LightComm Milestone Year R 2013 3KW Pump Combiner 50W High Power lsolator AOM 2012 37×1 Pump Combiner End Cap 朗 光 科 技 LIGHTCOMM 2011 (18+1)×1 Pump Combiner High Power lsolator 2008 High Power lsolator, Collimator High Power EDFA Product Catalog (Polarization Maintaining Fiber Components) 2007 (2+1)×1,(6 +1)×1 and 7×1 Pump Combiner PM Components (Fused Type,Filter Type) Fused Polarization Maintaining Fiber Coupler 2006 Super Stable ASE-C/DFB Light source developed 1×4 mini size Dual/Three windows coupler developed 2005 Plant Area expanded to 2 5000M FTTH Council Member 2003 1×2 mini size coupler developed 1×4 dual windows coupler developed 2002 ISO 9001:2000 certified M CERTIFICAT TE IO YS Coupler product line set up 2000 LightComm started up 1×4 standard coupler developed N S Polarization Maintaining Fiber Connector and Optical Attenuator SGS 2001 Polarization Maintaining Fiber Micro Optical Component Free Space Coupling 005 Isolator R Address: 3F,Building 2,North area of honghualing industry park,1268liuxian avenue,Shenzhen,P.R.C 518055 Tel:(+86)755-8615-9525 Fax:(+86)755-8343-4363 C V3.2 LightComm Technology CO.,Ltd All Rights Reserved V3.2 Filter Crystal or Prism CONTENTS I n t r o d u ct i o n LightComm Technology was founded in 2000 by a team of veteran optical component design engineers each with more than 20 years of industry experience.It has since grown to become an innovative leader Polarization Maintaining Components Polarization Maintaining Fused Standard Coupler(PMC)……………….....…….1 in the field of passive fiber optic components. LightComm provides Polarization Maintaining Fused Wide Band Coupler(PMWBC)…………….……3 technology-leading and highly cost-effective optical component Polarization Maintaining Fused WDM(PMWDM)…………………………………4 solutions for the Fiber Laser, Sensor, Medical and Telecom industries. PM Fiber Collimator(PMCOLL) ………………………………………….....……...5 In-line Polarizer(ILP) ……………………………………………………….....….…6 Company Logo Polarization Beam Combiner/Splitter(PBC/PBS) …………………….…....……7 A Leading Innovator in Fiber Optics Over the years, LightComm has introduced to the market a series of Pump Combiners, High Power Components, PM Fiber Components, High Power Isolator, HP(M)ISO 1310nm, 1550nm …………………….…....…..9 Mini Size and Specialty Fiber Couplers, developed in-house based on PM Isolator PBC/PBS(IPBC/IPBS) …………………………………….…....……10 state-of-the-art technology, proprietary process and LightComm intellectual property. LightComm engineers are able to help companies Manufacture Workshop PM Isolator(PMISO) …………………………………………………….……....….8 3 Ports PM Circulator (PMCIR) ……………………………………………......….11 all around the globe to achieve their goals by providing the right optical 4 Ports PM Circulator (PMCIR) ………………………………………….……..….12 component solutions cost-effectively with guaranteed quality. Millions of PM Filter Splitter(PMFS) …………………………………………….…….....…..13 LightComm components operate reliably 24 hours around the clock, year after year. PM Isolator WDM(PMIWDM ) …………………………………….……….......…14 PM Tap Isolator (PMTAPI) ……………………………………………….....….…15 PM Filter WDM(PMFWDM) ………………………………………….……...…..16 PM Tap Isolator WDM Hybrid(PMTIW) ………………………….…......…...…..17 Global Market and Focused Customer Service LightComm supports customers from design, prototype sampling to Products Exhibition Starting with excellence in customer service and PM Splitter …………………………………………………….………...…..........19 supported by a strong team of engineers, LightComm is focused on Polarization Maintaining Filter Splitter Module (1×N)(PMFSM Series)…..……20 mass-production. delivering the best solution. LightComm will review any special passive optical component requirements to assess feasibility, development cost Fiber Connector & PM Connector (CONN & PMCONN) ………….……...……23 experienced manufacturing team to smoothly and timely transition Fiber Code Instruction…………………….……...…………….……..……...……24 quality and reliability are two unshakably ingrained values in the LightComm’s company culture. LightComm is ISO9001:2008 certified and desires to be your trusted fiber optic partner. The World’s Biggest Pump Combiner Supplier The Leading High Power Isolator Manufacturer The Leading PM Fiber Components Manufacturer Let’s Make the Quality Best! ISO9001 Certified Since 2002 PM Optical Switch ………………………………………………….………..……22 and time to deliver prototypes. The R&D staff is complemented by an products from R&D to mass production. Achieving the highest product Connector Interferometer Variable Optical Attenuator (PMVOA & VOA) …………………….……....…….18 CONTENTS I n t r o d u ct i o n LightComm Technology was founded in 2000 by a team of veteran optical component design engineers each with more than 20 years of industry experience.It has since grown to become an innovative leader Polarization Maintaining Components Polarization Maintaining Fused Standard Coupler(PMC)……………….....…….1 in the field of passive fiber optic components. LightComm provides Polarization Maintaining Fused Wide Band Coupler(PMWBC)…………….……3 technology-leading and highly cost-effective optical component Polarization Maintaining Fused WDM(PMWDM)…………………………………4 solutions for the Fiber Laser, Sensor, Medical and Telecom industries. PM Fiber Collimator(PMCOLL) ………………………………………….....……...5 In-line Polarizer(ILP) ……………………………………………………….....….…6 Company Logo Polarization Beam Combiner/Splitter(PBC/PBS) …………………….…....……7 A Leading Innovator in Fiber Optics Over the years, LightComm has introduced to the market a series of Pump Combiners, High Power Components, PM Fiber Components, High Power Isolator, HP(M)ISO 1310nm, 1550nm …………………….…....…..9 Mini Size and Specialty Fiber Couplers, developed in-house based on PM Isolator PBC/PBS(IPBC/IPBS) …………………………………….…....……10 state-of-the-art technology, proprietary process and LightComm intellectual property. LightComm engineers are able to help companies Manufacture Workshop PM Isolator(PMISO) …………………………………………………….……....….8 3 Ports PM Circulator (PMCIR) ……………………………………………......….11 all around the globe to achieve their goals by providing the right optical 4 Ports PM Circulator (PMCIR) ………………………………………….……..….12 component solutions cost-effectively with guaranteed quality. Millions of PM Filter Splitter(PMFS) …………………………………………….…….....…..13 LightComm components operate reliably 24 hours around the clock, year after year. PM Isolator WDM(PMIWDM ) …………………………………….……….......…14 PM Tap Isolator (PMTAPI) ……………………………………………….....….…15 PM Filter WDM(PMFWDM) ………………………………………….……...…..16 PM Tap Isolator WDM Hybrid(PMTIW) ………………………….…......…...…..17 Global Market and Focused Customer Service LightComm supports customers from design, prototype sampling to Products Exhibition Starting with excellence in customer service and PM Splitter …………………………………………………….………...…..........19 supported by a strong team of engineers, LightComm is focused on Polarization Maintaining Filter Splitter Module (1×N)(PMFSM Series)…..……20 mass-production. delivering the best solution. LightComm will review any special passive optical component requirements to assess feasibility, development cost Fiber Connector & PM Connector (CONN & PMCONN) ………….……...……23 experienced manufacturing team to smoothly and timely transition Fiber Code Instruction…………………….……...…………….……..……...……24 quality and reliability are two unshakably ingrained values in the LightComm’s company culture. LightComm is ISO9001:2008 certified and desires to be your trusted fiber optic partner. The World’s Biggest Pump Combiner Supplier The Leading High Power Isolator Manufacturer The Leading PM Fiber Components Manufacturer Let’s Make the Quality Best! ISO9001 Certified Since 2002 PM Optical Switch ………………………………………………….………..……22 and time to deliver prototypes. The R&D staff is complemented by an products from R&D to mass production. Achieving the highest product Connector Interferometer Variable Optical Attenuator (PMVOA & VOA) …………………….……....…….18 1 Lightcomm 2 Polarization Maintaining Fused Standard Coupler(PMC) Description LightComm uses unique fusing technique and polarization maintaining fiber to build the polarization maintaining fiber coupler (PMC).The coupling ratio could be selected according to customer’s request. It features low excess loss, small size and high polarization extinction ratio. PMC is widely used for optical sensors and optical gyro. Parameter Unit Return loss dB 50 Directivity dB 50 Power handling mW Operating temperature ℃ Storage temperature ℃ -40~85 Fiber type / Panda PM fiber Specification 500 -5~75 * The specifications are without connector. For devices with connectors, IL should be 0.3dB(1310~1550) or 0.5dB(980~1060) or 0.8dB(780~850) higher, ER should be 2dB lower(980,1064,1310,1550)or 3dB lower(780,850) * The specifications are given for slow axis working only, if fast axis or both axis working needed, IL will be 0.3dB higher. * For device adding connectors, key aligns to slow axis if no special requirement. Product Ordering Information: PMC-X-XXX-X XXX-XX/XX-X- XXX-XX/XXX-XX*XX Package: 3.0×54, 3.0×30, etc. PM Coupler Types Connector: FC/UPC, FC/APC etc. Port type:1×2,2×2 Fiber Code 473nm, 532nm, 655nm, 780nm, 850nm, 980nm, Pigtail Type: 0=250µm, 1=900µm, 2=2mm, 3=3mm, 4=others 1060nm,1310nm,1550nm splitter coupler Coupling Ratio: 1/99, 50/50 etc. Operating Wavelength: 1310nm, 1550nm etc. Mini size Φ3×30mm Port Number: 1×2 or 2×2 Grade: P=Premium, A=Grade A, X=on customer request Normal size PM Coupler Specifications: Wavelength Parameter CR IL(dB) ER(dB) 780,840±15nm P 980,1064±15nm A P 1310,1480,1550±15nm P A A 50/50 3.8 4.0 3.6 3.8 3.4 3.6 30/70 6.3/2.2 6.5/2.4 5.8/2.1 6.1/2.1 5.6/1.95 5.75/2.1 20/80 8.2/1.7 8.5/1.9 8.0/1.5 8.2/1.7 7.6/1.4 8.0/1.5 10/90 11.8/1.4 12.0/1.6 11.6/1.2 11.8/1.4 11.2/0.85 11.6/1.0 5/95 15.0/1.0 15.2/1.2 14.8/0.8 15.0/1.0 14.2/0.6 14.8/0.8 3/97 17.5/0.9 17.7/1.0 16.57/0.6 17.12/0.75 16.2/0.45 16.7/0.55 2/98 19.0/0.85 19.2/0.95 18.4/0.5 18.9/0.6 18.0/0.4 18.5/0.5 1/99 22.5/0.75 22.8/0.85 22.0/0.35 22.5/0.4 21.5/0.3 0.1/99.9 28~32 / CR>5% 20 18 20 18 16 18 5% CR>1% CR 0.6 27~33 / 0.8 28~32 / 0.35 1% 27~33 / 0.4 28~32 / 0.25 22/0.4 27~33 / 18 20 18 16 18 16 0.4 Out of concern Dimensions Φ×L(mm) 3×54 or longer * Above IL@Central wavelength. Mini size PM Coupler Specifications: Parameter Wavelength 980,1064,1310, CR IL (dB)@Central wavelength P A 50/50 3.8 4.0 30/70 6.1/2.3 6.3/2.5 20/80 8.5/1.8 8.6/1.9 10/90 11.5/1.2 11.8/1.4 1480,1550nm 5/95 14.5/1.0 14.8/1.2 ±15nm 3/97 17.1/0.6 17.5/0.7 2/98 18.9/0.5 19/0.6 1/99 22.0/0.4 0.1/99.9 28~32 / 0.4 22.5/0.5 27~33 / 0.5 ER (dB) P 20 A Dimensions Φ×L(mm) 18 3×30 18/20 16/20 NA/20 NA/20 (250um bare fiber) 1 Lightcomm 2 Polarization Maintaining Fused Standard Coupler(PMC) Description LightComm uses unique fusing technique and polarization maintaining fiber to build the polarization maintaining fiber coupler (PMC).The coupling ratio could be selected according to customer’s request. It features low excess loss, small size and high polarization extinction ratio. PMC is widely used for optical sensors