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Passive Forward Ownership & Upstream Collusion

Passive forward ownership and upstream collusion
Konstantinos Charistos
Department of Economics, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece.
e-mail: kostchar@uom.edu.gr
Ioannis N. Pinopoulos
Department of Economics, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece.
e-mail: ipinop@econ.uoa.gr
Panagiotis Skartados
Department of Economics, Athens University of Economics and Business, Athens, Greece.
e-mail: skartados@aueb.gr
September 17, 2021
Preliminary and incomplete. Please, Do Not Quote!
We examine the effects of passive forward ownership on the sustainability of upstream
collusion. We consider a homogeneous Cournot duopoly with competing vertical chains. In
one chain, the upstream firm has non-controlling partial ownership over its downstream
exclusive client. We find that passive forward ownership hinders upstream collusion; the higher
is the degree of ownership, the more difficult it is for upstream collusion to be sustained. The
driving force behind our result is that a higher degree of passive forward ownership decreases
collusive profits of the unintegrated upstream firm.
Keywords: Tacit collusion; Passive forward ownership; Vertical chains; Cournot competition
JEL classification: D43; L13; L40; L81
1. Introduction
The impact of vertical relations on competition concerns antitrust authorities’
guidelines which underline the risk of mergers’ coordinated effects.1 During the last
few decades controlling vertical mergers and acquisitions, and their collusive effects on
manufacturers’ markets, have received the attention of policymakers and scholars.
However, vertical relations often involve passive or non-controlling vertical
acquisitions, the effect of which on the likelihood of the collusive outcome has been
investigated only marginally.
This paper studies whether passive vertical ownership facilitates or hinders upstream
collusion. We consider a vertically related market where firms’ interactions are
infinitely repeated. There are two upstream and two downstream firms that are locked
in exclusive relations, and in one vertical chain, the upstream firm has passive (noncontrolling) ownership over its downstream customer.2 Downstream firms offer a
homogeneous product to consumers, engaging in Cournot competition. Upstream firms
may collude on (linear) input prices, and collusion is sustained by Nash reversion
trigger strategies. In such a framework, we find that passive forward ownership hinders
upstream collusion, and the higher is the degree of ownership, the more difficult it is
for upstream collusion to be sustained.
A higher degree of passive forward ownership relaxes the incentive constraint of the
upstream shareholder whereas it tightens the incentive constraint of the unintegrated
upstream firm. On the one hand, a higher degree of ownership increases collusive,
deviation, and punishment profits of the upstream shareholder. The anti-collusive
effects of a higher degree of ownership on deviation and punishment profits are
dominated by the anti-competitive effect on collusive profits so that the upstream
shareholder is more willing to stick to collusion as the degree of its ownership rises.
On the other hand, a higher degree of ownership decreases collusive, deviation, and
punishment profits of the unintegrated upstream firm, that is, the upstream firm that
See, e.g., U.S. Vertical Merger Guidelines, or EU Non-Horizontal Merger Guidelines.
Exclusive relations are often observed in real-world industries. For example, in the soft drink industry
(Luco and Marshall, 2018), and the petroleum/oil industry (Milliou and Petrakis, 2007). Also, it is
common to observe non-controlling stock buyouts of suppliers in their product distributors and/or
retailers in these industries. In the soft drink industry, the Coca-Cola Company holds a share of 18% in
Coca-Cola EuroPacific Partners (Fiocco, 2016). Moreover, in 2020, Coca-Cola EuroPacific Partners
acquired 25% in Chicago-based ITS, investing in its self-pour self-pay dispenser. In 2019, the world's
second-largest liquefied natural gas company Total acquired 37% of the Indian conglomerate Adani
Group's gas distribution business.
does not possess any stakes in its downstream customer. The pro-collusive effects of a
higher degree of ownership on deviation and punishment profits are outweighed by the
pro-competitive effect on collusive profits. So, the unintegrated upstream firm is less
willing to stick to collusion as the degree of its upstream rival’s forward ownership
Although several studies consider full vertical integration and collusion (e.g., Nocke
and White, 2007; Normann, 2009; Biancini and Ettinger, 2016), to the best of our
knowledge, there is only one paper that studies partial vertical integration and
collusion, that is, Shekhar and Thomes (2020). Unlike ours, they study the effects of
passive backward ownership on the sustainability of downstream collusion.
