 1 and lie inside the unit circle otherwise the results from our Impulse Response Function and standard errors are invalid. The stability test of ’Inverse roots of VAR Characteristic Polynomial test’ assess whether all the variables lie inside the root circle (Banerjee & Murli, 2015). As it can be seen from the figure 5.19 below, the estimated model is also ‘dynamically stable’. Inverse Roots of AR Characteristic Polynomial 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 -1.5 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Figure 5.19 Stability of the model 5.2. Macro Stress Testing Once the final credit risk model has been developed; the presence of a long run relationship between the endogenous variables has been established and the stability of the model has been checked, the next step is to subject the model to stress testing. Using VAR (VECM) to model the dynamics of DR and macroeconomic variables enables us to carry out Impulse Response Function (IRF) which is the stress test that 200 is proposed in the thesis. Taking IRF as the approach of stress testing has been adopted by Hoggarth et al, 2005 in which they performs stress testing for UK banks. In a VAR (VECM) model, as there large number of variables involved, it becomes difficult to interpret the estimated model, especially when there are lagged variables, they may have coefficients which change sign across the lags and thereby making it difficult to examine the impact of the variables in the system. As VAR (VECM) model captures the interactions between these variables, it allows us for undertaking the classical impulse response analysis. Therefore, to alleviate this problem, Impulse Response Function and Variance decomposition can be performed (Quagliariello, 2009; Chris Brooks, 2014). 5.2.1. Impulse Response Function To examine the banks’ response to shocks, impulse-response functions that are derived from the VECM model are used. IRFs allow us to trace the dynamic impact of changes in each of the endogenous variables over time. Therefore, once the causality is established, the next step is to carry the Impulse Response Function. IRFs trace out the response of current and future values of each of the variables to a one unit increase in the current value of one of the VAR errors (Stock & Watson, 2001). In simple terms ‘Impulse is a one standard deviation shock to error terms’. The ordering of variables is integral for carrying out Impulse Response Function as these impulse response functions can be sensitive to the ordering of the variables. Cholesky ordering is employed to decide the ordering of variables in the VAR system. Cholesky decomposition enables us to adopt a particular ordering of the variables. 201 Impulse response functions are interpreted under the assumption that ‘all other shocks are held constant’. However, it is important to note, that when shocks are given to the variables, such shocks do not occur in each variable one at a time i.e. shocks in these variables are not independent. Therefore, the error terms may consist of all the influences that are not directly included in the given variables. Also, correlation of the error terms may indicate that a shock in one variable is likely to be accompanied by shock in another variable. Due to this, it is important to orthogonalise the shocks in the system so that the shocks tracked by IRFs are uncorrelated. There are different ways to orthogonalise the impulses. These are: a) Cholesky decomposition b) Spectral decomposition Sims (1980) suggested that as the residuals are correlated across equations, in order to see the distinct patterns of movement, it is useful to transform them to orthogonal form. He further states that there is no unique way to do this. One way is to triangularise the system. This is referred to as Cholesky decomposition. This triangularising achieves orthogonalisation but it imposes a recursive structure on the contemporaneous relationship of the variables. Under this triangularisation, how the variables are ordered in the model will determine which variable is affected by which. The variables have been ordered in ascending order according to the likely speed of reaction to any particular shock. The variables at the front end of the equation are assumed to affect the following variables contemporaneously. Variables at the bottom of the VAR, on the other hand, do not affect the preceding variables contemporaneously but only affect the after a lag. In the words of Sims (1980), an 202 equivalent way to interpret this is that the innovation in the first variable is assumed to disturb all the variables of the system instantly according to the strength of the contemporaneous correlation of other residuals with the residual of the first variable, while the last variable residual is only allowed to affect the last variable in the initial period. The ordering adopted in the research was DR LN_GDP CPI LN_MCAPNSE LCU_USD OIL LINTT SINTT. Interest rates, Oil prices and Exchange rate (LCU_USD) were at the bottom of the VECM model as the interest rates may react instantaneously to the shocks. DR, Ln_GDP, CPI and LN_MCAPNSE were kept in the beginning as they may affect the variables after a lag. In the study, to check the robustness, different ordering of the variables were considered. However, the results were very similar, which suggests that our results are not very sensitive to the precise ordering. As it can be seen from the graphs also, VECM restricts the long-run behaviour of the endogenous variables to converge to cointegrating relationships while allowing for short run adjustment dynamics. The figures show the Impulse response function projected for the next 20 quarters (5 years). It is important to note that in VECM IRFs, the standard errors are not reported. IMPULSE RESPONSE FUNCTION – GRAPHICAL ANALYSIS Response of DR to DR: Figure 5.20 displays the IRF, when one standard deviation shock is given to the DR itself. It is observed that with the initial shock, the DR falls till the 5th quarter, after which it starts increasing till the 11th quarter and ultimately the DR stabilises over time. 203 Response of DR to DR .20 .15 .10 .05 .00 -.05 -.10 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Fig 5.20 Response of DR to DR Response of DR to Ln_GDP: Figure 5.21 shows the IRF when one standard deviation shock is given to the Ln_GDP. The IRF suggests that if one standard deviation shock is given to Ln_GDP, till the first 4 quarters, the DR falls with the increase in Ln_GDP after which it starts rising till the 8th quarter. Again, it starts falling after the 8th quarter till the 13th quarter after which it again starts rising. However, the quantum of change is very less. Gradually, over time, the innovations die out and DR almost stabilises. It is also important to note that from quarter 2 to quarter 5 and again from quarter 11 to quarter 13, the value of DR becomes negative. The IRF results support the theory that initially with an increase in economic activity, the DR may fall. However, in the medium to long run, when Ln_GDP rises, which results in the overall economy improving; this may lead to increased credit off take and increased capacity build up. However, the increased supply may not correspond to the demand, which may lead to increased default. This is what happened in the Indian context also, as explained in the descriptive (annual) section. 204 Response of DR to LN_GDP .20 .15 .10 .05 .00 -.05 -.10 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Fig 5.21Response of DR toLn_GDP Response of DR to CPI: Figure 5.22 shows the response of DR when one standard deviation shock is given to CPI. The response rate to a positive one standard deviation shock of the CPI in the long run is positive, which implies that in the long run, with the increase in CPI, the DR is likely to increase. The results support the previous findings that inflation has both, short run and long run relationship with DR. As, can be observed from IRF also, an increase in CPI leads to an immediate increase in the default rate till the second quarter. After the 2nd quarter, for next 2 quarters, DR starts falling. However, from 5th quarter onwards, the 1 SD shock to CPI leads to increase in DR. This can be because the purchasing power of the people reduces with the increase in CPI (inflation), due to which, their ability to repay the borrowed funds also reduces. Inflation is also important in terms of maintaining the competitiveness of the domestic industry. With context to exporters, if there is high inflation, the competitiveness of exporters will be affected, which may lead to reduction in their top line and bottom line, thereby affected the repayments by such borrowers in the long run. This may have an adverse impact on the DR. After the twelfth quarter, the 205 forecasted DR stabilises, but remains higher than the normal levels, showing a tendency of increased DR levels with higher CPI levels. Response of DR to CPI .20 .15 .10 .05 .00 -.05 -.10 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Fig 5.22 Response of DR to CPI Response of DR to Ln_MCAPNSE: Figure 5.23 exhibits the IRF of response of DR to Ln_MCAPNSE. The IRF for a shock on MCAPNSE shows an overall positive relationship between