and optical gyro. Parameter Unit Return loss dB 50 Directivity dB 50 Power handling mW Operating temperature ℃ Storage temperature ℃ -40~85 Fiber type / Panda PM fiber Specification 500 -5~75 * The specifications are without connector. For devices with connectors, IL should be 0.3dB(1310~1550) or 0.5dB(980~1060) or 0.8dB(780~850) higher, ER should be 2dB lower(980,1064,1310,1550)or 3dB lower(780,850) * The specifications are given for slow axis working only, if fast axis or both axis working needed, IL will be 0.3dB higher. * For device adding connectors, key aligns to slow axis if no special requirement. Product Ordering Information: PMC-X-XXX-X XXX-XX/XX-X- XXX-XX/XXX-XX*XX Package: 3.0×54, 3.0×30, etc. PM Coupler Types Connector: FC/UPC, FC/APC etc. Port type:1×2,2×2 Fiber Code 473nm, 532nm, 655nm, 780nm, 850nm, 980nm, Pigtail Type: 0=250µm, 1=900µm, 2=2mm, 3=3mm, 4=others 1060nm,1310nm,1550nm splitter coupler Coupling Ratio: 1/99, 50/50 etc. Operating Wavelength: 1310nm, 1550nm etc. Mini size Φ3×30mm Port Number: 1×2 or 2×2 Grade: P=Premium, A=Grade A, X=on customer request Normal size PM Coupler Specifications: Wavelength Parameter CR IL(dB) ER(dB) 780,840±15nm P 980,1064±15nm A P 1310,1480,1550±15nm P A A 50/50 3.8 4.0 3.6 3.8 3.4 3.6 30/70 6.3/2.2 6.5/2.4 5.8/2.1 6.1/2.1 5.6/1.95 5.75/2.1 20/80 8.2/1.7 8.5/1.9 8.0/1.5 8.2/1.7 7.6/1.4 8.0/1.5 10/90 11.8/1.4 12.0/1.6 11.6/1.2 11.8/1.4 11.2/0.85 11.6/1.0 5/95 15.0/1.0 15.2/1.2 14.8/0.8 15.0/1.0 14.2/0.6 14.8/0.8 3/97 17.5/0.9 17.7/1.0 16.57/0.6 17.12/0.75 16.2/0.45 16.7/0.55 2/98 19.0/0.85 19.2/0.95 18.4/0.5 18.9/0.6 18.0/0.4 18.5/0.5 1/99 22.5/0.75 22.8/0.85 22.0/0.35 22.5/0.4 21.5/0.3 0.1/99.9 28~32 / CR>5% 20 18 20 18 16 18 5% CR>1% CR 0.6 27~33 / 0.8 28~32 / 0.35 1% 27~33 / 0.4 28~32 / 0.25 22/0.4 27~33 / 18 20 18 16 18 16 0.4 Out of concern Dimensions Φ×L(mm) 3×54 or longer * Above IL@Central wavelength. Mini size PM Coupler Specifications: Parameter Wavelength 980,1064,1310, CR IL (dB)@Central wavelength P A 50/50 3.8 4.0 30/70 6.1/2.3 6.3/2.5 20/80 8.5/1.8 8.6/1.9 10/90 11.5/1.2 11.8/1.4 1480,1550nm 5/95 14.5/1.0 14.8/1.2 ±15nm 3/97 17.1/0.6 17.5/0.7 2/98 18.9/0.5 19/0.6 1/99 22.0/0.4 0.1/99.9 28~32 / 0.4 22.5/0.5 27~33 / 0.5 ER (dB) P 20 A Dimensions Φ×L(mm) 18 3×30 18/20 16/20 NA/20 NA/20 (250um bare fiber) 3 Lightcomm 4 Polarization Maintaining Fused Wide Band Coupler(PMWBC) Polarization Maintaining Fused WDM(PMWDM) Description Description LightComm uses unique fusing technique and polarization maintaining fiber to build the polarization maintaining fused wide band coupler (PMWBC).The coupling ratio could be selected according to customer’s request. It features low excess loss, small size and high polarization extinction ratio. PMC is widely used for optical sensors and optical gyro, optical amplifier. LightComm uses unique fusing technique and polarization maintaining fiber to build the polarization maintaining fused WDM (PMWDM).The wavelength could be selected according to customer’s request. It features low excess loss, small size ,high polarization extinction ratio and high isolation. PMWDM is widely used for optical sensors, fiber gyro, optical amplifier. PM Coupler Types PM Coupler Types Port type:1×2,2×2 Port type:1×2,2×2 980/1550nm,1064/1550nm,980/1064nm 1310nm,1480nm,1550nm splitter coupler Wide band(±40nm) Specifications: Specifications: WDM Operating Wavelength 1310, 1480, 1550 ±40nm IL (dB) CR ER (dB) DimensionsΦ×L(mm) P A 50/50 3.8 4.0 30/70 6.1/2.3 6.3/2.5 20/80 8.1/1.7 8.3/1.9 P A 1064 / 1550 20 18 980 / 1064 10/90 11.5/1.2 11.8/1.4 3×54 or 5/95 14.5/0.9 14.8/1.0 customized 3/97 17.1/0.6 17.5/0.7 2/98 18.5/0.5 18.8/0.6 1/99 22.0/0.45 22.5/0.55 18/20 16/18 NA/20 NA/18 Parameter Unit Return loss dB 50 Specification Directivity dB 50 Power handling mW 500 Operating temperature ℃ -5~75 Storage temperature ℃ -40~85 Fiber type / Panda PM fiber *Other wavelength 0.7 18 0.7 0.8 20 18 20 18 1064±10 0.7 0.8 20 18 19 17 3×54 1550±20 0.7 0.8 20 18 19 17 or customized 980±5 0.75 0.85 19 17 14 12 3×60 1064±5 0.75 0.85 19 17 14 12 or customized A A 0.8 P P 20 A A can be made by customer’s request. *All WDMs are available for slow and fast axis operation. Parameter Unit Return loss dB 50 Directivity dB 50 Power handling mW Operating temperature ℃ Storage temperature ℃ -40~85 Fiber type / Panda PM fiber Specification 500 -5~75 * The specifications are without connector. For devices with connectors, IL should be 0.3dB(1310~1550) or 0.5dB(980~1060) or 0.8dB(780~850) higher, ER should be 2dB lower. * The specifications are given for slow axis working only, if fast axis or both axis working needed, IL will be 0.3dB higher. * For device adding connectors, key aligns to slow axis if no special requirement. * The specifications are without connectors. For devices with connectors, IL should be 0.3 dB higher ,and ER should be 2dB lower. * For device adding connectors, key aligns to slow axis if no special requirement. Product Ordering Information: PMWDM-X-XXX-XXXX/XXXX-X- XXX-XX/XXX-XX*XX Product Ordering Information: Package: 3.0×54 etc. PMWBC-X-XXX-XX XX-XX/XX-X- XXX-XX/XXX-XX*XX Connector: FC/UPC, FC/APC etc. Package: 3.0×54 etc. Fiber Code Connector: FC/UPC, FC/APC etc. Pigtail Type: 0=250µm, 1=900µm, 2=2mm, 3=3mm, 4=others Fiber Code Operating Wavelength: 980/1550nm etc. Pigtail Type: 0=250µm, 1=900µm, 2=2mm, 3=3mm, 4=others Port Number: 1×2 or 2×2 Coupling Ratio: 1/99, 50/50 etc. Grade: P=Premium, A=Grade A, X=on customer request Operating Wavelength: 1310nm, 1550nm etc. Port Number: 1×2 or 2×2 Grade: P=Premium, A=Grade A, X=on customer request or customized 980±10 1550±20 P 980 / 1550 Dimension Φ×L(mm) Isolation P A 20P 18 ER (dB) IL (dB) Operating wavelength(nm) 3×54,3×70 A 3 Lightcomm 4 Polarization Maintaining Fused Wide Band Coupler(PMWBC) Polarization Maintaining Fused WDM(PMWDM) Description Description LightComm uses unique fusing technique and polarization maintaining fiber to build the polarization maintaining fused wide band coupler (PMWBC).The coupling ratio could be selected according to customer’s request. It features low excess loss, small size and high polarization extinction ratio. PMC is widely used for optical sensors and optical gyro, optical amplifier. LightComm uses unique fusing technique and polarization maintaining fiber to build the polarization maintaining fused WDM (PMWDM).The wavelength could be selected according to customer’s request. It features low excess loss, small size ,high polarization extinction ratio and high isolation. PMWDM is widely used for optical sensors, fiber gyro, optical amplifier. PM Coupler Types PM Coupler Types Port type:1×2,2×2 Port type:1×2,2×2 980/1550nm,1064/1550nm,980/1064nm 1310nm,1480nm,1550nm splitter coupler Wide band(±40nm) Specifications: Specifications: WDM Operating Wavelength 1310, 1480, 1550 ±40nm IL (dB) CR ER (dB) DimensionsΦ×L(mm) P A 50/50 3.8 4.0 30/70 6.1/2.3 6.3/2.5 20/80 8.1/1.7 8.3/1.9 P A 1064 / 1550 20 18 980 / 1064 10/90 11.5/1.2 11.8/1.4 3×54 or 5/95 14.5/0.9 14.8/1.0 customized 3/97 17.1/0.6 17.5/0.7 2/98 18.5/0.5 18.8/0.6 1/99 22.0/0.45 22.5/0.55 18/20 16/18 NA/20 NA/18 Parameter Unit Return loss dB 50 Specification Directivity dB 50 Power handling mW 500 Operating temperature ℃ -5~75 Storage temperature ℃ -40~85 Fiber type / Panda PM fiber *Other wavelength 0.7 18 0.7 0.8 20 18 20 18 1064±10 0.7 0.8 20 18 19 17 3×54 1550±20 0.7 0.8 20 18 19 17 or customized 980±5 0.75 0.85 19 17 14 12 3×60 1064±5 0.75 0.85 19 17 14 12 or customized ER (dB) A A 0.8 P P 20 A A can be made by customer’s request. *All WDMs are available for slow and fast axis operation. Parameter Unit Return loss dB 50 Directivity dB 50 Power handling mW Operating temperature ℃ Storage temperature ℃ -40~85 Fiber type / Panda PM fiber Specification 500 -5~75 * The specifications are without connector. For devices with connectors, IL should be 0.3dB(1310~1550) or 0.5dB(980~1060) or 0.8dB(780~850) higher, ER should be 2dB lower. * The specifications are given for slow axis working only, if fast axis or both axis working needed, IL will be 0.3dB higher. * For device adding connectors, key aligns to slow axis if no special requirement. * The specifications are without connectors. For devices with connectors, IL should be 0.3 dB higher ,and ER should be 2dB lower. * For device adding connectors, key aligns to slow axis if no special requirement. Product Ordering Information: PMWDM-X-XXX-XXXX/XXXX-X- XXX-XX/XXX-XX*XX Product Ordering Information: Package: 3.0×54 etc. PMWBC-X-XXX-XX XX-XX/XX-X- XXX-XX/XXX-XX*XX Connector: FC/UPC, FC/APC etc. Package: 3.0×54 etc. Fiber Code Connector: FC/UPC, FC/APC etc. Pigtail Type: 0=250µm, 1=900µm, 2=2mm, 3=3mm, 4=others Fiber Code Operating Wavelength: 980/1550nm etc. Pigtail Type: 0=250µm, 1=900µm, 2=2mm, 3=3mm, 4=others Port Number: 1×2 or 2×2 Coupling Ratio: 1/99, 50/50 etc. Grade: P=Premium, A=Grade A, X=on customer request Operating Wavelength: 1310nm, 1550nm etc. Port Number: 1×2 or 2×2 Grade: P=Premium, A=Grade A, X=on customer request or customized 980±10 1550±20 P 980 / 1550 Dimension Φ×L(mm) Isolation P A 20P 18 IL (dB) Operating wavelength(nm) 3×54,3×70 A 5 Lightcomm 6 Polarization Maintaining fiber Collimator (PMCOLL) In-line Polarizer Description Description The Polarization Maintaining fiber collimator is The In-line Polarizer is a Micro Optics device can be the basic element for PM fiber optics used to convert un-polarized light into polarized light components, it characterized with low IL, high with high extinction ratio. It can also be used to return loss, high extinction ratio. enhance the extinction ratio of signals. The In-line polarizer offers low insertion loss, high extinction ratio, high return loss and excellent environmental stability Features and reliability. It is ideal for high speed communication Low insertion loss systems and test instrumentation applications. High extinction ratio Excellent stability and reliability Φ 1.5 Features 0.5 Applications Φ1.8 PM fiber optics components Low insertion loss High extinction ratio Laboratory R&D Excellent stability and reliability L Normal Size Specifications Type Applications Unit 630 780 850 980 1060 1310 1550 Fiber lasers Center wavelength nm 630 780 850 980 1060 1310 1550 Fiber amplifiers Operating bandwidth nm ±15 ±15 ±20 ±20 ±20 ±40 ±40 Insertion loss at WD Fiber Sensors dB Extinction ratio dB Parameter 0.8 1.0 0.50 0.55 20 0.35 0.50 0.30 23 Return loss dB Working distance mm 5 or Customer Request Handling power mW 300 or Customer Request Fiber type / Operating temperature ℃ -5~+70 Storage temperature ℃ -40~+85 Dimension mm Mini Size Optical Communications 50 500 or Customer Request Specifications PM Fiber Gilded metal tube:Φ3.2×L10 Glass tube:Φ2.85xL8,Φ2.78xL8 * IL is 0.3dB (1310~1550nm) or 0.50dB (980~1060) or 0.80dB (780~850) or 1.50dB (630) higher, RL is 5dB lower and ER is 2dB (1310~1550nm, 980~1060nm) or 3dB (780~850nm, 630nm) lower for each connector added. The default connector key is aligned to slow axis. Type Unit 630 