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Monera (Bacteria) Biology Presentation

Monera (bacteria)
Micro-organisms in Nature
MOs can only be seen with microscopes and include
bacteria, some fungi, some protists (plankton & slime moulds)
 Study of MOs is called microbiology
 MOs can occupy a wide range of habitats both aquatic &
terrestrial (deep sea vents and mountain tops)
 Bacteria are found in salt water, fresh water, dust, air, plants
and animals
 Extreme environments such as hot springs, high salt concs,
sewage, swamps, human intestines
 Some can exist in a human stomach pH2, sulphur springs pH1
 They can survive extreme pressures and temperatures
Basic structure of bacterial cell
Basic structure of a bacterial
cell – must be able to draw
Basic structure of bacterial cell
Bacteria range in size from 0.1 - 10µm (micrometres)
Bacteria are surrounded by a cell membrane and outside of
that is a cell wall
The cell membrane often has infoldings called mesosomes
which carry out respiration and aid the cell during cell division
The cell wall is composed of sugars and protein
It prevents the bacteria from swelling with water and bursting
when they are in solutions that are less concentrated
Outside the wall there may be another protective layer in the
form of a semi-solid capsule OR a more liquid slime layer
Basic structure of bacterial cell
Bacteria have ONE bacterial chromosome consisting of a circular strand of DNA
without any surrounding membrane
There are no associated proteins with the chromosome
Total number of genes in bacteria is quite small (5,000)
Most bacteria have small loops of DNA called plasmids
Plasmids contain genes that are responsible for bacterial resistance to antibiotics and
are used in genetic engineering
Bacterial genomes (genomic material) consists of a chromosome AND one or more
Cytoplasm surrounds the chromosome and contains ribosomes, storage granules
(food or waste) but NO mitochondria/chloroplasts
Many bacteria are motile having a flagellum or flagella
Types of bacteria
Bacteria are classified into three groups depending
on their shape
Round (Coccus/Cocci)
Are found in pairs, chains or clusters
Examples: pneumonia, sore throat, food poisoning
& boils
2. Rod (Bacillus/Bacilli)
 Examples: tuberculosis (TB), tetanus (lockjaw),
3. Spiral (Spirillum/Spirilla)
 Examples: syphilis, cholera
Reproduction – Binary Fission
Bacteria reproduce asexually by a method
called binary fission
 When a bacterial chromosome gets to a
certain size the DNA strand replicates itself
 This means there are now two IDENTICAL
strands of DNA
 The cell elongates with a strand of DNA
attached to each end
 Finally the cell splits into two similar sized cells
 Bacteria can double every 20 minutes if
conditions are optimal
Mutations in Bacteria
Bacteria reproduce asexually which
means their offspring are genetically
Bacteria can evolve quickly due to the
speed at which new mutations can
spread within rapidly growing bacteria
The short life cycle of bacteria mean that
any new variation produced by a
mutation can be passed very quickly to
a large number of bacteria
This is how bacteria evolve resistance to
new antibiotics
Endospores – how bacteria
Some bacteria survive harsh and
unfavourable conditions by producing
Endospores are formed when the
bacterial chromosome replicates with
one of the new strands becoming
enclosed by a tough-walled endospore
formed inside the parent cell
The parent cell then breaks down and
the endospore can remain dormant for
a long time
Endospores – how bacteria
When conditions are suitable the endospore
absorbs water and the tough wall breaks down
The chromosome is replicated and a normal
bacteria forms again
Normal reproduction by binary fission can now
Endospores are very difficult to kill
They can withstand lack of food, water, high
temperatures and most poisons
Not even killed by boiling water- they can
survive hundreds of years
Nutrition –how do bacteria get
their food?
Nutrition is how an organism gets its food
Bacteria get their food in four ways (grouped under
autotrophic and heterotrophic
***Autotrophic – means an organism makes its own
The source of energy to do this can be from sunlight photosynthesis OR from
Chemicals reactions – chemosynthesis
Photosynthetic bacteria often have chlorophyll on
membranes within the cell (NOT in chloroplasts)
Nutrition –how do bacteria get
their food?