MCAPNSE and DR. Stock markets tend to follow the cyclical trends of the macro economy. Theory suggests that rising market capital markets lead to higher returns to the investors thereby lowering the probability of loan defaults. However, in the given model, it shows an overall positive relationship i.e. with an increase in the market cap, the DR increases. However, the effect is not so significant. In the Indian context, the IRF does not conform to the theory as can be seen from the figure. As it can be observed in the last few years also, although the stock markets have been doing quite well, the NPA levels have been increasing due to reasons other than just the fundamentals of the companies or the stock markets. As can be observed, the quantum of change is also very less. Till the 2ndquarter, the DR increases with the 206 increase in the market cap, then after a brief fall in the DR for 1 quarter, it again starts increasing till the 5th quarter after which it again starts falling till the 10th quarterAs shown in the IRF with a shock to the MCAPNSE, the DR falls sharply in the second quarter after which it begins to increase marginally till the 6th quarter, after which it again starts reducing Response of DR to LN_MCAPNSE .20 .15 .10 .05 .00 -.05 -.10 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Fig 5.23 Response of DR to Ln_MCAPNSE Response of DR to LCU_USD: Figure 5.24 displays the IRF of a one SD positive shock to the Exchange rate (LCU_USD) on DR. As it can be observed from the figure, there is an overall positive effect on the Default rate. When 1 standard deviation shock is given to the Exchange rate, DR falls minutely in the 2nd quarter after which it starts increasing till the 3rd quarter. Thereafter, it again starts falling . By the eleventh quarter, the response stabilises, but remains positive. 207 Response of DR to LCU_USD .20 .15 .10 .05 .00 -.05 -.10 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Fig 5.24 Response of DR to LCU_USD Response of DR to OIL: Figure 5.25 (a) exhibits the IRF of 1 SD shock to Oil. As it can be seen from the figure, 1 SD shock to OIL reduces the DR remarkably in the 2nd quarter, after which it starts increasing. Also, reflected by the Toda Yomamoto test, there is weak short run causality between OIL and DR. Theory suggests that an increase in oil prices may lead to overall inflation. Sharp increases in the oil prices can lead to both negative demand shocks and negative supply shocks to the economy. It also causes an increase in the energy costs and thereby, an overall increase in household and business defaults. This can also be seen in figure 5.25 (b). However, again in our case, there is no significant positive relationship between OIL prices and DR. In fact, IRF shows a quite stable negative relationship between OIL and DR and that also is hovering around 0 only. One reason may be the existence of controlled oil prices in the Indian economy. The oil prices taken for the analysis is the International Brent crude oil prices. However, in the Indian context, the oil prices were regulated by the Indian government (Petrol prices 208 till 2010 and diesel prices till 2014) and taxes form a big part of the overall oil prices. Therefore, it may not be easy to translate the impact of changes in the international oil prices to DR. Response of DR to OIL .20 .15 .10 .05 .00 -.05 -.10 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 16 18 20 Fig 5.25 (a) Response of DR to OIL Response of CPI to OIL 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Fig 5.25 (b) Response of CPI to OIL Response of DR to LINTT and SINTT: Figures 5.26 and 5.27 show the response of DR to LINTT and SINTT respectively. IRF for the response of LINTT shows a 209 positive relationship between DR and LINTT in the long run, which implies that if a shock is given to LINTT, DR increases i.e. with increase in LINTT, DR also increases. Initially, the DR falls till the 3rd quarter after which it starts increasing. After the 15th quarter, the innovations almost die out and the DR stabilises. Response of DR to LINTT .20 .15 .10 .05 .00 -.05 -.10 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Fig 5.26 Response of DR to LINTT However, in case of SINTT the impact is opposite in the long run. As it can be seen there is a negative relationship between SINTT and DR. Till the 2nd quarter, it increases, after which it starts falling. After the 14th quarter, the innovations almost stabilise. 210 Response of DR to SINTT .20 .15 .10 .05 .00 -.05 -.10 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Fig 5.27 Response of DR to SINTT Figure 5.28 shows the combined effects of the response of Cholesky one S.D innovation of all endogenous variables on DR. Response of DR to Cholesky One S.D. Innovations .20 .16 .12 .08 .04 .00 -.04 -.08 2 4 6 8 DR LN_MCAPNSE LINTT 10 12 14 LN_GDP LCU_USD SINTT 16 18 20 CPI OIL Fig 5.28 Response of DR to Cholesky one S.D Innovations 211 Table 5.22 displays the tabular Representation of IRFs for response of DR to Cholesky one S.D shock to the endogenous variables. The projections have been done for 20 quarters (5 years). Table 5.22 Tabular Representation of IRF for Response of DR Period DR LN_GDP CPI LN_MCAP NSE LCU_USD OIL LINTT SINTT 1 0.196380 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 2 0.079362 -0.00963 0.034056 0.018570 -0.003402 -0.05161 -0.00219 0.018179 3 0.062722 -0.02382 -0.02546 0.014637 0.048995 -0.02787 -0.01497 -0.02482 4 0.025921 -0.02622 -0.01225 0.035400 0.011489 -0.02508 -0.01102 -0.05094 5 -0.03885 -0.0052 0.003922 0.016851 0.012553 -0.00602 0.014646 -0.07382 6 -0.02971 0.004476 0.001723 0.018672 0.013376 -0.00648 0.019613 -0.06467 7 -0.02137 0.012710 0.015814 0.022811 -0.001019 -0.0162 0.034351 -0.05028 8 -6.09E- 0.019454 0.013426 0.008815 0.003229 -0.00879 0.042258 -0.05218 9 0.020086 0.011276 0.016393 0.006584 0.004693 -0.01396 0.036359 -0.04614 10 0.024290 0.002461 0.019781 0.009008 0.007567 -0.01493 0.027573 -0.04858 11 0.030557 -0.00048 0.019348 0.010414 0.012910 -0.00819 0.020158 -0.05693 12 0.025754 -0.0024 0.024513 0.013293 0.014151 -0.00644 0.016961 -0.06332 13 0.018910 -0.00168 0.025831 0.014275 0.016723 -0.00646 0.017094 -0.06777 14 0.017038 0.000520 0.026079 0.014610 0.017342 -0.00651 0.019712 -0.06972 15 0.015674 0.002196 0.027511 0.012534 0.016670 -0.00586 0.023078 -0.0709 16 0.017346 0.002293 0.028282 0.010345 0.016866 -0.00559 0.024178 -0.0707 212 17 0.020481 0.001432 0.029595 0.010033 0.016794 -0.00565 0.023457 -0.06975 18 0.023484 0.000761 0.030690 0.009894 0.017289 -0.0047 0.022285 -0.07006 19 0.025455 -8.34E-06 0.031570 0.010067 0.018070 -0.00418 0.020956 -0.07085 20 0.025652 -0.00067 0.032207 0.010559 0.018814 -0.0043 0.020019 -0.0717 Cholesky Ordering: DR LN_GDP CPI LN_MCAPNSE LCU_USD OIL SINTT LINTT In the VAR model, the IRF goes to 0. However, in the VECM model, the IRFs stabilise after some point, but do not touch 0. 5.2.2. Variance Decomposition Analysis The results of VECM indicate the endogeneity and exogeneity of a variable in the system; however, it does not provide us with the dynamic properties of the system. The analysis of the dynamic interactions among the variables in the period post sample is conducted through Impulse Response Function and Variance Decomposition Analysis. Variance Decomposition is the percentage of the variance of the error made in forecasting a variable (e.g., Default rate) due to specific shock (e.g. the error term in the Ln_GDP) at a given time horizon (e.g., 20 quarters). Periods reflect the number of periods for which forecast is to be done. Variance decomposition function is performed to identify the contribution of each shock to the changes in the endogenous variables (Rongjie and Yang, 2011). It gives the proportion of the movements in the dependent variable that are due to their own shock versus shocks to the other variables. A shock to a variable will directly affect that variable itself, while 213 transmitting the effect to other variables in the system (Chris Brooks, 2014). As it is know that in Variance Decomposition Analysis (VDA), the variance of the forecast errors is decomposed and the percentage of the forecast variance due to each endogenous variables is determined. Usually, own series of shocks explain most of the error variance, although the shocks also affect the other variables in the system. The VDA for VECM model is presented in table 5.23. The columns show the proportion of the forecast variance for DR from innovations or shocks to DR, LN_GDP, CPI, LN_MCAPNSE, LCU_USD, OIL, LINTT and SINTT. Because DR is the first in the variables, the decomposition assumes that the initial period has all the variance in the forecasts attributed to DR and none to the other variance i.e. 100% of the variance is explained by DR itself. As the forecast horizon increases, there is more variation attributed to the other innovations based on the correlations of the innovations and dynamics of the system. In table, the VDA for 20 quarters i.e. 5 years has been forecasted. - The VDA of the model specification confirms that the main explanatory power is attributable to the DR itself (which gradually reduces from 90.69% in the 2nd quarter to 35.01% in the 20th quarter). Apart from DR itself, the SINTT