2. The model
We consider a two-tier vertical industry, where two upstream firms, π‘ˆπ‘– , 𝑖 = 1, 2,
exclusively supply an essential input to a Cournot duopoly, 𝐷𝑖 , forming competing
vertical chains. Each 𝐷𝑖 exclusively uses π‘ˆπ‘– ’s input in a one-to-one proportion to
produce a homogeneous final good. Each 𝐷𝑖 faces a linear (inverse) demand function
𝑝(π‘ž1 , π‘ž2 ) = π‘Ž − π‘ž1 − π‘ž2 , where π‘žπ‘– is 𝐷𝑖 ’s output and π‘Ž > 0 is the market size.3
Each 𝐷𝑖 incurs no other cost besides the one induced by the vertical contract in
action: a linear tariff consisting of a consumption-based input price, 𝑀𝑖 > 0. On the
other hand, each π‘ˆπ‘– has a constant marginal cost 𝑐 > 0.
Firm π‘ˆ1 possesses an exogenous minority dividend share π‘˜ ∈ (0, 1⁄2) on 𝐷1, but no
control over its production decisions, a so-called silent financial interest. In other
words, there exists a passive forward integration between π‘ˆ1 and 𝐷1, with the former
having (π‘˜ × 100)% stakes on 𝐷1’s gross profits.4 So, each firm’s net profits are:
πœ‹π·1 (π‘ž1 , π‘ž2 , 𝑀1 ) = (1 − π‘˜) (𝑝(𝑄) − 𝑀1 ) π‘ž1
πœ‹π·2 (π‘ž1 , π‘ž2 , 𝑀2 ) = (𝑝(𝑄) − 𝑀2 ) π‘ž2
πœ‹π‘ˆ1 = (𝑀1 − 𝑐) π‘ž1 + π‘˜ (𝑝(𝑄) − 𝑀1 ) π‘ž1
πœ‹π‘ˆ2 = (𝑀2 − 𝑐) π‘ž2
We assume a unit mass of identical consumers having the same utility function 𝑒(𝑄) = π‘Žπ‘„ − (𝑄2 ⁄2) +
π‘š, where 𝑄 = π‘ž1 + π‘ž2 , and π‘š denotes the (normalized) numeraire sector (Singh and Vives, 1984).
Even though a π‘˜ > 1⁄2 implies control of π‘ˆ1 over 𝐷1 , the opposite is not necessarily true. Competition
authorities often inspect non-controlling shareholders that are between 15% and 25% (Salop and
O’Brien, 2000). Furthermore, to avoid the free-rider problems of small shareholders (Grossman and Hart,
1980), we assume that each firm is owned by a single shareholder.
We consider an infinitely repeated game with discrete time periods. In each period,
a two-stage game is played with observable actions. In stage 1, π‘ˆπ‘– makes each 𝐷𝑖 a takeit or leave-it offer 𝑀𝑖 . In stage 2, each 𝐷𝑖 chooses π‘žπ‘– to maximize πœ‹π·π‘– . The solution
concept is subgame perfection.
3. Equilibrium analysis and results
Firm 𝐷1 chooses π‘ž1 to maximize:
π‘šπ‘Žπ‘₯ πœ‹π·1 = (1 − π‘˜)[𝑝1 (π‘ž1 , π‘ž2 ) − 𝑀1 ]π‘ž1
Firm 𝐷2 chooses π‘ž2 to maximize:
π‘šπ‘Žπ‘₯ πœ‹π·2 = [𝑝2 (π‘ž1 , π‘ž2 ) − 𝑀2 ]π‘ž2
Solving (1) and (2) together, we obtain the final-good quantities as functions of input
π‘žπ‘– (𝐰) =
π‘Ž − 2𝑀𝑖 + 𝑀𝑗
𝑖, 𝑗 = 1,2,
𝑖 ≠ 𝑗,
where 𝐰 = [𝑀𝑖 , 𝑀𝑗 ].
