WK,QWHUQDWLRQDO&RQIHUHQFHRQ5HQHZDEOH(QHUJ\5HVHDUFKDQG$SSOLFDWLRQV 3DULV)5$1&(2FW Load Frequency Control of Two Area Interconnected Power System Using Fuzzy Logic Control and PID Controller Mehmet Rida Tur Selim Ay Abdulfetah Shobole Mohammed Wadi Electrical Engineering Engineering Department, Electrical and Energy Engineering Department, Department, Yildiz Technical I.Sabahettin Zaim Uni I.Sabahettin Zaim Uni., Department, Mardin Artuklu University, Istanbul, Turkey, Istanbul,Turkey, Istanbul,Turkey, University, 47500 Mardin, selimay@yildiz.edu.tr Turkey, ridatr@gmail.com mohammed.wadi@izu.edu.tr, abdulfetah.shobole@izu.edu.tr Abstract— Demand for electricity is constantly increasing day by day. The biggest challenge is to provide uninterrupted and high-quality electricity to customers in variable conditions. To accomplish this, the two parameters must always be checked for each condition; these parameters are load distribution and network frequency. In this study, fuzzy logic and Proportional Integral Derivative controller method is applied in power system connected with two different fields to remove the fluctuations of electric energy. For this, MATLAB offers simulation applications and models in Simulink. Both different control directions are compared according to the results obtained. To emphasize the effectiveness of the proposed fuzzy control system, two field-connected power systems were simulated in four scenarios in a wide range of operating conditions. In addition to all these, the performance of the proposed method is compared with a Proportional Integral Derivative tester with simulation studies and the results show the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed approach. Index Terms— fuzzy systems, frequency control, matlab, power system control, proportional control. I. INTRODUCTION Recently electricity generation has gained even more importance with the growing demand and environmental awareness. Besides, natural expectations of producers and consumers seek to use electrical energy in the most efficient way. Therefore, interconnected electrical power systems were formed in order to meet the needs of energy that are for both suppliers and consumers. Furthermore, interconnected electrical power systems have been created not only for domestic consumers within the countries but also with its neighboring countries to exchange electric energy for any circumstances between each other [1]. Some number of arrangements and adjustments are required to the linking up interconnected electrical power systems for both within the countries and between the countries. All sub-systems that connect to whole system must be stable internally and the overall system frequencies that can be controlled should be same with the each other [2,3]. In interconnected electrical power systems, the nominal frequency level is basically dependent on the balance of active power consumed and consumed. The active power imbalance in the system is recognized by the differences on the frequency variation in the whole system. Nonetheless, considering the industrial loads those connect to interconnect electrical power system depend on quality electrical energy substantially, the steady state frequency ,&5(5$ error in the system must be maintained between the acceptable values [4]. Active power balance of the interconnected system is provided with making sensitive to the system frequency [5-7]. In the normal situation, the difference between the power output and instantaneous load change of synchronous generators in the system changes the nominal frequency. If the amount of power produced in the power systems is greater than the requested power, the operating speed of the generators increases and therefore the frequency increases. Likewise, if the amount of production on my site is lower than the requested power, the system frequency is reduced. In the event of a trip, the frequency of the generators is controlled again to bring the frequency back to the desired level. To do this, the power and frequency generated in the power system must be set for every minute, depending on the changing consumption referred to as the load frequency control (LFC) model. [8, 9]. In some studies, the robustness of the IMC-based PI Controllers was verified by changing the parameters of the microgrid sources. The 2-proportional integral derivative (PID) and two-degree of freedom controller also performs satisfactorily for random load perturbation and random wind generator input. [10-12]. In addition, an additional controller function has been proposed for a new modeling Interline Power Flow Controller to dampen low frequency oscillations by considering these four alternative damping controllers [13]. In this study, fuzzy logic control and Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) control perspectives have been applied in two field coupled power system with variable load frequency