Matter Quiz Name: Word Bank: Solid Liquid Density Gas Mass Volume Matter Closer Father Apart 1. _____________________ have no definite shape and no definite volume. 2. Density has to do with how close together the ________________ are in an object. 3. _____________________ is the amount of space an object takes up 4. Everything is made of matter which means it has ______________ and _______________. 5. What is the equation for density? 6. Number the following from least dense (1) to most dense (8) ___Rubbing Alcohol .79 ___Baby Oil .83 ___Vegetable Oil .92 ___Honey 1.42 ___Dawn Dish Soap 1.06 ___Ice Cube .92 ___Water 1.00 ___Maple Syrup 1.37 Matter Quiz Name: Word Bank: Solid Liquid Density Gas Mass Volume Matter Closer Father Apart 1. _____________________ have no definite shape and no definite volume. 2. Density has to do with how close together the ________________ are in an object. 3. _____________________ is the amount of space an object takes up 4. Everything is made of matter which means it has ______________ and ________________. 5. What is the equation for density? 6. Number the following from least dense (1) to most dense (8) ___Rubbing Alcohol .79 ___Baby Oil .83 ___Vegetable Oil .92 ___Honey 1.42 ___Dawn Dish Soap 1.06 ___Ice Cube .92 ___Water 1.00 ___Maple Syrup 1.37