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Project Management Case Studies: Scope & Background

1860 – Foundations of Project Management
1. Brokerage Firm Move
Background to the Project:
Your moving firm, Office Pro Movers (OPM), has been asked to prepare a project plan and to manage
the physical move for a company called Fund Growth Management (FGM). This will involve moving 200
brokerage firm staff and their equipment from a 50 year old office building, into a newly constructed
office tower across the street.
The physical move must take place during the August long weekend and OPM has an approved a
CA$400,000 budget. In preparation for this move, FGM has worked with the office tower’s leasing
company to layout and design one floor, the 9th, to their physical and technical specifications. This
approved floor layout accommodates a quarter of FGM’s staff and will be used as the model for the
other three leased floors; floors 10 through 12.
Scope Statement: In scope
Supply an onsite project manager to coordinate with a designated FGM staff member, one
month prior to the move, and one week after it.
Develop and obtain approval on a floor map specifying the location for all FGM staff desks,
meeting rooms, reception and IT/ telecommunications equipment, at least two weeks before
the move.
Remove, move and re-install all IT/telecommunications related equipment including but not
limited to phones, computers, printers, facsimile equipment, copiers, and servers.
Remove, move and install all existing office furniture including but not limited to desks, chairs,
filing cabinets, reception chairs, meeting room tables, art.
Backup and store existing network data at an approved offsite location before the move.
Coordinate with the office tower leasehold staff in preparation for, and during the physical
Supply all moving equipment such as trolleys, plastic packing boxes, stickers and labels.
Hire and supply all physical and technical labour to move all IT/telecommunications equipment
and furniture.
Supply a quality control lead to coordinate with the OPM project manager and designated FGM
staff member one week prior and one week after the physical move.
Deliver the packing boxes, stickers and moving supplies at the current location one week prior
to the move and pick them up at the new location a week after the move.
Scope Statement: Out of scope
Address any remaining building construction and leasehold technical improvements.
Testing for any of the new building facilities’ infrastructure such as electrical, plumbing or
security features.
Purchase of new IT infrastructure/telecommunications other than unique pieces required to
support the physical move.
Purchase and installation of any newly ordered furniture or hanging any new or existing art.
1860 – Foundations of Project Management
Co-ordination with FGM staff before, during and after the physical move.
Communication to FGM clients and suppliers on the change of address.
Ongoing maintenance at the new location after the physical move.
Reinstalling data on the new network after the move.
2. Ministry of Education IT Infrastructure Upgrade
Background to the project:
The Ontario Ministry of Education (OME) supports educational efforts across the province. This includes
employing several thousand staff and maintaining multiple office locations; including a head office in
Toronto, and several IT offices throughout the province.
In addition, OME has 25 administration offices with over 250 staff working at them across the Greater
Toronto Area (GTA). The computer networks at these administration offices have been operational for
many years, but the cost on their maintenance is rising. After careful review and a detailed financial
analysis, OME has decided to designate funds to upgrade the computer networks in these 25 offices.
You work for the Ministry’s IT department and have been assigned to manage this project by utilizing
OME staff. A CA$400,000.00 budget has been allocated to this project and it must be done during the
school summer holidays and completed before the September long weekend.
Scope Statement: In scope
Audit the existing computer systems in each of the 25 locations in the GTA.
Provide a recommendation and procurement plan for updated hardware and/or software for
the 25 locations.
Install existing and approved new software on 250 workstation computers.
Upgrade these 250 workstation computers to the Ministry’s newly approved default security
Remove and replace old network cables in each location.
Configure the new computer network in each location.
Test connectivity to the new computer networks from 250 workstation computers as well as
remotely to approved offsite locations.
Test connectivity from these 250 workstation computers to internal office peripherals including
but not limited to printers, servers, and VOIP systems.
Back up, store and reinstall existing office data at each location.
Negotiate, hire, train and manage internal OME personnel who are assigned to this project.
Train existing OME administration staff on the new security and access protocols.
Provide network maintenance for one month after the new computer systems go live.
Prepare transition and operational documentation on the new computer systems.