control model to eliminate the frequency fluctuations experienced in electric energy. II. MODEL OF POWER SYSTEMS Interconnected systems consist of production areas where are compatible with each other. In such a system, under normal working conditions, the nominal value of the system frequency towards the load changes and power of between the production areas that is determined by agreement are kept constant defined as load frequency control. The load frequency control operation is carried out in three stages called primary, secondary and tertiary control [14, 15]. PI has proposed an implementation of two strategies for this and has been implemented to speed up and control [16]. Figure 1 normally creates a simplified schematic of the paper frame to control the frequency. This arrangement ,((( WK,QWHUQDWLRQDO&RQIHUHQFHRQ5HQHZDEOH(QHUJ\5HVHDUFKDQG$SSOLFDWLRQV contains three relevant parts of the control. These parts are named Tertiary, Secondary and Primary controlled [17]. In large systems connected to each other, there are three control operations. Secondary control in small isolated system. In the simplest form, demand side management actions that use frequency regulation are not included in this chart, but can be evaluated without conceptual changes. Primary control (aoutomatic) + + - f Governor Pwanted + Interconnecte d network F (common frequency) Pproduced Generator + + + Ptertiary control Tertiary control (managed by Transmission System Operator (TSO)) In Figure 3, the main components of the LFC for a single field power system are shown as flow charts. Single area representation equations matrix in details can be found in [14,15]. Steady-state error that occurs at the frequency can be minimized with the activation of a secondary control loop which contains controller. This process of load frequency characteristics is obtained by bringing the desired position as indicated in Figure 4. fnominal Pprimer control Pscheduled Pdispatched 3DULV)5$1&(2FW Psecondary control f Ptie lines LFC (Load Frequency Control) Figure 3: An example of single area power control system ftarget Psched uled tie lines Secondary control (managed directly by TSO) Figure 1. Frequency stabilization system. Three types of reserves can be defined for frequency control as follows [18]. • Primary Control Reserve: An automatic control backup used by the system. It provides a power backup against any frequency variation with the governor to keep the falling frequency level in place. • Secondary Control Reserve: Provides reserve power to restore the frequency level of the primary backup to the nominal value. • Tertiary Control Reserve: if the secondary reserve is not sufficient to restore the frequency to its nominal value, the frequency is used to return to the nominal level to support the secondary reserve. As can be seen from Figure 2, changes in the operating frequency and load of the system are always inversely proportional [19]. Any increase in current will reduce the operating frequency of the system. This conversion in the frequency is detected by the regulator in the primary control loop, then the speed of rotation of the turbine and thus the amount of production is increased to the nominal level of frequency. Nonetheless, as a result of the primary control, each production area to meet the total load demand increases their own capacity proportionately with the amount of production without being bound to international agreements because of nothing make production control on the system. Each production area in the interconnected system is envisaged to meet own load without power transfer with adjacent zone due to the fact that it is undesirable [20]. As can be seen in Figure 4, while f0 nominal value of system frequency is stationary at the P0 MW load demand, load that increases to Pi MW is met by the primary control and system frequency is maintained at with a certain error according to the nominal frequency by providing active power balance. After a while, characteristic is moved from "a point" to "d point" with activation of secondary control and consequently system frequency is brought back to its nominal value which is f0. In addition to this, production control is also performed by feeding back to the secondary controller with connection line load sharing which depends on the agreement between production areas in the interconnected system is provided at the same time. An interconnection line between two areas loadfrequency control systems should be designated in order to observe deviations both inside the system and adjacent zones [21]. This situation can be seen from Figure 5. f (Hz) f0 d c b a f1 P (MW) P0 P1 Figure 4: Charge frequency control characteristic of two areas [22] f (Hz) f0 f1 P (MW) P0 P1 Figure 5: Load frequency control systems for two areas Figure 2: Variation of load-frequency characteristic ,&5(5$ WK,QWHUQDWLRQDO&RQIHUHQFHRQ5HQHZDEOH(QHUJ\5HVHDUFKDQG$SSOLFDWLRQV