ESOL Lesson Plan: Intro to English Language

Mrs. Raja’s ESOL Class Lesson Plans
Subject: ESOL
Lesson Title/Lesson #: Introduction to the English Language
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Week 5: September 7, 2021
Lesson Component
Central Focus:
What is the focus of the
content in this learning
The central focus of the content of today’s learning segment is to make sure
students in this classroom can begin the basic comperhension of the English
language by:
 Define and identify definite and indefinites
 Continue with nouns and adjectives
 Reading/ Responding
 Journal writing.
Content Standard(s):
WIDA & EL Proficiency Standards
 Standard 1:
State standards and
o Social and Instructional Language English Language
Common Core standards
 English language learners communicate for Social and
Instructional purposes within the school setting.
 Standard 2:
o The language of Language Arts English Language
 English language learners communicate information,
ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success in
the content area of Language Arts.
 Standard 3:
o The language of Mathematics English Language
 English language learners communicated information,
ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success in
the content area of Mathematics.
 Standard 4:
o The language of Science English Language Development
 English language learners communicate information,
ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success in
the content area of science.
 Standard 5: The Language of Social Studies
 English language learners communicate information,
ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success in
the content area of Social Studies.
The students will be able to:
 Use basic English to properly introduce themselves and respond
Lesson Component
Specific goals for the
lesson, aligned with the
Academic Language:
vocabulary terms / How
will students use
language in this lesson?
Prior Knowledge:
What skills, abilities,
and knowledge do your
students have or need to
be successful in this
What materials are
needed for the teacher
and students?
Instructional resources?
to any intro-level question
correctly pronounce and write the English Language alphabet
work on pronouncing and writing days of the week and months
of the year
evaluate information in social and academic conversations
distinguish main ideas from supporting points in oral, contentrelated discourse
use learning strategies described orally
categorize content-based examples described orally
Vocabulary: will be introduced to the students via our group conversation.
Students will learn basic sight words
Language Demands: The oral and written language is used to exchange
information, ideas, and analyses, responding to peers, audience, or reader
comments and questions. Being able to read and write will help the students
understand the material being taught and provide written response to any
question or assessment that a teacher will administer.
Language Supports: all students will receive help from me, and the
language tools provided by the school which includes dictionaries and
computers on which they can use google translate or any other website for
their language help.
The students had taken basic writen English language in their home country,
but they had never learned proper prounciation and practiced speaking.
In my class, with the daily practice of speaking, listening, and writing
assignments, my students will be able to increase their understanding of the
English language.
The students will need a pencil, lesson notes (provided by me), and their
laptop for researching the activity and interactive lab questions.
notebooks, folders, quiz, test, assessments, coloring sheet, online access to:
 Spanish For Kids
 The Metropolitan Center for Research on Equity and
the Transformation of Schools
 This website has glossaries for many subject areas
Lesson Component
offer word translations in multiple languages for grades
3-5; 6-8 and high school.
 Language, literacy and learning in the content areas
For instructional resources, I will be providing students with hand-outs and
worksheets and material to work with. The lecture or instructions will be
delivered via teacher (me); I will have blank copies of the notes, which will
be given to students to fill out, I will have instruction sheets for the class
activity and virtual lab. I will provide students with assessments like test and
quiz and activity sheets if needed.
Detailed step-by-step
procedures /
What will you and the
students be doing?
1. Anticipatory set- each day I will be asking students basic questions
about the basic English language concepts
2. Lesson rationale: I will display a pictures of basic nouns like person,
places, and things. Which will help me assess how much students can
tell me about the image. I will ask them to explain what they used to
determine information. The students will be given a brief description of
the unit content and what they will expect for the next as in assessments
and activities
3. Input: I will start every day with a basic warm-up and introduction with
daily greeting and how their day went. Students will be given detailed
explanation of unknown vocabulary word
4. Modeling – after reviewing the lessons from previous day to connect
what we will be doing in class. For example, since on Monday we
worked on practicing our alphabet and on Tuesday a day I will pick
basic vocabulary for the students to pronounce.
5. Checking for understanding: students will be given a web-based
interactive activity/video which they will work on for 15 minutes, which
will provide a review of the material on the notes.
6. Guided Practice After completing the practicing student will be given
worksheets to spell the words they learned.
7. Independent Practice- students have been given few packets of basic
vocabulary of the English language like, everyday use words or
elementary language grammar.
8. Closure: after all the activities and projects will be done, one day
before the summative assessment will be a review day, where students
will do quick online review sheet, which will help me figure out how to
read are the students for the assessment. I will review their findings with
them, and then the students will do a web-quest to find macromolecules
in our everyday food.
Whole class: student will sit on a circular table with teacher leading the
lessons and conversation.
How will the classroom
be set up for this lesson
to influence a positive
learning environment?
Groups of students with similar needs which is 5out of 5 students in my
class, will receive a group instructions and assessments.
How will you engage
Individual students: all the students will work individually during the
worksheets or practices given, unless they have a question, they can raise
their hands to summon me to help them explain the questions.
Lesson Component
students based on
individual and group
Because of the small class size, all the students and I sit at one circular table
in the middle of the class for the 75 minutes of the class time and it keeps
students actively participating.
How does the physical
layout and classroom
arrangement support the
instructional approach?
Practice & Application:
How will students
practice and apply what
they have learned?
How will you end the
lesson? / Culminating
activity or task
Formal and informal
assessments / How will
students be evaluated?
Each day the students will practice their work/worksheets as a group and
from their responses I will be able to determine the strengths and weakness
of each student.
Toward the end of the class period, the students complete a 3-2-1 leave
ticket. Students will work individually to write three things they learned,
two things they enjoyed about the lesson, and 1 question they still have.
These questions will allow me to address any concept they did not
understand. If time permits, I will use these questions in a quick review
game, or they may be saved for a later review session.
I assess student progress on daily bases, by taking notes of the reading
comprehension and responses to the questions.
At the end of the lecture and in-class activities, post-unit assignment
assessment will be administered, which will also be 30 questions and will
have similar questions as the pre-unit but more in-depth information.