Now we consider three interactions at the upstream level: Punishment, Collusion, and
Deviation, denoted by the superscripts 𝑃, 𝐢, and 𝐷 respectively.
3.1. Punishment
First, we consider the case where π‘ˆπ‘– ’s set their input prices non-collusively. Firm π‘ˆ1
chooses 𝑀1 to maximize:
π‘šπ‘Žπ‘₯ πœ‹π‘ˆ1 = (𝑀1 − 𝑐)π‘ž1 (𝐰) + π‘˜[𝑝1 (π‘ž1 (𝐰), π‘ž2 (𝐰)) − 𝑀1 ]π‘ž1 (𝐰)
Firm π‘ˆ2 chooses 𝑀2 to maximize:
π‘šπ‘Žπ‘₯ πœ‹π‘ˆ2 = (𝑀2 − 𝑐)π‘ž2 (𝐰)
Solving (4) and (5) together, we obtain the optimal input prices:
𝑀1𝑃 =
5π‘Ž(3 − 4π‘˜) + 2𝑐(15 − 4π‘˜)
45 − 28π‘˜
𝑀2𝑃 =
3π‘Ž(5 − 4π‘˜) + 2𝑐(15 − 8π‘˜)
45 − 28π‘˜
Substituting (6) back to (3) we get:
π‘ž1𝑃 =
10(π‘Ž − 𝑐)
45 − 28π‘˜
π‘ž2𝑃 =
2(π‘Ž − 𝑐)(5 − 4π‘˜)
45 − 28π‘˜
6(π‘Ž − 𝑐)2 (5 − 4π‘˜)2
(45 − 28π‘˜)2
Upstream profits are:
50(π‘Ž − 𝑐)2 (3 − 2π‘˜)
(45 − 28π‘˜)2
Lemma 1. In the punishment phase it holds:
(i) πœ•π‘€1𝑃 ⁄πœ•π‘˜ < 0 and πœ•π‘€2𝑃 ⁄πœ•π‘˜ < 0,
(ii) πœ•π‘ž1𝑃 ⁄πœ•π‘˜ > 0 and πœ•π‘ž2𝑃 ⁄πœ•π‘˜ < 0,
(iii) πœ•πœ‹π‘ˆπ‘ƒ1 ⁄πœ•π‘˜ > 0 and πœ•πœ‹π‘ˆπ‘ƒ2 ⁄πœ•π‘˜ < 0.
Under vertical separation, π‘˜ = 0, it can be easily verified from (6) to (8) that π‘ˆπ‘– ’s
charge the same input price, sell the same input quantity and make the same net profit.
Passive forward integration by π‘ˆ1 into 𝐷1, π‘˜ > 0, eliminates in part the double-margin
problem and hence decreases the input price charged by π‘ˆ1 . The reduction in 𝑀1 leads
to an increase in π‘ž1 (a lower marginal cost for 𝐷1) and a reduction in π‘ž2 (strategic
substitutability) for any given 𝑀2 .
In other words, the reduction in 𝑀1 due to a higher π‘˜ decreases 𝐷2’s derived demand
for the input and hence decreases the input price charged by 𝐷2. A lower 𝑀2 leads to an
increase in π‘ž2 and a decrease in π‘ž1 . First-order effects are of higher importance than
second-order ones. So, a higher π‘˜ increases the optimal final-good output of 𝐷1 and
decreases the optimal final-good output of 𝐷2.
Passive forward integration, as compared to vertical separation, increases
punishment profits of π‘ˆ1 and decreases punishment profits of π‘ˆ2 , and these effects are
more pronounced the higher is π‘˜.
3.2. Collusion
Next, consider the case where π‘ˆπ‘– ’s collude in setting input prices (i.e., maximize
joint profits).
