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E-sports Debate: Health Risks

Good morning/ afternoon/ evening Mr/ Ms Chairperson, the government team
and audience.
The topic for today’s debate is that “This House believes that e-sports is beneficial to
We, the opposition team believe that this statement is False.
I am …………………………………………………………., is the second speaker for
the opposition team.
Before I begin, I am totally against what the first speaker of the government team
said just now.
Today I will be talking to you about health problems. I want to talk about the health
problems in two aspects which are:
Psychological problems and
Physical problems.
My first point is on psychological problems is players will experience sleeping
disorder or to be specific insomnia. Let me define insomnia. Insomnia is according to
the Mayo Clinic, a common sleep disorder that can make it hard to fall asleep, hard
to stay asleep, or cause you to wake up too early and not be able to get back to
sleep. You may still feel tired when you wake up.
So, how those on esports will get insomnia? It is as simpe as this. When you are
playing onlline gaming, you are using computer related devices for exampe a mobile
phone or a tablet. Online gamers spend long hours in front of the screen which will
expose them to great light intensity thus will make them hard to fall asleep.
Alright. Let me proceed. One’s who do not get enough sleep, how do feel for the
day? You’ll feel dizziness, loss of appetite and also depress. These lead to stress
disorder. You are also getting stress because you get the pressure from outsiders.
Who are the outsiders? In this case the outsiders are the people who are sponsoring
you joining the game or they could be your parents or friends or teammates. All of
them are expecting you to win the game but without you realize you work the hardest
to score the game. But eventually everybody has a limit. There you go. You feel
stress again and again.
Then, to some extent gamers resort to do crimes. Crime here is using drugs in order
to achieve the goal. Washington Post on 13 February of 2020 wrote about ‘nobody
talks about it because everyone is on it’: Adderall presents e sports with an enigma.
The article clearly stated the use of drug in online gaming. What is Adderall? It is a
prescribed drug by doctors for those experiencing Attentive deficit hyperactivity
disorder or ADHD. Then why opt for Adderall? It is because a player able to play
better for up to 12 hours. Just imagine, sitting in front of the computer for 12 hours
which is equal to long hours flight from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to Heathrow,
London? Ladies and gentlemen, taking drugs without proper prescription from
doctors is a crime. A crime!
My second point is on physical problems. Physical problem is defined as any physical
damage to the body caused by violence or accident or fracture etc. In this case the
physical damage is computer-related injuries. Why using the word computer here?
Because e sports frequently use computer as a main device.
So, spending 12 hours in front of the computer daily is a very time consuming. Your
eyes keep focusing on the screen will end up with eye strain. What is eye strain? It is
a condition when you get blurry vision, headache and irritated eyes like redness or
feel dry. While the hands are rest on the keyboard result to a syndrome known as
Carpal tunnel syndrom. It is a condition that causes pain, numbness, tingling, and
weakness in the hand and wrist. It happens when there is increased pressure within
the wrist on a nerve called the median nerve. This nerve provides sensation to the
thumb, index, and middle fingers, and to half of the ring finger. People who get this
syndrome will find hard to hold something tightly for example spoon and fork to eat.
Sitting for a longer time to play game without a good posture ends with severe back
pain. Sitting with bad posture can lead to muscle strain, which is the most common
cause of low back pain. Players may feel aching in their low backs a couple of hours
into a gaming session, especially if they're playing on a consistent basis. For gamers,
it can be difficult to treat this pain, since sitting is unavoidable.
Chairperson, government team and audience, in conclusion, giving the fact that
esports bring many health problems, we the opposition team strongly disagree with
the motion today. We firmly state that “This House believes that e-sports is non
beneficial to nation”. Thank you.