explains most of the variations in the DR over the 20 quarter period (which increases from 0.66% in the 2nd quarter to 41.72% in the 20th quarter). Another significant variable is LINTT which contributes to .01% of the variation in the 2nd quarter and increases to 6.23% by the 20th quarter followed by CPI which contributes 2.34% in the second quarter, increasing to 6.47% in the 20th quarter. Therefore, from the study, it can be implied that interest rates, both short term interest rates and long run interest rates have a major impact on DR in the long run. In our analysis 214 LN_GDP and LN_MCAPNSE do not contribute much to the variations in the DR. This does not mean that there is no long run relationship between these variables and DR, it implies that the contribution to the DR may not be much in the long run. The results regarding Ln_GDP are in contrast with the studies by Hogarth, 2005 for UK, or Filosa, 2007 for Italian banking. This may be due to different model specifications or sample periods. - As it can be seen from the Table 5.23, after 4 quarters or 1 year, about 75.99% of the forecast variance in DR can be attributed to innovations in DR itself, 2.07% to Ln_GDP, around 3.01% to CPI, 3.91% to LCU_USD, 2.78% to Ln_Mcapnse, 6.25% to OIL, 5.44%to SINTT and 0.54% to LINTT. As it can be observed, the majority of the variance in the first year (four quarters) is explained OIL, followed by SINTT and CPI. This also reinforces our analysis that in the short-run, CPI and OIL have an impact on DR. - If variable wise contribution is analysed, both interest rates SINTT and LINTT contribute to the maximum variance. In case of SINTT, by the 3th quarter, the contribution increases gradually to 1.61%, after which it increases at an increasing rate and reaches 5.44% in the 4th quarter and 12.35% in the 5th quarter. It contributes 41.72% by the 20th quarter (5th year). This may mainly be because the banks may increase the lending rates in response to increase in t-bill rates which may translate into default by some borrowers due to inability of borrowers to pay. However, with the passage of time, the rates in the markets stabilise and thus the default rate. In case of LINTT, the proportion of variance increases gradually from .01% in the 2nd quarter. By the 9th quarter it contributes to 5.58% variation in DR after which for the next 11 quarters, the variation is around 6%. This implies that in 215 the long run, the impact of G-sec stabilises sooner as compared to treasury bills rates, - Another variable which contributes to the proportion of the forecast variance for DR from innovations or shocks is CPI. The contribution of CPI is around 2.32% in quarter 2 which increases to 6.47% by the end of 20th quarter. This confirms that in the long run, inflation leads to increase in DR. - LCU_USD and OIL are other two variables that contribute to the forecast variance. However, there is an important distinction between the two variables. The proportion of LCU_USD reaches 4.10% by the third quarter after which it starts falling till the 11th quarter and reaches 3.03%. After this, it again starts increasing and reaches 3.44% by the 20th quarter. Contrary to this, the contribution of Oil increases to 5.38% in the 2nd quarter and gradually decreases to 3.15% by the 20th quarter. Hence, it substantiates our Toda-Yamamoto results that BRENT has a short run causality running to DR. - The contribution of the shocks or innovations of Ln_GDP on DR are not much (around 1%), which may not be considered very significant. The VDA substantiates the significant role played by interest rates and CPI in accounting for fluctuations in DR. That is the reason why Central Banks across the world increasingly focus on the role of interest rates and CPI (inflation) in the policy decisions as these impact defaults in a particular banking system and the overall economic environment. In fact, in the Indian context, with the amendment of RBI Act in 2016, the “primary objective of the monetary policy is to maintain price stability while keeping in mind the objective of growth”. For RBI to achieve this mandate, it must enable monetary transmission to work effectively which consists of typically 216 changing the interest rates by the Central banks. This further is done keeping in view, its impact on the inflation in the country. Therefore, these two variables have a significant role. Table 5.23 Target Model: Variance Decomposition of DR Peri od LN_G LN_MCA LCU_U S.E. DR DP CPI PNSE SD OIL LINTT SINTT 1 0.1963 100.000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2 0.2224 90.6854 0.1875 2.3444 0.6970 0.0233 5.3844 0.0096 0.6680 3 0.2425 82.9144 1.1220 3.0718 0.9499 4.0985 5.8458 0.3889 1.6084 4 0.2551 75.9981 2.0707 3.0078 2.7841 3.9083 6.2517 0.5383 5.4406 5 0.2697 70.0386 1.8889 2.7110 2.8799 3.7117 5.6406 0.7761 12.352 6 0.2807 65.7897 1.7696 2.5070 3.1015 3.6542 5.2614 1.2046 16.711 7 0.2901 62.1433 1.8488 2.6444 3.5220 3.4228 5.2380 2.5295 18.650 8 0.2990 58.5071 2.1639 2.6913 3.4028 3.2341 5.0179 4.3785 20.604 9 0.3064 56.1272 2.1953 2.8481 3.2856 3.1023 4.9843 5.5756 21.881 10 0.3136 54.1778 2.1018 3.1164 3.2188 3.0196 4.9844 6.0950 23.285 11 0.3220 52.3103 1.9946 3.3182 3.1590 3.0260 4.7945 6.1755 25.221 12 0.3311 50.0603 1.8910 3.6850 3.1477 3.0435 4.5707 6.1008 27.500 13 0.3407 47.5926 1.7885 4.0553 3.1486 3.1155 4.3532 6.0141 29.931 14 0.3505 45.2046 1.6901 4.3850 3.1487 3.1885 4.1476 5.9987 32.236 15 0.3604 42.9459 1.6023 4.7301 3.0991 3.2297 3.9494 6.0837 34.359 16 0.3701 40.9368 1.5230 5.0683 3.0164 3.2696 3.7673 6.1946 36.223 217 Peri od LN_G LN_MCA LCU_U S.E. DR DP CPI PNSE SD OIL LINTT SINTT 17 0.3797 39.2042 1.4492 5.4253 2.9371 3.3036 3.6032 6.2700 37.807 18 0.3892 37.6744 1.3795 5.7849 2.8598 3.3414 3.4437 6.2950 39.220 19 0.3987 36.2935 1.3140 6.1370 2.7878 3.3881 3.2912 6.2723 40.515 20 0.4083 35.0076 1.2535 6.4749 2.7256 3.4434 3.1499 6.2222 41.722 Cholesky Ordering: DR LN_GDP CPI LN_MCAPNSE LCU_USD OIL SINTT LINTT It can be concluded from the VDA that the changes in the interest rates (both short term and long term) and CPI have relatively important impact on the default rates. However, Ln_MCAPNSE followed by Ln_GDP have small relative impacts in predicting the forecast variation in DR. 5.3. Summary of Findings The following section summarises the findings of the study based on the research objectives: a) To identify the main macroeconomic variables that affect the credit risk in the Indian banking and investigate the dynamics between the Financial Soundness Indicator reflecting credit risk and the identified macroeconomic determinants. In order to identify the main macroeconomic variables that affect the credit risk in the Indian banking, a vast array of macro-economic variables which may have an impact on the credit risk variables were studied extensively over the period of 1996 to 2016 (21 years). In total 19 variables were extensively analysed. The variables were 218 classified as Credit Risk variables and Macroeconomic variables. The credit risk variables were Default Rate and NPA Ratio. The macroeconomic indicators were further classified into five categories - Growth/Cyclical indicators (GDP, GDP per capita, Gross Fixed Capital Formation, Industry Value added), Price stability indicators (CPI, WPI, M3), External indicators (Exchange rate, Trade, WTI Oil, Brent Oil), Financial Market indicators (MCAPNSE, MCAPBSE, MCAPWORLD and MCAPUSA), and Interest rate indicators (Short-term interest-14 day T-bill rate, long term interest-10 year G-sec rate). Based on the extensive review of literature, detailed study of the variables and careful examination of their relevance in the Indian scenario, the final variables that were selected from each category for the model were Credit Risk (Default rate), Growth indicator (GDP), Price Stability indicator (CPI), External indicators (Exchange rate and Oil), Financial Market indicator (MCapNSE), Interest Rate Indicators (Short term interest rate and Long term interest rate). Further, to investigate the dynamics between the Financial Soundness Indicator reflecting credit risk (Default rate) and the identified seven macroeconomic determinants, all the macroeconomic variables were analysed with respect to default rate. Finally, a parsimonious VECM model was constructed that enabled understanding of the dynamic long run relationship between these determinants and default risk. b) To prepare a macroeconomic stress testing model that estimates the relationship between macroeconomic variables and credit risk. The macroeconomic stress testing model constructed in the study that estimates the relationship between macroeconomic variables and credit risk was based on Wislon model (1997 a & b). It models the default rate of an economic sector to 219 macroeconomic factors. First and foremost, to capture the relationship between credit risk and the macroeconomic variables 19 macroeconomic indicators were extensively examined. Based on the extensive literature review and the relevance of each variable in Indian context, 7 variables were shortlisted. Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) test and Phillips-Perron (PP) Unit root tests were employed to check the Stationarity of the data. Optimum lag length of 2 was selected using the Final Prediction Error (FPE) lag length selection criteria. As the selected variables were I(1), Johansen Cointegration test was performed to check the presence of cointegrating equations. Due to the existence of cointegrating equations, a Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) was constructed to investigate the relationship between Default Rate and the chosen macroeconomic variables. To investigate the impact of shocks on the default rate of the banking system, Impulse Response Functions (IRFs) were generated. Cholesky Decomposition method was used for ordering of the variables for Impulse Response Functions. Further, to identify the contribution of each shock to the changes in the Default Rate, Variance Decomposition Analysis was performed. The model was also checked for Serial correlation, Heteroskadasticity, Normality and Stability diagnostics. c) To evaluate and assess the resilience of the Indian banking system by reviewing the current macro stress testing methodology for credit risk (conducted by Reserve Bank of India) with the aim of improving the existing model. The resilience of the Indian Banking system was evaluated by conducting Macro Stress tests of the credit risk using the VECM model. Impulse Response Functions (IRFs) and Variance Decomposition Analysis (VDA) were further employed to 220 investigate the impact of shocks on the default rate. It can be observed from the IRFs, that after the shocks, the banks stabilise in a short period of time, which reflects the relative robustness of the banks. The macro stress testing is quite nascent in the Indian context. Reserve Bank of India started conducting macro stress tests from 2010 before which micro stress testing tests were only conducted. The methodology has evolved over the last few years. The objective of the study was to improve the existing model as adopted by Reserve Bank of India in terms of wider set of endogenous variable selection, calibration of stress testing scenarios and modification of the macro stress testing model. In terms of endogenous variable selection, researchers worldwide have endeavoured to incorporate an array of macroeconomic indicators which may affect the assessment of credit risk. However, again in the Indian context, very few macroeconomic variables have been included. In the FSR of December 2016, the variables include Change in Gross Value Added, Weighted Average Lending Rate, Exports to GDP ratio, CPI (combined) Inflation and Gross Fiscal Deficit to GDP ratio. These variables do not capture the entire gamut of dynamics of the financial system vulnerabilities. There are many variables like money supply, exchange rate, trade variables, oil prices, financial market variables, unemployment etc. which may have an impact on the banking system which have not been captured by the Central Bank’s stress testing exercise. In fact, over the last many years, not many changes have been introduced to make the model more inclusive. Therefore, there is a need to re-examine the variables that may have an impact on the stress testing exercise. The inclusion of many variables may make our credit assessment model quite complicated and difficult to interpret. Therefore, it is required to assess the relevant factors and proceed accordingly. The methodology for the same has been discussed in detail in the research methodology section. With respect to calibration of stress testing 221 scenario, presently, in the methodology adopted by the central bank, the risk scenarios include a baseline scenario and two adverse macroeconomic scenarios-medium risks (up to 1 standard deviation) and severe risk (up to 2 standard deviations) based on last 10 years historical data. Although it may be quite inclusive, as the risks are evolving, there is a need to re-examine the potential scenarios to include a wider range of possibilities that may not be historical. The recession of 2008 and the dynamic economic environment thereafter exhibit the need to calibrate the scenarios more exhaustively. It can be done by employing Impulse Response Function (IRF) and Variance Decomposition Analysis (VDA) which may capture the dynamic characteristics and interactions within the empirical model. The macro stress test model can also be modified as in the Indian context there is a huge gap in terms of the techniques of modelling currently being used for performing stress tests vis-a vis the advanced techniques adopted by other countries. Currently, several time series econometric models are employed by RBI wherein the credit risk indicator is modelled as a function of macroeconomic variables. In the present thesis, for investigation into the current position of macro stress testing of credit risk in the Indian context, time series technique (VECM model along with its variants) has been employed. The research has further been supplemented by Impulse Response Function and Variance Decomposition Analysis. In other countries, various integrated models are used - Systematic Risk Model (SRM) (Boss et al., 2006), Risk Assessment Model of Systematic Institutions (RAMSI – Bank of England) (Demekas, 2015, Burrows et al., 2012, Aikman et al., 2009) ; Macro Financial Risk assessment Framework (MFRAF – Bank of Canada (Gautheir and Souissi, 2012); Correlated Systematic Liquidity and Solvency Risk (Barnhill and Schumacher, 2011) ; and Stress 222 Test framework with interaction between market and credit risk (Wong and Hui, 2009). There is a huge scope for developing an integrated model, but in the Indian context, availability of granular data is a major problem. Subject to availability of data, an integrated model can be developed on the lines of the above models. This model will have to be adapted in the Indian context as the “one size fits all’ approach does not suit Stress testing because of differences in financial and macroeconomic conditions across the globe. d) To calibrate the most relevant macro stress testing scenarios keeping in view the existing dynamic vulnerabilities. As per the macro stress testing practice followed by RBI (FSR, June 2016), the adverse scenarios are derived based on up to one standard deviation for medium risk and up to two standard deviations for severe risk (10 years historical data). The recession of 2007-08 showed that the risks may be unprecedented. Moreover as the risks are evolving, it is very important here to calibrate risks from a different perspective. As the dynamics of the credit risk variables and macroeconomic variables were modelled through Vector Error Correction Model, it enabled carrying out of Impulse Response Analysis wherein various shocks to macroeconomic variables were simulated and projections for the next 20 quarters (5 years) were made. 223 CHAPTER 6 Summary and Conclusion Global macroeconomic conditions have been highly volatile during the last few years. In response to this, financial institutions like International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank, Bank for International Settlements (BIS) and Central Banks have been constantly developing prudential paradigms and sophisticated risk management techniques to ensure financial stability which has become an important area of concern. In this context, it is important to develop a comprehensive framework for financial stability. Important mechanisms for assessing financial stability include Macro Prudential Analysis and assessment of Systemic Risk. One of the key elements of Macro Prudential Analysis and Systemic Risk Assessment is Stress Testing, which is a technique that measures the vulnerability of a portfolio, an institution, or an entire financial system to rare but plausible shocks under different hypothetical events or scenarios. Stress Testing was introduced in 1999 as part of Financial Stability Assessment Programme (FSAP) as a joint initiative of IMF and World Bank. Since then, IMF and World Bank have emphasized the importance of stress testing with respect to systemic risk assessment and financial stability modelling. Theoretically, the resilience of the financial sector can be assessed through a combination of ‘Micro Stress testing’, which involves periodic assessment of the financial soundness of individual institutions under adverse economic conditions and ‘Macro Stress testing’, which is aimed at assessing the system wide resilience to shocks from the macroeconomic environment. Worldwide, the analytical focus of 224 research over the last few years has moved from Micro-Prudential to MacroPrudential dimensions of financial stability However, in the Indian context, there is a notable absence of research on Macro stress testing; it is one of the modeling areas which still requires a lot of further research. In this context, there is a need to review and re-examine the selection of macroeconomic variables and their impact on macro stress testing along with a reassessment of the technique of risk modelling. Given this research gap, the main aim of the thesis is to investigate the dynamics between the Financial Soundness Indicator reflecting credit risk and the macroeconomic determinants in the Indian banking landscape. An attempt has been made to identify the main macroeconomic variables that affect credit risk in the Indian