Scope Statement: Out of scope
1860 – Foundations of Project Management
Purchase of any computer, connectivity hardware, upgrades and software licenses and/or
Delivery of hardware and software, to each of the 25 sites.
Provide maintenance on non-network related IT support issues before, during, and after the
Training OME administration staff on any new software.
Hiring any new full time OME administrative staff.
3. University WallX Building Demolition Project
Background to the Project:
Your firm, Environmental Construction Experts (ECE) specializes in the emerging area of environmental
demolition and construction. It has been hired by the Facilities Department at the University of Toronto
(UofT) to prepare a project plan and then execute the demolition of the WallX Building, a large late
1950’s era structure located in the university area within downtown Toronto. Both university and
municipal authorities have confirmed the building has no historic or architectural significance. The
building itself is 6 stories high, resides on the south east corner of secondary streets and takes up ¼ of a
city block. It does back onto a 2 story historically recognized landmark building on its north side, a 3
story student medical clinic on its west side, and a 10 story student residence building to its north west.
The current WallX Building has been deemed by the Facilities Department as “obsolete” as it has little air
conditioning, is expensive to heat, has inadequate wiring, lacks basic IT infrastructure, and has asbestos
insulation. A demolition permit from the city of Toronto has already been submitted and approved.
UofT has allocated a CA$400,000.00 budget for this project and it must be completed between the
middle of April and the end of August, when the student population is at its lowest. The University has
also recently completed a sponsorship drive to raise funds for a new state of the art multi-story
computer lab that will reside in this location. Construction for this new computer center will start the
following spring.
Scope Statement: In scope
Prepare plans to demolish the building.
Hire and supply all manual labour to demolish the building and clean up the site.
Supply all equipment to demolish the site, including but not limited to bulldozers, construction
bins, trucks, and forklifts.
Remove remaining fixtures from the building including but not limited to lighting, plumbing,
wiring, HVAC, windows and doors in a way to allow for selling or re-cycling.
Tear down all walls, remove all floors, dismantle stairs and demolish the roof.
Disassemble and remove two elevators.
Remove all building waste according to approved environmental standards and procedures.
Remove the existing foundation to at least 4 feet below the current street grade level.
Bulldoze the excavated site and backfill it with clean fill.
1860 – Foundations of Project Management
Obtain additional permits to restrict and manage traffic during demolition.
Establish and maintain a security perimeter 24 hours a day for the duration of the project.
Scope Statement: Out of scope
Complete a Soil Contamination Study.
Remove existing moveable equipment including but not limited to desks, office furniture, filing
cabinets, computers, and phones.
Landscape the site after adding the clean fill.
Provide fencing after demolition.
4. Toronto City Community Rehabilitation Project
Background to the Project:
Many families are now opting to reside in the downtown core of Toronto. Due to this, citizen groups
have lobbied both the provincial and municipal governments to increase recreational services for
children living in these areas. In an effort to address their needs, Toronto’s Department of Parks and
Recreations (TDPR) has purchased an old five story warehouse building that takes up a half of a city
block to improve one of these areas; called the Front Street Community. It is planning to replace the
building on this location with a park for residents and a playground for children between 5 to 12 years
Your firm, Outdoor Space Design (OSD) has worked with the city for many years and has completed
several projects on creating and landscaping parks. The city has hired your firm to prepare a project plan
and then execute the creation of this park and playground. This would be your first playground.
TDPR has allocated a CA$400,000.00 budget for this project. They would like to have the work
completed in the fall, when the children are in school and before the winter weather sets in.
Scope Statement: In scope
Design and obtain approval on a layout for a park and playground for children.
Hire and supply all manual labour to build the park and playground.
Provide a recommendation and procurement plan for equipment including but not limited to
playground equipment, benches, water fountains, and lighting.
Assemble and install the above listed procured equipment.
Purchase materials including but not limited to boards, piping and fencing to design and build a
bathing and skating pond.
Purchase outdoor materials and landscape the park area including but not limited to perennials,
shrubs, bark, and gravel.
Purchase building materials and fence the park area to approved city standards.
Install approved lighting, plumbing and signage materials.
