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Quantitative Genetics & Biometry Course Syllabus

Quantitative Genetics and Biometry (PBG-609)
Course Instructor: Dr. Umara Sahar Rana
Email Address: umarapbg@uaf.edu.pk
Semester : Winter 2021-22
Course Code: PBG-609
Course Title: Quantitative Genetics and Biometry
Course Credits: 4(3-1)
Course description:
This course will provide an understanding of:
 Quantitative genetics and biometry
 Introduction of different models of genetic analysis
 Different statistical analysis used in genetic studies
 Methods of collection, classification and analysis
 Use of biometrical approaches in Plant Breeding
 Drawing inferences from collected data
 Testing hypothesis
 Interpretation of the results
 Use of Excel and statistical software for the data analysis
Instructional type:
The teaching methods for this course will include lectures with ppt presentation, class
discussions and participatory approach, assignments, field visits and exercises.
In biological system, it is very difficult to draw any concrete conclusion about any
happening, as there is much difference among the individuals. Such as in the same plant,
the leaves are all different; again in a field, all the same kind of plants are not identical;
in the same place, the same crop does not respond equally in different pots. So, it is very
difficult to reach at a definite and reliable conclusion unless we take the help of
biometrical approaches for the data analysis.
In case of Plant Breeding and Genetics, the application of biometry has an immense
importance, as the statistical analysis only helps to conclude about a population of plant
such as:
a) How the character which is acquired by the population is distributed, how the
character is being inherited etc.
b) Whether two characters in a population are correlated or not, if correlated how
much they are correlated?
c) In case of plant breeding whether Mendelian Genetics is being followed or not,
can be tested by Chi-square test.
d) The application of fertilizer or irrigation or any kind of cultural practice can be
effectively justified by application of test of significance.
e) The laws of probability are of importance in genetics for forecasting the chance
of obtaining certain result from a cross and elucidating the operation of genetic
f) The effects of two or more different fertilizer application on the same field can
be analyzed by analysis of variance.
g) Study of alleles of genes in population and the factors which maintain or change
the frequencies of particular genotype in population can be studied.
This course will provide an overview of introduction to quantitative genetics and
biometry. Genetic and somatic analysis. Sources of variation: genic, plasmatic, and
interaction of genotype and environment. Introduction to different models for genetic
analysis. Principles of scaling and scaling tests. Components of means and variation.
Detection of additive-dominance components and non-allelic interaction. Introduction
to stability analysis. Biplot analysis for G × E interaction studies. Introduction to
different mating design and their application in plant breeding. Heritability: factors
affecting magnitude of heritability, and its significance in plant breeding. Estimation
of heterosis and interpretation. Correlation and regression analysis.
Collection and tabulation of data on different parameters in field experiments,.
Methods of comparisons of means. Estimation of components of means and variances
using weighted least square analysis. Estimation of heterosis and heritability.
Computation of simple correlation coefficient and its tests of significance. Calculation
for combining ability effects
Suggested Readings
1. Ali, Z. 2010. Analyzing and Understanding Genetic Problems: Classical and
conventional approach. VDM, Germany.
2. Backer, W.A. 1992. Manual of Quantitative Genetics. (5th ed.). Academic Enterprises,
Pullman, USA.
3. Kang, M.S. and M. Kang (Eds). 2003. Handbook of Formulas and Software for Plant
Geneticists and Breeders. Harworth Press Inc, LA, USA.
4. Kearsey, M.J., and H.S. Pooni. 1996. The Genetic Analysis of Quantitative Traits.
Chapman & Hall , London, UK.
5. Mather, K., and J.L. Jinks. 1982. Biometrical Genetics. (3rd ed.). Chapman and Hall
Ltd. London, UK.
6. Saville, D.J. and J.S. Rowarth. 2008. Statistical measures, hypotheses, and tests in
applied research. J. Nat. Resour. Life Sci., 37:74-82.
7. Singh, P. 2000. Biometrical Techniques in Plant Breeding. (2nd ed.). Kalyani
Publishers, New Delhi, India.
8. Singh, R.K. and P.K. Singh. 1999. Biometrical Methods in Quantitative Genetic
Analysis. Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi, India.