banking sector and further to prepare a macroeconomic stress testing model that estimates the relationship between macroeconomic variables and credit risk. In addition, the impact of shocks to these macro variables is studied to evaluate and assess the resilience of the Indian banking system to credit risk. The current macro stress testing methodology for credit risk (conducted by Reserve Bank of India) is reviewed with the aim of improving the existing model. Majority of literature review has been done from IMF, World Bank, BIS, RBI and Financial Stability Reports of Central banks across the globe. Other databases used include EBSCO, Proquest, SSRN and Google Scholar. The study employs the top-down approach of Macroeconomic Stress testing of Credit risk in the Indian Banking system by using macroeconomic data and aggregated Default Rate. Banking system, being the most dominant segment of the Indian Financial system, is considered as a yardstick to determine whether an economy is 225 strong enough to withstand shocks. And most importantly, in the current landscape of Indian banking industry, Credit risk is the leading source of risk for banks and it is very important to identify, measure and control risk and determine the capital requirement against this risk. Quarterly data from 1996 (Q2) to 2016 (Q4) (according to calendar year) – 83 quarters pertaining to variables has been collected from Global Economic Monitor (World Bank) and RBI - Statistical tables related to banking and Handbook of Statistics on the Indian Economy. Default rate has been taken as a proxy of credit risk. The main macroeconomic indicators were classified into five categories Growth/Cyclical indicators (GDP, GDP per capita, Gross Fixed Capital Formation, Industry Value added), Price stability indicators (CPI, WPI, M3), External indicators (Exchange rate, Trade, WTI Oil, Brent Oil), Financial market indicators (MCAPNSE, MCAPBSE, MCAPWORLD and MCAPUSA), and Interest rate indicators (Shortterm interest-14 day T-bill rate, long term interest-10 year G-sec rate). Based on an extensive review of literature and their relevance in the Indian scenario, the final variables that were selected from each category with the intention of building a parsimonious model were GDP, CPI, MCapNSE, Exchange rate, Oil, Short term interest rate and Long term interest rate. The credit risk model constructed was based on Wilson’s model (1997 a & b) which models the default rate of an economic sector to macroeconomic factors. Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) test and Phillips-Perron (PP) Unit root tests were employed to check the Stationarity of the data. Optimum lag length of 2 was selected using the Final Prediction Error (FPE) lag length selection criteria. As the selected variables 226 were I(1), Johansen Cointegration test was performed to check the presence of cointegrating equations. Due to the existence of cointegrating equations, a Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) was constructed to investigate the relationship between Default Rate and the chosen macroeconomic variables. To investigate the impact of shocks on the default rate of the banking system, Impulse Response Functions (IRFs) were generated. Cholesky Decomposition method was used for ordering of the variables for Impulse Response Functions. Further, to identify the contribution of each shock to the changes in the Default Rate, Variance Decomposition Analysis was performed. The VECM model of Default rate shows a significant relationship between Default rate and the Macroeconomic variables. The results suggest a long run relationship running between Default rate and all the variables (GDP, CPI, Exchange rate, Oil, Market Capitalisation of NSE, Short-term interest rate and Long term interest rate). Three short-term causality results were performed to establish the short-term relationships among the endogenous variables. WALD test was performed to test the joint significance of the lagged impact of endogenous variables on DR. The results suggested a weak causality running from CPI to DR. Pair wise Granger Causality test was done to substantiate the findings of WALD test and find out the direction of causality among the variables. The results show a unidirectional causality running from DR to Ln_MCAPNSE and a weak unidirectional causality running from CPI to DR. These two tests may have limitations due to non-standard asymptotic properties. Further, the existence of I(1) variables necessitates employing the Toda Yamamoto test with one enhanced lag to mitigate these limitations. The results suggest bidirectional causality running from CPI to DR and vice-versa. There is a uni- 227 directional causal relationship running from DR to LINTT. There is also evidence of unidirectional causality relationship between DR and OIL. However, the results should be viewed in light of the fact that the data is quarterly. As the variables are very dynamic in nature, quarterly data subsumes a lot of information that would be otherwise seen at higher frequencies. A more robust model can be evolved with granular data of a higher frequency. The model was also checked for Serial correlation, Heteroskadasticity, Normality and Stability diagnostics. The BreuschGodfrey Serial Correlation LM Test shows no serial correlation in the residuals of the model. The Breusch-Pagan-Godfrey test suggests the absence of Heteroscedasticity in the model, which makes the model more robust. The CUSUM stability diagnostic test further demonstrates that the model is dynamically stable. The normality assumption that the residuals are normally distributed is rejected. However, researchers have demonstrated that in instances where the normality is rejected due to kurtosis, the results of the Johansen results are not affected. Therefore, it can be stated that the model is reliable and stable. IRFs and VDA were further employed to investigate the impact of shocks on the default rate. Three important results emerge out of the IRFs. With respect to GDP, the IRFs support the existing theory that initially with an increase in GDP, DR falls. However, in the long run, an increase in GDP may lead to increased credit off take and enhanced capacity building which may or may not be complimented with a corresponding demand and thereby DR increases. With respect to CPI and long term interest rate; in the long run, DR is likely to increase with increase in CPI and LINTT. 228 The VDA results substantiate the significant role played by interest rates (both short term interest rates and long term interest rates) and CPI in accounting for fluctuations in DR in the long run. Apart from these, Exchange rate and Oil also contribute to the forecast variance of DR in the long run. This also supports the reason why Central Banks across the world emphasise the role of interest rates and CPI (inflation) in the policy decisions and why interest rates and inflation should be a matter of concern for policymakers and government. Although the study confirms a long-run relationship between GDP and Market cap, its contribution to the variance in DR is found to be very low. As the banks stabilise in a short period of time, this reflects the relative robustness of the banks. LIMITATIONS OF STUDY a. Availability of data - Data required for stress testing is limited in several ways. The financial institutions data is often not available (for public use) because of confidentiality and consistency issues. Insufficient data can lead to non-robust estimates which may reduce the forecasting ability of our model. In our case also, the quarterly GDP data is not available prior to 1996 Q2. Also, the NPA data is not available prior to 1993. b. Impact of concentration risk: Lately, Indian banking system has been plagued by large credit exposures to corporates which have become NPAs. It is very difficult to incorporate the concentration risk in the given model. Also, RBI made it mandatory for all the banks to disclose concentration risk disclosures from 2010, therefore data prior to 2010 is not available. c. Complexity of the models – The lack of granular and consistent data volumes makes the modelling architecture in this area is very complex and challenging. 