Some photosynthetic bacteria have
different pigments than plants and use
mostly red light
Some do not use water but live on
hydrogen sulfide gas – these are called
purple sulfur bacteria
Chemosynthetic bacteria make their
own food using energy from reactions
involving ammonia, sulfur compounds
and iron compounds
Example nitrifying bacteria in the
nitrogen cycle
Nutrition –how do bacteria get
their food?
***Heterotrophic means an organism takes in food
made by other organisms***
Most bacteria are heterotrophic and they secrete
enzymes into their environment and absorb the
digested food
They are divided into two groups – saprophytes and
***Saprophytes are organisms that take in food from
dead organic matter***
Also called decomposers because they cause the
source of their food to decay e.g. soil bacteria
Nutrition –how do bacteria get
their food?
***Parasites are
organisms that take
in food from a live
host and usually
cause harm***
Examples are
Factors affecting bacteria
Factors that slow down a process
when in short supply are called
limiting factors
The following factors affect the
growth of bacteria
Oxygen concentration
External solute concentration
Factors affecting bacteria
The rate of bacterial reactions are affected by temperature
Most bacteria grow well at temperatures between 20-30°C
some can tolerate much higher temps without their enzymes
being denatured - e.g. deep sea vents
Conversely, low temperatures slow bacterial growth e.g. why
we use fridges and freezers
Aerobic bacteria NEED oxygen for respiration – most are
aerobic e.g. streptococcus
If oxygen concentrations are low, bacterial growth is slow
especially in liquids
This is why bioreactors often have oxygen bubbled through
Factors affecting bacteria
Anaerobic bacteria DO NOT require oxygen to
respire e.g. Clostridium (causes tetanus/botulism)
Facultative anaerobes can respire WITH/WITHOUT
oxygen e.g. E.coli found in intestines
Obligate Anaerobes can only respire in the ABSENCE
of oxygen e.g. Clostridium tetani
Bacterial enzymes work at specific pHs
If a bacteria is placed in an unsuitable pH its enzymes
will be denatured
Most bacteria grow in or near neutral pH (pH 7)
Factors affecting bacteria
Some bacteria can tolerate very low (acidic) or
very high (basic) pHs.
Helicobacter pylori can survive stomach pHs as low
as pH 2 and often causes stomach ulcers
External solute concentration
Bacteria gain/lose water by osmosis
If the external solution has a higher solute
(salt/sugar) conc than the bacteria, water will
move OUT of the bacteria which dehydrates the
bacteria preventing their enzymes working e.g. the
basis for salting/sugaring foods for preservation
Factors affecting bacteria
If the external solution has a lower solute concentration than the
cytoplasm of the bacterial cell, water will enter the bacteria
The cell wall of bacteria can normally prevent bacterial cells
from bursting
Bacterial growth is generally INHIBITED by high pressure as the
bacterial walls cannot withstand it
Some bacteria can withstand very high pressures e.g. those
found in deep sea vents
Bacteria used in biotechnology can withstand high pressures as
they are genetically engineered to do so.
