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What are the Paralympic Games? History & Overview

The 2020 Paralympic games going to be held in 2021 August after the Olympic Games
finish. Due to the pandemic situation, the 2020 Paralympic games were postponed to 2021.
Away from that, today Paralympic games consist of 540 events with 22 sports to encourage
para-athletes performances.
Paralympic games for the athlete who is differently-abled to perform sports. They are real
heroic and good examples for the persons who make excuses for their day to day works.
The Paralympics is a multi-sport event that takes place on a four year regular basis. This
event conducts concurrently with the Olympic Games. But Paralympics Games is hosted
The International Paralympic Committee is working as the world's governing body for
Paralympic sports (IPC). It was established on 1989 September 22. Sir Ludwig Guttman
founded the Paralympic sports activities as a great rehabilitation method for injured persons
physiologically, psychologically and sociologically.
Sports with differently-abled persons have a long history and it is well initiated after World
War II. A high number of servicemen and civilians were injured as a result of the war
during the time. The German neurologist Sir Ludwig Guttman who was the former head of
the Stoke Mandeville Hospital's Spinal Injuries Unite has trusted patients to heal outside.
Sport-based activities were also adopted as a technique of physical rehabilitation.
Gradually, it is become world famous and inspired Paralympic sports. In the United
Kingdom on 1948 July 28, Sir Ludwig Guttmann organized the first archery and netball
championship for wheelchair and netball veterans. It was named the Stoke Mandeville
Games. It took place on the same day as the Olympic Games Opening Ceremony in
London. But few far away from the Olympic city.
A Paralympic classification committee exists in the IPC. They define the classifications
and basic conditions for fair play in sports and organize the events and athletes' eligibilities.
They divide competitive sports into many categories based on the various limitations.
Impaired muscular powers, impaired passive range of motion, limb deficiency, limb length