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TDSP HR System Plan: Internship Report & Future Recommendations

As my three month internship time period in TDSP as an HR INTERN is about to end with
a learning experience of the professional environment and how the TDSP and IDSP
function with their respected team members and fellow employees. Working environment at
TDSP is welcoming, over whelming, and friendly but at the same time when there’s a
deadline to meet then work is made the first and foremost priority to complete the given task
within the deadlines.
This report is comprised of different variables which shows my overall work assignments,
my observations and my future job description as an “HR Officer”.
Overview of TDSP:
TDSP as an organization is a name which is functioning to provide support to its parent
institute named as IDSP. Since TDSP is a non-profit organization therefore there’s a less
number of workforce to complete all the tasks and workload of itself as well as to the IDSP.
The working environment in TDSP is calm and composed but on the other side the tasks or
assignments are completed on a slow pace. Looking at the structure or interior of the
building it felt like a bit ambiguous to me but when I started working here my thoughts were
completely changed to a positive note. The on-going construction work is a nuisance which
should have been completed within the given time.
The employees were regular on their attendance but the factor of punctuality was lacking.
The point where you have to take responsibility for your own actions that is missing, it’s
pressurized on the employee to take the accountability of that certain action.
The prolonging list of pending tasks, low efficiency of employees, nap time, showing
resistance to bring change, usage of inappropriate language, basic manners, etiquettes, and
doing discrimination between employees. These are some of the factors which made the
employees hesitant towards their work.
 Comment on the HR System:
The existing HR system in TDSP was not up-to the mark on which it should be as an
organization. HR Policy Manual was present but the policies in it were not made clear to
the other employees. Secondly the formatting and alignment of the Policy Manual is poorly
done and is old fashioned, the wordings in it were not clear. General and vague terms were
used in the policy manual.
Employee forms for probation period evaluation, performance appraisal evaluation,
interview evaluation, attendance sheet (daily and monthly), all of them were ambiguous and
un-necessarily lengthy due to the high staff rate.
Employees which were employed on 24 hours service their policies, TORs were not
clearly mentioned.
Sections or the heading and then the sub headings are not properly mentioned.
Grace time was mentioned as 5 minutes which should be increased.
Appraisal systems were poorly managed.
Maintenance of the building was out of sort.
HR files were not clean and not arranged.
Employees having Nap Time.
Discrimination was experienced by me.
 Work Performed:
When I was hired as an HR Intern at TDSP the HR department and the HR files were kept
unsystematically. After getting hired and learning all the places of the whole building I
started reading the Policy Manual and was noting all the key points simultaneously.
Read all the details and previous documents related to the HR department
Visited IDSP and shared my work plan or plan of action with them so that it would be easy
for both of us to move in a stream.
With reference to my plan of action for the visit to the IDSP, learned the roots of
community development, visited different communities, and met the students with lots of
passion, determination, and dreams in their eyes to study and to do something for their
community and family.
Visited Hazara and Hanna Communities. Their cultures, traditions, values, grieves, and also
there were families who had lost their young children and siblings in massacre. My journey
to Quetta was full of learnings, experiences and adventurous.
Coming back to my own residential city Karachi after a week and meeting my mother was
an emotional moment for both of us, since it was the first time where I went and stayed
there without my family.
Next day I started working on the two documents which Sir Safdar gave me to read it and
give me comments on it. IDSP is an institute which has students and mentors, so there is a
need to create a revised version of tutorial format and learning contract. This change can
bring a better performance in the mentors and the fellows who are working at IDSP. It is a
professional document which can be brought into practice there.
Although there are points that need to be change slightly, questions to be rearranged in an
order and few more points to add in the format of the documents.
Made contracts for the employees whose files were not made from the start and maintained
their files with all the academic records and citizenship records.
Suggested some changes in the policy manual which were discussed in the meeting held on
27-08-2021. Revised the TORs of House Officers. Helped in resolving the disputes,
misunderstandings and clearing the confusions related to the policies which were in function
at TDSP.
Conducted the Recruitment and Onboarding process of Finance Intern as per the request of
Finance Manager. From making job description, posting job advertisements, shortlisting
candidates, scheduling interviews, and conducting interviews as per selection criteria and
then finally having them onboard and arranging an orientation session with the whole team
of TDSP.
Simultaneously, I was also assisting fellow employees with their respective work.
Updating employee files, managing the attendance system, and as well as the payroll
During the time period there were incidents which took place at TDSP, took disciplinary
actions against the employee upon given the authority by the Upper Management.
Provided my assistance in the restructuring and reorganizing at TDSP.
Doing other day to day activities or tasks whichever be the situation, I have always provided
my assistance or shared my point of view with respect to that certain matter.
 Future Plan:
Given the situation of if I am being hired as a permanent employee at TDSP my future
plans will be the following key points:
Initially I would like to get the Policy Manual changes approved so that it will be better to
start new work with new changes for the betterment of TDSP.
To perform all the HR functions be it recruitment and selection or taking disciplinary
actions towards any employee who is to be responsible for their actions. Managing
appraisals of the employees. Handling other daily HR activities.
To create corrective measures in order to overcome all the deficiencies of the organization
with reference to the previously mentioned HR Report in TDSP.
To provide my services and assistance either virtually or physically (if needed) in the HR
department at IDSP in order to make it a better University of Community Development.
To improve employee engagement among IDSP and TDSP employees.
I will continue with providing my assistance to the sub ordinates with their work who may
need my help.