850 980 1064 1310 1550 Center wavelength nm 630 850 980 1064 1310 1550 Operating bandwidth nm ±20 ±20 ±20 ±40 ±50 Insertion loss dB 1.3 1.0 0.8 Extinction ratio @23℃ dB 24 25 25 Return loss dB Fiber type / Parameter ±50 0.6 0.5 28 28 50 *The Spec. just for single fiber collimator, Dual fiber collimator will be discussed Option1: PMF- PMF *Working distance (WD) is defined below: Option2: SMF - PMF Option3: SMF – SMF 300 Handling power Operating temperature WD 500 -5~+70 ℃ Storage temperature ℃ Dimensions mm -40~+85 Φ5.5×L35 or Φ3.0×L25 or Φ2.0×L15 (Only for 1550nm) * For option2 and option3, all of Insertion Loss should plus 3.0dB when launching circular polarized light; ** IL is 0.3dB (1310~1550nm) or 0.50dB (980~1060) or 0.80dB (780~850) or 1.50dB (630) higher, RL is 5dB lower and ER is 2dB (1310~1550nm, 980~1060nm) or 3dB (780~850nm, 630nm) lower for each connector added. The default connector key is aligned to slow axis. Product Ordering Information: PMCOLL-X-X- XXXX-X-X-XXX-XX/XXX-XX*XX Package: 3.2×10, 2.85x8 etc, 2.78x8 etc. Connector: FC/UPC, FC/APC etc. Fiber Code Pigtail Type: 0=250µm, 1=900µm, 4=others Working Distance:5mm, 20mm etc. Operating Wavelength: 1064nm etc. Lens Type: C=C-Lens, O=Other S=Single fiber, D=Dual fiber (Customer Request two fiber align) Product Ordering Information: ILP-XXX-XXXX-X-XXX-XX/XXX-XX*XX Package: 5.5×35, 3.0×25, 2.0×15, etc. Connector: FC/UPC, FC/APC etc. Fiber Code Pigtail Type: 0=250µm, 1=900µm, 2=2mm, 3=3mm, 4=others Operating Wavelength: 1550nm etc. Port Number: 1×1 5 Lightcomm 6 Polarization Maintaining fiber Collimator (PMCOLL) In-line Polarizer Description Description The Polarization Maintaining fiber collimator is The In-line Polarizer is a Micro Optics device can be the basic element for PM fiber optics used to convert un-polarized light into polarized light components, it characterized with low IL, high with high extinction ratio. It can also be used to return loss, high extinction ratio. enhance the extinction ratio of signals. The In-line polarizer offers low insertion loss, high extinction ratio, high return loss and excellent environmental stability Features and reliability. It is ideal for high speed communication Low insertion loss systems and test instrumentation applications. High extinction ratio Excellent stability and reliability Φ 1.5 Features 0.5 Applications Φ1.8 PM fiber optics components Low insertion loss High extinction ratio Laboratory R&D Excellent stability and reliability L Normal Size Specifications Type Applications Unit 630 780 850 980 1060 1310 1550 Fiber lasers Center wavelength nm 630 780 850 980 1060 1310 1550 Fiber amplifiers Operating bandwidth nm ±15 ±15 ±20 ±20 ±20 ±40 ±40 Insertion loss at WD Fiber Sensors dB Extinction ratio dB Parameter 0.8 1.0 0.50 0.55 20 0.35 0.50 0.30 23 Return loss dB Working distance mm 5 or Customer Request Handling power mW 300 or Customer Request Fiber type / Operating temperature ℃ -5~+70 Storage temperature ℃ -40~+85 Dimension mm Mini Size Optical Communications 50 500 or Customer Request Specifications PM Fiber Gilded metal tube:Φ3.2×L10 Glass tube:Φ2.85xL8,Φ2.78xL8 * IL is 0.3dB (1310~1550nm) or 0.50dB (980~1060) or 0.80dB (780~850) or 1.50dB (630) higher, RL is 5dB lower and ER is 2dB (1310~1550nm, 980~1060nm) or 3dB (780~850nm, 630nm) lower for each connector added. The default connector key is aligned to slow axis. Type Unit 630 850 980 1064 1310 1550 Center wavelength nm 630 850 980 1064 1310 1550 Operating bandwidth nm ±20 ±20 ±20 ±40 ±50 Insertion loss dB 1.3 1.0 0.8 Extinction ratio @23℃ dB 24 25 25 Return loss dB Fiber type / Parameter ±50 0.6 0.5 28 28 50 *The Spec. just for single fiber collimator, Dual fiber collimator will be discussed Option1: PMF- PMF *Working distance (WD) is defined below: Option2: SMF - PMF Option3: SMF – SMF 300 Handling power Operating temperature WD 500 -5~+70 ℃ Storage temperature ℃ Dimensions mm -40~+85 Φ5.5×L35 or Φ3.0×L25 or Φ2.0×L15 (Only for 1550nm) * For option2 and option3, all of Insertion Loss should plus 3.0dB when launching circular polarized light; ** IL is 0.3dB (1310~1550nm) or 0.50dB (980~1060) or 0.80dB (780~850) or 1.50dB (630) higher, RL is 5dB lower and ER is 2dB (1310~1550nm, 980~1060nm) or 3dB (780~850nm, 630nm) lower for each connector added. The default connector key is aligned to slow axis. Product Ordering Information: PMCOLL-X-X- XXXX-X-X-XXX-XX/XXX-XX*XX Package: 3.2×10, 2.85x8 etc, 2.78x8 etc. Connector: FC/UPC, FC/APC etc. Fiber Code Pigtail Type: 0=250µm, 1=900µm, 4=others Working Distance:5mm, 20mm etc. Operating Wavelength: 1064nm etc. Lens Type: C=C-Lens, O=Other S=Single fiber, D=Dual fiber (Customer Request two fiber align) Product Ordering Information: ILP-XXX-XXXX-X-XXX-XX/XXX-XX*XX Package: 5.5×35, 3.0×25, 2.0×15, etc. Connector: FC/UPC, FC/APC etc. Fiber Code Pigtail Type: 0=250µm, 1=900µm, 2=2mm, 3=3mm, 4=others Operating Wavelength: 1550nm etc. Port Number: 1×1 7 Lightcomm 8 Polarization Beam Combiner/Splitter (PBC/PBS) Polarization Maintaining Isolator (PMISO) Description Description The Polarization Beam Combiner/Splitter is a micro- The Polarization Maintaining Isolator is a micro-optic optic device that can combine two polarized light device built with an input and an output PM fiber. It is signals into one output fiber, or split one light into two characterized with low insertion loss, high extinction polarized outputs with their polarization states ratio, high isolation, high return loss and excellent orthogonal to each other. The typical configuration of environmental stability and reliability. It is widely used PBC uses the two PM fiber for input and the SM fiber in EDFA, Raman amplifier, fiber lasers, optical fiber for output. It is ideal choice for application in EDFA, sensors and instrumentation. Raman amplifier, pump lasers, high speed communication systems and optical fiber sensors. Features Features Port 3 Port 1 Low insertion loss Port 2 High extinction ratio High extinction ratio High isolation Excellent stability and reliability Excellent stability and reliability Normal Size Applications Normal Size Applications EDFA Fiber amplifiers Raman amplifier Fiber lasers Optical Communications Fiber Sensors Mini Size Laboratory R&D Parameter Specifications Unit 1064 1315 780 850 980 Center wavelength nm 1064 1310,1480 or 1550 780 820/850/880 980 Operating bandwidth nm ±20 ±40 ±20 ±20 ±20 Insertion loss Working PBC axis type 0, 1, 2 dB Extinction ratio dB Return loss dB Directivity dB Fiber type / Mini Size Instrumentation Specifications Type Low insertion loss 0.8 PBS 1 0.8 0& 2 3.8 0, 1, 2 0.6 1 0.6 PBS PBC PBS PBC 0& 2 3.6 0, 1, 2 1.5 1 1.5 PBS PBC 0& 2 4.5 0, 1, 2 1.2 1 1.2 PBC 0& 2 4. 2 0, 1, 2 1.0 PBS 1 1.0 22(for PBS) 50 50 Port1&Port2:PM Panda fiber,Port3 PM Panda fiber or SM fiber Operating temperature ℃ -5~+70 Storage temperature ℃ -40~+85 Dimensions mm Type Parameter Ф5.5× L35 or Ф3.0×L25 0& 2 4.0 Unit Center wavelength nm Operating bandwidth nm Insertion loss @23℃ dB PM Isolator(PMISO) Dual stage Single stage Single stage ±15 ±5 2.0 0.6 3.0 20(Type B) 0.7 20(Type B) Extinction ratio dB Isolation @23℃ dB Return loss(Input/Output) dB 55/50 Handling power mW 300 Fiber type / Operating temperature ℃ Storage temperature ℃ -40~+85 Dimensions mm Ф5.5× L35 or Ф3.0× L25 23(Type F) 30 Dual stage 1310,1440,1550 1064 25(Type F) 45 30 46 55/50 500 PM Fiber -5~+50 -5~+70 *For PBS with working axis type 0, Insertion loss is for un-polarized light input; * IL is 0.3dB (1310~1550nm) or 0.50dB (980~1060)higher, RL is 5dB lower and ER is 2dB lower for each connector added. The default connector key is aligned to slow axis. *For PBS with working axis type 2, Insertion loss is for polarized light input. *IL is 0.3dB (1310~1550nm) or 0.5dB (980nm,1064nm) or 0.8dB(780nm~880nm)higher, RL is 5dB lower and ER is 2dB(1310~1550nm, 980~1064nm) or 3dB(780~850nm) lower for each connector added. * Type B:Both axis working, Type F: Fast axis blocked. The default connector key is aligned to slow axis. Product Ordering Information: Product Ordering Information: PBC(S)-XXX-XXXX-X- XXX-XX/XXX-XX*XX-X PMISO-X-X-XXXX-X- XXX-XX/XXX-XX*XX Working Axis Type:0=port3 SM fiber; 1=port3 PM fiber and slow axis aligned to port1, Package Size: 5.5×35, 3.0×25, etc. 2= port 3 PM fiber and slow axis align 45°to port1, 4=others Input/Output Connector: FC/UPC, FC/APC etc. Package: 5.5×35, 3.0×25, etc. Fiber Code Connector: FC/UPC, FC/APC etc. Pigtail Type: 0=250μm, 1=900μm Fiber Code Operating Wavelength: 1310nm, 1550nm etc. Pigtail Type: 0=250µm, 1=900µm, 2=2mm, 3=3mm, 4=others Working Axis Type: B= Both axis working, F=Fast axis blocked Operating Wavelength: 1550nm, 1064nm etc Stage: S= Single stage, D= Dual stage Port Number: 1×2(For PBS) or 2×1(For PBC) 7 Lightcomm 8 Polarization Beam Combiner/Splitter (PBC/PBS) Polarization Maintaining Isolator (PMISO) Description Description The Polarization Beam Combiner/Splitter is a micro- The Polarization Maintaining Isolator is a micro-optic optic device that can combine two polarized light device built with an input and an output PM fiber. It is signals into one output fiber, or split one light into two characterized with low insertion loss, high extinction polarized outputs with their polarization states ratio, high isolation, high return loss and excellent orthogonal to each other. The typical configuration of environmental stability and reliability. It is widely used PBC uses the two PM fiber for input and the SM fiber in EDFA, Raman amplifier, fiber lasers, optical fiber for output. It is ideal choice for application in EDFA, sensors and instrumentation. Raman amplifier, pump lasers, high speed communication systems and optical fiber sensors. Features Features Port 3 Port 1 Low insertion loss Port 2 High extinction ratio High extinction ratio High isolation Excellent stability and reliability Excellent stability and reliability Normal Size Applications Normal Size Applications EDFA Fiber amplifiers Raman amplifier Fiber lasers Optical Communications Fiber Sensors Mini Size Laboratory R&D Parameter Specifications 1064 Unit 1315 780 850 980 Center wavelength nm 1064 1310,1480 or 1550 780 820/850/880 980 Operating bandwidth nm ±20 ±40 ±20 ±20 ±20 Insertion loss Working PBC axis type 0, 1, 2 dB Extinction ratio dB Return loss dB Directivity dB Fiber type / Mini Size Instrumentation Specifications Type Low insertion loss 0.8 PBS 1 0.8 0& 2 3.8 0, 1, 2 0.6 1 0.6 PBS PBC PBS PBC 0& 2 3.6 0, 1, 2 1.5 1 1.5 PBS PBC 0& 2 4.5 0, 1, 2 1.2 1 1.2 PBC 0& 2 4. 