SPH4U: Physics, Grade 12, University Preparation Unit 1: Motion in a Plane: Unit Overview Strand B. Dynamics Big Ideas: • Forces affect motion in predictable and quantifiable ways. • Forces acting on an object will determine the motion of that object. • Many technologies that utilize the principles of dynamics have societal and environmental implications. In the first half of this unit in this course, you will be re-introduced to many terms, variables, and equations learned in Grade 11 Kinematics. You will apply these previously learned concepts to two-dimensional situations. In the first activity, you will learn and practice the skill of adding and subtracting two-dimensional vectors, with a special emphasis on vector components. Then you will apply your understanding of vectors to relative velocity situations and projectile motion. Throughout the unit, you will find yourself engaging in interactive learning activities and discussions with classmates. Near the end, you will engage in an inquiry investigation in which you design and build a projectile device and use it to collect projectile motion data. Linking the physics in this unit to technological applications, you will research and write about a projectile weapon. The unit will culminate with an evaluation of your knowledge and skills in the form of a unit test. • • • • • • • Activity 1: Working with Vectors Activity 2: Relative Motion Activity 3: Kinematics Review Activity 4: Projectile Motion Activity 5: Assignment and Discussion (This is worth Marks) Activity 6: Unit Test Activity 7: Investigation (Lab: Projectile Motion, This is worth marks)