Equations of two areas load frequency control system can be given as follows [23]: 1 1 1 PG1 + f1 + u1 TG1 R1TG1 TG1 1 1 PT 1 = PG1 + PT 1 TT 1 TT 1 PG1 = f1 = K P1 1 K K PT 1 + f1 P1 Ptie P1 Pd 1 TP1 TP1 TP1 TP1 Ptie = T12 f 1 T12 f 2 (1) (2) (3) (4) PG 2 = 1 1 1 PG 2 + f 2 + u2 TG 2 R2TG 2 TG 2 (5) PT 2 = 1 1 PG 2 + PT 2 TT 2 TT 2 (6) f2 = KP2 1 K K PT 2 + f 2 12 P 2 Ptie P 2 Pd 2 TP 2 TP 2 TP 2 TP 2 3DULV)5$1&(2FW There are ways to a more literary power system model with ways to consider physical constraints such as thermal turbine production speed restriction, speed regulator dead band and time delay [27]. In some studies, control is planned for a four-zone interconnected power system with control dead bands and production rate constraints [28, 29] However, controller in this paper consists of two inputs. The first input that represents as variable ACE is the area control error as shown in Figure 7, and the second input called variable (ACE) is the change of area control error as shown in Figure 8; while the output (Freq-Level) indicates the level of change in frequency due to increasing or decreasing in the load as depicted in Figure 9. The basic design of the fuzzy controller requires three steps as shown in Figure 6. (7) where; Figure 6: Main steps of fuzzy control The input variables are determined by assigning a single fuzzy set, a set with membership function (A), and a zero at another location. If the output variable is a fuzzy set, the maximum min and fuzzy relation with the composition expresses the desired control action. The fuzzy set of the output variable is solved by blurring to obtain a clear numerical value by the centroid method. The fuzzy rule base, as shown in equation 8, consists of a collection of form based on the fuzzy base rule IF-THEN principle. R(k):IF x1 and x2 is Fk, THEN y1 is Gk, for k=1,2,..n III. FUZZY LOGIC CONTROLLER In this article, the basis of the selection of the Mamdani method; There are many features for the use of the fuzzy logic controller [24]. The first of these uses fuzzy logic to control complex non-logical systems without performing mathematical analysis for them. Secondly, if there is any change in practice in power systems, we do not need to start from the first step. However, in this preference, some member functions and some rule bases can be added and removed. Combinations can also be made with conventional techniques to simplify fuzzy logic applications. Automatic production control aims at planning the power flow and balancing the frequency independent of the load changes in interconnected systems. The link line is calculated according to the reference values of the Area Control Error (ACE), frequency and link power, which is a linear combination of power disagreement and frequency deviations [25]. There are ways to a more literary power system model with ways to consider physical constraints such as the constraint on the speed of thermal turbine production, speed regulator dead band and time delay [26]. ,&5(5$ (8) Where, x1, x2,… . xn U and y1 R are the inputs and output of fuzzy sets in U1, U2 and R representing the kth antecedent pairs and conclusion pair respectively. While, Fk =U1U2….. Ui, Gk =R1R2….. Ri, and n is the numbers of rules. Table 1 represents all of rule bases of proposed algorithm, the range -1 to 1 is divided into seven-member functions in order to increase the stability and accuracy of fuzzy controller. The obtained results in Tables 3-6 shows the superiority and the applicability of fuzzy logic controllers. Figure 7: The Area control error for the first input WK,QWHUQDWLRQDO&RQIHUHQFHRQ5HQHZDEOH(QHUJ\5HVHDUFKDQG$SSOLFDWLRQV 3DULV)5$1&(2FW change in an interconnected two areas power system with same parameters. The load is increased by 200 MW (0.2 p.u) at two areas. Figure 10 illustrates the implemented two area control system schemes within Simulink/MATLAB. Furthermore, Block diagram in Figure 10 based on both of equations (1-7) and FLC implemented by FIS toolbox. After performed simulation, the following results are obtained as shown in Table 3 and system responses of PID and fuzzy controllers can be seen in Figure 11 and Figure 12 respectively. Figure 8: The change area control error (ACE) for the second input TABLE I: RULE BASES OF PROPOSED METHOD HN: High Negative, MN: Medium Negative, LN: Low Negative, Z: Zero, HP: High Positive, MP: Medium Positive, LP: Low Positive Figure 10: Applied two area control system scheme TABLE III: RESULTS OF THE FIRST SCENARIO Controller PID Fuzzy (ts) 20 10 (O.S%) 1.8 0.7 SSE 0 0 Oscillation high low Figure 9: The change in frequency level for output IV. SIMULATION RESULTS In this article, basically a comparison between PID and fuzzy controllers is presented in four different scenarios. The comparison of PID and fuzzy will be in the most important factors from which we can determine the best controller such as settling time (ts), maximum over