Uploaded by Afreen Faiza


Afreen Faiza, PhD.
E-mail: afreenfaiza2014@gmail.com
United Arab Emirates: UAE, Abu Dhabi
Research Interests: Measurement, Psychometrics, Factor Analysis, Cross-Cultural Research
Research Interests
Ph.D. Dissertation Title: Development of indigenous death anxiety scale: A study of reliability and
validity (3 studies)
• Construct and validate self-report death anxiety Scale =63 items; five factors: Punishment after
Death (PAD), Loss of Personal and Social Identity (LPASI), Finality of Death (FOD), Lack of
Control and Helplessness (LOCAH) and General Death of Self (GDS).
• Reliabilities: Coefficient alpha(α=.78 to .92), split-half reliability =.898 (p<.01) , Test-retest ,15
days interval (r=.81, p<.01).
• convergent validity: Templer’s Death Anxiety Scale (r=.60, p<.01), Revised UCLA Loneliness
Scale (r=.59, p< .01), discriminant validity Life Orientation Test-Revised (r= -.61, p< .01).
Comparison of Death Anxiety Among Clinical and Non Clinical Groups
(Patients with Chronic Physical diseases and Healthy Individuals)
Sample Size (N)
100 chronic physical patients
100 healthy individuals
Hypertension (9%), Diabetic Miletus (26.0%), Ischemic heart Disease (10.0%), Asthma (34.0%),
Arthritis (5.0%) and Hepatitis (16.0%).
significant difference for Death anxiety between patients with chronic physical disease and healthy
individuals IDAS; t(198)= 2.42, p = .01);chronic physical disease (M = 148.55; SD=37.37); healthy
individuals (M = 134.8; SD=42.10).
Comparison of death Anxiety Among Clinical and Non Clinical Groups
(Patients with Chronic Psychological diseases and Healthy Individuals)
Sample Size :75=Psychological Patients; 75= healthy individuals
schizophrenia (42.7%), depressive disorder (42.7%), bipolar affective disorder (12.0%) and
anxiety disorder (2.7%) respectively.
significant differences between psychological patients and healthy individuals IDAS
t(148)=2.09, p=.04);psychological patients (M=144.76, SD=41.62); healthy individuals
(M=130.45; SD=41.93)
• Two- way between-groups ANOVA for three health status: Physical Illness; Healthy;
Psychological Illness showed significant main effect in health [F (2, 269)=3.577, p=.03].
Post-hoc Tukey HSD test mean of physical illness (M=148.55, SD=37.38) different from
the psychological illness group (M=130.45, SD=41.93).
• Third Study: Relationship between death anxiety and religiosity, significant and positive
(r=.34, p<.01).
Current Research Work
1. Death Anxiety, Cognitive Distortion and Mood States Among Older Adults with Chronic Physical
Diseases (2021) (In Press). International and Multidisciplinary Journal of Social Sciences, ISSN:
2014-3680(Scopus ,ESCI)
300 older adults (males=165, females=135), age 60-80 years (Mean=70, SD=4.26) chronic physical
diseases (cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, asthma, cancer, arthritis)
Burnel Mood States Scale (Brandt,2016), Cognitive Distortion (Sulaiman, 2018) and Arabic Scale of
Death Anxiety (Abdel-Khalek, 2004).
Positive correlations between death anxiety mood states and cognitive distortions. Regression shows
moderating role of cognitive distortion in relationship between mood states and death. Significant
gender differences were present for mood t(298) = -3.68, p <.001;death anxiety t(298) = -8.62, p
<.001) and cognitive distortions t(298) = -3.91, p<.001).
Current Research Work
2. Corona Virus Related Fears among Residents of Karachi, Pakistan: A cross-Sectional Study (In Press).
Infectious Disease Journal of Pakistan, ISSN: 1027-0299
20–item Coronavirus Fear Questionnaire (CVFQ, α=.75,p<.01) (N=400) ,
Results showed prevalence of different covid-19 fears related to the infection to one's self (76.5%), family
(84.5%), contagious transmissions (62.9%), death of loved ones (72.3%), financial constraints (80.7%),
increase in prices (85.2%), disease rumors (80.7%), restriction of mobility (71.2%), and social rejections
3. Development of Avoidance of Happiness Expression Scale (AHES)(In Review), Journal of Happiness
Studies, ISSN 1573-7780 (Scopus, ESCI).
Avoidance of Happiness Expression Scale (AHES) 60 items generated through literature search and
interviews reduced 29 and administered (N=320).Item analysis and exploratory factor analysis resulted in
27 items and four factors (Faulty Cognitions (FC), Concern’s for other’s Emotions (CFOE); Social
Concerns (SC); Personal Inadequacy (PI). Cronbach alpha reliability (α=.914, p<.001).
AEHSS culturally specific and reliable tool.