π‘šπ‘Žπ‘₯ (πœ‹π‘ˆ1 + πœ‹π‘ˆ2 )
𝑀1 ,𝑀2
= (𝑀1 − 𝑐)π‘ž1 (𝐰) + (𝑀2 − 𝑐)π‘ž2 (𝐰)
+ π‘˜[𝑝1 (π‘ž1 (𝐰), π‘ž2 (𝐰)) − 𝑀1 ]π‘ž1 (𝐰)
The optimal input prices are:
𝑀1𝐢 =
3π‘Ž(1 − π‘˜) + 𝑐(3 − π‘˜)
2(3 − 2π‘˜)
(π‘Ž − 𝑐)(1 − π‘˜)
2(3 − 2π‘˜)
𝑀2𝐢 =
Substituting (9) into (3), we get:
π‘ž1𝐢 =
(π‘Ž − 𝑐)
2(3 − 2π‘˜)
π‘ž2𝐢 =
𝐢 =1−π‘˜ >1
Upstream profits are:
πœ‹π‘ˆπΆ1 =
(π‘Ž − 𝑐)2
4(3 − 2π‘˜)
πœ‹π‘ˆπΆ2 =
(π‘Ž − 𝑐)2 (1 − π‘˜)
4(3 − 2π‘˜)
Lemma 2. In the collusion phase it holds:
(i) πœ•π‘€1𝐢 ⁄πœ•π‘˜ < 0 and πœ•π‘€2𝐢 ⁄πœ•π‘˜ = 0,
(ii) πœ•π‘ž1𝐢 ⁄πœ•π‘˜ > 0 and πœ•π‘ž2𝐢 ⁄πœ•π‘˜ < 0,
(iii) πœ•πœ‹π‘ˆπΆ1 ⁄πœ•π‘˜ > 0 and πœ•πœ‹π‘ˆπΆ2 ⁄πœ•π‘˜ < 0.
Under vertical separation, π‘˜ = 0, it can be easily verified from (9) and (12) that the
colluding π‘ˆπ‘– ’s charge the same monopoly input price and make the same net profit.5
When π‘ˆ1 ’s stake on 𝐷1’s gross profit is positive, π‘˜ > 0, the colluding π‘ˆπ‘– ’s charge 𝐷1
an input price that is lower than the monopoly input price offered to 𝐷2, thereby creating
a cost-advantage in favor of 𝐷1.6 This advantage is larger, the higher is π‘˜. Defining
For π‘˜ = 0: π‘ž1𝐢 = π‘ž2𝐢 and πœ‹π‘ˆπΆ1 = πœ‹π‘ˆπΆ2 .
So, 𝐷1 is indirectly raising rival cost instrumentalizing his stakes in the upstream market.
Μƒ1 = π‘˜π‘1 + (1 − π‘˜)𝑀1 as the effective input price that π‘ˆ1 receives from each unit of
input sold to 𝐷1, we obtain 𝑀
Μƒ1𝐢 = (π‘Ž + 𝑐)⁄2 = 𝑀2𝐢 . In other words, the colluding firms
equalize the effective input prices across downstream firms, 𝑀
Μƒ1𝐢 = 𝑀2𝐢 , but charge
distinct input prices 𝑀1𝐢 < 𝑀2𝐢 .
When π‘˜ > 0, unlike π‘ˆ2 , firm π‘ˆ1 ’s rents come from two sources: profits from input
sales to 𝐷1 and profits originating from the gross profits of 𝐷1, that is, from the
downstream firm on which it has stakes. A lower 𝑀1, on the one hand, decreases π‘ˆ1 ’s
profits from input sales (input sales effect), whereas, on the other hand, it increases π‘ˆ1 ’s
profits originating from gross profits of 𝐷1 (dividend share effect). The higher is π‘˜, the
stronger is the dividend share effect: the optimal input price of π‘ˆ1 decreases and output
is shifted from 𝐷2 to 𝐷1 (see (11)).
Passive forward integration, as compared to vertical separation, increases π‘ˆ1 ’s
collusive profits and decreases π‘ˆ2 ’s collusive profits, and these effects are more
pronounced the higher is π‘˜.
Comparing the punishment and collusion phases, we obtain the following results.
