Uploaded by Catherine Hunt

Microclimate Quadrat Data Study: Lab Activity

Quadrat Data Study
1. Correctly learn and use representative field instruments used in microclimate studies.
2. Collect microclimate data, process and evaluate it, and interrelate microclimate factors.
3. Obtain field experience in an Eastern Deciduous Forest community.
We will be going outside for this lab. We will be in high grass, mowed grass, and the interior of
the forest. Make sure you are dressed appropriately and have all the materials you will need to
successfully complete the investigation. We will not come back for materials left behind. We
will establish a transect running from a field area through the edge (ecotone) of the woods into its
interior. We will have at least three points on our transect.
soil thermometer
sling psychrometer
meter stick
soil borer
writing utensil
soil collection bags
wind meter-Anemometer
clipboard (per person)
Procedure at Each Station:
1. Take and record the wind speed in M.P.H. at ground level and at 2 meters above the ground.
2. Measure the air temperature at 1 meter above the ground in degrees Celsius.
3. Measure the soil temperature at 10 cm below the soil surface in degrees Celsius.
4. Using the sling psychrometer measure the relative humidity (wet and dry) at 1.5 meters above
the ground.
5. Record the transect area we are taking the measurements in: field, ecotone, forest interior.
6. Collect a soil sample of at least 6 inches in length using the soil borer. Label the bag with the
area it was collected.
7. Measure the depth of the A horizon of the soil using the long soil borer. I will have this.
8. Identify the main vegetation type in each area.
9. There is a sample data table on the back side for your use. Copy three of them on a separate
sheet of paper.
We will be bringing the soil bags back to class to set up the soil texture part of the assignment.
Directions will be given to you to follow to complete this part of the investigation.
Micro-Climate Lab
Sample Data Table
Transect area
Wind Speed (mph) ground level
Wind Speed (mph) 2 meters
Air Temperature (C)
Soil temperature (C)
Relative Humidity (dry) (C)
Relative Humidity (wet) (C)
Humidity (Use equation)
Depth of A Horizon (inches)
Main Vegetation Type
Soil Texture (Triangle method)
Soil Texture (Feel method)
Sample Data Table
Transect area
Wind Speed (mph) ground level
Wind Speed (mph) 2 meters
Air Temperature (C)
Soil temperature (C)
Relative Humidity (dry) (C)
Relative Humidity (wet) (C)
Humidity (Use equation)
Depth of A Horizon (inches)
Main Vegetation Type
Soil Texture (Triangle method)
Soil Texture (Feel method)
Micro-Climate Lab
Sample Data Table
Transect area
Wind Speed (mph) ground level
Wind Speed (mph) 2 meters
Air Temperature (C)
Soil temperature (C)
Relative Humidity (dry) (C)
Humidity (Use equation)
Relative Humidity (wet) (C)
Depth of A Horizon (inches)
Main Vegetation Type
Soil Texture (Triangle method)
Soil Texture (Feel method)