All rights reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduced (by any means) without the expressed written permission of Joey Szatmary (Szatstrength) This manual is being offered for education and information purposes only. There is inherent risk with any physical activity. Please consult your physician before starting this (or any) exercise program. SZATSTRENGTH, LLC , cannot be held responsible for any injury that may occur while participating in this program. ** PURCHASE IS FINAL THERE IS NO REFUND FOR THIS PURCHASE** Copyright 2016 Szatmary Strength, LLC Prior to beginning: Foam roll and jump rope for 5-10 minutes prior to the warm-up… make sure to stretch out any spots that you know need extra work as well example: Knees/back/shoulders/hips here is a link to how to foam roll prior to a workout… -Make sure to be warming up the prime muscles/movers in each of the main lifts for your session. -Keep your sleep/nutrition on the best schedule you can possibly maintain with your lifestyle. -This program will work if YOU put the work in! If you aren’t putting the work in, or being lazy the results will NOT come. Do the work, and receive the rewards! BUT FIRST…FIRST YOU MUST OBTAIN THE WARRIOR MINSET BEFORE CONTINUING ANY FARTHER… The Warrior mindset (one of my biggest secrets) Every single session prepare yourself to go to battle. Once you step onto the training ground have confidence that you are going to KILL your training session. Know in your mind and body that you will give every ounce of sweat, and tear your muscle fibers to shreds! Always keep going knowing that someone is out there working harder than you. If that doesn’t keep you hungry I don’t know what does! This mindset is what will push you to get that extra rep, and to run a little farther, to hold on a little longer. 70% mental 30% physical, the will to keep going will get you where you want to be! If you are willing to work hard, get some sweat dripping, chase after your goals, and have a warrior mentality! Then this is for YOU! You can expect to get stronger, faster, more explosive, lean, mean, and overall athletic! "A Champion Acts in the NOW" – Kai Greene Muscle MIND Connection: Want to know a secret that only the greats will implement? I didn’t believe it until I tried it, it’s called the “Muscle MIND Connection”. You need to visualize the results before they even happen, your mind is the most powerful tool you possess. Every rep, every stride you make visualize the body that you want, how you want to look and feel! I can guarantee this will work if you do it right! More information on visualization check out Navy Seals Mark Devine and how he visualizes -Navy Seal tactic video clicks HERE NOW IT’S TIME TO GO TO BATTLE! This program is your template that is broken up into 6 weeks of training. Training week number 7 (optional) will be a “de-load” week What is a “de-load” week? On the 4th week of training we call this a de-load week, or an off week. Which means you hit your training so hard for 3 weeks that the 4th week is for you to stay active in different ways then hitting the sessions prescribed in the program. This is used for recovery, lowering the intensity and volume for a weak and keeping your body always guessing what is coming next! I personally use this technique and know it works for a fact! I have had some of my biggest gains in the gym come from this method so believe me this works! You can play with the dog, play some backyard football or soccer, do bodyweight workouts, kettlebell workouts, swim etc… just switch it up! WHEN DO YOU TRAIN? There are 4 workouts a week, they are designed to be followed as programed you can do 2 days on, 1 day off. It would look like this… MONDAY and TUESDAY workout Wednesday OFF THURSDAY FRIDAY on, WEEKEND OFF or do light cardio. Another split would me Monday-Wednesday-Friday-Saturday. Make it work for your schedule! REST IS KEY! You need to