Proposition 1. For π‘˜ > 0, it holds:
(i) 𝑀𝑖𝐢 > 𝑀𝑖𝑃 and πœ•[𝑀𝑖𝐢 − 𝑀𝑖𝑃 ]⁄πœ•π‘˜ > 0,
(ii) π‘žπ‘–πΆ < π‘žπ‘–π‘ƒ and πœ•[π‘žπ‘–π‘ƒ − π‘žπ‘–πΆ ]⁄πœ•π‘˜ > 0,
(iii) πœ‹π‘ˆπΆπ‘– > πœ‹π‘ˆπ‘ƒπ‘– , πœ•[πœ‹π‘ˆπΆ1 − πœ‹π‘ˆπ‘ƒ1 ]⁄πœ•π‘˜ > 0 and πœ•[πœ‹π‘ˆπΆ2 − πœ‹π‘ˆπ‘ƒ2 ]⁄πœ•π‘˜ < 0,
with 𝑖 = 1,2.
It is straightforward that the collusive input prices and profits for both π‘ˆπ‘– s are higher
than the corresponding prices and profits in the punishment (competition) stage. In
addition, it is also straightforward that input quantities (and hence final-good quantities)
for both firms are lower under collusion than under competition.
A higher π‘˜ decreases π‘ˆ1 ’s input price by more under competition than under
collusion. Under competition, when the stake of π‘ˆ1 on 𝐷1’s profits increases, π‘ˆ1 lowers
𝑀1 (double marginalization becomes less severe) and induces 𝐷1 to increase its input
demand and become more aggressive in the downstream market. Under collusion, π‘ˆ1
also lowers 𝑀1 when π‘˜ increases but to a lesser extent: upstream firms maximize their
joint profits, and hence π‘ˆ1 does not want 𝐷1 to be too aggressive in the downstream
market. Hence, πœ•[𝑀1𝐢 − 𝑀1𝑃 ]⁄πœ•π‘˜ > 0. Under punishment, π‘ˆ2 reacts in a lower 𝑀1 by
reducing its input price. The higher is π‘˜, the greater the reduction in 𝑀1, the greater the
reduction in 𝐷2’s derived demand and therefore the greater the reduction in 𝑀2 (Lemma
1). Under collusion, variations in π‘˜ do not affect π‘ˆ2 ’s input price (Lemma 2). Hence,
πœ•[𝑀2𝐢 − 𝑀2𝑃 ]⁄πœ•π‘˜ > 0.
On the one hand, under both punishment and collusion, a reduction in 𝑀1 leads to an
increase in π‘ž1 and a reduction in π‘ž2 (for any given 𝑀2 ). Since the optimal input price of
π‘ˆ1 falls by more under punishment than under collusion when π‘˜ increases, we have that
the increase in π‘ž1 and the decrease in π‘ž2 are more pronounced under punishment than
under collusion. That is, regarding the effect of a higher π‘˜ on final-good quantities that
works through 𝑀1, we have that π‘ž1𝑃 − π‘ž1𝐢 increases and π‘ž2𝑃 − π‘ž2𝐢 decreases as π‘˜ rises.
On the other hand, a higher π‘˜ does not affect 𝑀2 under collusion, however, it leads
to a reduction in 𝑀2 under punishment, which in turn increases π‘ž2 and decreases π‘ž1 : the
higher is π‘˜, the greater is the reduction in 𝑀2 , and thus the greater is the increase in π‘ž2
and the reduction in π‘ž1 . That is, regarding the effect of a higher π‘˜ on final-good
quantities that works through 𝑀2 , we have that π‘ž1𝑃 − π‘ž1𝐢 decreases and π‘ž2𝑃 − π‘ž2𝐢
increases as π‘˜ rises.
Regarding the final-good quantity of 𝐷1 (and hence the input quantity of π‘ˆ1 ), the
effect of higher π‘˜ that works through 𝑀1 dominates the effect that works through 𝑀2 ,
so that the optimal quantity increases by more under punishment than under collusion,
i.e., πœ•[π‘ž1𝑃 − π‘ž1𝐢 ]⁄πœ•π‘˜ > 0. A higher π‘˜ decreases π‘ˆ1 ’s profits from input sales by more
under punishment than under collusion, but it also increases π‘ˆ1 ’s profits originating
from the gross profits of 𝐷1 by more under punishment than under collusion. The higher
is π‘˜, the stronger is the latter effect, so that a higher π‘˜ increases π‘ˆ1 ’s collusive profits
by more than it increases π‘ˆ1 ’s punishment profits.
