Consignment/FOB Example Roger Home Goods sells vintage home items, which it obtains on consignment and through purchase. The following events occurred close to Roger’s March 31 year end. ________ a. On April 2, Roger received goods on consignment from Old Stuff Corp. ________ b. On March 31, Roger received goods on consignment from Old Stuff Corp. ________ c. Goods in transit to Roger were shipped by Just Like New, Inc. on March 31, FOB shipping point. ________ d. Goods in transit to Roger were shipped by Just Like New, Inc. on March 31, FOB destination. Indicate (Yes or No) whether Roger should include each item in its inventory balance at March 31. FIFO Example LIFO Example WAC Example Sharp Example: FIFO: Sharp Example: LIFO: Sharp Example: WAC: oots ompan is preparing the annual financial statements dated ecem er 31. nding inventor is presentl recorded at its total cost of . nformation a out its inventor items follows 1. . 3. ompute the M R write down per unit and in total for each item in the ta le. lso compute the total overall write down for all items. ow will the write down of inventor to e penses reported for the ear. M R affect the compan s ompute the amount that should e reported for the inventor on ecem er 31 after the M R rule has een applied to each item. Home Depot/Lowe’s Inventory Ratios a De t pense a De t pense at are et Re eiva es re it a es et o amp e in et o amp e ample iang roductions nc. used the aging of accounts receiva le method to estimate that its llowance for ou tful ccounts should e 1 . The account had an unad usted credit alance of at that time. repare transaction anal sis and ournal entries for each of the following. a. The appropriate ad de t ad ustment was recorded at ear end. . ater an account receiva le of written off. was determined to e uncollecti le and Ratio na ysis Re eiva es Home Depot/Lowe’s Re eiva e Ratios ergman ompan ordered e uipment on anuar 1 with a purchase price of . n the date of deliver anuar the compan paid 1 on the e uipment and signed a long term note pa a le for the alance. n anuar 3 it paid for freight on the e uipment. n anuar ergman paid cash for installation costs relating to the e uipment amounting to . n ecem er 31 the end of the accounting period ergman recorded depreciation on the machine using the straight line method with an estimated useful life of 1 ears and a residual value of . Record each of the transactions prior to ecem er 31 ergman e ample continued . ompute the ac uisition cost of the e uipment Record the depreciation e pense for the first ear of use hat should e the oo value of the machine at the end of the second ear n at urgers purchased and installed electronic pa ment e uipment at a cost of . The e uipment has a residual value of 1 . The e uipment is e pected to process 1 pa ments over its 3 ear useful life. er ear e pected pa ment transactions are 1 in ear 1 in ear and 1 1 in ear 3. omplete a depreciation schedule for each of the three depreciation methods . traight line n at urgers e ample nits of roduction n at ou le urgers e ample eclining alance ed orporation sells a deliver truc for 1 . ed had originall purchased the truc for 3 and had recorded depreciation for 3 ears. alculate the amount of gain or loss and record the disposal assuming that ccumulated epreciation at the time of sale was a. . c. 1 1 1 ace alue tated Rate Mar et Rate ssue rice 1 .1 for ample RTR ompan repurchases 1 shares of its own stoc per share ater RTR ompan resold all 1 shares for 1 par per share T pes of hares ample recent annual report for eneral Mills disclosed that 1 illion shares of common stoc have een authori ed. t the end of 1 million shares had een issued and the num er of shares in treasur stoc was 1 million. uring the ear the onl common share transactions were that million common shares were reissued from treasur and 11 million common shares were purchased and held as treasur stoc . ow man common shares were ow man common shares were ow man common shares were at ear end at ear end at ear end reas ry to amp e The following transactions occurred for ootsma orporation pr. urchased 1 shares of the compan s own common stoc for per share the stoc is now held in treasur ug. 1 ssued of the shared purchased on pril for per share ep. ssued more of the shares purchased on pril for per share Record the ug. transaction Record the ug. 1 transaction Record the ep. Treasur toc transaction ample cont . hat impact does the purchase of treasur stoc have on dividends paid hat impact does the reissuance of treasur stoc for an amount higher than purchase price have on net income ote repurchase of preferred stoc is referred to as a . ot treated as treasur .reverse original issuance is t e on y ratio re ire to e reporte L L t is ratio yt e ash low ategories ample isted elow are some of the items which appeared on a recent i e nc. cash flow statement. ndicate whether each item is disclosed in the perating nvesting or inancing section of their cash flow statement. 1. dditions to long term de t . epreciation 3. dditions to e uipment . ncrease decrease in accounts pa a le . ncrease decrease in inventor . ash received from disposal of e uipment . a ment of dividends . ssuance of stoc . et income Cash Flow Examples: