-0 WORD LIST / admirable -able ✓ adorable / applicable ✓ capable comparable desirable article collectible bicycle audible durable deductible imaginable example icicle miracle motorcycle forcible multiple incredible legible obstacle oracle particle ✓ receptacle ✓ negligible ✓ ✓ rectangle soluble ✓ permissible ✓ plausible ✓ preventable possible profitable resistible tricycle vehicle reducible ✓ probable reliable responsible suitable reversible usable vegetable cubicle ✓ flexible I invincible liable variable ✓ intelligible ✓ excitable valuable assemble eligible ✓ dispensable Consonant-le accessible divisible considerable portable -ible defensible ✓ comfortable lovable / navigable 2 5 I -able, -ible, and Consonant-le sensible ✓ tangible ✓ terrible visible I Megawords 4 • List 25 81 I Practice Page 25A�-------< A Consonant-le syllable {Cle) is a final syllable. Thee is silent, and the syllable has the sound of the consonant followed by /al/. (assemble, partidg) Below are some final Cle syllables in List 25 words. Read these syllables aloud. Practice saying each one with /al/. 1 I /kal/ /pal/ /ball cle pie ble gle Below are some closed syllables before Cle in List 25 words. Read these syllables aloud to practice the short-vowel sounds. sem am tan In three- and four-syllable words, when the syllable before Cle is open, the vowel that syllable usually has a schwa or short-i sound. 3 -- -- ------ - - - Below are some open syllables before Cle in List 25 words. Read these syllables aloud to practice the schwa and short-i sounds. /al /al Iii Iii ti 4 -- -- i-;:-J ta bi /al sta hi Spell these final Cle syllables. /ball /kal/ /pal/ /gal/ 82 Megawords 4 · List 25 Practice Page 25B1--- - - ---- ,,-- -able, -ib/e The suffixes -able and -ible say la ball. 1 (D Examples: portable, flexible Say each syllable, and then read the whole word. Draw a box around -ible or -able in the whole word. pos Ii si ble a ble com for val u de due el i possible Iiab Ie ta ble ble a ti valuable ble ad mi ra in tel Ii ble gi deductible eligibIe ble gi comfortable ble a dmi r a b l e i n t ellig i b l e Review A Cle syllable (Cle) is a final syllable that says consonant-Jal/ as in table or jungle. In three- and four-syllable words, when the syllable before Cle is open, the vowel in that syllable usually has a schwa or short-i sound. 2) Say each syllable, and then read the whole word. Circle the Cle syllable in the whole word. cu bi ob sta i .... ..,-< ,:z� ::,� .,. .., - ::i - - 0 1 I ci de de de cu bic I e obstac Ie icic Ie sol u ble so I ubIe ve hi de vehic Ie ,. l 8. C: > - c= - V'I V'I Megawords 4 · List 25 83 Practice Page 1 2 25c1--------< Your teacher will dictate twelve words. Spell the missing syllable(s). Then write the words under the correct headings. 1. si ble 7. 2. am 8. bi a ble de 9. ter 3. cle 4. e ta 10. 5. ti 11. de 6. u a ble 12. si ble Consonant-le -able ble pa -ible Unscramble the syllables to make real words. Hint: If you circle the Cle ending, you will know which syllable is last. a ble flex i ble cle bi cle ob tan gle ble vis tor mo for ta 84 Megawords 4 dur cu sta rec cle ble • List 25 cy com Practice Page c--() 2501------------. The suffixes -able and -ible are unaccented. The accent falls on another syllable in the word. In Cle words, the accent is also on another syllable. 1) Write these words syllable by syllable, noting the accent pattern. Write the accented syllables in the boxes. Accent the First Syllable durable miracle multiple flexible profitable eligible navigable vegetable Accent the Second Syllable assemble example adorable deductible invincible C C £ II == r . 0 z 0 I receptacle ': �,... I' .,,o vi Megawords 4 · List 25 85 25E]-----o �----------1 Review In three- and four-syllable words, when the syllable before Cle i s open, the vowel in that syllable usually has a schwa or short-i sound. 1 Read the words below aloud to build up your speed. y says /i/ i says /i/ i ar ticle ve hicle tricy cle cu bi cle icicle bicy cle mul ti pie par ti cle EXCEPTION The open syllable before the Cle syllable in motorcycle is an exception to this rule. They in motorcycle has a long-i sound. Read the word aloud to say the long-i sound. motorcycle mo tor cy cle Write the following Consonant-le words syllable by syllable. Mark the vowels in the syllables before Cle as short (l or schwa (a). oracle example obstacle assemble soluble mi racle rectangle receptacle 86 Megawords 4 • List 25 or a cle r--0 Practice Page 25F --- ------ If a word ends in -ation, its related /a ball form is spelled -able. Learn this spelling pattern: -ation it j) JI -able (application it JI applicable) Change these -ation nouns to -able adjectives and vice versa. Nouns Adjectives application .. excitation +---+ )I, +---+ admiration navigable +---+ .. JI adoration .. )I, duration .. )I, variation .. )I, .. )II +---+ considerable imaginable dispensable 2) Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the word. 1. considerable consideration 2. applicable application 0 Ir !!: z u ::::; � => 0 C ,......, 0 0 0 Give some to taking this position. It would mean a raise in salary. Complete the by including any past experience that would be to this job. vi V, Megawords 4 • List 25 87 Practice Page 25G1---------1'. If a word ends in -ition, -sion, or -ive, its related /a ball form is spelled -ible. Learn this spelling pattern: -ition � -sion � -ive • 1 ► -ible (audition • ► -ible (division 4 JII -ible (resistive • JII divisible) ► resistible) Change the words below to -ible words. deductive )II defensive )II responsive vision audition permission 2 ► audible) ... ,. ,. )II Fill in the missing c or g, and then write the whole word. Practice saying the soft c or g sound in each word. el i _i ble le _i ble for _i ble tan _i ble re du _i ble neg Ii _i ble in vin _i ble QUICK CHECK Have another student test you on spelling some of these words. My score: ___ /___ words correct 88 Megawords 4 • List 25 Practice Page 25H Add -able to the following words. Drop the final e when necessary. ® f 6 JC adore + able comfort + able value + able consider + able admire + able = excite + able = profit + able = use + able compare + able = imagine + able = = Add -ib/e to the following words. Drop the finale when necessary. sense + ible defense + ible = collect + ible = response + ible = force + ible = reduce + ible deduct + ible QUICK CHECK Have another student test you on spelling some of these words. My score: ___ /___ words correct :;j: C 0 § 0 0 Megawords 4 · List 25 89 251 Practice Page 1 I----------<) Write the words under the correct headings. Be sure to check your spelling. possible portable suitable valuable capable visible probable adorable variable eligible terrible vegetable comfortable profitable responsible -able 2 -ible Circle the fifteen words from Activity 1 in the word search below. The words can be found across or down. R V C A 0 M F 0 R T A B D p 0 B L R I A B L E L E L s s V E I B s A p A p 0 R T A L A D 0 R A L E L B E s u 0 R p R 0 F A B L I I B L E V V A L T E R R s T E s B 0 B A B E A T E u 90 Megawords 4 • List 25 G p L E R E G L E T E L p 0 N s A B G L E B B L E L T A B L E V A L E C 0 M F 0 R u R A R B L E B L E B L E L E Practice Page 0 1) 251 Add -able or -ible to make adjectives. Then write the whole word. a respons politician a comfor chair a terr storm a valu ring vari a profi weather business a cap physician a prob event an elig athlete an ador baby an invin a sens a sui a por army price dress television �:hoofreading Practice Two of the List 25 words are misspelled in each sentence. Cross out each misspelled word, and write the correct spelling above it. 1. Please be responsable and eat a sensible amount of vegetibles with dinner. 2. The facts in your artical are simply not plausable. 3. Is it possible for a bicicle to outrun a motorcycle on the obstacal course? a., � � u I I 4. This terrable illness is preventable as long as you receive reliabul treatment. 5. Jack and Rachel had considerible trouble trying to assembul the portable crib. 0 - 0 i Megawords 4 • List 25 91 ,., r �---- 25�-----o he suffixes -able and -ible change words into adj:ctives. These suffixes mean: 1 capable of being able to worthy of being having qualities of ------ Match the following words with their definitions below. resistible collectible considerable imaginable preventable divisible reducible valuable comfortable excitable profitable defensible capable of being divided capable of being prevented capable of being reduced capable of being defended capable of being excited capable of being collected able to be imagined able to be resisted able to make a profit worthy of being considered worthy of being valued having qualities of comfort Review The suffixes -able and -ible are (accented/unaccented). When an -able or-ible word is three syllables long, the accent is always on the (first/second/third) syllable. 92 Megawords 4 · List 25 25L�--------- Practice Page 1) Complete the puzzle with words from the box. durable audible tangible liable navigable invincible eligible accessible negligible dispensable visible flexible Across 1. capable of being seen 8. easy to get to 10. having the qualities that are required 11. capable of being navigated 12. capable of being heard I Down 2. incapable of being conquered 3. able to be disregarded or neglected, usually because it is so small able to be done without capable of being touched bound by law; exposed to risk capable of bending; not rigid capable of lasting; not wearing out 4. s. 6. 7. 9. 12 4 6 9 10 11 12 - J z .- ::) 5 :.. � C 5 > - g "' vi g Megawords 4 · List 25 93 ... 1 Fill in the blanks with words from the box. miracle audible liable invincible plausible navigable deductible eligible terrible flexible negligible motorcycle incredible obstacles considerable 1. Geraldine is not likely to believe you even though your excuse is 2. The sound of the alarm was barely __________. Something must be wrong with it. 3. Because of the large number of rapids and the shallowness of the river, it is not __________ 4. The __________ army fought and won in spite of all 5. Personal business expenses are __________ items on your tax return. 6. Carlton spends a amount of time riding his 7. Only a __________ could have saved her from the __________ accident. 8. Although the damage was __________, the driver is still 9. The __________ gymnast will certainly be __________ for the team. 1 o. It is truly __________ that we are having such warm weather in January. 94 Megawords 4 · List 25 Practice Page 25NI EL Read the sentences and circle all the List 25 words. 1. Corn is an example of a yellow vegetable. 2. The thief was responsible for stealing the vehicles. 3. That article about soluble particles was terrible. 4. Is it possible to buy a portable radio? 5. The icicle was visible from inside the house. 6. The young child is not capable of sensible behavior. 7. This motorcycle is quite comfortable. 8. It is not probable that a miracle will occur. 9. Rosa's bicycle is valuable. 1 O. The adorable baby ate the food with visible delight. 11. You will be liable for any applicable misconduct. 12. It is not possible that she is eligible for the discount. @ Your teacher will dictate three of the sentences above. Write them on a blank piece of paper. @ Write a short story or descriptive paragraph using ten words from List 25. Be creative! Reading & Spelling Skill Check Demonstrate your accuracy in reading and spelling List 25 words. Your teacher will select ten words to read and ten words to spell. Record your scores on the Accuracy Checklist. Work toward 90-100 percent accuracy. Word Proficiency Now build up your reading proficiency with List 25 words. Decide on your rate goal with your teacher. Record your progress on the Word Proficiency Graph. My goal for reading List 25 is ___ words per minute with two or fewer errors. V ::::; ::> a C>. z 0 a vi V'l g Megawords 4 · List 25 95 2501---------< Practice Page 1 Practice the words, read the passage, and then answer the questions. Review Words List 25 Words considerable example capable difference imaginable responsible incredible cabbage vegetable(s) miracle possible biggest science summer advantage farmer Passage Words Alaska broccoli carefully Super Vegetables John Evans owns a farm in Palmer, Alaska. It is a lot like most farms in the world. But there is one considerable difference: it grows some of the biggest vegetable crops imaginable. For example, Evans once grew a 35-pound broccoli, a 45-pound red cabbage, and a beet that was bigger than a bowling ball! These huge plants are not due to some miracle. Science is responsible. Palmer, Alaska is so far north that it gets a lot of sunlight in the summer-as much as 24 hours a day! Since plants need sunlight to live, more hours of sunlight is an advantage for plant growth. What's more, the soil on the Evans farm is very rich. This helps the plants grow bigger. What helps, too, is that Evans is a very capable farmer. He carefully tends his crops and sprays them with a tea that boosts plant growth. All these things make it possible for Evans to grow such incredible vegetables. 1. Which word from the text means "very able"? ______________ 2. How may the sunlight in Alaska help grow huge vegetables? ________ 3. How does John Evans play a key role in growing big vegetables? _______ FLUENCY Record your progress on the Fluency Graph. My goal for reading the passage is _ __ words per minute with two or fewer erro,.l 96 Megawords 4 • list 25 ---o REVIEW LIST I Vords actual division admission educator addiction adorable numerous sausage image obstacle sensible future editor gesture election impetuous objection occasion sensation situate adventure enormous inspection onward solar average expansion invasion picture storage cellar expression language popular taxation auction calendar example exposure collision fabulous conclusion fixture concentration confusion dangerous depression dictator �rrors. 20-25 famous flexible inspector joyous politician standard supervision tension literature position lotion professor treasure punctuate tricycle location luggage fluster magician frustration mustard fracture physician measure pressure provision recession remember terrible tremendous vinegar visible 0 C "ti r- Megawords 4 • Review List: 20-251 Review List 1 Match the word parts to make real words. Then say each word as you write it. fu } ward fvtvre flex ar age fam ous im ture cell ible auc pie mea sure exam sion so sage ten tion sau lar flus tard joy tion mus ter ges ous pie ture lo ture on � 20-25�-- � - \ Proofreading Practice Two of the Review List words are misspelled in each sentence. Cross out each misspelled word, and write the correct spelling above it. 1. Our vacation reached a terrable conclusion when the airline lost our luggege. 2. According to the calender, the elecshun will occur on a Friday. 3. The dangerus dictator planned an invacian out of frustration. 4. The adorible child caused great confuzion and ruined the magician's act. 5. The populer star of a new advenchure movie had an enormous number of fans. 6. The politition's position on taxation during the recession seemed sensable. 7. The inspeckter had tremendous command of the English languij. 98 Megawords 4 • Review List: 20-25 Review List b) 20-2s�--------- Write the words under the correct headings. occasion supervision addiction sensation location expansion physician provision division exposure fixture literature /char/ c �g " �� :: i? �f I collision magician Write the words under the correct headings. One word does not belong in any group. fracture --- � N (II /shan/ /zhan/ 3) conclusion measure picture impetuous actual /zhar/ situate punctuate pressure treasure /choo/ One of the words in Activity 3 does not belong in any of these groups. Write this word on the line. Megawords 4 · Review List: 20-25 99 Review List 5 20-25i----------o Complete the puzzle with words from the box. inspection editor objection tricycle vinegar professor fabulous obstacle storage concentration visible standard admission depression expression numerous Down 1. able to be seen 2. a truthful statement 3. the state of focusing your attention on something 5. an educator at a college or university 6. a look on someone's face 7. a reason for disagreement 8. something that gets in the way 9. a large number of; many 12. a vehicle with three wheels Across 1. a sour liquid used in cooking 4. a feeling of great sadness 1 O. wonderful, great, or amazing 11. a place where things are stored 13. normal or average 14. a person who edits 15. a careful examination 3 4 5 7 6 9 8 10 II 12 13 14 15 100 Megawords 4 · Review List: 20-25