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A. Rewrite the letter with the sentences in the correct order, starting new paragraphs
where appropriate. (2 marks)
(1) Yours sincerely
(2) We also want to give special thanks to your staff who at all times looked after us and
make us feel very welcome. Their hospitality and general support were a great
comfort to us and put our troubled minds at rest. Fortunately, my father’s recovery
was speedy and we were able to return home after only three weeks.
(3) As you know my father, who works for your London office, was seriously injured in
an automobile accident while on business in Thailand a few weeks ago. As a result of
your kindness and generosity, he was flown by helicopter to the Bangkok Hospital in
Phuket, where he received excellent treatment and care.
(4) 12 Castel Street
(5) PS. Please give Mr Sanya, who drove us everywhere, our best wishes.
(6) My mother and I are writing to you to express our most grateful thanks for the
assistance and courtesy we received on a recent and most urgent visit to your country
to see my father in hospital.
(7) Dear Mr Korsimbi
(8) We hope one day to return to Thailand on a much happier and relaxed visit. In the
meantime, please give our appreciation and thanks to all concerned.
PART TWO: Recently, you booked your staff into a hotel you have used for a number of
years, but on this occasion there were some problems. You are going to write a letter of
complaint and ask for a refund. Read an extract from the itinerary, the fax you originally
sent and some notes you have made. Although you and your staff have used the hotel, you
have never met the hotel manager. (6 marks)
Thursday 14th July. Overnight
stay at Chequers Hotel, Ely.
Friday 15th. Attend ‘New
Directions’ Conference at Ely
Conference Centre
Problems with hotel
 no parking spaces – had to park at
nearby public car park. Very expensive!
 no adjoining rooms – everyone on
different floor AND lift out of order!
 rooms NOT ready at 2.00 pm
 2 rooms not properly cleaned; 1 air
conditioning not working; 1 placed on
smoking corridor.
 ‘short-staffed’ ‘nothing we can do’!!! –
Receptionist rude.
30th June
FROM: Management International
TO: Hotel Manager, Chequers Hotel
I would like to reserve single rooms for eight of our
staff for the night of 14th July. We will be arriving at
2 pm and will need three car parking spaces. We
also request adjoining rooms because our team have
to work together to prepare for a conference they are
attending. Please note that all rooms should be nonsmoking.
---THE END---