229 d. Given the requirement of excessive data volumes and a complex modelling architecture for the assessment and analysis of an integrated model of systemic risk, such an analysis may be very challenging without the inputs from the regulators. Also, the other forms of risk, namely interest rate risk and liquidity risk have not been accounted for. e. Endogenity of risk not accounted- Endogenous risk refers to the risk from shocks that are generated and amplified within the system. On the other hand, exogenous risks are the shocks that arrive from outside the system (Danielsson and Shin, 2003). In the study, the endogenity of risks has not been accounted for as bank specific factors and feedback effects have not been incorporated. This provides us with a further scope for future study. f. Low-Dimensional VAR/ VECM: As the standard VAR/ VECM model employs lesser number of variables, it is low dimensional and it might not be able to capture the full information that may be required by the policy makers and monetary authorities (Soo, 2012). CONTRIBUTION OF THE STUDY AND IMPLICATIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH The study is an attempt to contribute to the ongoing macro prudential research efforts at both global and domestic level and also facilitate early detection of signals of financial vulnerabilities. It intends to make an important contribution to the existing literature in terms of inclusion of more variables that affect the credit risk pertaining to the banking sector and calibration of stress testing scenarios. It is aimed to take a wider set of macroeconomic variables and capture the dynamics of the ever changing financial environment supported with a robust modelling framework involving a 230 variety of econometric techniques. Such an analysis will enable us to have a deeper understanding of the key determinants of credit and will provide useful information to explain the resilience of Indian banking system in terms of credit risk. The results have important implications for the researchers and policy makers. Banking is a dominant component of the Indian Financial system and is the core of our macroeconomic policy. Therefore, such a study on the Indian Banking System can provide useful inputs for regulators and policy makers in enhancing and developing the existing stress testing framework and make it more inclusive and robust. However, the banking sector and corporate sector vulnerabilities have risen sharply in the last few years and thereby present a risk to the financial stability. In the current economic scenario, the non-performing assets (NPAs) have emerged as one of the most important sources of risk to the Indian banking sector which has a direct bearing on the Indian financial landscape and can be considered as a pre-cursor to financial instability. Recent cases of large scale NPAs have made the banking system very vulnerable especially a group of a few public sector banks (PSBs) which are highly vulnerable to further declines in economic conditions. The government is working on priority on promulgating several frameworks to resolve this problem of NPAs. The study is an attempt to contribute to the ongoing macro prudential research efforts and provide a reference point for reassessing and reviewing the mechanism for checking the resilience of the Indian banking. An important step in this area is to identify the important and diverse risk variables from a large gamut of macroeconomic variables which affect the default rate. It is proposed to modify the existing macro stress testing model for credit risk as developed by Reserve Bank of 231 India in terms of wider set of endogenous variable selection, calibration of stress testing scenarios and modification of the macro stress testing model. This may be considered as a contribution towards the improvement and modification of the existing literature available in the area of macro stress testing of credit risk in the Indian context. The limitations of the study provide further opportunities for development of a composite and integrated risk model (as developed by advanced nations) which aims at examining the interdependencies of the various forms of risk viz credit risk, market risk and liquidity risks. This study can also provide inputs for improving the macro stress testing models further by incorporating endogenous factors as well. 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D(LN_GDP) 2.119993 2 0.3465 D(CPI) 5.418556 2 0.0666 D(LCU_USD) 3.498134 2 0.1739 D(OIL) 1.935635 2 0.3799 D(LN_MCAPNSE) 4.176430 2 0.1239 D(SINTT) 0.367750 2 0.8320 D(LINTT) 1.169136 2 0.5573 26.94520 14 0.0196 All Dependent variable: D(LN_GDP) Excluded Chi-sq df Prob. D(DR) 2.215049 2 0.3304 D(CPI) 0.106442 2 0.9482 D(LCU_USD) 12.42767 2 0.0020 D(OIL) 13.19693 2 0.0014 D(LN_MCAPNSE) 4.168384 2 0.1244 D(SINTT) 1.658582 2 0.4364 D(LINTT) 5.675318 2 0.0586 247 All 38.16671 14 0.0005 Dependent variable: D(CPI) Excluded Chi-sq df Prob. D(DR) 5.675463 2 0.0586 D(LN_GDP) 3.415051 2 0.1813 D(LCU_USD) 0.322109 2 0.8512 D(OIL) 2.335961 2 0.3110 D(LN_MCAPNSE) 3.024484 2 0.2204 D(SINTT) 2.867225 2 0.2384 D(LINTT) 1.355112 2 0.5079 All 18.90467 14 0.1686 Dependent variable: D(LCU_USD) Excluded Chi-sq df Prob. D(DR) 1.492893 2 0.4740 D(LN_GDP) 0.546935 2 0.7607 D(CPI) 1.394008 2 0.4981 D(OIL) 2.380528 2 0.3041 D(LN_MCAPNSE) 4.146417 2 0.1258 D(SINTT) 0.148520 2 0.9284 D(LINTT) 4.264736 2 0.1186 All 17.88612 14 0.2120 Dependent variable: D(OIL) Excluded Chi-sq df Prob. D(DR) 0.419765 2 0.8107 248 D(LN_GDP) 0.693543 2 0.7070 D(CPI) 7.969804 2 0.0186 D(LCU_USD) 5.392023 2 0.0675 D(LN_MCAPNSE) 4.559176 2 0.1023 D(SINTT) 3.616793 2 0.1639 D(LINTT) 0.404586 2 0.8169 All 24.25895 14 0.0426 Dependent variable: D(LN_MCAPNSE) Excluded Chi-sq df Prob. D(DR) 6.695337 2 0.0352 D(LN_GDP) 2.796375 2 0.2470 D(CPI) 0.783258 2 0.6760 D(LCU_USD) 5.660438 2 0.0590 D(OIL) 11.25964 2 0.0036 D(SINTT) 2.622612 2 0.2695 D(LINTT) 6.511800 2 0.0385 All 35.60485 14 0.0012 Dependent variable: D(SINTT) Excluded Chi-sq df Prob. D(DR) 3.398088 2 0.1829 D(LN_GDP) 0.710820 2 0.7009 D(CPI) 0.215065 2 0.8980 D(LCU_USD) 2.804891 2 0.2460 D(OIL) 6.735552 2 0.0345 D(LN_MCAPNSE) 1.382658 2 0.5009 D(LINTT) 0.108141 2 0.9474 249 All 19.55938 14 0.1447 Dependent variable: D(LINTT) Excluded Chi-sq df Prob. D(DR) 2.928280 2 0.2313 D(LN_GDP) 9.960898 2 0.0069 D(CPI) 6.787295 2 0.0336 D(LCU_USD) 9.973414 2 0.0068 D(OIL) 13.21525 2 0.0014 D(LN_MCAPNSE) 5.453832 2 0.0654 D(SINTT) 6.500524 2 0.0388 All 49.62890 14 0.0000 250 ANNEXURE 2: RESULTS OF TODA YAMAMOTO TEST VAR Granger Causality/Block Exogeneity Wald Tests Sample: 1996Q2 2016Q4 Included observations: 80 Dependent variable: DR Excluded Chi-sq df Prob. LN_GDP 3.553860 2 0.1692 CPI 6.269960 2 0.0435 LCU_USD 3.316820 2 0.1904 OIL 4.282396 2 0.1175 SE 2.840921 2 0.2416 SINTT 1.141053 2 0.5652 LINTT 2.159566 2 0.3397 All 23.56805 14 0.0516 LN_MCAPN Dependent variable: LN_GDP Excluded Chi-sq df Prob. DR 2.285161 2 0.3190 CPI 0.194969 2 0.9071 LCU_USD 4.408568 2 0.1103 OIL 5.544129 2 0.0625 SE 0.606303 2 0.7385 SINTT 0.357603 2 0.8363 LINTT 7.209328 2 0.0272 All 32.63234 14 0.0033 LN_MCAPN 251 Dependent variable: CPI Excluded Chi-sq df Prob. DR 7.277295 2 0.0263 LN_GDP 4.572451 2 0.1016 LCU_USD 3.194819 2 0.2024 OIL 2.823889 2 0.2437 SE 1.101924 2 0.5764 SINTT 4.511322 2 0.1048 LINTT 0.250260 2 0.8824 All 19.30854 14 0.1535 LN_MCAPN Dependent variable: LCU_USD Excluded Chi-sq df Prob. DR 1.452084 2 0.4838 LN_GDP 2.714528 2 0.2574 CPI 0.966590 2 0.6167 OIL 4.096819 2 0.1289 SE 0.698604 2 0.7052 SINTT 0.317470 2 0.8532 LINTT 9.119165 2 0.0105 All 21.64438 14 0.0862 LN_MCAPN Dependent variable: OIL Excluded Chi-sq df Prob. DR 5.414631 2 0.0667 LN_GDP 0.622407 2 0.7326 CPI 5.437035 2 0.0660 LCU_USD 7.835779 2 0.0199 252 LN_MCAPN SE 2.199962 2 0.3329 SINTT 7.281633 2 0.0262 LINTT 0.583109 2 0.7471 All 22.55656 14 0.0679 Dependent variable: LN_MCAPNSE Excluded Chi-sq df Prob. DR 4.002697 2 0.1352 LN_GDP 17.08795 2 0.0002 CPI 0.935403 2 0.6264 LCU_USD 6.564960 2 0.0375 OIL 18.67461 2 0.0001 SINTT 2.335988 2 0.3110 LINTT 24.13151 2 0.0000 All 51.49628 14 0.0000 Dependent variable: SINTT Excluded Chi-sq df Prob. DR 1.353939 2 0.5082 LN_GDP 1.578118 2 0.4543 CPI 0.164525 2 0.9210 LCU_USD 3.258181 2 0.1961 OIL 8.451358 2 0.0146 SE 0.213753 2 0.8986 LINTT 0.422867 2 0.8094 All 20.89613 14 0.1043 LN_MCAPN Dependent variable: LINTT 253 Excluded Chi-sq df Prob. DR 6.499181 2 0.0388 LN_GDP 1.558918 2 0.4587 CPI 9.309689 2 0.0095 LCU_USD 6.672718 2 0.0356 OIL 12.98417 2 0.0015 SE 7.014451 2 0.0300 SINTT 4.848798 2 0.0885 All 44.13835 14 0.0001 LN_MCAPN 254 ANNEXURE 3 : IMPULSE RESPONSE FUNCTION Response to Cholesky One S.D. Innovations Response of DR to LN_GDP Response of DR to DR Response of DR to CPI Response of DR to LN_MCA PNSE Response of DR to LCU_USD Response of DR to OIL Response of DR to LINTT Response of DR to S INTT .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 -.1 -.1 -.1 -.1 -.1 -.1 .0 .0 -.1 5 10 15 20 -.1 5 5 Response of LN_GDP to DR 10 15 10 15 20 5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20 5 Response of LN_GDP to CPI Response of LN_GDP to LN_MCAP NSE Response of LN_GDP to LCU_US D Response of LN_GDP to OIL Response of LN_GDP to LINTT .012 .012 .012 .012 .012 .012 .012 .008 .008 .008 .008 .008 .008 .008 .008 .004 .004 .004 .004 .004 .004 .004 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 -.004 -.004 -.004 -.004 -.0 04 -.004 -.004 -.008 -.008 -.008 -.008 -.008 -.0 08 -.008 -.008 15 20 5 Response of CP I to DR 10 15 20 5 Response of CPI to LN_GDP 10 15 20 Response of CPI to CPI 5 10 15 20 5 Response of CPI to LN_MCAPNSE 10 15 20 5 Response of CPI to LCU_USD 10 15 20 5 Response of CPI to OIL 10 15 20 5 Response of CPI to LINTT 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20 Response of LN_MCAP NSE to LN_GDP 5 10 15 20 Response of LN_MCA PNSE to CP I 5 10 15 20 Response of LN_MCAPNSE to LN_MCAPNSE 5 10 15 20 Response of LN_MCAP NSE to LCU_USD 5 10 15 20 Response of LN_MCAPNSE to OIL 5 10 15 20 Response of LN_MCAPNSE to LINTT 5 .12 .12 .12 .12 .12 .12 .12 .08 .08 .08 .08 .08 .08 .08 .08 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 -.04 -.0 4 -.04 -.0 4 -.04 -.0 4 -.04 -.0 8 -.08 -.0 8 -.08 -.0 8 -.08 -.0 8 -.08 10 15 20 5 10 15 20 5 Response