Converting: Fractions, Decimals and Percents Fractions: Improper Fraction 13 4 Mixed Number 1 4 The Numerator (top #) is bigger than the Denominator (bottom #) There is a Whole # with a Fraction You can convert one to the other and vice versa 1 4 Here is how: Improper Fraction to Mixed Number 1. Divide the numerator (top #) by the denominator (bottom #). 3 R1 4 13 -12 1 Mixed Number to Improper Fraction 1. Multiply the denominator (bottom #) with the whole #. 2. Add the numerator (top #) to their product. 2nd Add 12 + 1 = 13 This is your Remainder (Numerator)) This is the Whole # So you will have: The remainder 1 4 Whole # 1st Multiply 3 x 4 = 12 3. Take your answer from step 1 & 2 The denominator (bottom #) stays the same and it becomes your numerator (top #). So you will have: 13 4 The Denominator stays the same Fractions to Decimals: ♦ Divide the Numerator (top #) by the Denominator (bottom #). Answer: Ex. ● .8 Decimals to Fractions ♦ Think of a decimal as a “fraction” of 1 ♦ To turn a decimal into a fraction we move the decimal as many times to the right as needed to make it a whole number. Put the # over a 1, then add as many zeros next to it as the times you moved your decimal. ex. .7845 = move 4 times 7845 10000 move two times add add 4 zeros Decimals to Percents ♦ Move your decimal 2 spaces to the right. Percents to Decimals ♦ Move your decimal 2 spaces to the left. two zeros If you forget what way to move, ask yourself where the % sign usually goes and move your decimal Towards the sign. If you forget what way to move, think that you want to move away from the % sign. Therefore you have to move to the left.