2 0, 1, 2 1.0 PBS 1 1.0 22(for PBS) 50 50 Port1&Port2:PM Panda fiber,Port3 PM Panda fiber or SM fiber Operating temperature ℃ -5~+70 Storage temperature ℃ -40~+85 Dimensions mm Type Parameter Ф5.5× L35 or Ф3.0×L25 0& 2 4.0 Unit Center wavelength nm Operating bandwidth nm Insertion loss @23℃ dB PM Isolator(PMISO) Dual stage Single stage Single stage ±15 ±5 2.0 3.0 0.6 20(Type B) 0.7 20(Type B) Extinction ratio dB Isolation @23℃ dB Return loss(Input/Output) dB 55/50 Handling power mW 300 Fiber type / Operating temperature ℃ Storage temperature ℃ -40~+85 Dimensions mm Ф5.5× L35 or Ф3.0× L25 23(Type F) 30 Dual stage 1310,1440,1550 1064 25(Type F) 45 30 46 55/50 500 PM Fiber -5~+50 -5~+70 *For PBS with working axis type 0, Insertion loss is for un-polarized light input; * IL is 0.3dB (1310~1550nm) or 0.50dB (980~1060)higher, RL is 5dB lower and ER is 2dB lower for each connector added. The default connector key is aligned to slow axis. *For PBS with working axis type 2, Insertion loss is for polarized light input. *IL is 0.3dB (1310~1550nm) or 0.5dB (980nm,1064nm) or 0.8dB(780nm~880nm)higher, RL is 5dB lower and ER is 2dB(1310~1550nm, 980~1064nm) or 3dB(780~850nm) lower for each connector added. * Type B:Both axis working, Type F: Fast axis blocked. The default connector key is aligned to slow axis. Product Ordering Information: Product Ordering Information: PBC(S)-XXX-XXXX-X- XXX-XX/XXX-XX*XX-X PMISO-X-X-XXXX-X- XXX-XX/XXX-XX*XX Working Axis Type:0=port3 SM fiber; 1=port3 PM fiber and slow axis aligned to port1, Package Size: 5.5×35, 3.0×25, etc. 2= port 3 PM fiber and slow axis align 45°to port1, 4=others Input/Output Connector: FC/UPC, FC/APC etc. Package: 5.5×35, 3.0×25, etc. Fiber Code Connector: FC/UPC, FC/APC etc. Pigtail Type: 0=250μm, 1=900μm Fiber Code Operating Wavelength: 1310nm, 1550nm etc. Pigtail Type: 0=250µm, 1=900µm, 2=2mm, 3=3mm, 4=others Working Axis Type: B= Both axis working, F=Fast axis blocked Operating Wavelength: 1550nm, 1064nm etc Stage: S= Single stage, D= Dual stage Port Number: 1×2(For PBS) or 2×1(For PBC) Lightcomm 10 9 High Power Isolator HP(M)ISO 1310nm, 1550nm Isolator PBC/PBS (IPBC/IPBS) Description Description Isolators are directional optical component used in fiber The Isolator Polarization Beam Combiner/Splitter is optical module, EDFA, and communication systems. a hybrid device that has functions of PBC/PBS and isolator in a single compact package. The IPBC/S is Features characterized with low insertion loss, high isolation, Normal Size high return loss, high extinction ratio and excellent High isolation environmental stability and reliability. It is ideal Low insertion loss choice for application in fiber amplifier, and optical High return loss Higher Power Size communication systems where signal monitoring is required. Applications Features EDFA Communication systems Port 3 Port 1 Low insertion loss Port 2 High extinction ratio Testing instruments High isolation Excellent stability and reliability Specifications Applications Type Parameter Unit 5W For PM or NON PM Fiber Dual stage Single stage 5W~10W For NON PM Fiber Dual stage Single stage Operating wavelength nm 1310 or 1550 Operating bandwidth nm ± 15 Isolation@ 23℃ dB 30 46 Insertion loss Typ. dB 0.40 0.60 0.50 0.60 Insertion loss dB 0.60 0.80 0.70 0.80 PDL(for NON PM fiber) dB 0.1 0.15 0.1 0.15 / / 0.05 0.25 0.05 55 55 55 Extinction Ratio(for PM Isolator) dB PMD ps 0.25 Return loss dB 55 Power handling W Operating temperature ℃ -5 ~ +70 Storage temperature ℃ -40 ~ +80 Dimensions mm Fiber amplifiers Fiber Sensors 46 30 20(Type B) 22(Type F) Fiber lasers 5W 5W~10W Specifications Type Unit 1064 1315 Center wavelength nm 1064 1310,1440 or 1550 Operating Bandwidth nm ±5 Parameter Insertion loss Working axis type dB Ф5.5× L30(for NON PM fiber type) Ф5.5× L35(for PM fiber type) Communications L70*W12*H8 2.1(S) 3.5(D) Package: 5.5×30, 5.5×35, 70*12*8 etc. Input/Output connector: FC/UPC, FC/APC etc. Fiber Code 5.1(S) 6.5(D) 0.7(S) 25(S) 42 (D) dB Extinction ratio (for Splitter only) dB 20 Return loss dB 50 Directivity dB 0.9(D) 0& 2 1 0.7(S) 0.9(D) 3.7(S) 3.9(D) 50 mW *For PM Fiber: B type=Both Axis Working, F type=Fast axis blocked. HPMISO-X-X-XXXX-X-X-X- XXX-XX/XXX-XX*XX 3.5(D) IPBS 0, 1, 2 Isolation@23℃ Handling power Product Ordering Information: 2.1(S) IPBC 0& 2 1 0, 1, 2 *The above specification is without connector. *Other specifications can be made on customer request ±15 IPBS IPBC 300(IPBS) 500(IPBS) 150(IPBC) 250(IPBC) Port 1& Port 2: PM fiber Port 3: PM fiber or SM fiber Fiber type / Operating temperature ℃ Storage temperature ℃ -40 to +85 Dimensions mm Ф5.5× L35 -5 to +50 -5 to +70 *For IPBS with working axis type 0, Insertion loss is for un-polarized light input; *For IPBS with working axis type 2, Insertion loss is for polarized light input. *S=Single Stage, D=Dual Stage *IL is 0.3dB (1310~1550nm) or 0.5dB (1064nm) higher, RL is 5dB lower and ER is 2dB lower for each connector added. The default connector key is aligned to slow axis. Average Power Handling: 1=1W, 5=5W, 10=10W etc. Product Ordering Information: C=Continue Working, P (1)= Pulse Peak Power(1kW) etc. IPBC(S)-XXX-X-XXXX-X- XXX-XX/XXX-XX*XX-X Pigtail Type: 0=250μm, 1=900μm, 4=other Working Axis Type:0=port3 SM fiber,1=port3 PM fiber and slow axis aligned to port1, Operating Wavelength: 1310=1310nm, 1550=1550nm etc. 2= port 3 PM fiber and slow axis align 45°to port1, 4=others B=Both Axis Working, F=Fast axis blocked Package: 5.5×35 etc. Type: S= Single stage, D= Dual stage Connector: FC/UPC, FC/APC etc. Fiber Code Pigtail Type: 0=250µm, 1=900µm, 4=others Operating Wavelength: 1064nm etc Stage: S=Single Stage, D=Dual Stage IPBC:2×1,IPBS:1×2 Lightcomm 10 9 High Power Isolator HP(M)ISO 1310nm, 1550nm Isolator PBC/PBS (IPBC/IPBS) Description Description Isolators are directional optical component used in fiber The Isolator Polarization Beam Combiner/Splitter is optical module, EDFA, and communication systems. a hybrid device that has functions of PBC/PBS and isolator in a single compact package. The IPBC/S is Features characterized with low insertion loss, high isolation, Normal Size high return loss, high extinction ratio and excellent High isolation environmental stability and reliability. It is ideal Low insertion loss choice for application in fiber amplifier, and optical High return loss Higher Power Size communication systems where signal monitoring is required. Applications Features EDFA Communication systems Port 3 Port 1 Low insertion loss Port 2 High extinction ratio Testing instruments High isolation Excellent stability and reliability Specifications Applications Type Parameter Unit 5W For PM or NON PM Fiber Dual stage Single stage 5W~10W For NON PM Fiber Dual stage Single stage Operating wavelength nm 1310 or 1550 Operating bandwidth nm ± 15 Isolation@ 23℃ dB 30 46 Insertion loss Typ. dB 0.40 0.60 0.50 0.60 Insertion loss dB 0.60 0.80 0.70 0.80 PDL(for NON PM fiber) dB 0.1 0.15 0.1 0.15 / / 0.05 0.25 0.05 55 55 55 Extinction Ratio(for PM Isolator) dB PMD ps 0.25 Return loss dB 55 Power handling W Operating temperature ℃ -5 ~ +70 Storage temperature ℃ -40 ~ +80 Dimensions mm Fiber amplifiers Fiber Sensors 46 30 20(Type B) 22(Type F) Fiber lasers 5W 5W~10W Specifications Type Unit 1064 1315 Center wavelength nm 1064 1310,1440 or 1550 Operating Bandwidth nm ±5 Parameter Insertion loss Working axis type dB Ф5.5× L30(for NON PM fiber type) Ф5.5× L35(for PM fiber type) Communications L70*W12*H8 2.1(S) 3.5(D) Package: 5.5×30, 5.5×35, 70*12*8 etc. Input/Output connector: FC/UPC, FC/APC etc. Fiber Code 5.1(S) 6.5(D) 0.7(S) 25(S) 42 (D) dB Extinction ratio (for Splitter only) dB 20 Return loss dB 50 Directivity dB 0.9(D) 0& 2 1 0.7(S) 0.9(D) 3.7(S) 3.9(D) 50 mW *For PM Fiber: B type=Both Axis Working, F type=Fast axis blocked. HPMISO-X-X-XXXX-X-X-X- XXX-XX/XXX-XX*XX 3.5(D) IPBS 0, 1, 2 Isolation@23℃ Handling power Product Ordering Information: 2.1(S) IPBC 0& 2 1 0, 1, 2 *The above specification is without connector. *Other specifications can be made on customer request ±15 IPBS IPBC 300(IPBS) 500(IPBS) 150(IPBC) 250(IPBC) Port 1& Port 2: PM fiber Port 3: PM fiber or SM fiber Fiber type / Operating temperature ℃ Storage temperature ℃ -40 to +85 Dimensions mm Ф5.5× L35 -5 to +50 -5 to +70 *For IPBS with working axis type 0, Insertion loss is for un-polarized light input; *For IPBS with working axis type 2, Insertion loss is for polarized light input. *S=Single Stage, D=Dual Stage *IL is 0.3dB (1310~1550nm) or 0.5dB (1064nm) higher, RL is 5dB lower and ER is 2dB lower for each connector added. The default connector key is aligned to slow axis. Average Power Handling: 1=1W, 5=5W, 10=10W etc. Product Ordering Information: C=Continue Working, P (1)= Pulse Peak Power(1kW) etc. IPBC(S)-XXX-X-XXXX-X- XXX-XX/XXX-XX*XX-X Pigtail Type: 0=250μm, 1=900μm, 4=other Working Axis Type:0=port3 SM fiber,1=port3 PM fiber and slow axis aligned to port1, Operating Wavelength: 1310=1310nm, 1550=1550nm etc. 2= port 3 PM fiber and slow axis align 45°to port1, 4=others B=Both Axis Working, F=Fast axis blocked Package: 5.5×35 etc. Type: S= Single stage, D= Dual stage Connector: FC/UPC, FC/APC etc. Fiber Code Pigtail Type: 0=250µm, 1=900µm, 4=others Operating Wavelength: 1064nm etc Stage: S=Single Stage, D=Dual Stage IPBC:2×1,IPBS:1×2 Lightcomm 12 11 3 Ports Polarization Maintaining Optical Circulator (3 Ports PMCIR) Description 4 Ports Polarization Maintaining Optical Circulator ( 4 Ports PMCIR) Description The 3 Ports Polarization Maintaining optical The 4 Ports Polarization Maintaining optical circulator is a 3 port micro-optic device built with PM circulator is a 4 port micro-optic device built with PM fiber. The PM Circulator transmits a signal from port1 fiber. The PM Circulator transmits the incoming to port2 and transmits another signal from port2 to signal from port1 to port2, from port2 to port3, from port3 while maintaining the polarization of the signal. port3 to port4 while maintaining the polarization of It is characterized with low insertion loss, high the signal. It is characterized with low insertion loss, isolation, high return loss, high extinction ratio and high isolation, high return loss, high extinction ratio excellent environmental stability and reliability. It is and excellent environmental stability and reliability. widely used in fiber amplifier systems, fiber lasers It is widely used in fiber amplifier systems, fiber and optical fiber sensors. lasers and optical fiber sensors. Features Port 2 Port 1 Port 3 Low insertion loss Features Low insertion loss High extinction ratio High extinction ratio High isolation High isolation Excellent stability and reliability Excellent stability and reliability Applications Applications Fiber lasers Fiber lasers Fiber amplifiers Fiber amplifiers Fiber Sensors Fiber Sensors Optical Communications Optical Communications Parameter Port 2 Port 3 Port 4 Specifications Specifications Type Port 1 Type Unit Single stage Dual stage Single stage Dual stage Center wavelength nm 1064 1310 or 1550 Operating wavelength range nm ±5 ±20 Insertion loss@23℃ dB 2. 