Regarding the final-good quantity of 𝐷2 (and hence the input quantity of π‘ˆ2 ), the
effect of higher π‘˜ that works through 𝑀2 dominates the effect that works through 𝑀1,
so that the optimal quantity decreases by more under collusion than under punishment,
i.e., πœ•[π‘ž2𝑃 − π‘ž2𝐢 ]⁄πœ•π‘˜ > 0. On the one hand, the input price of π‘ˆ2 remains unchanged
under collusion but falls under punishment when π‘˜ increases, whereas on the other
hand, the input quantity falls by more under collusion than under punishment. As it
turns out, the latter effect outweighs the former so that a higher π‘˜ decreases π‘ˆ2 ’s
collusive profits by more than it decreases π‘ˆ2 ’s punishment profits.
3.3. Deviation
Finally, we consider the case where an upstream firm deviates from the collusive
path, whereas the other upstream firm sets the collusive price. We must consider two
cases here. First, the case where π‘ˆ1 deviates from the collusive agreement. Firm π‘ˆ1 ,
taking as given that π‘ˆ2 sets the collusive price 𝑀2𝐢 , chooses 𝑀1 to maximize:
π‘šπ‘Žπ‘₯ πœ‹π‘ˆ1 = (𝑀1 − 𝑐)π‘ž1 (𝑀1 , 𝑀𝐢2 ) + π‘˜[𝑝1 (π‘ž1 (𝑀1 , 𝑀𝐢2 ), π‘ž2 (𝑀𝐢2 , 𝑀1 )) − 𝑀1 ]π‘ž1 (𝑀1 , 𝑀𝐢2 )
The deviation input price is:
𝑀1𝐷 =
3π‘Ž + 𝑐
9(π‘Ž − 𝑐)
8(3 − 2π‘˜)
The deviation final-good output and profits of π‘ˆ1 are:
π‘ž1𝐷 =
3(π‘Ž − 𝑐)
4(3 − 2π‘˜)
πœ‹π‘ˆπ·1 =
9(π‘Ž − 𝑐)2
32(3 − 2π‘˜)
Now we consider the case where firm π‘ˆ2 deviates from the collusive agreement.
Firm π‘ˆ2 , taking as given that π‘ˆ1 sets the collusive price 𝑀1𝐢 , chooses 𝑀2 to maximize:
π‘šπ‘Žπ‘₯ πœ‹π‘ˆ2 = (𝑀2 − 𝑐)π‘ž2 (𝑀2 , 𝑀𝐢1 )
The deviation input price is:
𝑀2𝐷 =
π‘Ž(9 − 7π‘˜) + 𝑐(15 − 9π‘˜)
8(3 − 2π‘˜)
The deviation final-good output and profits of π‘ˆ2 are:
(π‘Ž − 𝑐)(9 − 7π‘˜)
12(3 − 2π‘˜)
(π‘Ž − 𝑐)2 [9 − 7π‘˜]2
96(3 − 2π‘˜)2
Lemma 3. In the deviation phase it holds:
(i) πœ•π‘€1𝐷 ⁄πœ•π‘˜ < 0 and πœ•π‘€2𝐷 ⁄πœ•π‘˜ < 0,
(ii) πœ•π‘ž1𝐷 ⁄πœ•π‘˜ > 0 and πœ•π‘ž2𝐷 ⁄πœ•π‘˜ < 0,
(ii) πœ•πœ‹π‘ˆπ·1 ⁄πœ•π‘˜ > 0 and πœ•πœ‹π‘ˆπ·2 ⁄πœ•π‘˜ < 0.
Under vertical separation, π‘˜ = 0, it can be easily verified from (13) to (16) that the
deviating input price, output, and profit are the same for upstream firms. When π‘˜ > 0,
the deviating input price of π‘ˆ1 is lower, and the higher is π‘˜ the lower is 𝑀1𝐷 . Note that
the deviating final-good output is π‘ž1𝐷 (𝑀1𝐷 , 𝑀2𝐢 ). A higher π‘˜ decreases 𝑀1𝐷 and leaves
unchanged 𝑀2𝐢 (Lemma 2), so that π‘ž1𝐷 increases with π‘˜. Moreover, the higher is π‘˜ the
lower is 𝑀2𝐷 . The deviating final-good output is π‘ž2𝐷 (𝑀1𝐢 , 𝑀2𝐷 ). A higher π‘˜ decreases 𝑀2𝐷 ,
which tends to increase π‘ž2𝐷 , and decreases 𝑀1𝐢 (Lemma 2), which tends to decrease π‘ž2𝐷 .
