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Character Analysis Essay Rubric

Character Analysis Essay Rubric
Your Points
2 Points- Title
 Interesting and meaningful, hints at the “big idea”, makes sense is memorable
8 Points-Introductory paragraph
 Attention Getting opening — “hook”
 References title and author
 Provides an extremely brief summary of plot
 Crystal Clear thesis statement tightly connected to the three topic sentences
30 Points—Body paragraphs (10/each) [Idea-Details]
 Develops and supports Thesis
 Text-based details tightly connect/support topic sentence (Power of 3)
 Balance of direct quotes and summarization , Includes context (who, when)
 Consistent interpretation/ analysis of evidence
15 Points –
[Organization] Order and structure
 Clear topic sentences that introduce paragraph
 Well-developed sentences and paragraphs
 Effective use of transition words and phrases between paragraphs
 Logical sequencing moves reader through the text
 Closing sentence wraps up paragraph
10 Points[Sentence Fluency]
 Sentences are smooth and easy to read, begin in different ways
 Thoughtful transitions, a combination of long and short sentences create interest
15 Points –
[Word Choice] Rich Colorful
 Language grabs the reader’s attention
 Uses vivid, accurate language, strong verbs, precise nouns (minimum 5 vocabulary words)
 Specific and accurate words, Precise and engaging
10 Points – Concluding Paragraph
 Restates thesis in a unique and interesting way, No new information introduced
 References title, author, and character name
 Includes “Happy Ending” that wraps up the essay and leaves final impression on reader
10 Points –
 Little to no errors in grammar or usage
 Present tense verbs, no contractions, 3rd person pronouns only
 Proper citation of direct quotations and summarization
5 Points – Presentation
 Proper Heading, indentation, formatting (no spacing between paragraphs)
 Neatly typed, double-spaced, 12 point Times New Roman
 12 point Times Roman font
 Centered title – No underlining or quotation marks ,14 Font
100 Total Points