3 3.5 0.8 Extinction ratio dB Isolation@23℃ dB Return loss dB 50 Crosstalk dB 50 Handling power mW Fiber type / Operating temperature ℃ 0.9 22 20 35 30 300 46 500 PM Fiber -5 to +50 -5 to +70 Storage temperature ℃ -40 to +85 Dimensions mm Ф5.5× L35 Parameter Unit Type A Type B Center wavelength nm 1064 Operating wavelength range nm ±5 Insertion loss@23℃ dB Extinction ratio dB Isolation@23℃ dB Return loss dB Type A 1310 or 1550 ±20 2.3 4.0 1.1 20 45 Type B 1.0 20 25 40 22 50 Crosstalk dB 50 Handling power mW 300 Fiber type / Operating temperature ℃ Storage temperature ℃ -40 to +85 Dimensions mm Ф5.5× L35 PM Fiber -5 to +50 -5 to +70 * IL is 0.3dB (1310~1550nm) or 0.5dB (1064nm) higher, RL is 5dB lower and ER is 2dB lower for each connector added. The default connector key is aligned to slow axis. * IL is 0.3dB (1310~1550nm) or 0.5dB (1064nm) higher, RL is 5dB lower and ER is 2dB lower for each connector added. The default connector key is aligned to slow axis. Product Ordering Information: * The optical path: Type A: 1→2, 2→3, 3→4(Block 4→1), Type B: 1→2, 2→3, 3→4, 4→1 Product Ordering Information: PMCIR-X-X-XXXX-X- XXX-XX/XXX-XX*XX PMCIR-X-X-XXXX-X- XXX-XX/XXX-XX*XX Package: 5.5×35 etc. Package: 5.5×35 etc. Connector: FC/UPC, FC/APC etc. Connector: FC/UPC, FC/APC etc. Fiber Code Fiber Code Pigtail Type: 0=250µm, 1=900µm Pigtail Type: 0=250µm, 1=900µm Operating Wavelength: 1064nm, 1550nm etc. Operating Wavelength: 1064nm, 1550nm etc. Stage: S=single stage,D=Dual stage Type: A=Type A, B=Type B Port Number: 3=3 Ports Port Number: 4=4 Ports Lightcomm 12 11 3 Ports Polarization Maintaining Optical Circulator (3 Ports PMCIR) Description 4 Ports Polarization Maintaining Optical Circulator ( 4 Ports PMCIR) Description The 3 Ports Polarization Maintaining optical The 4 Ports Polarization Maintaining optical circulator is a 3 port micro-optic device built with PM circulator is a 4 port micro-optic device built with PM fiber. The PM Circulator transmits a signal from port1 fiber. The PM Circulator transmits the incoming to port2 and transmits another signal from port2 to signal from port1 to port2, from port2 to port3, from port3 while maintaining the polarization of the signal. port3 to port4 while maintaining the polarization of It is characterized with low insertion loss, high the signal. It is characterized with low insertion loss, isolation, high return loss, high extinction ratio and high isolation, high return loss, high extinction ratio excellent environmental stability and reliability. It is and excellent environmental stability and reliability. widely used in fiber amplifier systems, fiber lasers It is widely used in fiber amplifier systems, fiber and optical fiber sensors. lasers and optical fiber sensors. Features Port 2 Port 1 Port 3 Low insertion loss Features Low insertion loss High extinction ratio High extinction ratio High isolation High isolation Excellent stability and reliability Excellent stability and reliability Applications Applications Fiber lasers Fiber lasers Fiber amplifiers Fiber amplifiers Fiber Sensors Fiber Sensors Optical Communications Optical Communications Parameter Port 2 Port 3 Port 4 Specifications Specifications Type Port 1 Type Unit Single stage Dual stage Single stage Dual stage Center wavelength nm 1064 1310 or 1550 Operating wavelength range nm ±5 ±20 Insertion loss@23℃ dB 2. 3 3.5 0.8 Extinction ratio dB Isolation@23℃ dB Return loss dB 50 Crosstalk dB 50 Handling power mW Fiber type / Operating temperature ℃ 0.9 22 20 35 30 300 46 500 PM Fiber -5 to +50 -5 to +70 Storage temperature ℃ -40 to +85 Dimensions mm Ф5.5× L35 Parameter Unit Type A Type B Center wavelength nm 1064 Operating wavelength range nm ±5 Insertion loss@23℃ dB Extinction ratio dB Isolation@23℃ dB Return loss dB Type A 1310 or 1550 ±20 2.3 4.0 1.1 20 45 Type B 1.0 20 25 40 22 50 Crosstalk dB 50 Handling power mW 300 Fiber type / Operating temperature ℃ Storage temperature ℃ -40 to +85 Dimensions mm Ф5.5× L35 PM Fiber -5 to +50 -5 to +70 * IL is 0.3dB (1310~1550nm) or 0.5dB (1064nm) higher, RL is 5dB lower and ER is 2dB lower for each connector added. The default connector key is aligned to slow axis. * IL is 0.3dB (1310~1550nm) or 0.5dB (1064nm) higher, RL is 5dB lower and ER is 2dB lower for each connector added. The default connector key is aligned to slow axis. Product Ordering Information: * The optical path: Type A: 1→2, 2→3, 3→4(Block 4→1), Type B: 1→2, 2→3, 3→4, 4→1 Product Ordering Information: PMCIR-X-X-XXXX-X- XXX-XX/XXX-XX*XX PMCIR-X-X-XXXX-X- XXX-XX/XXX-XX*XX Package: 5.5×35 etc. Package: 5.5×35 etc. Connector: FC/UPC, FC/APC etc. Connector: FC/UPC, FC/APC etc. Fiber Code Fiber Code Pigtail Type: 0=250µm, 1=900µm Pigtail Type: 0=250µm, 1=900µm Operating Wavelength: 1064nm, 1550nm etc. Operating Wavelength: 1064nm, 1550nm etc. Stage: S=single stage,D=Dual stage Type: A=Type A, B=Type B Port Number: 3=3 Ports Port Number: 4=4 Ports Lightcomm 14 13 Polarization Maintaining Filter Splitter (PMFS) Polarization Maintaining Isolator WDM (PMIWDM) Description Description The Polarization Maintaining filter splitter is a 3 or 4 ports micro-optic device built with PM fiber. The The Polarization Maintaining Isolator WDM is a hybrid PMFS transmits a signal from one of the input to two device that has functions of WDM and isolator in a outputs with various ratios while maintaining the single compact package. The PMIWDM is polarization of the signal. It is characterized with low characterized with low insertion loss, high extinction insertion loss, high return loss, high extinction ratio ratio, high isolation, high return loss and excellent and excellent environmental stability and reliability. environmental stability and reliability. It is ideal choice There are two type of working axis, one is both axis for fiber amplifier application to combine signal and working and another is Fast axis blocked. pump wavelength with stable signal isolation. Features Features Low insertion loss High extinction ratio High extinction ratio Port 1 Port 3 Port 2 Excellent stability and reliability High isolation Excellent stability and reliability Applications Normal Size Fiber lasers Fiber amplifiers Port 1 Port 3 Port 2 Port 4 Applications Fiber lasers Fiber Sensors Fiber amplifiers Optical Communications Normal Size Mini Size Mini Size Specifications Specifications Type Unit Parameter PM Filter Splitter(PMFS) 2×2 1×2 1×2 Type 2×2 Parameter Unit Center wavelength nm Operating wavelength range nm Operating wavelength nm Excess loss dB 0.8 1.0 0.7 1.0 IL over pass band @23℃ dB Type F dB 22 20 22 20 IL over reflection band dB Type B dB 20 18 20 18 Extinction ratio (Only for signal port) dB Isolation for signal@ 23 ℃ dB Return loss dB Fiber type / Extinction ratio Pass Common Low insertion loss 1310,1550 1064 ±40 ±20 Dual stage Single Stage T1064±5/R980±15 T1530~1580/R980±15 2.3 0.8 3.5 20(Type B) 23(Type F) 20(Type B) 30 45 Return loss dB Handling power mW Fiber type / Operating temperature ℃ -5~+70 Handling power mW Storage temperature ℃ -40~+85 Operating temperature ℃ Dimensions mm Ф5.5× L35 or Ф 3.0× L25(30) Storage temperature ℃ -40~+85 Dimensions mm Ф5.5× L35 or Ф3.0× L30 300 500 PM fiber Input/Output * IL is 0.3dB (1310~1550nm) or 0.5dB (1064nm) higher, RL is 5dB lower and ER is 2dB lower for each connector added. The default connector key is aligned to slow axis. 2x2 PM fiber for common & pass port PM fiber or SM fiber for reflect port. 300 500 -5~+70 -5~+50 * Type B: Both axis working, Type F: Fast axis blocked. * IL is 0.3dB (1310~1550nm) or 0.5dB (1064nm) higher, RL is 5dB lower and ER is 2dB lower for each connector added. The default connector key is aligned to slow axis. Light Path Explanation 1x2 46 50 SMF-28e/Hi1060 or PM fiber for tap * Type B: Both axis working, Type F: for Fast axis blocked. 23(Type F) 30 % 50 1.0 0.6 Tap ratio 1±0.2%, 2±0.4%, 5±1.0%, 10±2.0%, 20±2.5%, 30±3.0%, 40±4.0%, and 50±5.0% Dual stage Single Stage Type F Port3 to Port1 & 2, Port2 is tap port. Product Ordering Information: Type B Port1 to Port2 & 3, Port2 is tap port. PMIWDM-XXX-XXXX/ XXXX-X-XX-X-X- XXX- XX/XXX -XX*XX Type F Port1 to Port3 & 4,Port4 is tap port. Port3 to Port1 & 2, Port2 is tap port. Type B Port1 to Port2 & 3,Port2 is tap port. Port3 to Port1 & 4, Port4 is tap port. * Type B: Both axis working, Type F: Fast axis blocked. Package: 5.5×35, 3.0×30, etc. Connector: FC/UPC, FC/APC etc. Fiber Code Product Ordering Information: Pigtail Type: 0=250µm, 1=900µm, 2=2mm, 3=3mm, 4=others PMFS-XXX-XXXX-XX/XX-X-X- XXX-XX/XXX-XX* XX Working Axis: B=Both axis working, F=Fast axis blocked Package: 5.5×35,3.0×30,3.0×25,etc. Input/Output Connector: FC/UPC, FC/APC etc. Fiber Code Pigtail Type: 0=250µm, 1=900µm, 2=2mm, 3=3mm, 4=others Working axis type: B= Both axis working, F= Fast axis blocked. Coupling Ratio: 01/99, 05/95, 50/50 etc. Operating Wavelength: 1550nm etc. Port Type: 1×2, 2×2 Pump Type: FP=Forward Pump; BP=Backward Pump; Isolator Stage Type: D=Dual stage, S=Single stage Operating Wavelength: 9815=T1550/R980, 9806=T1064/R980, etc. Port Number: 1×2 Lightcomm 14 13 Polarization Maintaining Filter Splitter (PMFS) Polarization Maintaining Isolator WDM (PMIWDM) Description Description The Polarization Maintaining filter splitter is a 3 or 4 ports micro-optic device built with PM fiber. The The Polarization Maintaining Isolator WDM is a hybrid PMFS transmits a signal from one of the input to two device that has functions of WDM and isolator in a outputs with various ratios while maintaining the single compact package. The PMIWDM is polarization of the signal. It is characterized with low characterized with low insertion loss, high extinction insertion loss, high return loss, high extinction ratio ratio, high isolation, high return loss and excellent and excellent environmental stability and reliability. environmental stability and reliability. It is ideal choice There are two type of working axis, one is both axis for fiber amplifier application to combine signal and working and another is Fast axis blocked. pump wavelength with stable signal isolation. Features Features Low insertion loss High extinction ratio High extinction ratio Port 1 Port 3 Port 2 Excellent stability and reliability High isolation Excellent stability and reliability Applications Normal Size Fiber lasers Fiber amplifiers Port 1 Port 3 Port 2 Port 4 Applications Fiber lasers Fiber Sensors Fiber amplifiers Optical Communications Normal Size Mini Size Mini Size Specifications Specifications Type Unit Parameter PM Filter Splitter(PMFS) 2×2 1×2 1×2 Type 2×2 Parameter Unit Center wavelength nm Operating wavelength range nm Operating wavelength nm Excess loss dB 0.8 1.0 0.7 1.0 IL over pass band @23℃ dB Type F dB 22 20 22 20 IL over reflection band dB Type B dB 20 18 20 18 Extinction ratio (Only for signal port) dB Isolation for signal@ 23 ℃ dB Return loss dB Fiber type / Extinction ratio Pass Common Low insertion loss 1310,1550 1064 ±40 ±20 Dual stage Single Stage T1530~1580/R980±15 T1064±5/R980±15 2.3 3.5 0.8 20(Type B) 23(Type F) 20(Type B) 30 45 Return loss dB Handling power mW Fiber type / Operating temperature ℃ -5~+70 Handling power mW Storage temperature ℃ -40~+85 Operating temperature ℃ Dimensions mm Ф5.5× L35 or Ф 3.0× L25(30) Storage temperature ℃ -40~+85 Dimensions mm Ф5.5× L35 or Ф3.0× L30 300 500 PM fiber Input/Output * IL is 0.3dB (1310~1550nm) or 0.5dB (1064nm) higher, RL is 5dB lower and ER is 2dB lower for each connector added. The default connector key is aligned to slow axis. 2x2 PM fiber for common & pass port PM fiber or SM fiber for reflect port. 300 500 -5~+50 -5~+70 * Type B: Both axis working, Type F: Fast axis blocked. * IL is 0.3dB (1310~1550nm) or 0.5dB (1064nm) higher, RL is 5dB lower and ER is 2dB lower for each connector added. The default connector key is aligned to slow axis. Light Path Explanation 1x2 46 50 SMF-28e/Hi1060 or PM fiber for tap * Type B: Both axis working, Type F: for Fast axis blocked. 