The latter effect outweighs the former so that ultimately π‘ž2𝐷 decreases with π‘˜.
Passive forward integration, as compared to vertical separation, increases π‘ˆ1 ’s
deviation profits and decreases π‘ˆ2 ’s deviation profits and these effects are more
pronounced the higher is π‘˜.
By comparing the collusion and deviation phases, we obtain the following results.
Proposition 2. For π‘˜ > 0, it holds:
(i) 𝑀𝑖𝐢 > 𝑀𝑖𝐷 and πœ•[𝑀𝑖𝐢 − 𝑀𝑖𝐷 ]⁄πœ•π‘˜ > 0,
(ii) π‘žπ‘–πΆ < π‘žπ‘–π· and πœ•[π‘žπ‘–π· − π‘žπ‘–πΆ ]⁄πœ•π‘˜ > 0,
(ii) πœ‹π‘ˆπ·π‘– > πœ‹π‘ˆπΆπ‘– πœ•[πœ‹π‘ˆπ·1 − πœ‹π‘ˆπΆ1 ]⁄πœ•π‘˜ > 0 and πœ•[πœ‹π‘ˆπ·2 − πœ‹π‘ˆπΆ2 ]⁄πœ•π‘˜ < 0,
with 𝑖 = 1,2.
The deviating input price for both firms is lower than the collusive input price, which
implies that the final-good output for each firm is higher under deviation than under
collusion. In addition, deviation profits are higher than collusive profits for each firm.
Consider firm π‘ˆ1 . A higher π‘˜ decreases 𝑀1 under both collusion and deviation
phases. It is straightforward that the reduction in 𝑀1 is less pronounced under collusion
(π‘ˆ1 wants to induce a less aggressive behavior downstream when colluding upstream),
πœ•[𝑀1𝐢 − 𝑀1𝐷 ]⁄πœ•π‘˜ > 0. Under both collusion and deviation, a reduction in 𝑀1 leads to an
increase in π‘ž1 , and since the deviating input price of π‘ˆ1 falls by more than the collusive
input price when π‘˜ increases, we have that the increase in π‘ž1 is more pronounced under
punishment than under collusion, that is, πœ•[π‘ž1𝐷 − π‘ž1𝐢 ]⁄πœ•π‘˜ > 0. A higher π‘˜ decreases π‘ˆ1 ’s
profits from input sales by more under deviation than under collusion, but it also
increases π‘ˆ1 ’s profits originating from the gross profits of 𝐷1 by more under deviation
than under collusion. The higher is π‘˜, the stronger is the latter effect, so that a higher π‘˜
increases π‘ˆ1 ’s deviation profits by more than it increases π‘ˆ1 ’s collusive profits.
Consider now firm π‘ˆ2 . The colluding input price of π‘ˆ2 is unaffected by a change in
π‘˜ (Lemma 2), whereas the deviating input price decreases with π‘˜. Hence,
πœ•[𝑀2𝐢 − 𝑀2𝐷 ]⁄πœ•π‘˜ > 0. Under both collusion and deviation, a higher π‘˜ decreases π‘ž2 , and
the reduction is more pronounced under collusion than under deviation,
πœ•[π‘ž2𝐷 − π‘ž2𝐢 ]⁄πœ•π‘˜ > 0. On the one hand, the input price of π‘ˆ2 remains unchanged under
collusion but falls under deviation when π‘˜ increases, whereas on the other hand, input
quantity falls by more under collusion than under deviation. As it turns out, the latter
effect outweighs the former so that a higher π‘˜ decreases π‘ˆ2 ’s collusive profits by more
than it decreases π‘ˆ2 ’s deviation profits.
