Noah learned, Abraham fulfilled his mandate, Hagar, Rebecca all encountered God in nature. Principle VI -God communicates to the prophets Principle V -Ha Shem Alone is worthy of worship Principle I -Ha Shem is the creator Humans can go to God directly Every place is namedevery place is remembered; every place is inhabited by God. Every place that we make our home is holy ground. From the beginning of our history, our ancestors encountered God in natural settings at specified places: at an oak of moreh, atop a mountain near Bethel or on the shores of the Jabok river. Nature & Spirituality Encountering God Genesis 1:1 a relationship with nature, a kinship with all life, is essential to the unfolding of our spiritual identities. The more cluttered our minds, the more constricted our hearts, the less space there is inside for God to inhabit. Genesis 1:28 Genesis 2:3 Genesis 2:8 Finding God Outdoors Genesis 1:1 Genesis 2:4 Genesis 1:28 Jewish Identity & Nature all part of God’s interwoven universe-each with a divine purpose that contributes to the perfection of the whole. scientists and researchers have determined that a relationship with nature is not only a fundamental part of identity but even essential to our health and well-being. Taking Judaism Outdoors that we as Jews find ways to engage in environmental repair and not get sucked into the despair or indifference. Gardens cultivate our imagination and our senses and our sensitivity and our spirituality. Principle X -Ha Shem cares for humans Principle X -Ha Shem cares for humans Principle 1- Ha Shem is creator Principle XI- There is divine reward and divine retribution