Republic of the Philippines BATANGAS STATE UNIVERSITY Pablo Borbon Main I, Batangas City COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SIENCES Communication Theory Second Semester A.Y. 2020-2021 THE ONLINE LEARNING EFFECTS ON STUDENTS AND INSTRUCTOR'S COMMUNICATION AT BATANGAS STATE UNIVERSITY A Research Presented to the Faculty of College of Arts and Sciences BATANGAS STATE UNIVERSITY Batangas City In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Course of Bachelor of Science in Development Communication Dimaani, Alyssa M. Diokno, Robilyn Lloren Abigail P. Seballos, Maui V. April 2021 Republic of the Philippines BATANGAS STATE UNIVERSITY Pablo Borbon Main I, Batangas City COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SIENCES Communication Theory Second Semester A.Y. 2020-2021 CHAPTER I THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Introduction In every part of life, people learn in many ways. Some learn through their friends, colleagues, classmates, some learn through experience while others learn from education. Education is acquiring different facts of life. It is not to mug up, but just to understand how to create the world around us and how to sustain it for future generations and how to develop relations for existence. The role of education is to help people in developing something new rather than relying on the old innovations. One should be able to identify what the people knows and what the people does not know. It is the only way to win the world. It is to think deeply about something and understand the intention behind it. Education is the foundation for the development and empowerment of every nation. It plays a vital role in understanding and participating in day-to-day activities of today’s world. It builds one’s character and plays a significant role in transmitting one’s culture, belief and values to others in society. It helps in developing innovations and meeting the increasing needs of every nation. Though education is always regarded as the greatest tool in improving a life of an individual and the life of nation, in a broader scope, still, problems regarding learning of learners still exist, like difficulties in catching up the lesson s. School serves as a training ground for the students to maximize their potential and realize their goals and objectives through different activities prepared by the teachers . Republic of the Philippines BATANGAS STATE UNIVERSITY Pablo Borbon Main I, Batangas City COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SIENCES Communication Theory Second Semester A.Y. 2020-2021 in schools. Beyond this, schools also prepare children to support the economic system. Education promotes personal growth and has a significant economic benefit for the individual and requires better schooling for urban and rural communities. The search is to find solutions on the failing standards in education and its quality, which of personal interests to the researcher depends mainly on identifying areas of online learning and how it affects the communication between students and teachers which plays a crucial role in the formative years of the development of the children. The knowledge of every individual is measured through their academic performance and achievements. According to Steinmayr (2014), academic performance is defined as performance and outcomes that indicate the extent to which a person accomplishes the specific goals where the focus of activities is in instructional environments, specifically in school, college and university. Academic achievement is the after effect of education. Examination and continuous assessments are the greatest way to assess the academic achievement of students. It is defined as the level of schooling one has successfully completed, and an ability to attain success in own self-studies. Communication especially in the education sector needs to be studied as communication between instructors and students has the ability to improve the learning experience and to create a positive setup. Communication is simply the transfer of information from one person to another, or group to another. Effective communication is a process of exchanging ideas, thoughts, knowledge and information in such a way as to fulfill the purpose or intent in the best possible way. In other terms, it is nothing Republic of the Philippines BATANGAS STATE UNIVERSITY Pablo Borbon Main I, Batangas City COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SIENCES Communication Theory Second Semester A.Y. 2020-2021 more than the sender’s expression of views in a way that the recipient understands best. The aim of online communication is the same as that of face-to-face communications: bonding; exchanging information; being heard and being understood. Fostering a sense of community in online classes will make the students’ learning experience more meaningful and it can help them stay connected during the course life. When instructors communicate with students, whether in a face-to-face class or an online class, they communicate for the purpose of offering knowledge or having information to gain understanding and develop relationships. Communicating with students in an online environment requires a little more thought and planning than communicating with students in the traditional environment because the online environment lacks body language. Instructors have the advantage of using body language and facial expression in a face-to-face class to help them connect and get their message across to their students. When interacting in an online class, instructors do not have the advantage of using body language to help their students communicate. Knowledge of communication weaknesses within online environments can help them decide how to establish timely and appropriate communications, and how to interact effectively with their online students. The coronavirus pandemic has generated changes in the teaching-learning process in higher education institutions and has influenced the interaction between teachers and students. As a consequence of the pandemic, universities were constrained to carrying out their activity with students exclusively online. In this regard, many governments took measures in order to avoid spreading the virus and to ensure the Republic of the Philippines BATANGAS STATE UNIVERSITY Pablo Borbon Main I, Batangas City COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SIENCES Communication Theory Second Semester A.Y. 2020-2021 continuity of the educational process, and universities worldwide adopted online learning. While in general, internet-based learning is considered an option, an alternative to traditional learning, during the Coronavirus pandemic it became an essential element for maintaining the activity of schools and universities. This paradigm shift could generate changes in students’ perception of this way of teaching and their perception might be different from the one found in studies previous to the pandemic. Thus, through this paper, we tried to capture the existence of such changes. Traditionally, college students attend classes in person and on campus to achieve academic success. Attending classes regularly and engaging in faceto-face interaction with professors and peers has been the norm for a student attending university. However, this traditional college experience is changing in favor of a computer-oriented education in which students learn from their homes or offices and perhaps never see the faces of their instructor or fellow students (Stone & Perumean-Chaney, 2011). Previous studies show that online learning offers many benefits for students because this type of learning involves student-centeredness, it is more flexible, and it can also improve interaction with students by providing asynchronous and synchronous tools such as e-mail, forums, chats, videoconferences. Furthermore, internet technologies facilitate the distribution of content at the same time, to a large number of users; E-learning platforms offer many advantages to learners such as control over the content, control over the time spent learning, and thus the process can be adapted according to the learner needs and objectives of learning. This might contribute to Republic of the Philippines BATANGAS STATE UNIVERSITY Pablo Borbon Main I, Batangas City COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SIENCES Communication Theory Second Semester A.Y. 2020-2021 better communication with the students and in spite of some inherent challenges brought by this time of crisis, online learning might enhance the learning process for students. However, when using online learning platforms there are also some elements that might be considered obstacles in students’ process of learning, such as decreased motivation in students, delayed feedback or help due to the fact that teachers are not always available at the time students may need help while learning, or feelings of isolation due to lack of physical presence of classmates. Nonetheless, these obstacles can be overcome with the help of teachers who should adapt their teaching strategies to the needs of students. In order to do so, experience and knowledge about teaching in the online environment are necessary. Thus, we believe that these challenges and disadvantages could be more prominent while the educational process takes place exclusively online. This might happen due to the lack of teachers’ experience in using E-learning and due to the short time in which they had to adapt their teaching style to the new conditions for them to have a better communication with their students. Republic of the Philippines BATANGAS STATE UNIVERSITY Pablo Borbon Main I, Batangas City COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SIENCES Communication Theory Second Semester A.Y. 2020-2021 Figure 1 Research Paradigm on the Online learning Effects on Students and Instructor’s Communication at Batangas State University Statement of the Problem This study is aimed to determine the online learning effects on students and instructor’s communication at Batangas State University. Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions: 1. How may the demographic profile of the students be described in terms of: 1.1. age; 1.2. gender; 1.3. course? 2. Does online learning have a negative impact on communication between instructors and students? 3. How communication between instructors and students in educational Institutions can be improved? 4. What are the problems that students face in online learning and does online learning have a negative effect on students’ participation and their productivity level as a whole?