SAMPLE FAMILY HEALTH NURSING CARE PLAN Health Problem Family Nursing Problems * Second level assessment Goal of Care A general statement of the condition or state to be brought about by specific courses of action. It should be realistic and attainable. Objectives of Care - - - Refer to more specific statements of the desired results or outcomes of care. Specify the criteria by which the degree of effectiveness of care are to be measured Should be realistic, attainable and measurable Nursing Interventions Involves selection of appropriate nursing interventions based on formulated goals and objectives. Should focus on helping the family, minimize or eliminate the possible reasons for causes of the family’s inability to do the health tasks Intervention Plan Method of Nurse – Family Contact Ex. Home visit Clinic conference Visit in the workplace School visit Telephone call Group Conference Use of mail Evaluation Resources Required Material resources: (supplies, equipments, teaching aids/kits, visual materials, handouts, charts) Human resources: (members of the health team, development workers, community leaders) Financial resources: Money for the nurse transportation The criteria for the desired outcome (goals & objectives) are the basis for evaluation. SAMPLE FAMILY HEALTH NURSING CARE PLAN Health Problem Poor environmental sanitation as a health threat. Family Nursing Problems Goal of Care Inability to provide home environment conducive to health maintenance and personal development due to: - Inadequate family resources (financial, inadequacy & lack of space to construct facility) - Ignorance of the importance of hygiene and sanitation. Ignorance of preventive measures. After nursing intervention, the family will take necessary actions to improve and maintain the sanitation of their immediate surroundings. Objectives of Care After nursing intervention, the following should be achieved: a. The importance of clean potable water supply and proper waste disposal. b. Boil drinking water. c. Throw waste materials properly. d. Clean surroundings to eliminate breeding places of pests. Nursing Interventions Discuss with the family the importance of environmental sanitation to their health. Explore with the family the ways of improving home sanitation considering its limited resources. a. Emphasize to the family the advantages of proper garbage disposal. b. Instruct all family members to prevent accumulation of stagnant water around their home since this is a good breeding place for insects. Intervention Plan Method of Nurse – Family Contact Home Visit Evaluation Resources Required Material resources: Visual aids Human resources: Time and effort of both the nurse and the family Financial resources: Money for the nurse transportation After 2 hours of nursing intervention the family was able to: 1. Clean their house and their surroundings. 2. Boil their water for drinking. 3. Segregate their waste materials and dispose it properly.