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The Outsiders: Character Analysis & Essay Writing (Grade 6)

Grade 6 | Unit 1 | Lesson 20 | The Outsiders Performance Task (Day 1)
Reading: The performance task expects scholars to read an excerpt from Bronx Masquerade titled “Devon Hope” and
answer an open response TDQ. The excerpts and task are included in the student packet and the sample response.
The Task:
Open Response Prompt
Read the excerpt “Devon Hope” from Bronx Masquerade by Nikki Grimes. How does the narrator, Devon, change
over the course of the excerpt? Use two details from the text to support your answer.
This unit includes one performance task spread over two days, and scholars will complete the first day of the
performance task today. Today, scholars should attack the prompt, read and annotate “Devon Hope,” and write an
open response. On day two, scholars will write an essay using the “Devon Hope” excerpt again.
For the performance task, scholars will (1) attack the prompt, (2) read and annotate the text through the lens of the
prompt and (3) write a complete open response. Scholar responses will be scored with the open response rubric.
The teacher should preserve as much time as possible for scholars to complete the performance task independently.
See the sample response.
● Identity
Teachers should prepare the performance task in the following way:
● Annotate the sample response for the CFS
● Take the student version of the performance assessment (the student packet) in a timed setting. In this way,
you will be able to see pacing challenges, alternative ways to reach an answer, potential directions that must
be given, etc.
● As required by scholar IEPs/504s, work with your learning specialist to provide any necessary modifications or
accommodations; these modifications or accommodations should truly only be those required by the IEP or
504 to ensure a rigorous experience for all scholars.
● Ensure that your scholars have copies of the scholar handout.
(3 minutes)
Attack the OER
(2 min)
DIRT Quiz: N/A
Build Investment: Name that this is a particularly important day because scholars are taking the
performance task of the unit. This task is related to the reading, thinking, and analysis they’ve been
engaging in throughout the unit thus far, specifically related to the way that characters encounter
conflict and subsequently change because of the conflict. Reinforce the importance of this
assignment and the habits that scholars should show while taking the assignment, such as the
organization of an essay and the components within an introduction, body paragraph, and
conclusion with the help of this model essay. It’s recommended that the teacher also explain the
level of help they can provide during the assignment (see row below titled “Independent Work
Time” for more guidance on this.)
Teachers should not attack the prompt with scholars. They may, however, narrate for scholars the
expectation that scholars should independently attack the prompt prior to sending scholars off to
independent work.
Segment I:
(5 minutes) Review Essay Structure - In Guided Notes
Writing MiniLesson
Part I
(10 minutes)
Resource: Essay Structure Slidedeck (LINK HERE)
Segment II
(5 minutes): Review Model Essay - In Guided Notes
Resource: (LINK HERE)
Exemplar/Non-Exemplar Thesis-Statement Framing (2 min)
Say: Tomorrow, you will officially write your first 6th grade Thesis Statement! Before you do this, I
want us to talk about what makes a strong 6th grade thesis statement, because it’s a little bit
different than a strong 5th grade statement. To do this, let’s look at two examples from a prompt
about The Outsiders. Read the prompt, and these two samples. You have 1 minute. Go.
Prompt: In S.E. Hinton’s novel, The Outsiders, Johnny tells Ponyboy to “stay gold.” What theme
about identity does Hinton create with these words, and how does the character of Ponyboy
illustrate that theme?
Writing MiniLesson
Part II
(10 minutes)
The theme about identity that Hinton creates is
that being innocent and hopeful makes you a
good, special person and it’s important to try
and stay that way.
Hinton uses this quote and the character of
Ponyboy to convey the message that being
innocent and hopeful makes you a good, special
person, and it’s important to try and stay that
SAY: Let’s talk about these two samples. Turn & talk to your partner – how are these samples
similar? How are they different?
Intended Response
Both thesis statements state a
defensible claim. (CFS 1)
Both thesis statements can be
supported by most of the evidence in
the text (CFS 3)
Sample B does not mimic the words in
the prompt (CFS 4)
Sample B answers both parts of the
prompt (CFS 2)
- Note: Sample A does not
address how PB’s character
illustrates the theme.
Say: With your partner, please turn and talk to review what made Sample B a stronger Thesis
IMPORTANT: After Debrief, stamp CFS.
CFS for Thesis Statements
1) States an opinion or an interpretation (not just a restatement of a fact)
2) Answers the entire question
3) Can be supported with an ample amount of text evidence
4) Is written with clear and specific language
Sentence-Stem Scaffold (If Necessary):
When we are writing a literary analysis thesis about theme development, a reliable sentence
structure is to say: “The author uses _____________ in order to convey ___________________.”
Release scholars to complete DAY 1 of the task independently.
Recommendations for Teachers:
A performance task assesses scholars’ ability to independently complete a rigorous task that is
aligned to the skills and knowledge developed in previous lessons. For this reason, the teacher
should not give scholars feedback on the quality or content or their work. Teachers may provide
support around habits. In general, teachers should mimic the environment of the state-test
administration during a performance task.
Work Time
Examples of appropriate communication during the performance task:
● Teachers may encourage a scholar to show grit/stamina/perseverance
● Teachers may encourage early finishers to recheck their work
Examples of communication that should be avoided – unless required by a scholar’s IEP or 504 during the performance task:
● Defining a word for a scholar that is not footnoted (note: teachers are encouraged to
accommodate the assessment as necessary for scholars who need that testing
If scholars finish
Explaining what a sentence or paragraph or section of text means
Explaining who a character is or what is happening in the excerpt
Affirming or giving constructive feedback on the content of a scholar’s annotations or attack
the prompt plan
Telling scholars they are on- or off-track in their thinking or writing
Prompting scholars to revise their work
**If scholars finish early, the teacher could allow them to start on the Day 2 prompt.
Assignment: Have scholars read the “The Outsiders Lives On” article and answer comprehension questions. This is
available in the bundle.