23(Type F) 30 % 50 1.0 0.6 Tap ratio 1±0.2%, 2±0.4%, 5±1.0%, 10±2.0%, 20±2.5%, 30±3.0%, 40±4.0%, and 50±5.0% Dual stage Single Stage Type F Port3 to Port1 & 2, Port2 is tap port. Product Ordering Information: Type B Port1 to Port2 & 3, Port2 is tap port. PMIWDM-XXX-XXXX/ XXXX-X-XX-X-X- XXX- XX/XXX -XX*XX Type F Port1 to Port3 & 4,Port4 is tap port. Port3 to Port1 & 2, Port2 is tap port. Type B Port1 to Port2 & 3,Port2 is tap port. Port3 to Port1 & 4, Port4 is tap port. * Type B: Both axis working, Type F: Fast axis blocked. Package: 5.5×35, 3.0×30, etc. Connector: FC/UPC, FC/APC etc. Fiber Code Product Ordering Information: Pigtail Type: 0=250µm, 1=900µm, 2=2mm, 3=3mm, 4=others PMFS-XXX-XXXX-XX/XX-X-X- XXX-XX/XXX-XX* XX Working Axis: B=Both axis working, F=Fast axis blocked Package: 5.5×35,3.0×30,3.0×25,etc. Input/Output Connector: FC/UPC, FC/APC etc. Fiber Code Pigtail Type: 0=250µm, 1=900µm, 2=2mm, 3=3mm, 4=others Working axis type: B= Both axis working, F= Fast axis blocked. Coupling Ratio: 01/99, 05/95, 50/50 etc. Operating Wavelength: 1550nm etc. Port Type: 1×2, 2×2 Pump Type: FP=Forward Pump; BP=Backward Pump; Isolator Stage Type: D=Dual stage, S=Single stage Operating Wavelength: 9815=T1550/R980, 9806=T1064/R980, etc. Port Number: 1×2 Lightcomm 16 15 PM Tap Isolator (PMTAPI) Polarization Maintaining filter WDM (PMFWDM) Description Description The Polarization Maintaining TAP Isolator is a hybrid The Polarization Maintaining filter WDM provides device that has functions of coupler and isolator in a wavelength division multiplexing while maintaining single compact package. The PMTAPI is signal polarization. The PM FWDM is characterized characterized with low insertion loss, high extinction with low insertion loss, high return loss, high ratio, high isolation, high return loss, and excellent extinction ratio and excellent environmental stability environmental stability and reliability. It is ideal and reliability. It is ideal for high speed WDM network choice for application in fiber amplifier, and optical systems. communication systems where signal monitoring is required. Features Input (Type F) Output (Type B) Features Output (Type F) Input (Type B) Tap Low insertion loss Pass Common Low insertion loss High Extinction Ratio Excellent stability and reliability High isolation Applications High extinction ratio Excellent stability and reliability Normal Size Applications Normal Size WDM network systems Fiber lasers Fiber amplifiers Fiber lasers Fiber amplifiers Mini Size Type Specifications Type Parameter Unit T980/R1060 T1550/R980 T1480/R1550 Wavelength range nm 960-990 1530-1570 1460-1500 Insertion loss dB Isolation @ RB dB Wavelength range dB Insertion loss dB Isolation @ PB dB 12 Extinction ratio (Only for signal port) dB 20 Return loss dB 50 Handling power mW 300 Fiber type / Parameter Unit Dual stage Single stage Pass band (PB) Center wavelength nm Operating wavelength range nm Excess loss dB Tap ratio % Extinction ratio dB 1310,1550 ±15 1 ± 0.2%, 2 ± 0.4%, 4 ± 0.8%, 5 ± 1.0%, 10 ± 2.0% ,etc. 22 dB Return loss dB 50 50 Directivity dB mW Fiber type / Operating temperature ℃ Reflection 0.9 0.8 Isolation @23 ℃ Handling power Mini Size Specifications Optical Communications 28 45 band (RB) 0.8 SMF-28e or PM fiber (Tap) -5~+70 Storage temperature ℃ -40~+85 Dimensions mm Ф5.5× L35 or Ф 3.0× L30 1040-1080 960-1000 0.6 PM fiber for Common & Pass port; PM fiber or SMF-28e/Hi1060 fiber for Reflection port ℃ -5~+70 Storage temperature ℃ -40~+85 Dimensions mm Ф5.5× L35 or Ф3.0× L25 * IL is 0.3dB (1310~1550nm) or 0.5dB (980~1064nm) higher, RL is 5dB lower and ER is 2dB lower for each connector added. The default connector key is aligned to slow axis. * IL is 0.3dB (1310~1550nm) or 0.5dB (1064nm) higher, RL is 5dB lower and ER is 2dB lower for each connector added. Product Ordering Information: PMFWDM-XXX-TXXXX/RXXXX-X- XXX-XX/XXX-XX*XX Package: 5.5×35, 3.0×25, etc. Connector: FC/UPC, FC/APC etc. PMTAPI-XXX-XXXX-XX/XX-X-X-X- XXX-XX/XXX-XX*XX Package: 5.5×35, 3.0×30, etc. Connector: FC/UPC, FC/APC etc. Fiber Code Pigtail Type: 0=250µm, 1=900µm, 2=2mm, 3=3mm, 4=others Working Axis Type: B= Both axis working, F=Fast axis blocked Type: S=Single stage, D= Dual stage Coupling Ratio: 01/99, etc. Operating Wavelength: 1310nm, 1550nm etc. Port Number: 1×2=Type F, 2×1=Type B 1530-1570 0.6 Operating temperature * The default connector key is aligned to slow axis. Product Ordering Information: 0.7 25 500 PM fiber(Input/Output) 0.7 Fiber Code Pigtail Type: 0=250µm, 1=900µm, 4=others Reflection Wavelength Transmission Wavelength Port Number: 1×2 0.5 Lightcomm 16 15 PM Tap Isolator (PMTAPI) Polarization Maintaining filter WDM (PMFWDM) Description Description The Polarization Maintaining TAP Isolator is a hybrid The Polarization Maintaining filter WDM provides device that has functions of coupler and isolator in a wavelength division multiplexing while maintaining single compact package. The PMTAPI is signal polarization. The PM FWDM is characterized characterized with low insertion loss, high extinction with low insertion loss, high return loss, high ratio, high isolation, high return loss, and excellent extinction ratio and excellent environmental stability environmental stability and reliability. It is ideal and reliability. It is ideal for high speed WDM network choice for application in fiber amplifier, and optical systems. communication systems where signal monitoring is required. Features Input (Type F) Output (Type B) Features Output (Type F) Input (Type B) Tap Low insertion loss Pass Common Low insertion loss High Extinction Ratio Excellent stability and reliability High isolation Applications High extinction ratio Excellent stability and reliability Normal Size Applications Normal Size WDM network systems Fiber lasers Fiber amplifiers Fiber lasers Fiber amplifiers Mini Size Type Specifications Type Parameter Unit T980/R1060 T1550/R980 T1480/R1550 Wavelength range nm 960-990 1530-1570 1460-1500 Insertion loss dB Isolation @ RB dB Wavelength range dB Insertion loss dB Isolation @ PB dB 12 Extinction ratio (Only for signal port) dB 20 Return loss dB 50 Handling power mW 300 Fiber type / Parameter Unit Dual stage Single stage Pass band (PB) Center wavelength nm Operating wavelength range nm Excess loss dB Tap ratio % Extinction ratio dB 1310,1550 ±15 0.8 1 ± 0.2%, 2 ± 0.4%, 4 ± 0.8%, 5 ± 1.0%, 10 ± 2.0% ,etc. 22 dB Return loss dB 50 50 Directivity dB mW Fiber type / Operating temperature ℃ Reflection 0.9 Isolation @23 ℃ Handling power Mini Size Specifications Optical Communications 28 45 band (RB) 0.8 SMF-28e or PM fiber (Tap) -5~+70 Storage temperature ℃ -40~+85 Dimensions mm Ф5.5× L35 or Ф 3.0× L30 1040-1080 960-1000 0.6 PM fiber for Common & Pass port; PM fiber or SMF-28e/Hi1060 fiber for Reflection port ℃ -5~+70 Storage temperature ℃ -40~+85 Dimensions mm Ф5.5× L35 or Ф3.0× L25 * IL is 0.3dB (1310~1550nm) or 0.5dB (980~1064nm) higher, RL is 5dB lower and ER is 2dB lower for each connector added. The default connector key is aligned to slow axis. * IL is 0.3dB (1310~1550nm) or 0.5dB (1064nm) higher, RL is 5dB lower and ER is 2dB lower for each connector added. Product Ordering Information: PMFWDM-XXX-TXXXX/RXXXX-X- XXX-XX/XXX-XX*XX Package: 5.5×35, 3.0×25, etc. Connector: FC/UPC, FC/APC etc. PMTAPI-XXX-XXXX-XX/XX-X-X-X- XXX-XX/XXX-XX*XX Package: 5.5×35, 3.0×30, etc. Connector: FC/UPC, FC/APC etc. Fiber Code Pigtail Type: 0=250µm, 1=900µm, 2=2mm, 3=3mm, 4=others Working Axis Type: B= Both axis working, F=Fast axis blocked Type: S=Single stage, D= Dual stage Coupling Ratio: 01/99, etc. Operating Wavelength: 1310nm, 1550nm etc. Port Number: 1×2=Type F, 2×1=Type B 1530-1570 0.6 Operating temperature * The default connector key is aligned to slow axis. Product Ordering Information: 0.7 25 500 PM fiber(Input/Output) 0.7 Fiber Code Pigtail Type: 0=250µm, 1=900µm, 4=others Reflection Wavelength Transmission Wavelength Port Number: 1×2 0.5 Lightcomm 18 17 Polarization Maintaining Tap Isolator WDM Hybrid(PMTIW) (PM) Variable Optical Attenuator (PMVOA & VOA) Description Description The Polarization Maintaining Tap Isolator WDM (Polarization Maintaining) Variable Optical Attenuator Hybrid Components are characterized with low IL, is an useful tool for the optical power adjustment and high return loss, high extinction ratio and excellent system test. environmental stability and reliability. They are ideal Features for polarization maintaining fiber amplifiers, fiber Screw Type lasers, high speed communication system and High extinction ratio (For PMVOA) instrumentation applications. Wide attenuation range Features High precision Low original loss High isolation Compact size Low insertion loss Common Pass Reflect Tap Excellent stability and reliability High power handling 38 60 Applications Manual Type Applications Fiber communication system test Optical passive component test Fiber lasers Fiber amplifiers Fiber Sensors Ф3.2(Screw TypeФ3.0) Optical Communications Specifications 18 Specifications Type PM Tap Isolator WDM Hybrid Unit Single stage Parameter Type Dual stage Parameter Unit 630 780 850 980 1064 1310 1550 850, 1310 850 or 1310 Signal wavelength range nm 1530~1565 Center wavelength nm 630 780 850 980 1064 1310 1550 Signal tap ratio % 1±0.2%, 2±0.4%, 4±0.8%, 5±1.0%, 10±2.0% Operating bandwidth nm ±20 ±20 ±20 ±20 ±20 ±40 ±40 ±40 Attenuation range dB 1.5 ~50 1.3 ~50 1.0 ~50 1.0 ~50 0.8 ~50 0.6 ~50 0.6 ~50 0.8 ~40 Original Insertion loss dB ER(for PMVOA) dB Return loss / / SM Fiber PM Panda Fiber Excess loss (only for signal port) dB Extinction ratio (only for signal port) dB 1.3 1.2 20(Type B) 23(Type F) 1.3 1.5 1.0 1.0 Min. signal isolation. @23℃ dB Reflection band wavelength range nm IL over reflection band (Reflect→Common) dB 0.6 Fiber type(for VOA) Return loss dB 50 Fiber type(for PMVOA) dB Directivity dB 50 Handling power mW Handling power mW 300 Operating temperature ℃ -5 ~ +70 Fiber type / Storage temperature ℃ -40 ~ +85 Operating temperature ℃ -5 to 70 Dimensions mm 26×18×8 Storage temperature ℃ -40 to 85 Dimensions mm Ф5.5× L38 30 46 960~990 (or 1460~1490) PM fiber for common & pass port; PM fiber or SM fiber for Tap and reflect port. 0.8 0.6 300 connector added. The default connector key is aligned to slow axis. lower for each connector added. The default connector key is aligned to slow axis. Product Ordering Information: 26×18×8 Connector: FC/UPC, FC/APC etc. PMTIW-XXX-TXXXX/RXXXX-XX-X-XX-X-X- XXX -XX/XXX-XX*XX Package: 5.5×38 etc. Fiber Code Connector: FC/UPC, FC/APC etc. Pigtail Type: 0=250μm, 1=900μm, 2=2mm, 3=3mm, 4=others Fiber Code Wavelength: 1310nm, 1550nm, 1310&1550nm etc. Pigtail Type: 0=250µm, 1=900µm, 4=others 0=Manual Type, 1=Screw Type Working Axis: F=Fast axis blocked, B=Both axis working Type:C=Collimator Pump Type: FP=Forward Pump; BP=Backward Pump; PMVOA (PM type), VOA (Non-PM type) Isolator Stage Type: D=Dual stage, S=Single stage Tap Ratio: 01=1%, 05=5% etc. Reflection Wavelength Transmission Wavelength Port Number: 2×2 30 50/125 or 62.5/125 multi-mode / 500 * IL is 0.3dB (1310~1550nm) or 0.50dB (980~1060) or 0.80dB (780~850) or 1.50dB (630) higher, RL is 5dB lower and ER (for PMVOA) is 2dB (1310~1550nm, 980~1060nm) or 3dB (780~850nm, 630nm) (PM)VOA-X-X-XXXX-X- XXX-XX/XXX-XX*XX*XX Product Ordering Information: 0.8 / 50 *Type B: Both axis working, Type F: for Fast axis blocked. * IL is 0.3dB (1310~1550nm) or 0.5dB (980nm) higher, RL is 5dB lower and ER is 2dB lower for each 0.6 20 18 Lightcomm 18 17 Polarization Maintaining Tap Isolator WDM Hybrid(PMTIW) (PM) Variable Optical Attenuator (PMVOA & VOA) Description Description The Polarization Maintaining Tap Isolator WDM (Polarization Maintaining) Variable Optical Attenuator Hybrid Components are characterized with low IL, is an useful tool for the optical power adjustment and high return loss, high extinction ratio and excellent system test. environmental stability and reliability. They are ideal Features for polarization maintaining fiber amplifiers, fiber Screw Type lasers, high speed communication system and High extinction ratio (For PMVOA) instrumentation applications. Wide attenuation range Features High precision Low original loss High isolation Compact size Low insertion loss Common Pass Reflect Tap Excellent stability and reliability High power handling 38 60 Applications Manual Type Applications Fiber communication system test Optical passive component test Fiber lasers Fiber amplifiers Fiber Sensors Ф3.2(Screw TypeФ3.0) Optical Communications Specifications 18 Specifications Type PM Tap Isolator WDM Hybrid Unit Single stage Parameter Type Dual stage Parameter Unit 630 780 850 980 1064 1310 1550 850, 1310 850 or 1310 Signal wavelength range nm 1530~1565 Center wavelength nm 630 780 850 980 1064 1310 1550 Signal tap ratio % 1±0.2%, 2±0.4%, 4±0.8%, 5±1.0%, 10±2.0% Operating bandwidth nm ±20 ±20 ±20 ±20 ±20 ±40 ±40 ±40 Attenuation range dB 1.5 ~50 1.3 ~50 1.0 ~50 1.0 ~50 0.8 ~50 0.6 ~50 0.6 ~50 0.8 ~40 Original Insertion loss dB ER(for PMVOA) dB Return loss / / SM Fiber PM Panda Fiber Excess loss (only for signal port) dB Extinction ratio (only for signal port) dB 1.3 1.2 20(Type B) 23(Type F) 1.5 1.3 1.0 1.0 Min. signal isolation. @23℃ dB Reflection band wavelength range nm IL over reflection band (Reflect→Common) dB 0.6 Fiber type(for VOA) Return loss dB 50 Fiber type(for PMVOA) dB Directivity dB 50 Handling power mW Handling power mW 300 Operating temperature ℃ -5 ~ +70 Fiber type / Storage temperature ℃ -40 ~ +85 Operating temperature ℃ -5 to 70 Dimensions mm 26×18×8 Storage temperature ℃ -40 to 85 Dimensions mm Ф5.5× L38 30 46 960~990 (or 1460~1490) PM fiber for common & pass port; PM fiber or SM fiber for Tap and reflect port. 0.8 0.6 300 connector added. The default connector key is aligned to slow axis. lower for each connector added. The default connector key is aligned to slow axis. Product Ordering Information: 26×18×8 Connector: FC/UPC, FC/APC etc. PMTIW-XXX-TXXXX/RXXXX-XX-X-XX-X-X- XXX -XX/XXX-XX*XX Package: 5.5×38 etc. Fiber Code Connector: FC/UPC, FC/APC etc. Pigtail Type: 0=250μm, 1=900μm, 2=2mm, 3=3mm, 4=others Fiber Code Wavelength: 1310nm, 1550nm, 1310&1550nm etc. Pigtail Type: 0=250µm, 1=900µm, 4=others 0=Manual Type, 1=Screw Type Working Axis: F=Fast axis blocked, B=Both axis working Type:C=Collimator Pump Type: FP=Forward Pump; BP=Backward Pump; PMVOA (PM type), VOA (Non-PM type) Isolator Stage Type: D=Dual stage, S=Single stage Tap Ratio: 01=1%, 05=5% etc. Reflection Wavelength Transmission Wavelength Port Number: 2×2 30 50/125 or 62.5/125 multi-mode / 500 * IL is 0.3dB (1310~1550nm) or 0.50dB (980~1060) or 0.80dB (780~850) or 1.50dB (630) higher, RL is 5dB lower and ER (for PMVOA) is 2dB (1310~1550nm, 980~1060nm) or 3dB (780~850nm, 630nm) (PM)VOA-X-X-XXXX-X- XXX-XX/XXX-XX*XX*XX Product Ordering Information: 0.8 / 50 *Type B: Both axis working, Type F: for Fast axis blocked. * IL is 0.3dB (1310~1550nm) or 0.5dB (980nm) higher, RL is 5dB lower and ER is 2dB lower for each 0.6 20 18 Lightcomm 20 19 PM Splitter Polarization Maintaining Filter Splitter Module (1×N) (PMFSM Series) Features Good Uniformity and Low Insertion Loss High polarization extinction ratio. Description Excellent environmental stability and reliability The PMFSM series is manufactured by using advanced technology to allow the Applications input signal to be splitted into multi Fiber Laser channels at a given splitting ratio while Fiber Sensor maintaining the polarization of the signal. It Communication System is characterized with low insertion loss, Test Instrumentation high return loss, high extinction ratio and Polarization maintaining optical system excellent environmental stability and reliability. There are two type of working axis, one is both axis working and another Specifications Type Parameter is Fast axis blocked. Unit 1×2 1×4 1×8 1×16 Fiber type / PM Panda Fiber Operating wavelength nm 1310±40 or 1550±40 Insertion loss dB 3.9 7.4 10.7 13.9 Uniformity dB 0.6 0.6 0.8 1.2 ER dB 22 22 20 20 RL dB Input port / 250um bare fiber or 0.9mm loose tube Output port / 250um bare fiber or 0.9mm loose tube Operating temperature ℃ Storage temperature ℃ Package dimension (L×W×H) mm 50 250um bare fiber or 0.9/2.0/3.0mm loose tube 250um bare fiber or 0.9/2.0/3.0mm loose tube Key Features Low insertion loss High extinction ratio Excellent stability and reliability -5 to +70 -40 to +85 40×4×4 100×80×10 *Above specifications are for device without connector. *For devices with connectors, 0.3dB higher for IL, 3dB lower for RL and 2dB lower for ER. *For device with connector, key aligned to slow axis Applications Fiber lasers Product Ordering Information: PMSPLI-X*X- X-XXX-XX/XXX-XX*XX Ppackage: 40×4×4mm , 100×80×10mm etc. Connector: FC/PC, SC/PC, FC/APC, SC/APC ,LC/PC, LC/APC ,MU/PC etc. Fiber amplifiers Fiber Sensors Optical Communications Fiber Code Pigtail Type: 0=250µm, 1=900µm, 2=2mm, 3=3mm, 4=others Port Number: 1×2, 1×4, 1×8, 1×16 Specifications Type Parameter Unit Center wavelength nm Operating bandwidth nm Insertion loss dB Extinction ratio Type F dB Type B dB Return loss dB 1x4 Polarization Maintaining Filter Splitter Module 1x8 1×16 1310 or 1550 ±30 7.2 10.7 14.2 22 20 17 50 Directivity dB Operating temperature ℃ Storage temperature ℃ -40~+85 Fiber type / PM Fiber Package dimensions(L×W×H) mm 50 45 -5~+70 100×80×10 (ABS) *Type B: Both axis working, Type F: Fast axis blocked. *IL is 0.3dB higher, RL is 5dB lower and ER is 2dB lower for each connector added. The default connector key is aligned to slow axis. 125×96×16mm(ABS) Lightcomm 20 19 PM Splitter Polarization Maintaining Filter Splitter Module (1×N) (PMFSM Series) Features Good Uniformity and Low Insertion Loss High polarization extinction ratio. Description Excellent environmental stability and reliability The PMFSM series is manufactured by using advanced technology to allow the Applications input signal to be splitted into multi Fiber Laser channels at a given splitting ratio while Fiber Sensor maintaining the polarization of the signal. It Communication System is characterized with low insertion loss, Test Instrumentation high return loss, high extinction ratio and Polarization maintaining optical system excellent environmental stability and reliability. There are two type of working axis, one is both axis working and another Specifications Type Parameter is Fast axis blocked. Unit 1×2 1×4 1×8 1×16 Fiber type / PM Panda Fiber Operating wavelength nm 1310±40 or 1550±40 Insertion loss dB 3.9 7.4 10.7 13.9 Uniformity dB 0.6 0.6 0.8 1.2 ER dB 22 22 20 20 RL dB Input port / 250um bare fiber or 0.9mm loose tube Output port / 250um bare fiber or 0.9mm loose tube Operating temperature ℃ Storage temperature ℃ Package dimension (L×W×H) mm 50 250um bare fiber or 0.9/2.0/3.0mm loose tube 250um bare fiber or 0.9/2.0/3.0mm loose tube Key Features Low insertion loss High extinction ratio Excellent stability and reliability -5 to +70 -40 to +85 40×4×4 100×80×10 *Above specifications are for device without connector. *For devices with connectors, 0.3dB higher for IL, 3dB lower for RL and 2dB lower for ER. *For device with connector, key aligned to slow axis Applications Fiber lasers Product Ordering Information: PMSPLI-X*X- X-XXX-XX/XXX-XX*XX Ppackage: 40×4×4mm , 100×80×10mm etc. Connector: FC/PC, SC/PC, FC/APC, SC/APC ,LC/PC, LC/APC ,MU/PC etc. Fiber amplifiers Fiber Sensors Optical Communications Fiber Code Pigtail Type: 0=250µm, 1=900µm, 2=2mm, 3=3mm, 4=others Port Number: 1×2, 1×4, 1×8, 1×16 Specifications Type Parameter Unit Center wavelength nm Operating bandwidth nm Insertion loss dB Extinction ratio Type F dB Type B dB Return loss dB 1x4 Polarization Maintaining Filter Splitter Module 1x8 1×16 1310 or 1550 ±30 7.2 10.7 14.2 22 20 17 50 Directivity dB Operating temperature ℃ Storage temperature ℃ -40~+85 Fiber type / PM Fiber Package dimensions(L×W×H) mm 50 45 -5~+70 100×80×10 (ABS) *Type B: Both axis working, Type F: Fast axis blocked. *IL is 0.3dB higher, RL is 5dB lower and ER is 2dB lower for each connector added. The default connector key is aligned to slow axis. 125×96×16mm(ABS) Lightcomm 22 21 Polarization Maintaining Optical Switch Mechanical Dimension: Features Wide operating wavelength range Low insertion loss High extinction ratio Bi-directional operation Excellent stability and reliability Applications Optical network protection & restoration Re-Configurable OADM Instrument, Testing & Measurement Specifications Parameter Unit Wavelength range nm Switch type / Insertion loss dB 0.65 Specification 1260~1360 or 1510~1610 Latching Non-Latching WDL dB 0.20 Extinction ratio dB 20 Return loss dB 50 Cross talk dB 55 Repeatability dB ±0.03 Switching speed ms Operating voltage (VDC) V 10 5 >10 8 Durability Cycles Operating current mA 40 Coil resistance Ω 125 Handling power mw Operating temperature ℃ 0~70 Storage temperature ℃ -40~85 Fiber type / Dimensions mm 28.1 178 500 PM Panda Fiber 27(L) x 13(W) x 8(H) * IL is 0.3dB (1310~1550nm) higher, RL is 5dB lower and ER is 2dB lower for each connector added. The default connector key is aligned to slow axis. Electrical Configuration Latching Type Optical Path Electric Control Status Sensor PIN1 PIN5 PIN6 PIN10 PIN2-3 PIN3-4 PIN7-8 P1-P2 V+ GND - - open close close PIN8-9 open P1-P3 - - GND V+ close open open close NON-Latching Type Optical Path Electric Control Status Sensor PIN1 PIN10 PIN2-3 PIN3-4 PIN7-8 P1-P2 V+ GND open close close open P1-P3 - - close open open close