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2nd Grade Math Lesson Plan: Addition, Subtraction, Odd/Even

Lesson Planning Guide 2021-2022
Math (Whole Group)
NC.2.OA.2 Demonstrate fluency with addition and subtraction, within 20, using mental strategies.
NC 2.OA.3 Determine whether a group of objects, within 20, has an odd or even number of members by:
● Pairing objects, then counting by 2’s.
● Determining whether objects can be placed into two groups.
● Writing an equation to express an even number as a sum of two equal addends.
Standards for Mathematical Practice (SMPs): 1, 3, 4, 6
Vertical Alignment Standard(s):
My students learned how to …..use various addition and subtraction
strategies in order to fluently add and subtract within 20. Determine
whether a group of objects, within 20, has an odd or even number of
members by determining whether objects can be placed into two equal
groups. Writing an equation to express an even number as a sum of two
equal addends.
Teacher Modeling: (I do)
- What do the students need for you to break down for them?
- What vocabulary should be taught and how will you teach
- What is the focus of your instruction?
- What must you teach them in order for them to master the
- What tools or strategies must they learn/use to be
(includes direct instruction, mini lessons, think aloud)
Engage and Explore:
Vertical Alignment Standard(s) (next grade or course):
My students will have to be able to ……understand and internalize the relationships
that exist between and among numbers. Students will be fluent when they display
accuracy, efficiency, and flexibility. Students will be able to make sense of
problems and persevere in solving them. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Use appropriate
tools strategically. Attend to precision. Look for and express regularity in repeated
Explore: (We do)
- How does the lesson become interactive?
- What guiding questions will you ask?
- What strategies or tools will they use for
- What shared lessons will occur?
- How are you scaffolding and supporting their
Demonstrate: (They do)
- What learning activities will the students
- How do you know
complete independently?
- What will the students above grade level do?
- What will the students on grade level do?
- What will the students below grade level do?
- What will they do to apply what they learned?
(includes the transformation of teacher modeling
to student demonstration, collaborative groups,
partner work, teacher/student feedback)
- What is the teacher doing at this time?
the students learned
the target of
instruction for the
- What will you do
with the formative
- How will you
As a whole class we
student will watch visual
Learning video.
Teacher will ask How can
you use addition to help
you subtract?
How do you get from 157 to 7 +___ = 15
1. Watch out Addition /
Domino’s Center
2. Independent - Mystery
3. Teacher Group
4. Computers- Splash
5. Independent - Mystery
Introduce the Solve &
Share Problem.
The teacher will model
how to solve 14-6.
Teacher: What problem
are we trying to solve?
The teacher will model
how to take away chips
and how 6 plus the
difference equals 14.
Envision 1-7
EQ: Why is
making a 10 a
good strategy to
help you subtract
quickly and
Teacher Manual
pgs. 29-32
Engage and Explore:
Teacher will introduce the
Essential Question and
direct students to the Solve
and Share Activity on pg.
29 in the student workbook.
The purpose for this
activity is for students to
explain how they can use
10 to help solve a
subtraction fact. Teacher
will put students in pairs,
give them 18 counters, and
read the problem and
question. Students will
work together to attempt to
solve the problem. Teacher
will observe as they
1. Watch out Addition /
Domino’s Center
2. Independent - Mystery
3. Teacher Group
-Teacher will ask students the following
question under the Convince Me Section
on pg. 30: “Do you prefer to add first to
get to 10 or subtract first to get to 10?”
Teacher will allow a few students to
share their answers with the group and
-Teacher and students will revisit the
EQ. Students should be able to explain
Independent- Page 27
Number 8, 9, 10,11, 12,13 and Teacher will check
then they can complete
individual work to
addition coloring.
-Students will complete problems 3-15
of the Independent Practice on page 31
in the student workbook. They may use
counters and double ten frame mats to
assist with completing the problems.
-Teacher will work with a small group of
students identified earlier during the
lesson that need additional support with
the strategy.
Students not
mastery of the
concept will be
placed in a small
group for
-Teacher will introduce the
lesson using the Visual
Learning Animation Plus
video. (There is a pause in
the video for discussion).
-Teacher will further
elaborate to clarify the
concept using the Visual
Learning Bridge on pg. 30
while students follow along
in their book. The
questions in blue under
classroom conversation on
pg. 30 of the Teacher
Edition can be asked by the
teacher to guide student
Envision 2-1
EQ: How can you
tell if the number
of cubes in a tower
cubes is even or
Teacher Manual
pages: 61-64
why making a 10 is a good strategy to
help subtract quickly and accurately.
-Students will work together to complete
the guided practice activity on pg. 30 of
the student workbook. Teacher will
observe as students work. Teacher and
students will go
over answers as a small group.
4. 4. Computers- Splash
Engage and Explore:
The essential question will
be introduced by the
teacher and then students
will be directed to turn to
the Solve and Share
Section on pg. 61 of their
student workbooks. The
purpose of this activity is
for students to identify
which numbers to 20 can
be shown as two equal
groups. The teacher will
provide 20 cubes to student
pairs, read the instructions
in the green box under
Solve and Share to the
students, and check for
understanding of the
problem. Students will be
given an opportunity to use
1. Watch out Addition /
Domino’s Center
2. Independent - Mystery
3. Teacher Group
-Teacher will revisit the Essential
Questions with students and direct them
to the Convince Me Section on pg. 62 of
the Student Workbooks. The teacher
will have students build and break apart
a tower of 8 cubes into two equal parts of
4. The teacher will then direct the
students to add one cube to one of the
towers and ask, “Is the number of cubes
even or odd? The teacher will call on
-Teacher will work with a small group of
students identified earlier during the
lesson that need additional support with
the strategy.
Students will
complete 8
problems to
demonstrate an
understanding of
odd and even.
This will be taken
for a grade.
Additional support
will be provided to
those students not
demonstrating an
understanding of
the concept.
-Students will complete problems 3-15
of the Independent Practice on page 31
in the student workbook. They may use
counters and double ten frame mats to
assist with completing the problems.
-Students will complete problems 3-9 on
the Independent Practice page on page
the cubes to demonstrate
their knowledge of the
concept prior to teaching.
The teacher will observe as
students work together and
provide guiding questions
as needed to activate their
students to explain their answer and the
thinking behind their answer.
-Teacher and students will complete the
guided practice activity in the student
workbook on page 62. Teacher will
listen to student responses and correct as
4.Splash Math
-Teacher will go over the
Even Steven/Odd Todd
Anchor Chart to explain
how to pair objects into
groups. The vocabulary
words equal groups or
equal shares will be
introduced and defined for
students. The teacher will
further discuss numbers
that are even and odd and
the patterns those numbers
follow. A video will be
shown to further clarify the
-Using the Visual Learning
Bridge on pg 62 of the
Teacher Edition, the
teacher will model with
cubes how to determine if
the numbers 8 and 9 are
even or odd. The teacher
should be sure to use the
terms equal groups/equal
shares/equal parts
respectively while
modeling and to model
writing equations along
with the visual models.
Students will follow along
in their student workbooks
as the teacher demonstrates.
Guiding questions under
63 of the student workbook using cubes
as needed for support.
-Teacher will observe as students work
and take notes of those needing
additional small group support to
understand concept.
the Classroom
Conversation section on pg.
62 of the Teacher Edition
can be used to strengthen
student engagement.
Engage and Explore:
Envision : 2-2
Teacher will introduce the
Essential Question and
direct students to the Solve
and Share Activity on pg.
65 in the student workbook.
The purpose for this
activity is for students to
use cubes to determine the
number of class members if
the class can form pairs
plus one student. Teacher
will give each student 30
counters and read the
problem and question.
Students will work
independently to attempt to
solve the problem. Teacher
will observe and ask
guiding questions as
necessary as they explore.
EQ: How can you
tell if a group of
objects is even or
Teacher Manual
pages: 65-68
-Teacher will go over the
Even and Odd Anchor
Chart and show a video
that discusses how to tell if
a number is even or odd.
The video may be stopped
at points to further clarify
the concept.
-Teacher will revisit the Essential
Question with students and direct them
to turn to the Convince Me section in
their student workbooks on pg. 66. The
teacher will read the question (Is the
number 10 even or odd?) and discuss the
expectations for students concerning the
drawing as evidence of how they know.
Students will be allowed to complete the
activity with the teacher observing.
Teacher will discuss with students their
findings to the question.
-The teacher will then have students
complete problems 1 and 2 in the Guided
Practice Section on page 66 of their
student workbooks. When complete,
students will turn and talk to a partner to
share their answers. Teacher will call on
a few students to share their answers and
review to make sure students understand
Students will complete problems 3-9 on
the Independent Practice page on page
63 of the student workbook using cubes
as needed for support.
-Teacher will observe as students work
and take notes of those needing
additional small group support to
understand concept.
Students will
complete activity
2.OA.3. Teacher
will check for
-The teacher will then use
the Visual Learning Bridge
on pg. 66 of the Teacher
Edition to model with
cubes groups of 4, 6, 3, and
5 and explain how they are
even or odd. The teacher
will also model with cube
groups of 2, 4, 6, and 8 and
discuss the pattern of skip
counting by twos when
using two equal addends.
The Students will follow
along in their student