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Ethics Exam: Utilitarianism, Deontology, Care Ethics

UU200 Final Exam
Name: Bhawesh Sidharth Singh
ID: S11183289
Tutor: Eroni Rakuita
Tutorial Time: Thursday 3-5pm
Question 1
The Pure Fiji’s initiative in this COVID-19 crisis to provide hand sanitizer gel can be related to the Invisible Hand
principle originated by Adam Smith. It states that people or business to direct self interest towards common good.
For Pure Fiji, the hand sanitizer will be providing profit to the company and at the same time it will give protection to
the public and the Pure Fiji staff from COVID-19. Chrematiske, is one of Aristotle’s views on business in the early
1700s, these few concepts including Chrematiske, were considered to be negative sides to doing businesses. Pure
Fiji has done something similar in this current situation where they are ‘trading for profit’. No matter the greater
good is achieved the main motive remains to trade for profit making. The two principles of Utilitarianism are the
Utility principle, stating that we should strive to maximize happiness and lower the suffering to greater number of
people, which is done by Pure Fiji hand sanitizer as when the price is low compared to other competitors, the
sanitizer will be preferred by a large number of people to keep themselves safe. The other Principle is Cost/Benefit
Analysis, where the calculation of the overall good and bad consequences is weighed that is generated from the
action taken. Pure Fiji hand sanitizer would generate benefit to the people who buy it and it would impose a cost on
those that have a similar product in the supermarkets.
Question 2
As a personal response I think that abortions should be made legal since when illegal it poses threat to those women
who try back door procedures. In relation to this the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 19 states that,
‘Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression…’ so the mother of the child being aborted should have a say
in hat is to be done with her baby. However, the pro-life argument is violated here as no one will be listening to the opinion
of the foetus being aborted. The two principles of Ethics of Care related to this particular issue is Genuine Care which states
that which emphasizes its purpose to wards people most vulnerable in our society, the pregnant women are among those
that are vulnerable and deserve our care and their choice to be respected. Independence is another principle that is related
to this issue which states that our well being is determined by the well being of those around us and we should not
prioritize self interest. For instance; The state and the doctors should respect the mothers choice on her opinion and the
mother should not prioritize her self only but think of the child that she bears.
Question 3
In the article, the form of discrimination shown is xenophobia, which is the fear of foreigners, it also shows racism
against those of different skin color. The two principles of deontology violated in the article/picture, is Moral
Autonomy and Formula of Humanity. Moral Autonomy states that one should be able to judge and act according to
ones self rather than following others. In the article people are seen protesting against racism and this has been
brought forward through generations of those with fair skin color to discriminate those of the different skin color,
this chain could be broken if a person decides themselves of what is right to do rather than following what has been
taught blindly. The Formula of Humanity on the other hand teaches that human life should not be valued as a tool
but in and for itself. No matter what our skin care we all in the end are humans and no matter what we share the
same humanity only some that discriminate think them as of greater value but it is not such as we all are same. The
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 1 states that ‘all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and
rights…’ This principle contains the essence of both Moral Autonomy and Formula of Humanity and must be
followed and respected by all.
Question 4
As those who take the life of the innocent and do treacherous deeds are met with the gallows, however some
arguments present themselves against the death penalty. The two principles of Deontology against death penalty is
Formula of Humanity and categorical imperative. The formula of Humanity targets the human live has a value in
itself and should not be considered a means to an end not even by the law. Categorical Imperative does not primarily
stand against Capital punishment but it does state reasons of what would be to happen if something that a criminal
does be followed by everyone in this world. For instance if everyone starts to steal all will be thieves and if everyone
as thieves are hanged there will be no one to uphold the law for. In terms of Utilitarianism the two related principles
are the Cost/Benefit Analysis and the Harm Principle. The cost /Benefit Analysis calculates the good and bad
resulting from the action, for instance capital punishment, leads the guilty to death but what if there is a
misjudgement and the person accused is not guilty of the crime, here the cost will outweigh the benefit as there will
be no benefit. The harm principle states the a person can do whatever they want a s long as no harm is done to
society, but in reality there is always harm done to atleast one person by the end of the day. Every action will pose
threat to someone and one will be responsible so capital punishment must not be a first solution but a last
alternative after multiple correction methods are followed.
Question 5
Part I
In high school everyone is young and reckless. There have been many ethical dilemma over the course of the five
years I have been in high school. One such dilemma was presented when a student swore at me in a hallway in
school. There I was standing with my friends and majority people from the classroom. At that moment I was faced
with two choices. One, to get back at the student with my friends by fighting him and tarnishing my reputation a a
student. Two, keeping quiet at the moment and then ask my friends to act as witness in front of the principle who
may then deal with the student. At the end I took option two which was to report the matter to the principle and
follow the proper chain of command.
Part II
What to do to a student who just swore at
me in school. The option is to fight back or
to stay calm
Fight back to show my power and forget
all the values that I withhold.
Situation Ethics:
Ethics of Care:
In this particular situation it is best not to
engage in violence and be civil.
It is not based on duty or happiness but
on our social relation to others. If I choose
to fight it will tarnish my status in the
school as well as harm my relation with
the student who swore out of rage.
I stayed calm at that moment and later went and
complained to the principle regarding the issue and
the student who swore was dealt with accordingly.