Uploaded by Wayne Pepper

Gr 3-5 Predator-Protection

Learning Objectives
Learners will:
• define the terms predator, prey and
• relate the above terms to the grooming process
• compare the offline grooming process to online
safety issues
• create examples of safe responses and/or
actions for potential grooming
Talk about each of the following questions as a class.
Raise your hand if you go online.
What activities do you like to do online?
What are a few things you know to do to be safer
Can you define the terms predator and prey?
• The term predator and prey
originally referred to animals
in nature. However, we also use
them to identify adults who take
advantage of their age and power
to become friends with kids for
reasons that are inappropriate.
• Inappropriate means something that is not
suitable and/or is unsafe for kids.
Do you meet friends online? How do you know
who you are talking to when online if you can not
see the person?
The online environment sometimes allows people
to lie about who they are and why they are online.
Understanding Predators
In nature a predator refers to an animal that lives by
capturing and eating other animals. The animals it
hunts are called prey. For example, a mountain lion
is a predator which hunts the prey – deer.
Understanding Predators
Unfortunately, we also use
these terms to talk about an
inappropriate relationship that
may occur between an adult
and a child. This is because
adults are supposed to know
better and when they act
inappropriately, we classify them
as predators.
Understanding Predators
Predators are not always people
you don’t know. Some predators
take advantage of knowing a child
to form an inappropriate relationship.
This can be confusing because
children are taught to respect adults.
Realize that you have many adults in
your life that you can trust – BUT – you
should trust them in their specific roles.
Understanding Predators
For example:
Trust your teacher to teach you, not to tutor you
alone without telling anyone.
Trust your coach to help you win a game, not to
take you home alone after practice.
Understanding Predators
Adults who violate our trust usually want us to
keep secrets. Do not keep a secret with an adult
from your parent or guardian.
Grooming Guide
Many predators groom their victims.
According to the dictionary, the definition for
grooming is “to get into readiness for a specific
Every day you get groomed to go to school. In
other words, you get ready to go to school. You
comb your hair, brush your teeth and put on
The word “groom” takes on a new meaning when
you are talking about the Internet. Some people
might want to “groom” you (or get you ready) to do
things you wouldn’t normally do, such as meet a
stranger without telling your parents.
To get you ready to do these things you would not
normally do, they slowly groom you by pretending
to be your friend. These people are predators and
they could want to hurt you.
Grooming Guide
We are going to be learning the steps of the
grooming process.
Grooming Step 1
The predator chooses a likely victim from someone
he/she knows and can develop a relationship.
Grooming Step 2
The predator initiates a friendship.
This is always done by sharing and
having the same interests.
Grooming Step 3
The predator begins to push
limits and boundaries.
He or she may talk about
embarrassing things or show
inappropriate pictures.
A predator will want the victim
to keep secrets from others.
Grooming Step 4
The predator will begin pushing
for more frequent contact,
inappropriate contact, secret
contact, etc.
The predator may threaten the
Grooming Step 5
The predator talks the victim
into an inappropriate relationship,
which can be very dangerous.
The predator may hurt the victim.
Talk About It
As a class discuss how grooming is LIKE your
personal grooming and how it is DIFFERENT.
Predators groom their prey (children) to do things
they shouldn’t, such as lie to their parents about
the relationship, etc.
Think About It
Think about predators in the wild. What are their
prey? What happens to their prey? How is this
LIKE predators and prey when we are talking
about inappropriate relationships?
Let’s Apply It
For each step of the Grooming Guide, there are
things you can do to stay safer both online and off.
Step 1
In real life, we are around many
adults. Friendships with adults
should always be made known to
When online, be careful.
Do you reveal anything in your screen
name? Do you have an online profile?
Step 2
Adults are older and more mature.
It is not realistic for them to share
every interest or want to be your
best friend. These are signs that
the relationship may be crossing
over into inappropriate.
Online, someone claiming all the same interests
can be a signal as well. Why might someone do
this? How could a person find out your interests
Step 3
Remember to always talk to your
parents/guardians about who you
are friends with. If you are not
comfortable telling them about
something another adult has done
that is inappropriate or embarrassing,
tell a trusted adult at school or elsewhere.
Secrets between an adult and child are bad. The
same applies to adults you meet online. Never
keep an online relationship a secret!
Step 4
Be careful about how much time you
spend alone with an adult. If you are
ever uncomfortable let another
trusted adult or your parent/guardian
Online, never give out personal information.
Report any threats or bullying right away.
Step 5
If you happen to fall into an inappropriate
relationship with an adult, TELL SOMEONE. The
predator is at fault – NOT YOU!
Your teacher will hand out the activity page now.
Work to complete the activity page on your own or
in small groups – as directed by the teacher.
• Why is it so important to talk to your parents,
family and friends about what you learned
• What are ways you can get this information out
to others?
Being safer online and keeping
your parent or guardian informed
of what you are doing, who you
are talking to and any new
friendships, can keep you from
turning into PREY.