Massage As a Technique For the Energetic Universal Energy A tantric massage differs from a normal therapeutic massage in several important ways. Firstly, a tantric massage has no set pattern or outcome - it's a completely individual experience. This means there's no wrong way to give a tantric massage - it's completely up to you! A tantric massage can be given in a chair, on a bed, in a hammock, on the ground, elevated or in a standing position. The massage has no end or point, and the receiver of the massage can relax knowing that his or her entire being is being cared for. A tantric massage also involves a deep energetic connection with the recipient. A tantric healer is not focused on curing a patient. Instead, he or she is tapping into the recipient's inherent energy potential. A tantric massage has several benefits, including healing related to sexuality, as well as healing related to the emotional and mental aspects of life. To get this type of massage, a tantra teacher will guide his or her student in a step-by-step, highly attuned fashion that not only touches deeply, but also brings about feelings of wellbeing, relaxation and pleasure. Let's take a look at how tantric massage practitioners typically perform their massage. First, the massager will place his or her hands in front of the person being massaged. Next, the giver will raise her hands to the person's shoulder blades and lightly touch the skin there. Next, he or she will move his or her hands upward toward the neck area, then down again and in a circular motion around the back, shoulders, and buttocks. This ritual is designed to awaken a deep source of power known as tantric energy. According to the most authoritative tantric massage tips, this energy is awakened through the receiver's breath. In other words, it is believed that a person's breathing becomes very relaxed and calm, which then activates this energy. Through this ritual, the giver is attempting to transfer this positive energy to the receiver using the hands, which are the most direct method. The fact that the giver is giving the tantra massage with his or her hands highlights a key part of the process. The most important aspect of the tantric massage tips is that the giver is always in a loving, caring way. During the ritual, the giver will put his or her palms directly on the recipient's body. When you receive this loving touch full of focus and devotion, it means that you have just received a touching experience that was designed to strengthen your connection with the divine feminine. It's a feeling that is so rewarding that you'll want to do it again. From this experience, many people are led to believe that Tantric massages are a means to an end in the tantric massage tradition. The most commonly given tantric massage tip is that one must "feed the ego" in order to fully enjoy the process. The fact of the matter is that feeding the ego or self doesn't have anything to do with pleasure. A tantra master never feeds the ego or self, but helps the person to let go of any need for pleasure in order to fully experience the love that is inherent in tantra practice. This is why it is so important that the giver has a true awareness of the true essence of tantric massage. He or she must be in a state of constant connectedness with the tantric energy and the receiver. A true tantric massage teacher does not seek to feed the person or make him or her feel good. A true tantric massage teacher works with the receiver, to help him or her release emotional blocks and pain that are related to sexuality, birth, and puberty and to empower and improve his or her current life. So, what is it that causes pleasure? It is the joyful mental state that accompanies every intimate contact with our intimate partner. Without the feeling of pleasure, there is no tantric massage; without mental well-being, there is no wonderful physical well-being. When the tantra master gives the finishing touches to this powerful exchange, he or she can help the receiver to achieve a state of full consciousness in which all of the body systems are in a state of bliss.