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Local Wildlife Guide: Habitats, Diets, Footprints

Local Wildlife
Badgers live in setts which are networks of tunnels and rooms.
They look hilly with big holes in them. They don't bring food into
their sett and they don't poop in it; they are very clean.
They are omnivores –
they eat meat and
plants – but their
favourite food
is earthworms. Yuck!
Their pawprints have
five digits and you
may be able to see
claw marks.
Common Frog
Common Frog
Common frog habitats
are woodlands, grasslands,
hedgerows, wetlands and gardens,
and they lay their eggs in ponds.
Frogs eat all kinds of insects as
well as slugs and snails.
Their prints show
their round toepads
Wood Pigeon
Wood Pigeon
They lay their eggs in flimsy
nests made of twigs. They
almost always lay just 2 eggs.
Wood pigeon habitats are
woods, gardens, farmlands,
wetlands, moorlands, coastal
areas and towns.
They eat seeds, leaves, grains,
fruit, peas, root vegetables and
leafy greens.
Their footprint has
three forward-pointing
toes and one backwardpointing toe
Red Fox
Red Fox
Red fox habitats are woodland, heathland, moorland, farmland, grassland,
towns and gardens.
They live in burrow
systems called
They eat small
mammals, birds, frogs
and worms but can
also eat berries and
other fruit. They love
going through human
rubbish so keep your
bin lids on!
Their footprint shows
4 digits well in front
of the heel pad. Cat
and dog footprints, on
the other hand, show
the toes much closer
to the heel pad.
Hedgehog habitats include moorland, heathland, grassland, woodland, parks and gardens.
They are nocturnal and sleep
during the day in bushes and
hedges. In winter they
hibernate in nests of leaves.
Their footprints are
long and knobbly
with claws.
They eat garden pests
like slugs and snails
as well as beetles,
birds' eggs and other