Dimensions (mm) 49 31 4 6.5 4 Port 2 Ф5.5 Port 3 Port 1 10 9 8 7 6 Product Ordering Information: PMFSM-XXXX-XXX-XX-X-X-XXX-XX/XXX Product Ordering Information: Connector: FC/UPC, FC/APC etc. Fiber Code Pigtail Type: 0=250µm, 1=900µm, 4=others 1 2 3 4 5 27 I 2.54 2.54 0.5 I 7.62 13 2.54 2.54 4.02 0.25 8 PM Switch-XXX-X-XXXX-X- XXX-XX/XXX-X Fiber Length: 1=0.8m, 2=1.0m, 3=1.5m, 4=others Connector: FC/UPC, FC/APC etc. Working Axis Type: B= Both axis working, F= Fast axis blocked. Fiber Code Splitting Ratio: EV=Evenly splitted, SS=Specify. Pigtail Type: 0=250µm, 1=900µm Port Number: 1×4, 1×8, 1×16. Operating Wavelength: 1550nm, 1310nm etc. Operating Wavelength: 1550nm etc. Switch Type: L= Latching or N= Non-Latching Port Number: 1×2 3 PIN8-9 Lightcomm 22 21 Polarization Maintaining Optical Switch Mechanical Dimension: Features Wide operating wavelength range Low insertion loss High extinction ratio Bi-directional operation Excellent stability and reliability Applications Optical network protection & restoration Re-Configurable OADM Instrument, Testing & Measurement Specifications Parameter Unit Wavelength range nm Switch type / Insertion loss dB 0.65 Specification 1260~1360 or 1510~1610 Latching Non-Latching WDL dB 0.20 Extinction ratio dB 20 Return loss dB 50 Cross talk dB 55 Repeatability dB ±0.03 Switching speed ms Operating voltage (VDC) V 10 5 >10 8 Durability Cycles Operating current mA 40 Coil resistance Ω 125 Handling power mw Operating temperature ℃ 0~70 Storage temperature ℃ -40~85 Fiber type / Dimensions mm 28.1 178 500 PM Panda Fiber 27(L) x 13(W) x 8(H) * IL is 0.3dB (1310~1550nm) higher, RL is 5dB lower and ER is 2dB lower for each connector added. The default connector key is aligned to slow axis. Electrical Configuration Latching Type Optical Path Electric Control Status Sensor PIN1 PIN5 PIN6 PIN10 PIN2-3 PIN3-4 PIN7-8 P1-P2 V+ GND - - open close close PIN8-9 open P1-P3 - - GND V+ close open open close NON-Latching Type Optical Path Electric Control Status Sensor PIN1 PIN10 PIN2-3 PIN3-4 PIN7-8 P1-P2 V+ GND open close close open P1-P3 - - close open open close Dimensions (mm) 49 31 4 6.5 4 Port 2 Ф5.5 Port 3 Port 1 10 9 8 7 6 Product Ordering Information: PMFSM-XXXX-XXX-XX-X-X-XXX-XX/XXX Product Ordering Information: Connector: FC/UPC, FC/APC etc. Fiber Code Pigtail Type: 0=250µm, 1=900µm, 4=others 1 2 3 4 5 27 I 2.54 2.54 0.5 I 7.62 13 2.54 2.54 4.02 0.25 8 PM Switch-XXX-X-XXXX-X- XXX-XX/XXX-X Fiber Length: 1=0.8m, 2=1.0m, 3=1.5m, 4=others Connector: FC/UPC, FC/APC etc. Working Axis Type: B= Both axis working, F= Fast axis blocked. Fiber Code Splitting Ratio: EV=Evenly splitted, SS=Specify. Pigtail Type: 0=250µm, 1=900µm Port Number: 1×4, 1×8, 1×16. Operating Wavelength: 1550nm, 1310nm etc. Operating Wavelength: 1550nm etc. Switch Type: L= Latching or N= Non-Latching Port Number: 1×2 3 PIN8-9 Lightcomm 24 23 Fiber Connector & PM Connector (CONN & PMCONN) Fiber Code Instruction Description 000 007 008 002 003 004 005 other types fiber connectors, patch cords, with the single mode fiber, multimode fiber or the Polarization Maintaining fiber. Features High return loss High repeatability 701 702 705 601 602 625 628 623 636 Applications Fiber devices Fiber systems Specifications Fiber Connector Single Mode Multi -Mode 850/1310 1310/1550 980/1060 780/850 633 Fiber type 50/125 or 62.5/125 SMF-28e or others HI1060 or HI1060flex HI780 or SM800 Sm600 Grade Return loss (dB) P A P A A A A 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.8 1.5 UPC 40 35 55 50 50dB APC / / 65 60 60dB Repeatability (dB) 0.1 Changeability (dB) 0.2 / Durability 1000 Operating temperature(℃) -40 ~ + 85 Parameter Polarization Maintaining Connector Operating wavelength (nm) 1550 1310 980/1060 850 780 633 Fiber type PM 1550 PM 1310 PM 980 PM 850 PM 780 PM 630 Insertion loss (dB) Return loss (dB) Extinction ratio(dB) 0.5 0.3 UPC 0.8 0.8 1.5 22 22 20 50dB APC PM Connector MM fiber 60dB P 25 25 A 23 23 PM Component with Connector 23 3dB Lower than the component's ER 2dB Lower than the component's ER -20 ~ +70 Operating temperature(℃) 980 fiber PM fiber core diameter=10 627 Operating wavelength (nm) Insertion loss (dB) SM fiber 110 120 140 001 700 Low insertion loss Parameter Fiber type Code LightComm manufactures FC, SC, ST, LC, MU and *The fiber length & the fiber type are following the customer request for jumpers. **Accord Telcordia GR-326-CORE. Product Ordering Information: XXXX-X-XXX-XXX-XX/XXX-XX/XXX 626 622 635 671 647 670 645 646 644 649 653 656 657 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 667 668 724 720 729 721 722 999 PM fiber Fiber for short wavelength Temporary fiber P/N & Description Corning-SMF-28e+-100KPSI Corning-SMF-28e-XB-100KPSI Corning-SMF-28e-XB-200KPSI Corning-MM-50/125 Corning-MM-62.5/125 Corning-OM3-MM-50/125 Corning-OM4-MM-50/125 Nufern-MM-S105/125-0.22NA Nufern-MM-S105/125-0.15NA Nufern-MM-S200/220-22A Corning-HI 1060 Corning-HI 1060-Flex OFS-BF05635-02(980-16)-200KPSI OFS-10984(980-20)-200KPSI Nufern-1060-XP Nufern-FUD-3460(PM-10/125-SCF-0.08NA) Nufern-FUD-3499(PM-085-LNA-FA-10/125-DCF-0.08/0.46NA) Fujikura-SM13-PS-U25D Fujikura-SM14-PR-U25D-H Fujikura-SM15-PS-U25D Fujikura-SM15-PR-U25D-H Fujikura-SM63-PS-U25A Fujikura-SM63-PS-U25D Fujikura-SM85-PS-U25D Fujikura-SM98-PS-U25D-H Fujikura-SM98-PR-U25D-H Nufern-PM460-HP Nufern-PM630-HP Nufern-PM780-HP Nufern-PM980-HP Nufern-PM980-XP Nufern-PM1550-HP Nufern-PM1550-XP Nufern-PM1950 Fibercore-PM-HB-800C Fibercore-PM-HB-800G YOFC-PM820-80um YOFC-PM850-80um YOFC-PM980-125-12/250 YOFC-PM1310-6.5um-16A YOFC-PM1310-125-16/250 YOFC-PM1310-125-13/250 YOFC-PM1016-C+(PMF1310-125-13/250-C) YOFC-PM1017-C+(PMF1550-125-13/250-C) YOFC-PM1017-E(PMF1550-125-18/250-Y) Nufern-460-HP Corning-HI 780 C Fibercore-SM450 Fibercore-SM600 Fibercore-SM800 Others Output Connector: FC/UPC, FC/APC, SC/UPC, SC/APC etc. Input Connector: FC/UPC, FC/APC, SC/UPC, SC/APC etc. Fiber Length: 005=0.5m, 010=1.0m, 015=1.5m, 100=10m etc. Fiber Code Pigtail Type: 0=250μm, 1=900μm, 2=2mm, 3=3mm, 4=others CONN= Fiber Connector, PMCONN= PM Connector Note: Lightcomm may add some fiber codes timely without notice. Lightcomm 24 23 Fiber Connector & PM Connector (CONN & PMCONN) Fiber Code Instruction Description 000 007 008 002 003 004 005 other types fiber connectors, patch cords, with the single mode fiber, multimode fiber or the Polarization Maintaining fiber. Features High return loss High repeatability 701 702 705 601 602 625 628 623 636 Applications Fiber devices Fiber systems Specifications Fiber Connector Single Mode Multi -Mode 850/1310 1310/1550 980/1060 780/850 633 Fiber type 50/125 or 62.5/125 SMF-28e or others HI1060 or HI1060flex HI780 or SM800 Sm600 Grade Return loss (dB) P A P A A A A 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.8 1.5 UPC 40 35 55 50 50dB APC / / 65 60 60dB Repeatability (dB) 0.1 Changeability (dB) 0.2 / Durability 1000 Operating temperature(℃) -40 ~ + 85 Parameter Polarization Maintaining Connector Operating wavelength (nm) 1550 1310 980/1060 850 780 633 Fiber type PM 1550 PM 1310 PM 980 PM 850 PM 780 PM 630 Insertion loss (dB) Return loss (dB) Extinction ratio(dB) 0.5 0.3 UPC 0.8 0.8 1.5 22 22 20 50dB APC PM Connector MM fiber 60dB P 25 25 A 23 23 PM Component with Connector 23 3dB Lower than the component's ER 2dB Lower than the component's ER -20 ~ +70 Operating temperature(℃) 980 fiber PM fiber core diameter=10 627 Operating wavelength (nm) Insertion loss (dB) SM fiber 110 120 140 001 700 Low insertion loss Parameter Fiber type Code LightComm manufactures FC, SC, ST, LC, MU and *The fiber length & the fiber type are following the customer request for jumpers. **Accord Telcordia GR-326-CORE. Product Ordering Information: XXXX-X-XXX-XXX-XX/XXX-XX/XXX 626 622 635 671 647 670 645 646 644 649 653 656 657 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 667 668 724 720 729 721 722 999 PM fiber Fiber for short wavelength Temporary fiber P/N & Description Corning-SMF-28e+-100KPSI Corning-SMF-28e-XB-100KPSI Corning-SMF-28e-XB-200KPSI Corning-MM-50/125 Corning-MM-62.5/125 Corning-OM3-MM-50/125 Corning-OM4-MM-50/125 Nufern-MM-S105/125-0.22NA Nufern-MM-S105/125-0.15NA Nufern-MM-S200/220-22A Corning-HI 1060 Corning-HI 1060-Flex OFS-BF05635-02(980-16)-200KPSI OFS-10984(980-20)-200KPSI Nufern-1060-XP Nufern-FUD-3460(PM-10/125-SCF-0.08NA) Nufern-FUD-3499(PM-085-LNA-FA-10/125-DCF-0.08/0.46NA) Fujikura-SM13-PS-U25D Fujikura-SM14-PR-U25D-H Fujikura-SM15-PS-U25D Fujikura-SM15-PR-U25D-H Fujikura-SM63-PS-U25A Fujikura-SM63-PS-U25D Fujikura-SM85-PS-U25D Fujikura-SM98-PS-U25D-H Fujikura-SM98-PR-U25D-H Nufern-PM460-HP Nufern-PM630-HP Nufern-PM780-HP Nufern-PM980-HP Nufern-PM980-XP Nufern-PM1550-HP Nufern-PM1550-XP Nufern-PM1950 Fibercore-PM-HB-800C Fibercore-PM-HB-800G YOFC-PM820-80um YOFC-PM850-80um YOFC-PM980-125-12/250 YOFC-PM1310-6.5um-16A YOFC-PM1310-125-16/250 YOFC-PM1310-125-13/250 YOFC-PM1016-C+(PMF1310-125-13/250-C) YOFC-PM1017-C+(PMF1550-125-13/250-C) YOFC-PM1017-E(PMF1550-125-18/250-Y) Nufern-460-HP Corning-HI 780 C Fibercore-SM450 Fibercore-SM600 Fibercore-SM800 Others Output Connector: FC/UPC, FC/APC, SC/UPC, SC/APC etc. Input Connector: FC/UPC, FC/APC, SC/UPC, SC/APC etc. Fiber Length: 005=0.5m, 010=1.0m, 015=1.5m, 100=10m etc. Fiber Code Pigtail Type: 0=250μm, 1=900μm, 2=2mm, 3=3mm, 4=others CONN= Fiber Connector, PMCONN= PM Connector Note: Lightcomm may add some fiber codes timely without notice. Lightcomm 26 Lightcomm Product Catalogs Including: High Power Components(Special for Fiber Laser) ★ Polarization Maintaining Fiber Components Optical Fiber Components(for Telecom Applications) EDFA & 1550nm Fiber laser Lightcomm 26 Lightcomm Product Catalogs Including: High Power Components(Special for Fiber Laser) ★ Polarization Maintaining Fiber Components Optical Fiber Components(for Telecom Applications) EDFA & 1550nm Fiber laser LightComm Milestone Year R 2013 3KW Pump Combiner 50W High Power lsolator AOM 2012 37×1 Pump Combiner End Cap 朗 光 科 技 LIGHTCOMM 2011 (18+1)×1 Pump Combiner High Power lsolator 2008 High Power lsolator, Collimator High Power EDFA Product Catalog (Polarization Maintaining Fiber Components) 2007 (2+1)×1,(6 +1)×1 and 7×1 Pump Combiner PM Components (Fused Type,Filter Type) Fused Polarization Maintaining Fiber Coupler 2006 Super Stable ASE-C/DFB Light source developed 1×4 mini size Dual/Three windows coupler developed 2005 Plant Area expanded to 2 5000M FTTH Council Member 2003 1×2 mini size coupler developed 1×4 dual windows coupler developed 2002 ISO 9001:2000 certified M CERTIFICAT TE IO YS Coupler product line set up 2000 LightComm started up 1×4 standard coupler developed N S Polarization Maintaining Fiber Connector and Optical Attenuator SGS 2001 Polarization Maintaining Fiber Micro Optical Component Free Space Coupling 005 Isolator R Address: 3F,Building 2,North area of honghualing industry park,1268liuxian avenue,Shenzhen,P.R.C 518055 Tel:(+86)755-8615-9525 Fax:(+86)755-8343-4363 C V3.2 LightComm Technology CO.,Ltd All Rights Reserved V3.2 Filter Crystal or Prism