Uploaded by Safia Habibi

Capital Punishment: Arguments For and Against

"Capital punishment should be the ultimate punishment."
Some people may agree with this quote because they believe that it brings justice to the victim's
family and makes them feel better knowing that the criminal was punished. The victim/family would
get a sense of closure and peace knowing that the criminal that caused a lot of grief and pain has
suffered and paid for their crimes.
In addition, a death sentence may be the only punishment enough to punish a person who has
committed a serious crime such as murder. By doing so, sets a clear example to people not to
commit a crime and shows how much people are and can be affected by their crimes.
However, some people may disagree with the statement because they believe that no crime is
serious enough to end a life. If we give them a death sentence as punishment, then what
distinguishes us from the criminals? Also, giving a death sentence wouldn't prevent other criminals
from doing the same and reduce the number of crimes.
Also, people may disagree with the statement because new evidence can surface and would show
that they were wrongfully accused of a crime and sentenced to death. An example of this can be
killing in self-defence and defence of other members of society. This can justify killing someone if the
person was a danger to them at that moment. Being wrongfully convicted to a death sentence is
killing an innocent person and in doing so shows that the justice system is flawed.
In conclusion, I believe that capital punishment should be the ultimate punishment for a serious
crime but to an extent. It ensures that the criminal doesn't leave jail and doesn't re-enter society
with the possibility of them committing another serious crime. If situations like these can be
avoided, shouldn't we take the necessary precautions to ensure that the criminal is properly