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Install Vivado-SDK 2018.2

Vivado 2018.2 Installation Guide
FDP: Hardware-Software Co-design on Zynq SoC
Download Installer to automatically Download and Install Vivado HLx 2018.2 Webpack
Link to download installer:
Scroll down to select 2018.2 version installers:
Click on either Windows installer or Linux installer as per your requirement.
Windows installer link:
Linux installer Link:
Click on any of the above link and you will be required to make an account on Xilinx (Totally Free)
Click on “Create Your Account” and enter all the required details.
Then click on the Download button to download the installer.
After downloading the installer run the executable file.
For Windows, run the “.exe” file.
For Linux, source the “.bin” file as Superuser. (You might require to give executable
permissions to the “.bin” file)
$ sudo source <path_to_file/filename.bin>
2. Installation Steps
Step 1:​​ Click on “Continue” to install the 2018.2 version. ​(Do not click Get Latest)
Step2:​​ Click on “Next>”
Step 3:​​ Enter your account details and select “Download and Install now”. Then click on “Next>”.
Step 4:​​ Agree to all conditions and click “Next>”
Step 5:​​ Select “Vivado HL WebPACK” version and click “Next>”
Step 6:​​ Make sure the Disk Space Required is met. And click “Next>”
Step 7:​​ Select the Directory where you want he installation. Click “Next>”.
Step 8:​​ Check the installation summary once and click “Next>”
Step 9:​​ Now relax and wait for few hours. Make sure the machine stays connected to internet. Also
make sure that the laptop is not operating on battery.
Step 10​​: Click “Install” to install support for the Xilinx’s programming cables.
Step 11:​​ Installation Successful. ​No License is required for this Webpack version.
Finally launch Vivado:
● For Windows, double click on the Vivado icon on the desktop.
● For Linux, first you need to set the environment variables and then launch Vivado.
$ source /opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2018.2/settings64.sh
$ vivado