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Academic Chemistry
2.1 The Components of Matter - Guided Notes
Matter: ________________________________________________________________
3 examples of matter:
2 examples that are not matter:
Composition: the types and _______________ of simpler _________________ that make up a
sample of matter.
Properties: the characteristics that give each substance a ______________ identity.
Physical properties: properties a substance shows by itself without interacting
with another substance.
○ Examples:
Chemical properties: properties a substance shows as it interacts with or
transforms into another substance.
○ Examples:
Copper example:
Some physical properties of copper:
1. __________________
2. __________________
3. __________________
4. __________________
5. __________________
Some chemical properties of copper:
1. __________________
2. __________________
3. __________________
States of Matter: Solid, Liquid, Gas
Solid: has a fixed shape and volume
Draw macroscopic view:
Draw microscopic view:
Liquid: has a varying shape (conforms to shape of container) and a fixed volume. Has an
upper surface.
Draw macroscopic view:
Draw microscopic view:
Gas: has no fixed shape or volume and therefore has no surface.
Draw macroscopic view:
Draw microscopic view:
1. ___________________
a. Study of chemicals that contain carbon
2. ___________________
b. Study of chemicals that do not contain carbon
3. ___________________
c. Study of chemistry of living organisms
4. ___________________
d. Study of the composition of substances
5. ___________________
e. Study of the mechanism, rate, and energy
transfer that occurs when matter undergoes a change.
Pure Chemistry: _________________________________________________________
Applied Chemistry: _______________________________________________________
Technology: _____________________________________________________________
Experimental Design:
Independent variable:
Dependent variable:
Controlled variables: