Expository Text Weather All Around by Deborah November PAIRED READ Colors in the Sky STRATEGIES & SKILLS Comprehension Strategy: Ask and Answer Questions Skill: Main Idea and Key Details Phonics Long e: e, ee, ea, ie, y, ey, e_e Vocabulary damage, dangerous, destroy, event, harsh, prevent, warning, weather ELL Vocabulary emergency, seasons Content Standards Science Earth and Space Science Word count: 507** Photography Credit: (t)MIXA/Getty Images, (c)blue jean images/Getty Images, (b)Ian Grainger/Flickr/ Getty Images **The total word count is based on words in the running text and headings only. Numerals and words in captions, labels, diagrams, charts, and sidebars are not included. mheducation.com/prek-12 Copyright © 2014 McGraw-Hill Education All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education, including, but not limited to, network storage or transmission, or broadcast for distance learning. Send all inquiries to: McGraw-Hill Education Two Penn Plaza New York, New York 10121 ISBN: 978-0-02-118946-5 MHID: 0-02-118946-3 Printed in the United States of America. 9 10 11 12 13 DOC 22 21 20 19 18 D Genre Expository Text Essential Question How does weather affect us? Weather All Around by Deborah November Chapter 1 What’s the Weather? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Chapter 2 Hurricanes in the East . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Chapter 3 Great Plains Snow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Chapter 4 Midwest Tornado Watch . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Chapter 5 Southwest Drought . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Respond to Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 PAIRED READ Colors in the Sky . . . . . . . . . . 16 Glossary/Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Focus on Science . . . . . . . . . . . 20 C PTER A H 1 What’s the Weather? MIXA/Getty Images People love to talk about the weather. Sometimes it is a hot day. Sometimes it is cold. Sometimes it is a nice day. But sometimes, it is not so nice. Have you ever had bad weather where you live? In some places, it is hot most of the time. 2 spring summer (t) blue jean images/Getty Images, (l) Compassionate Eye Foundation/Rennie Solis/Digital Vision/Getty Images, (r) Ben Bloom/Digital Vision/Getty Images, (b) Design Pics/Don Hammond fall winter Many places in the United States have four seasons. Seasons Some places have four seasons. The weather changes when the season does. Winter is cold. Spring is rainy. Summers are sunny. Fall is cool. STOP AND CHECK What are some different kinds of weather? 3 C PTER A H 2 Hurricanes in the East The Northeast has four seasons. Most of the Southeast does, too. Hurricanes happen here. A hurricane is a dangerous storm with a lot of rain and wind. Seasons and Hurricanes The middle of the storm is called an eye. Has is one form of the verb have. Find another form of have on page 2. 4 Handout/Getty Images News/Getty Images Most hurricanes happen in the summer and fall. Ocean water is warmer then. When storms blow over warm water, they get stronger. Hurricanes can destroy homes. People receive a warning when a hurricane is coming. They prepare. They try to prevent damage to their homes. What to Do in a Weather Emergency 1. Stay calm. 2. Go to a safe place. 3. Wait to hear that the storm is over. Jim Edds/Science Source/Getty Images board These men put boards over windows and doors to protect this home. STOP AND CHECK What should people do if a hurricane is coming? 5 C PTER A H 3 Great Plains Snow The Great Plains is a very big place. It runs up the middle of North America. Most of the Great Plains is flat. Places that are flat can have a harsh weather event. 6 The Great Plains can have windy weather. Ilene MacDonald/Alamy Stock Photo smooth. En español: liso. Blizzards Snowstorms happen here. Big snowstorms are called blizzards. A snowstorm happens when there is cold air in the clouds. Clouds collect cold water. There is warm air by the ground. The warm air goes up into the clouds. It mixes with the cold water. Snow then falls out of the cold clouds. (inset) Mark Hayes/Photodisc/Getty Images A blizzard lasts a long time. Mixes is a present-tense verb. Find another one on page 5. 7 What should you do if a snowstorm is coming? You might have to stay home. It is dangerous for people to drive in the snow. Schools can have a snow day. On snow days, children do not go to school. You can use a ruler to see how much snow fell. 8 CamEI Creative/Photolibrary/Getty Images ruler Emergency Planning It is a good idea to have an emergency kit. The kit should have water and food that does not have to be cooked. A radio and batteries are also good things to have. STOP AND CHECK What should you do if a snowstorm is coming? The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., Ken Karp, photographer Your kit should also have warm clothing and blankets. clothing blanket 9 C PTER A H 4 Midwest Tornado Watch Tornadoes move very fast. 10 Don Farrall/Photodisc/Getty Images The Midwest has four seasons. It is very windy there. Tornadoes can happen in the Midwest. What Is a Tornado? A tornado is a big, dangerous storm. It turns around in circles. goes around and around. En español: gira y gira. Stay somewhere safe until the weather radio says the tornado is gone. Jim Lane/Alamy Stock Photo A weather radio can tell you if a tornado is on the way. If you hear that a tornado is coming, you should go into a basement. STOP AND CHECK Why is it good to have a weather radio? 11 5 Southwest Drought The southwestern part of the United States is hot and also very dry. The seasons do not change much. A lot of the land here is desert. A desert is a very hot and dry place. If there is not enough rain, plants can die. desert 12 (bkgd) Comstock/PunchStock C PTER A H Droughts There can be droughts in the Southwest. That means that it does not rain for a long time. People have to be careful. They have to try not to use too much water. Robert Shantz/Alamy Stock Photo Animals that live in the desert need very little water. STOP AND CHECK What is the weather like in the desert? 13 All kinds of weather can be beautiful. Every season has something special. No matter where you live, enjoy the weather all around you! The weather in Hawaii is mostly sunny. Kicka Witte/Alamy Stock Photo snorkel 14 Summarize Use important details to help you summarize Weather All Around. Main Idea Detail Detail Detail Text Evidence 1. How do you know Weather All Around is expository text? Genre 2. What happens when there is a drought? Main Idea and Key Details 3. Use what you know about antonyms to figure out the antonym of hot on page 2. Antonyms 4. Write about what you would put in your emergency kit. Details from the selection will help. Write About Reading 15 Genre Expository Text Compare Texts Read about the colors in the sky during one day. Colors in the Sky Do you ever wake up early in the morning? You might see the sun rise. The sunrise has beautiful colors. Sometimes the sky looks orange. On a sunny day, the sky turns bright blue after the sun rises. (bkgd) Digital Vision/PunchStock sunrise 16 On a rainy day, the sky looks gray. (t)Mark Dierker/Bear Dancer Studios, (b)MarkussonPhoto/The Image Bank/Getty Images Sometimes after it rains, you might see a rainbow. rainbow 17 After the sun goes down, the sky is dark. Can you see any stars? Make Connections How does the weather affect us? Essential Question How can the weather change the colors of the sky? Text to Text 1818 UVimages/amanaimages/Corbis night Glossary blizzard a big snowstorm (page 7) desert an area with little to no rainfall (page 12) drought a long time of very dry weather (page 13) hurricane a strong, windy storm formed on the ocean (page 4) tornado a strong, windy storm that moves across land (page 10) Index drought, 13 snow, 7–8 emergency kit, 9 Southeast, 4–5 Great Plains, 6–8 Southwest, 12–13 hurricane, 4–5 tornado, 10–11 Midwest, 10–11 weather radio, 11 Northeast, 4–5 19 Purpose To find out how weather affects us What to Do Step 1 With a partner, talk about the weather during the four seasons. Step 2 Take a piece of paper. Divide it into four parts. Step 3 Draw a picture in each part. Show what the weather is like in each season. Conclusion Talk about the different types of weather with your partner. How do they make you feel? Which one is your favorite? 20 Literature Circles Nonfiction Thinkmark The Topic What is Weather All Around mostly about? Text Structure How does the author organize information in Weather All Around? Vocabulary What new words did you learn? What helped you understand these words? What are some words in the book that are about weather? Weather Alert! Science GR J • Benchmark 18 • Lexile 370 WondersMHE.com