Uploaded by Brian Derek

Scientific Method, Chemistry, & Cells Lesson

Lesson 1 Scientific Method, Chemistry, & Cells
1. Imagine that someone has just discovered a remarkable chemical found in a plant in the tropical rain
forest that seems to cure early-stage skin cancer. You have been awarded a large grant from the
National Institutes of Health to test the claim that this chemical cures cancer. Explain how you would
proceed, using the scientific method as your guide (reference the steps in your plan). Using the
“If…then” format, write a hypothesis with one independent and one dependent variable. Underline the
independent variable once and the dependent variable twice (or italicize if typing). Be specific and
detailed in your description of your controlled experiments. Describe the types of data (results) you
would record and what conclusions you could draw based on those data.
Observation: Someone might have noticed that a group or community that was exposed to the
chemical had a decreased index of cancer cases.
Question: Is there something about the properties of the chemical that could cure cancer?
Hypothesis: If this chemical cures early-stage skin cancer, and I administer it to patients who
have being diagnosed with early-stage skin cancer, then the patients should be cured from early-stage
skin cancer after explosion to the chemical.
Experiment: The next logical step is to take the field observations and our hypothesis to a close
and control environment. Where we can alter, control and observe changes in the conditions of the
experiment (controlled experiment). This can be achieved in a laboratory setting.
Recruitment face will be executed as follows:
One thousand volunteers will be selected.
Each participant has to meet a very specific profile:
Participants must:
be Between the ages of 20-25 years of age.
have been diagnosed with early stage skin cancer within 90 days before the
start of the study.
be male
be Caucasian
agree to follow a strict diet provided by our registered dietician.
Note: all these requirements have to be met by each participant in order reduce the risk of
obtaining false results due to variables not contemplated in this study.
Subsequent testing will be done in all participants to ensure that every participant is
experiencing the early stage of skin cancer. Once the testing face has been completed we will randomly
assemble two groups: an experimental and a control group; each group formed by five hundred
In the experimental group each participant will receive the chemical in the same dosage and
frequency for a period of three months. The control group will receive a placebo (no chemical). Both
groups will receive a daily dosage of medication at the same time and in the same conditions. The only
difference is that the control group is getting a placebo (no chemical at all). Without a control group we
would not be able to conclude whether the experimental group’s cancer was cured due to the chemical
given or because of other factors.
Both groups of people (experimental and control) should be formed with people around the
same age, ethnicity, and cancer stage. Likewise each participant of the study should be subject to the
same diet and daily routine in order to reduce alternative factors. These alternative factors could have
the potential to alter the results of the experiment.
We must identify our dependent and independent variables. The independent variable is the
chemical that will be given to the participants in the form a medication-this is the factor that we are
trying to test. The dependent variable is the lack or existence of cancer in each participant after the
study. Each participant has early-stage skin cancer. Testing will be performed periodically during the
experiment to monitor the efficacy of the treatment (chemical given).
This experiment was done to prove or disprove whether certain chemical cures early-stage skin
cancer. The results that we are going to monitor are the presence or absence of early-stage skin cancer
after three months. Therefore, after three months of exposure to the chemical, all patients will be
tested for early-stage skin cancer and the results will be analyzed at that point.
Predictions: If the chemical works, after three months the participant in the experimental group
will be cured from cancer. In contrast, the control group should show no change meaning that the
patients in the control group would still have cancer at the end of the experiment. In the opposite
scenario, if the chemical is proven to be ineffective, both groups will remain affected by cancer after the
Results: After three months of treatment all participants of the study were tested. The results
were as follows: cancer was still present in every participant within the experimental group. Likewise,
the control group showed no favorable change in their condition. In both groups, cancer had
progressed as it would in any untreated patient.
Conclusion: Based in the results obtained from this case study, we can infer that this chemical
found in the tropical rain forest had no effect on the cure of early-stage skin cancer.
2. Prokaryotes are microscopic and present in many environments. List several factors that limit
prokaryote size explaining how each acts to limit size. Explain why these factors do not limit the
environments in which prokaryotes live. What makes prokaryotes so readily adaptable to different
The structural composition of prokaryotes gives them the ability to be extremity minute.
Prokaryotes lack of a nucleus and their DNA is contained in their cytoplasm. Moreover, Prokaryotes do
not contain organelles; they carry on vital functions without the collaboration of them (organelles).
Being able to survive, self-nourish and reproduce without organelles, gives prokaryotes its compact
characteristic. Because prokaryotes lack the ability to “delegate” responsibility to organelles, the
prokaryote must complete all vital biological requirements/functions (eating, reproducing, and getting
rid of waste) by itself. Their reduced size allows these functions to be completed more easily. It is easier
and less energy consuming to carry on these activities across a petite cell than a large one.
In the reproductive aspect, prokaryotes are capable of self-reproduction due to their small size.
Prokaryotes lack of sexual organs, rather they reproduce by binary fission. The non-existing need for
sexual organs enables prokaryotes to maintain their size. Furthermore, when reproducing by binary
fission prokaryotes gain advantage over other living organisms in several ways. The reproduce
extremely fast, a single cell is capable of forming a full colony in a period of 20 minutes. This fast
replication wouldn’t be possible if they were larger in size. Subsequently, as the binary fission model
explains, prokaryotes duplicate their DNA before dividing. This gives them the capability of passing
important adaptation characteristics (mutations) to upcoming generations. These mutations provide
new generations with the ability to adapt to new adverse environments quicker.
3. Compare cell parts and their functions to the parts and accompanying functions of a human body.
Write analogies for as many organelles as you can. For each analogy, first list the cell part, then its
function, then the body part and function. State clearly how you think they are analogous.
grasping/attaching to
synthesizes proteins
Protects the plasma
membrane and
maintains a cells
Move the cell around
Protects DNA
channels connecting
adjacent cells
blood vessels
modifies products
from the ER
Amino acid synthesis
Cell Membrane
grasping/ attaching to
breaks down proteins
protects/encases all
internal body parts
movement (crawl, walk,
protects brain
connects all organs,
tissues, and muscles
regulates water/makes
absorption of nutrients
and disposal of waste
Cleans chemicals and
breaks down drugs
1. Pili give the cell the ability to attach itself to surfaces as the fingers give humans the capability to
attach themselves to objects.
2. Lysosome synthetizes proteins as the stomach of human breaks down nutrients and makes them
ready for absorption.
3. Cell membrane covers and protects the cell as human skin covers and protects the body.
4. Flagella provides cell with motility capabilities as fell allow a human to ambulate.
5. The nucleus protects the DNA as the cranium protects a human’s brain. The DNA controls all
functions of a cell; the brain controls all functions of the body.
6. Plasmodesmata connects adjacent cells as blood vessels interconnect different organs in the body.
7. Vacuole stores water in a human kidneys retain water.
8. Mitochondria are responsible for cell reparation as the lungs aid humans to in air exchange.
9. Golgi modifies products from the endoplasmic reticulum and ships these products off. The small
intestine adsorbs broken down food from the stomach and absorbs the nutrients and send the rest to
the large intestine for disposal.
10. Ribosomes synthetizes amino acids as the liver cleans chemicals and breaks down drugs in the
human body.