Economic Importance of
Lactobacillus are used to convert
milk to cheese and yogurt and
other bacteria are used to make
silage, vinegar, pickles and
Genetically modified bacteria are
used to make insulin, drugs,
enzymes, amino acids, vitamins,
food flavourings, alcohols and a
growing range of products
Economic Importance of
Bacteria cause human, animal and plant
diseases such as TB, whooping cough, septic
throats, meningitis, typhoid, cholera, diphtheria,
dysentery, food poisoning, mastitis, brucellosis
***Pathogens are microorganisms that cause
Bacteria cause food decay, lactobacillus causes
milk to go sour
Bacteria in the mouth converts sugar to acid
which erodes tooth enamel causing tooth decay
***Antibiotics are chemicals produced by
microorganisms that stop the growth of or kill other
microorganisms without damaging human tissue***
Antibiotics are used to control bacterial infection
Antibiotics DO NOT AFFECT viruses
Alexander Fleming isolated the first antibiotic from
a fungus in 1928 and by 1940 antibiotics were
widely in use to treat bacterial infections
 Nowadays new antibiotics are produced by
genetic engineered bacteria e.g. streptomycin,
neomycin and tetracycline
Antibiotic Resistance
When an antibiotic is used to treat an infection MOST of the
bacteria are killed
However antibiotic resistant bacteria develop by mutation
These are NOT affected by the antibiotic so new antibiotics
must be continually produced to combat these
If a person is taking antibiotics, all the bacteria are killed
If antibiotic resistant bacteria evolve/enter then these bacteria
have NO competitors and reproduce very fast and take over
If another pathogenic (disease-causing) bacteria enters a
persons body, the antibiotic-resistant gene may be passed on
to it.
Antibiotic Resistance
The person will then develop an infection for which the antibiotic is
NOT an effective treatment
Recently bacterial strains have emerged that are resistant to almost
ALL known antibiotics
These bacteria are called multi-resistant e.g. MRSA and C.difficile
These are becoming widespread, especially in hospitals
Overuse of antibiotics (in medicine and agriculture) is leading to the
emergence of antibiotic resistant bacteria
Failure to complete a course of antibiotics allows the bacteria to
survive and grow leading to more antibiotics and risk of resistant
bacteria growing
HL - Bacterial Growth Curve – you must
be able to draw, label and explain each
Bacteria divide by binary fission
Nutrient agar, warm environment
Log scale
Five phases A, B, C, D, E
Lag phase
During this phase the bacteria adapt to their
new environment
May make new enzymes to digest nutrients
Little if any increase in bacterial numbers
HL - Bacterial Growth Curve – you
must be able to draw, label and
explain each stage
Log phase
Also called exponential phase
Bacteria reproducing at maximum rate
Numbers doubling in every generation
Ideal conditions – nutrients/food, temp, pH,
moisture, space etc
Stationary phase
NO INCREASE in bacterial numbers
New bacteria compensated by death of same
number of bacteria
HL - Bacterial Growth Curve – you
must be able to draw, label and
explain each stage
Rate of growth slows due to lack of food, space,
moisture, oxygen, build up of toxin wastes
Decline phase
Bacteria numbers fall due to the death rate
exceeding the rate of reproduction
The slow rate of reproduction is caused by the
same factors that caused the stationary phase
Death or survival phase
Not all bacteria die, a small number may survive
as spores which remain dormant until conditions
become suitable again
HL - Food Processing
Modern bioprocessing involves using bacteria and other
organisms to produce a wide variety of foods and other
Yoghurts, cheeses, artificial sweeteners, amino acids,
vitamins, flavourings, enhancers, beer, wine
Growing trend of using microorganisms themselves as a
food source, especially as protein
The use of bacteria (yeasts, fungi and algae) to produce
edible forms of protein is called single-cell protein (SCP)
There are two main methods of production: batch culture
or fermentation and continuous flow culture (fermentation)
Batch Culture versus Continuous Flow
Batch Culture
Continuous Flow
Fixed amount of sterile nutrient added
to the MOs in the reactor
Nutrients are added continuously to the reactor
The MOs go through the lag, log & stationary
phase – nutrients used up, product formed
Some of the microorganisms are withdraw so that
the volume of material in reactor stays constant
Products normally formed during log or stationary
MOs maintained more or less constantly in the log
stage of growth
Nutrients used up and product is formed
Growth is rapid & product is produced at a fast
Process is stopped before the decline phase due
to lack of product being formed, risk of unwanted
side products being formed
Temp, pH, stirring rate, nutrient conc, oxygen all
kept constant
At the end of the run, the bioreactor is emptied,
product is separated from the solution & purified,
reactor is cleaned, process repeated e.g.
Maintaining these conditions is challenging so only
a small number of products made this way e.g.
SCP & waste water treatment