of LCU_USD to LN_GDP 10 15 20 Response of LCU_USD to CPI 5 10 15 20 Response of LCU_USD to LN_MCAPNSE 5 10 15 20 5 Response of LCU_USD to LCU_USD 10 15 20 5 Response of LCU_USD to OIL 10 15 20 5 Response of LCU_USD to LINTT 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20 5 Response of OIL to LN_GDP 10 15 20 Response of OIL to CPI 5 10 15 20 5 Response of OIL to LN_MCA PNSE 10 15 20 5 Response of OIL to LCU_USD 10 15 20 5 Response of OIL to OIL 10 15 20 5 Response of OIL to LINTT 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -10 5 10 15 20 -10 5 Response of LINTT to DR 10 15 20 -1 0 5 Response of LINTT to LN_GDP 10 15 20 Response of LINTT to CPI -10 5 10 15 20 -1 0 5 Response of LINTT to LN_MCAPNSE 10 15 20 -10 5 Response of LINTT to LCU_USD 10 15 20 10 15 20 5 Response of LINTT to LINTT .8 .8 .8 .8 .8 .8 .8 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 -.4 -.4 -.4 -.4 -.4 -.4 -.4 -.4 10 15 20 5 Response of SINTT to DR 10 15 20 5 Response of SINTT to LN_GDP 10 15 20 Response of SINTT to CPI 5 10 15 20 5 Response of SINTT to LN_MCA PNSE 10 15 20 5 Response of SINTT to LCU_US D 10 15 20 5 Response of SINTT to OIL 10 15 20 5 Response of SINTT to LINTT 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20 5 10 255 15 20 5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20 15 20 10 15 20 5 10 15 10 15 20 10 15 20 Response of SINTT to S INTT 1.0 5 10 Response of LINTT to SINTT .8 5 20 -10 5 Response of LINTT to OIL 15 Response of OIL to S INTT 10 -10 10 Response of LCU_USD to SINTT 2 Response of OIL to DR 20 .04 .00 -.0 4 5 15 Response of LN_MCAPNSE to SINTT .12 Response of LCU_USD to DR 10 Response of CPI to SINTT 4 Response of LN_MCA PNSE to DR 20 .004 .000 -.004 10 15 Response of LN_GDP to S INTT .012 5 10 20 Response of LN_GDP to LN_GDP 20 5 10 15 20 ANNEXURE 4: IMPULSE RESPONSE FUNCTION – COMBINED GRAPHS Response of DR to Cholesky One S.D. Innovations Response of LN_GDP to Cholesky One S.D. Innovations .20 Response of CPI to Cholesky One S.D. Innovations .012 3 .008 2 .08 .004 1 .04 .000 0 -.004 -1 .16 .12 .00 -.04 -.08 -.008 2 4 6 8 10 DR LN_MCAPNSE LINT T 12 14 16 LN_GDP LCU_USD SINT T 18 -2 2 20 4 CPI OIL 6 8 10 DR LN_MCAPNSE LINT T Response of LN_MCAPNSE to Cholesky One S.D. Innovations 12 14 16 LN_GDP LCU_USD SINT T 18 2 20 4 CPI OIL Response of LCU_USD to Cholesky One S.D. Innovations .12 8 10 12 14 16 LN_GDP LCU_USD SINT T 18 20 CPI OIL Response of OIL to Cholesky One S.D. Innovations 2.0 12 1.5 .08 6 DR LN_MCAPNSE LINT T 8 1.0 .04 4 0.5 .00 0 0.0 -.04 -4 -0.5 -.08 -1.0 2 4 6 8 10 DR LN_MCAPNSE LINT T 12 14 16 LN_GDP LCU_USD SINT T 18 -8 2 20 4 CPI OIL 6 8 10 DR LN_MCAPNSE LINT T Response of LINTT to Cholesky One S.D. Innovations 12 14 16 LN_GDP LCU_USD SINT T 18 20 CPI OIL 1.00 0.75 .4 0.50 .2 0.25 .0 0.00 -.2 -0.25 -.4 -0.50 2 4 6 8 DR LN_MCAPNSE LINT T 10 12 14 LN_GDP LCU_USD SINT T 16 18 CPI OIL 20 2 4 6 8 DR LN_MCAPNSE LINT T 256 10 12 14 LN_GDP LCU_USD SINT T 16 18 CPI OIL 4 6 8 DR LN_MCAPNSE LINT T Response of SINTT to Cholesky One S.D. Innovations .6 2 20 10 12 14 LN_GDP LCU_USD SINT T 16 18 CPI OIL 20 ANNEXURE 5: RESULTS OF VARIANCE DECOMPOSITION ANALYSIS Variance Decomposition of DR: Perio LN_MCAP S.E. DR LN_GDP CPI NSE LCU_USD OIL LINTT SINTT 1 0.196380 100.0000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 2 0.222422 90.68547 0.187514 2.344429 0.697084 0.023398 5.384436 0.009649 0.668014 3 0.242596 82.91440 1.122028 3.071811 0.949987 4.098518 5.845813 0.388967 1.608473 4 0.255133 75.99812 2.070785 3.007853 2.784133 3.908384 6.251715 0.538394 5.440614 5 0.269789 70.03864 1.888986 2.711068 2.879994 3.711779 5.640685 0.776182 12.35267 6 0.280765 65.78971 1.769603 2.507018 3.101508 3.654233 5.261474 1.204650 16.71181 7 0.290153 62.14333 1.848829 2.644467 3.522088 3.422813 5.238012 2.529517 18.65094 8 0.299033 58.50715 2.163901 2.691321 3.402897 3.234192 5.017947 4.378508 20.60408 9 0.306482 56.12729 2.195349 2.848187 3.285649 3.102342 4.984382 5.575683 21.88111 10 0.313688 54.17783 2.101803 3.116493 3.218890 3.019632 4.984478 6.095086 23.28579 11 0.322022 52.31038 1.994650 3.318256 3.159016 3.026088 4.794524 6.175558 25.22152 12 0.331186 50.06032 1.891026 3.685011 3.147712 3.043512 4.570710 6.100803 27.50091 13 0.340767 47.59266 1.788595 4.055316 3.148680 3.115597 4.353223 6.014184 29.93174 14 0.350570 45.20462 1.690192 4.385095 3.148739 3.188501 4.147675 5.998742 32.23644 15 0.360465 42.94591 1.602380 4.730121 3.099142 3.229722 3.949480 6.083795 34.35945 16 0.370198 40.93687 1.523065 5.068329 3.016413 3.269694 3.767353 6.194648 36.22363 17 0.379702 39.20426 1.449201 5.425318 2.937130 3.303697 3.603296 6.270082 37.80702 18 0.389219 37.67442 1.379575 5.784965 2.859865 3.341411 3.443777 6.295011 39.22097 19 0.398799 36.29350 1.314089 6.137033 2.787830 3.388103 3.291281 6.272332 40.51583 20 0.408365 35.00762 1.253515 6.474906 2.725604 3.443495 3.149993 6.222233 41.72263 d Variance Decomposition of LN_GDP: LN_MCAP Period S.E. DR LN_GDP CPI NSE LCU_USD OIL LINTT SINTT 1 0.010421 0.632899 99.36710 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 2 0.015511 0.427145 88.30613 0.203109 1.638817 0.893786 2.791007 5.601956 0.138049 3 0.018933 0.486101 82.30333 0.883515 4.721245 2.800322 2.037507 6.668775 0.099207 4 0.023071 0.345376 78.93382 1.004793 5.111180 2.562641 2.463017 9.457104 0.122073 5 0.026713 0.405024 77.06934 1.135496 4.446993 2.312859 1.856244 11.94274 0.831307 257 6 0.029381 0.415943 75.76721 1.188532 4.211191 2.208477 1.567919 13.10800 1.532724 7 0.031818 0.455163 74.75402 1.034790 4.440347 2.167671 1.389255 13.41200 2.346753 8 0.034349 0.400073 74.10154 0.889349 4.485033 1.981445 1.197196 13.59528 3.350087 9 0.036748 0.350475 73.31390 0.788486 4.539433 1.819069 1.048312 13.77865 4.361669 10 0.039005 0.313293 72.56733 0.722622 4.567829 1.662100 0.933885 13.96236 5.270578 11 0.041198 0.282670 71.82926 0.670961 4.535348 1.510633 0.837159 14.12665 6.207320 12 0.043286 0.261556 71.06457 0.654701 4.453795 1.383426 0.762213 14.23872 7.181022 13 0.045253 0.247359 70.33949 0.673736 4.379609 1.273007 0.703077 14.25943 8.124292 14 0.047145 0.245776 69.66728 0.716544 4.337493 1.175772 0.655629 14.20721 8.994294 15 0.049004 0.254384 69.00178 0.776866 4.293812 1.089216 0.619584 14.13505 9.829307 16 0.050812 0.266966 68.35770 0.846526 4.241563 1.013135 0.589436 14.05994 10.62473 17 0.052561 0.280938 67.75098 0.919925 4.192014 0.946897 0.562396 13.98454 11.36231 18 0.054265 0.297717 67.17125 0.994163 4.141402 0.888786 0.541242 13.90666 12.05878 19 0.055927 0.316883 66.61744 1.072195 4.088891 0.837546 0.525586 13.82490 12.71656 20 0.057544 0.336915 66.09745 1.153898 4.040190 0.792362 0.512816 13.73927 13.32710 Variance Decomposition of CPI: Perio LN_MCAP S.E. DR LN_GDP CPI NSE LCU_USD OIL LINTT SINTT 1 0.867048 8.246606 0.508387 91.24501 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 2 1.409378 11.10622 0.597962 83.15588 0.303233 0.176139 2.588997 0.003576 2.067997 3 1.998204 17.19090 0.310258 74.09225 0.173545 1.091304 3.464334 0.001847 3.675560 4 2.580705 16.90526 0.226373 71.06750 0.139966 1.457445 3.219709 0.019423 6.964324 5 3.181951 16.56814 0.168623 66.68881 0.284228 2.307713 3.481895 0.016026 10.48456 6 3.807581 15.77520 0.190434 63.63664 0.366849 2.809088 3.896862 0.031484 13.29344 7 4.448154 15.08454 0.231141 61.34561 0.453303 3.210589 4.225423 0.059305 15.39009 8 5.098688 14.85863 0.254914 59.45600 0.500620 3.534534 4.468846 0.093345 16.83311 9 5.746884 14.84637 0.274242 57.95727 0.540045 3.810654 4.639423 0.122005 17.80999 10 6.386371 14.96312 0.302718 56.62065 0.578339 4.072867 4.736727 0.152246 18.57334 11 7.012642 15.10589 0.338499 55.47891 0.610939 4.307034 4.790406 0.186174 19.18215 12 7.626393 15.20263 0.377028 54.47946 0.639519 4.517690 4.846922 0.221996 19.71475 13 8.226208 15.26175 0.415409 53.62052 0.662146 4.700765 4.902846 0.259693 20.17688 14 8.809864 15.28511 0.449764 52.91397 0.678051 4.858246 4.948787 0.295176 20.57090 15 9.376632 15.29689 0.477899 52.31374 0.690890 4.996799 4.989220 0.325780 20.90878 16 9.926432 15.30842 0.501495 51.80112 0.702726 5.117082 5.022079 0.351140 21.19594 17 10.45961 15.32004 0.522435 51.35982 0.714438 5.222151 5.048089 0.372722 21.44030 d 258 18 10.97720 15.33648 0.541620 50.97134 0.725575 5.314809 5.070181 0.392127 21.64788 19 11.48030 15.35524 0.559439 50.62810 0.735518 5.395975 5.089966 0.410192 21.82557 20 11.96956 15.37367 0.575886 50.32338 0.744162 5.468065 5.107739 0.427193 21.97990 Variance Decomposition of LN_MCAPNSE: Perio LN_MCAP S.E. DR LN_GDP CPI NSE LCU_USD OIL LINTT SINTT 1 0.113892 3.186069 25.01180 3.352350 68.44978 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 2 0.179918 7.281810 37.89806 2.599073 41.82348 0.157812 0.089744 9.521376 0.628647 3 0.244785 12.12809 36.38798 3.487741 26.72660 0.147910 1.406560 18.09443 1.620687 4 0.302443 14.54639 34.35192 4.683569 19.44191 0.149406 2.829953 22.91884 1.078010 5 0.342449 14.12572 34.38570 5.471315 16.24126 0.200870 2.505980 26.08032 0.988837 6 0.370306 13.26253 35.26054 5.424782 14.68759 0.351655 2.218229 27.80617 0.988496 7 0.392964 12.58562 36.07618 5.149705 14.26780 0.381358 2.119811 28.46532 0.954213 8 0.414458 11.72886 36.89317 4.999856 14.35736 0.355155 2.050793 28.64571 0.969092 9 0.436511 11.03052 37.46189 4.841498 14.27595 0.324682 1.981042 28.94716 1.137254 10 0.458418 10.72762 37.68653 4.718080 13.96966 0.294539 1.937741 29.26382 1.402008 11 0.479547 10.60118 37.74256 4.618296 13.69006 0.269159 1.903824 29.52230 1.652616 12 0.499890 10.48739 37.84045 4.482245 13.42777 0.248350 1.828863 29.77562 1.909318 13 0.519196 10.32231 38.02566 4.322153 13.17593 0.230955 1.746677 30.03453 2.141786 14 0.537393 10.11751 38.23111 4.162765 12.99938 0.215912 1.689044 30.26697 2.317302 15 0.554776 9.876809 38.43621 4.023371 12.86479 0.202596 1.643938 30.48055 2.471736 16 0.571440 9.635592 38.61785 3.901607 12.73745 0.191110 1.601040 30.67950 2.635852 17 0.587413 9.433763 38.75516 3.790538 12.62350 0.181412 1.563240 30.84576 2.806636 18 0.602848 9.265137 38.86263 3.688169 12.53213 0.173283 1.527724 30.97242 2.978503 19 0.617928 9.115129 38.95957 3.589878 12.45335 0.166135 1.490993 31.07535 3.149586 20 0.632720 8.980263 39.05011 3.494468 12.37677 0.159744 1.455339 31.16932 3.313988 d Variance Decomposition of LCU_USD: Perio d LN_MCAP S.E. DR LN_GDP CPI NSE LCU_USD OIL LINTT SINTT 1 1.640267 2.775791 1.673041 5.150670 9.216405 81.18409 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 2 2.484531 6.012372 6.784833 7.136806 9.361797 64.96601 0.007005 5.273703 0.457475 3 3.212834 6.734824 8.542507 9.080024 8.932531 59.75651 0.228328 6.302776 0.422497 4 3.946750 6.886205 9.658447 9.602178 7.508789 55.60410 1.008177 8.972764 0.759342 5 4.569643 7.076289 9.998616 10.61704 6.534019 53.57635 0.997292 10.45539 0.745016 259 6 5.084530 6.702261 10.01459 11.25964 5.963599 53.23083 0.992173 11.01843 0.818478 7 5.542165 6.550618 9.949391 11.24482 5.802467 53.48809 0.988461 11.15262 0.823533 8 5.949608 6.314234 10.07948 11.37819 5.774620 53.49636 0.944636 11.19876 0.813709 9 6.333647 6.147423 10.17320 11.38391 5.850012 53.45810 0.938429 11.26796 0.780968 10 6.700640 6.124053 10.27619 11.40982 5.854297 53.25460 0.946756 11.39969 0.734601 11 7.049279 6.122252 10.36539 11.46767 5.830434 53.01166 0.951368 11.56266 0.688567 12 7.382207 6.146017 10.42365 11.47225 5.792815 52.86306 0.946626 11.70882 0.646757 13 7.696979 6.148760 10.48420 11.45605 5.754046 52.77637 0.934776 11.83553 0.610258 14 7.996094 6.120457 10.54331 11.41721 5.735378 52.74491 0.923922 11.93413 0.580679 15 8.281713 6.077150 10.60208 11.37426 5.726502 52.72860 0.914956 12.02159 0.554862 16 8.555406 6.027843 10.65552 11.34034 5.720995 52.71628 0.908000 12.10013 0.530895 17 8.819069 5.986693 10.69872 11.31021 5.716664 52.70631 0.902789 12.17017 0.508437 18 9.073788 5.955098 10.73465 11.28391 5.712663 52.69795 0.896987 12.23168 0.487061 19 9.320728 5.929487 10.76667 11.25631 5.709766 52.69442 0.890389 12.28589 0.467069 20 9.560804 5.908091 10.79721 11.22558 5.707712 52.69369 0.883594 12.33551 0.448604 Variance Decomposition of OIL: LN_MCAPN Period S.E. DR LN_GDP CPI SE LCU_USD OIL LINTT SINTT 1 10.73762 0.361962 2.850580 14.08149 1.731072 20.35997 60.61493 0.000000 0.000000 2 15.67317 4.294711 4.816382 19.65353 1.472091 16.80279 51.11162 0.045857 1.803017 3 19.21716 5.178295 7.164352 20.38074 4.710297 17.93264 37.44340 0.187662 7.002608 4 22.75848 5.173492 11.74579 16.85877 4.873332 18.80646 29.27828 2.899961 10.36391 5 25.68990 5.378738 13.78884 14.16091 3.921151 19.84406 25.74375 5.791053 11.37151 6 28.21176 6.075598 13.67768 12.59293 3.288831 21.45226 22.70519 6.778086 13.42943 7 30.53106 6.292604 13.43984 11.50529 2.950610 22.69934 21.05532 6.894540 15.16246 8 32.77717 6.017141 13.42170 10.76433 2.740123 23.68259 20.47136 6.760000 16.14276 9 34.91417 5.943140 13.41602 10.34342 2.628851 24.41911 19.62663 6.641054 16.98179 10 36.89529 6.010089 13.51629 9.851915 2.595248 24.86385 18.66721 6.619072 17.87633 11 38.79663 6.084973 13.67306 9.317914 2.543705 25.23727 17.87614 6.738144 18.52881 12 40.64250 6.258069 13.76087 8.846101 2.439151 25.60413 17.25074 6.895388 18.94555 13 42.41970 6.447130 13.77050 8.448253 2.345027 25.92925 16.69772 6.983450 19.37867 14 44.15173 6.560717 13.76834 8.110696 2.283848 26.22248 16.22594 7.017576 19.81040 15 45.83511 6.608835 13.79538 7.821481 2.233134 26.47581 15.84296 7.046684 20.17571 16 47.45821 6.645177 13.82411 7.569425 2.189985 26.69246 15.48109 7.076328 20.52142 17 49.02214 6.688346 13.84522 7.336132 2.156126 26.87782 15.13493 7.105859 20.85557 260 18 50.53565 6.732440 13.86491 7.118112 2.124963 27.04489 14.83552 7.137635 21.14152 19 52.00912 6.784505 13.87718 6.921935 2.093927 27.19936 14.57572 7.165865 21.38150 20 53.44694 6.841698 13.88278 6.746101 2.066864 27.33767 14.33911 7.186074 21.59971 Variance Decomposition of LINTT: LN_MCAP Period S.E. DR LN_GDP CPI NSE LCU_USD OIL LINTT SINTT 1 0.504744 0.178583 0.948508 12.03652 3.326165 0.518885 15.69093 67.30041 0.000000 2 0.692911 4.008246 3.336127 20.03227 2.251004 1.065107 19.16824 49.25609 0.882918 3 0.872662 2.547965 6.838649 25.99471 5.910764 1.955026 12.23499 42.93040 1.587493 4 1.060554 2.236578 9.694507 24.37869 11.16339 1.587870 8.909671 40.95434 1.074954 5 1.227653 1.823252 12.38991 21.09090 11.43104 2.005100 7.141794 42.93462 1.183387 6 1.392339 2.804111 12.92531 19.76546 11.70549 1.941018 5.570258 43.67099 1.617363 7 1.548687 3.791472 13.43727 18.22625 11.54104 2.086725 4.634074 44.09953 2.183642 8 1.700457 4.000436 13.76539 17.50474 11.48759 2.074408 4.154622 44.01496 2.997860 9 1.851029 4.159808 13.99674 17.54218 11.20519 2.020645 3.773210 43.61269 3.689550 10 1.991781 4.036487 14.21116 17.66386 11.04632 2.094532 3.457708 43.25311 4.236817 11 2.125180 3.786838 14.33400 17.86895 10.94853 2.169523 3.211666 42.93782 4.742669 12 2.253894 3.544586 14.34174 18.10975 10.72342 2.276330 3.043029 42.60812 5.353033 13 2.375603 3.332908 14.24427 18.42109 10.51998 2.412283 2.918289 42.17857 5.972617 14 2.493235 3.149433 14.09002 18.78639 10.36775 2.549802 2.829193 41.65050 6.576915 15 2.608774 2.976599 13.93375 19.14822 10.21297 2.683694 2.782035 41.07541 7.187324 16 2.721980 2.820038 13.77899 19.51968 10.05688 2.809336 2.745114 40.51571 7.754246 17 2.832196 2.679669 13.62890 19.87399 9.908516 2.930834 2.709551 40.00218 8.266349 18 2.939349 2.546508 13.48792 20.19775 9.762991 3.046412 2.683171 39.53845 8.736802 19 3.043633 2.422737 13.34821 20.51001 9.617928 3.153068 2.666241 39.10796 9.173850 20 3.144897 2.308987 13.20904 20.81359 9.482067 3.255242 2.655470 38.69793 9.577674 Variance Decomposition of SINTT: Perio LN_MCAP S.E. DR LN_GDP CPI NSE LCU_USD OIL LINTT SINTT 1 1.013207 0.054313 4.011428 1.027210 0.045707 5.367935 0.454979 5.400096 83.63833 2 1.214175 0.919387 2.900969 5.753417 0.400063 4.116822 13.89186 4.427524 67.58996 3 1.427489 1.192202 3.555559 9.226947 0.575946 3.003394 14.46328 3.652278 64.33040 4 1.686033 5.569930 4.348320 12.26628 3.360422 2.162695 12.31951 3.858117 56.11473 5 1.878797 6.874018 6.586219 11.69083 4.006623 1.763293 12.52361 5.205762 51.34964 d 261 6 2.078940 8.775574 8.147274 12.11808 3.975778 1.474075 11.53954 8.031639 45.93803 7 2.266647 10.92267 9.077728 12.19317 3.576033 1.245211 10.98668 9.980671 42.01785 8 2.422480 11.17924 9.671710 12.60765 3.411571 1.092669 10.94695 11.24953 39.84068 9 2.571750 11.06603 10.08446 13.66375 3.287489 0.987447 11.23189 11.99842 37.68051 10 2.706415 10.71185 10.45051 14.77073 3.179486 0.892082 11.59504 12.47323 35.92708 11 2.829948 10.35792 10.66586 15.92314 3.196732 0.819662 11.76878 12.74709 34.52081 12 2.946710 10.08913 10.87495 16.93667 3.191495 0.769178 11.99918 13.04318 33.09622 13 3.057922 9.886158 11.03977 17.87915 3.153607 0.735384 12.28834 13.31986 31.69774 14 3.166559 9.763863 11.13032 18.82547 3.111570 0.708377 12.52949 13.53147 30.39943 15 3.272522 9.625251 11.20818 19.72261 3.071643 0.689219 12.78991 13.69788 29.19531 16 3.376507 9.442195 11.28207 20.59910 3.029325 0.673159 13.05459 13.83697 28.08260 17 3.477846 9.248816 11.33877 21.45079 2.984887 0.662454 13.28777 13.95404 27.07247 18 3.575473 9.048068 11.38100 22.24921 2.945272 0.658449 13.49661 14.04897 26.17242 19 3.670102 8.850279 11.40919 23.00149 2.908761 0.658401 13.69909 14.12564 25.34715 20 3.762175 8.666286 11.42423 23.71235 2.872415 0.661896 13.90128 14.18330 24.57825 Cholesky Ordering: DR LN_GDP CPI LN_MCAPNSE LCU_USD OIL LINTT SINTT 262 ANNEXURE 6: VARIANCE DECOMPOSITION – COMBINED GRAPHS Variance Decomposition of DR Variance Decomposition of LN_GDP Variance Decomposition of CPI 100 100 100 80 80 80 60 60 60 40 40 40 20 20 20 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 DR LN_MCAPNSE LINT T 12 14 16 LN_GDP LCU_USD SINT T 18 0 2 20 4 CP I OIL 6 8 10 DR LN_MCAPNSE LINT T Variance Decomposition of LN_MCAPNSE 12 14 16 LN_GDP LCU_USD SINT T 18 2 20 4 CP I OIL Variance Decomposition of LCU_USD 70 6 8 10 DR LN_MCAPNSE LINT T 12 14 16 LN_GDP LCU_USD SINT T 18 20 CP I OIL Variance Decomposition of OIL 100 70 60 60 80 50 50 40 60 40 30 40 30 20 20 20 10 10 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 DR LN_MCAPNSE LINT T 12 14 16 LN_GDP LCU_USD SINT T 18 0 2 20 4 CP I OIL 6 8 10 DR LN_MCAPNSE LINT T Variance Decomposition of LINTT 12 14 16 LN_GDP LCU_USD SINT T 18 20 CP I OIL 100 60 80 50 40 60 30 40 20 20 10 0 0 2 4 6 8 DR LN_MCAPNSE LINT T 10 12 14 LN_GDP LCU_USD SINT T 16 18 CP I OIL 20 2 4 6 8 DR LN_MCAPNSE LINT T 263 10 12 14 LN_GDP LCU_USD SINT T 16 18 CP I OIL 4 6 8 DR LN_MCAPNSE LINT T Variance Decomposition of SINTT 70 2 20 10 12 14 LN_GDP LCU_USD SINT T 16 18 CP I OIL 20