Arrange for all transport of OSD purchased materials to the park site.
Obtain necessary permissions for construction, parking and security.
1860 – Foundations of Project Management
Participate in community and local business approval meetings.
Scope Statement: Out of scope
Obtain TDPR and community approval on the layout for the park and playground.
Demolition of the building and removal of its debris.
Supply of playground equipment, benches, fountains and lighting which will be either supplied
by the city or donated.
Supply of city or TDPR signage.
Complete a Soil Contamination Study.
Ongoing maintenance and supply of hydro and water to the park and playground.
Promotion or public announcements on the park’s construction and completion.
5. Oshawa Simcoe Day Waterfront Festival
Background to the Project:
The city of Oshawa would like to promote awareness and increase use of its waterfront area to both
residents and tourists. Your Oshawa based event management firm, Event Promotion Inc. (EPI) has been
hired by the Department of Recreation (ODR). You have been asked by them to prepare a project plan
and to manage a three day “Simcoe Day Waterfront Festival” during the August long weekend; similar to
size and scope to an annual event held in Barrie, Ontario. The city has never held an event like this
before, so they have set an attendance target of 40,000 over 3 days. EPI, while experienced in event
management, has never organized a three day event.
During an open discussion, then a vote by the mayor and city councillors, ODR confirmed that this event
would be free to the general public, but in order to remain within the approved budget, exhibitors and
not-profit-vendors would be charged a nominal fee for use of the festival space. The city also approved
the use of ½ mile of the one mile long waterfront park and boardwalk areas for 5 days; 3 days for the
festival, plus one day before and after. ODR received approval of a CA$400,000 budget for this project
from the city council and this is to include both EPI project management fees and the scope items listed
EPI will be responsible for organizing the promotion, the physical construction, staffing and festival
operation, take down of the site, establishing and managing activities, as well as negotiation with and
management of various vendors. If successful, it is expected that this will become an annual event.
Scope Statement: In scope
Develop and obtain approval on a general map laying out the use of the ½ mile park area three
months before the festival.
Create a draft schedule and budget
1860 – Foundations of Project Management
Receive approval and then book a program of 24 free activities over three days including but not
limited to face painting, puppet shows, rides and games, water activities and musical
Procure and pay for the activities included in the program
Advertise and promote the event; starting at least three months before; including but not
limited to radio spots, online ads, social media campaigns, local newspaper ads and the creation
of signage to be displayed throughout the city.
Arrange, rent and execute physical preparation for and take down of the festival site including
but not limited to signage, fencing, garbage, and portable bathrooms.
Establish nominal fees, execute contract negotiation and collect fees from vendors including but
not limited to local merchants, food trucks, musicians, ride companies, crafters and artists and
non-for-profit organizations.
Schedule and supply staffing at the festival including but not limited to providing support for a
lost and found, directions to city parking lots, activities and festival information booths.
Arrange shuttle transport to and from local train and bus stations to the festival site.
Lock up and secure the festival site afterhours; from 11PM-7AM.
Scope Statement: Out of scope
Police/security from 7AM-11PM. (Local police already have this event in their budget and
Emergency support and safety. (Local EMS and St. John’s Ambulance already have this event in
their budget and schedule).
Parking (City parking lots are to be utilized).
Food for staff and their parking arrangements.
Cost of the shuttle transport to and from festival site.
Use of and decision on spending any remaining profit earned from vendors.
6. Independent Project Choice
Choose your own Project:
If you would like, you can also propose a real life project that you are involved with in your professional,
volunteer, or personal life.
Then before you move forward, you must obtain approval from all of your team members, as well as
have a formal review with and then obtain written approval from your instructor.
To submit your potential project, prepare a project description that consists of:
Background on the project:
In three paragraphs, prepare a high-level description of the product of the project.
1860 – Foundations of Project Management
List the project purpose and its expected outcomes.
Scope Statement: In scope
Provide a history on the current situation.
Develop of list of a minimum of 10 requirements
Scope Statement: Out of scope
Develop a list of 5 out of scope considerations
The project description must be submitted before the end of module 2.