3.4. Sustainability of collusion
We assume that π‘ˆπ‘– ’s use grim-trigger strategies, meaning that they collude if no firm
has deviated from the collusive path in previous periods. Should such deviation occur,
firms revert to competition forever. The use of grim-trigger strategies leads to the
critical discount factors for π‘ˆ1 and π‘ˆ2 respectively:
𝛿1 =
𝛿2 =
πœ‹π‘ˆπ·1 − πœ‹π‘ˆπΆ1
πœ‹π‘ˆπ·1 − πœ‹π‘ˆπ‘ƒ1
πœ‹π‘ˆπ·2 − πœ‹π‘ˆπΆ2
πœ‹π‘ˆπ·2 − πœ‹π‘ˆπ‘ƒ2
(45 − 28π‘˜)2
3825 − 3480π‘˜ + 656π‘˜ 2
(45 − 28π‘˜)2 (3 − π‘˜)2
(45 − 39π‘˜ + 4π‘˜ 2 )(765 − 1095π‘˜ + 388π‘˜ 2 )
Proposition 3. It holds πœ•π›Ώ1 ⁄πœ•π‘˜ < 0 and πœ•π›Ώ2 ⁄πœ•π‘˜ > 0 with 𝛿1 = 𝛿2 for π‘˜ = 0.
Passive forward integration hinders collusion. Moreover, the higher is π‘˜, that is,
the higher is π‘ˆ1 ’s stake in 𝐷1’s profits, the more difficult it is for collusion to be
Under vertical separation, π‘˜ = 0, the two upstream firms are symmetric and thus
have the same discount factor.
When π‘˜ > 0, that is, when π‘ˆ1 has stakes in 𝐷1’s profit, we know from Lemmata 1-3
that a higher π‘˜ increases π‘ˆ1 ’s collusive profits, implying a lower critical discount factor
for π‘ˆ1 , whereas it also increases π‘ˆ1 ’s deviation and punishment profits, implying a
higher critical discount factor for π‘ˆ1 . On the one hand, a higher π‘˜ raises π‘ˆ1 ’s deviation
profits by more it increases its collusive profits (Proposition 2), but on the other hand,
a higher π‘˜ increases π‘ˆ1 ’s collusive profits by more it raises its punishment profits
(Proposition 1). As it turns out, the latter effect outweighs the former so that a higher π‘˜
decreases the critical discount factor for π‘ˆ1 .
Regarding firm π‘ˆ2 , we know from Lemmata 1-3 that a higher π‘˜ decreases π‘ˆ2 ’s
collusive profits, implying a higher critical discount factor for π‘ˆ2 , and it also reduces
π‘ˆ2 ’s deviation and punishment profits, implying a lower critical discount factor for π‘ˆ2 .
We know from Proposition 1 that a higher π‘˜ decreases π‘ˆ2 ’s collusive profits by more it
decreases its punishment profits, whereas we know from Proposition 2 that a higher π‘˜
decreases π‘ˆ2 ’s collusive profits by more it decreases its deviation profits. Hence, a
higher π‘˜ increases the critical discount factor for π‘ˆ2 .
The pro-competitive effects of a higher π‘˜ on π‘ˆ1 ’s deviation & punishment profits are
dominated by the anti-competitive effect on π‘ˆ1 ’s collusive profits. The anti-competitive
effects of a higher π‘˜ on π‘ˆ2 ’s deviation, as well as punishment profits, are outweighed
by the pro-competitive effect on π‘ˆ2 ’s collusive profits. Hence, the driving force is the
pro-competitive effect of a higher π‘˜ on π‘ˆ2 ’s collusive profits.
4. Conclusion
In this paper, we have investigated the effects of passive forward ownership on the
sustainability of upstream collusion. We consider a homogeneous Cournot duopoly
with competing vertical chains, where in one chain, the upstream firm has noncontrolling partial ownership over its downstream exclusive client. We show that
passive forward ownership impedes upstream collusion and the higher is the degree of
ownership, the more difficult it is for upstream collusion to be sustained. We identify
as a driving force behind our finding the fact that a higher degree of passive forward
ownership decreases collusive profits of the unintegrated upstream firm.
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