shoot (O.S%) oscillation and steady state error (SSE) as will be confirmed in different simulated scenarios. In addition, to distinguish between the controllers, we will solve the following numerical example by using FIS toolbox and Simulink in MATLAB. Figure 11: The first scenario response of LFC with using PID controller TABLE II: PROPOSED NUMERICAL EXAMPLE [30] Area and Parameters Area 1 Area 2 0.05 0.0625 0.6 0.9 5 4 1000 1000 Governor Time Constant (g) sec 0.2 0.3 Turbine Time Constant (T) sec 0.5 0.6 Speed Regulation (R) Frequency Sens. Load Coeff. (D) Inertia Constant (H) Base Power (SBASE)MVA 1. FIRST SCENARIO According to the first scenario, response of LFC to a load ,&5(5$ Figure 12: The first scenario response of LFC with using fuzzy controller 2. SECOND SCENARIO According to the second scenario, response of LFC to a load change in an interconnected two areas power system with different parameters. The load is increased by 200 MW (0.2 p.u) at the first area. After performed simulation, the following results are obtained as shown in Table 4 and system responses of PID and fuzzy controllers can be seen in Figure 13 and Figure 14 respectively. WK,QWHUQDWLRQDO&RQIHUHQFHRQ5HQHZDEOH(QHUJ\5HVHDUFKDQG$SSOLFDWLRQV TABLE IV: RESULTS OF THE SECOND SCENARIO Controller PID Fuzzy (ts) 22 20 (O.S%) 1.5 0.7 SSE 0 0 Oscillation high low 3DULV)5$1&(2FW controlled by PID while the second area with fuzzy controller. TABLE VI: RESULTS OF THE FOURTH SCENARIO Controller PID Fuzzy (ts) 20 9 (O.S%) 1.3 0.8 SSE 0 0 Oscillation high low After performed simulation, the following results are obtained as shown in Table 6 and system responses of PID and fuzzy controllers can be seen in Figure 16. Figure 13: The second scenario response of LFC with using PID controller Figure 16: The fourth scenario response of LFC with using PID and fuzzy controller Figure 14: The second scenario response of LFC with using fuzzy controller 3. THIRD SCENARIO According to the third scenario, response of LFC to a load change in an interconnected two areas power system with same parameters. The load is increased by 200 MW (0.2 p.u) at the first area. However, the first area is controlled by PID while the second area with fuzzy controller. After performed simulation, the following results are obtained as demonstrated in Table 5 and system responses of PID and fuzzy controllers can be seen in Figure 15. By investigating Figure 15, it can be noticed that FLC ts is half of PID one. Also, FLC O.S is 10 times less than PID controller. TABLE V: RESULTS OF THE THIRD SCENARIO Controller PID Fuzzy (ts) 20 11 (O.S%) 1.5 0.15 SSE 0 0 Oscillation high low As seen from Table 7, we can conclude that Fuzzy controller provide better performance and response than PID. Fuzzy controller offers more desirable settling time (ts) which is in general less than PID by % 50 as well as fuzzy presents less over shoot (O.S%) than PID by % 55. In addition, the oscillation of Fuzzy controller is less and more appropriate for load frequency control than PID. TABLE VII: RESULTS FOR ALL SCENARIOS Scenario No First Second Third Fourth - - Figure 15: The third scenario response of LFC with using PID and fuzzy controller 4. FOURTH SCENARIO According to the fourth scenario, response of LFC to a load change in an interconnected two areas power system with different parameters. The load is increased by 200 MW (0.2 p.u) at the two areas. However, the first area is ,&5(5$ Controller (ts) (O.S%) SSE Oscillation PID Fuzzy PID Fuzzy PID Fuzzy PID Fuzzy 20 10 22 20 20 11 20 9 1.8 0.7 1.5 0.7 1.5 0.15 1.3 0.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 high low high low high low high low First Scenario: both of two interconnected areas with same parameters using PID and FLC. Second scenario: both of two interconnected areas with different parameters using PID and FLC. Third Scenario: two interconnected areas with same parameters, the first area is controlled by PID while the second area with fuzzy controller. Fourth Scenario: two interconnected areas with different parameters, the first area is controlled by PID while the second area with fuzzy controller. Based on the obtained results by four Scenarios, it can be said that both of controllers can work independently or parallels in the presence of huge load fluctuations. However, in terms of robustness and stability, fuzzy based controller is more robust and stable. WK,QWHUQDWLRQDO&RQIHUHQFHRQ5HQHZDEOH(QHUJ\5HVHDUFKDQG$SSOLFDWLRQV V. CONCLUSION In this page, two very advanced methods were used instead of the governor control system which made the load frequency control. The methods used are PID and fuzzy logic which are widely used in control. PID and fuzzy logic are commonly used methods in control systems. In practice, the performance of these controls was compared with the different scenarios in the two area interconnected systems. 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