be resting 8-10 hours each night and making sure the muscles recover/build properly. These sessions are designed for you to be giving it you all each and every set and rep, challenging and pushing yourself. Program details: PLEASE CLICK VIDEO FOR EXPLANATION OF PROGRAM: -12-week training cycle 6 week of peaking then re-do the program with new PR! - Linear progression starting at 70% of 1RM and increase based on AMARAP by 2.5 % each week - IF you do NOT hit certain reps then stay at same % for that week, if regressing drops the % for following week -Training split will be a 4-day split with accessory + optional conditioning Step 1: Know or find/estimate proper 1RM for each lift: Bench, squat, Dead, Bench If you do not know how to find that use this calculator: AMRAP Set: AS MANY REPS AS POSSIBLE This is all be 3x5 + 1 AMRAP (as many reps as possible with good form/technique) If your AMRAP set is >8 reps increase next week by 2.5 % for numbers If your AMRAP set is 6-8 reps stay at same % next week If AMRAP is <5 go down 2.5 % then work back up Do the program for 6 weeks which will get you to 80% and should be hitting 8+ reps on AMRAP meaning your 1RM has increased. Week 1-6 Day 1: Strength: Deadlift 3x5 70% 1rm + 1 AMRAP 3 broad jumps 10 leg raises Accessory: 4x 8 RDL’s 4x DB rows 8 each arm 4x 10 GHD sit ups 4x Farmer Carry Conditioning: 21-15-9 Burpee + tuck jump Wall balls 400m run between round completions Day2: Strength: Overhead Press + AMRAP 5 burpee broad jumps 30 secs-1-minute plank Accessory: 3x Single Arm (S/A) push press x 8 3x Skull Crushers x 8 + 1 Drop set x 12 8x DB side raises each side Band Pull apart x 15-20 reps Conditioning: 4 Rounds for time… 5 man-makers 200m sprint 20 sit ups Day 3: Strength: Squat 3x5 70% + 1 AMRAP 3 box jumps Accessory: 4 rounds of… DB or BB back racked alternating lunges (forward lunge) x 12 (6 each leg) 1 Sled push 100’ 10 Hip extensions or barbell hip thrusters 10 reps of leg press Conditioning: EMOTM:12 Even: 8/10/12 Burpees (you pick your level) Odd: 8/10/12 cals rowed Day 4: Strength: Bench: 3x5 70% + AMRAP set can) Barbell Rows x 5 (try to keep same as bench weight if not work at what you 15 Sit-ups Accessory: DB incline press x 10 reps Dips Sub-max effort (must be 6+) Pull up variation x 6-12 reps (switch grip each set… wide, close, etc…) Conditioning: 10 Minute AMRAP… 5 pull-ups 10 push ups 15 air squats Week 2 Day : Strength: Deadlift 3x5 @ 72.5 + 1 AMRAP set 3 box jumps *increase height 30 Russian twists Accessory: 4x Wide grip row x 6 reps 4x RDL’s (Romanian Dead Lifts) + pause below knee (1-2 secs) 4x front rack carry with sandbag or barbell 50’ Conditioning: 4 rounds: 2 Minutes of work 1 minute of rest… 10 squat jumps 10 sit ups 50m sprint or 50 jump ropes Day 2: Strength: Overhead Press 3x5 @ 72.5 % 1RM + 1 AMRAP set 3-5 Chin ups between sets 5-10 ab roll outs Accessory: 3x GIANT SET 10 DB standing shoulder presses Skull crushers x 6 + drop set 5 wall walks 20 band pull apart Conditioning: 12-minute AMRAP: 5 DB snatches each arm 5 Pull ups 5 burpee box jumps Day : Strength: Squat 3x5 @ 72.5 % + 1 AMRAP set 3 Broad jumps 5-10 Knee to chest Accessory: 3x BB lunges 12 total (6 each leg) 3x 1 minute plank 3x 1 100’ sled push 3x 10 hip thrusters Conditioning: 21-15-9 for time… KB swings Clean + press (BB or DB) 100m Sprint between rounds Day 4: Strength: Bench Press 3x5 @ 72.5 % + 1 AMARAP set Pendlay Rows x 5 Side plank raises 10 each side Accessory: Super Set 3x DB Incline alternating press x 12 3x Pull ups with slow negative on the way down Super set 3x Dips 6-12 3x Curls x 10 each arm Conditioning: Tabata… 20 seconds of work/10 seconds of rest 8 rounds per movement: 1. Mountain climbers 2. Push up variation (switch each time, wide, close, incline, clapping etc..) 3. Squat + Plate jump over Week 3: Day 1: Strength: Deadlift 3x5 @ 72.5/75 % + 1 AMRAP set 1 light sled pull or 3 box jumps 10 light band pull s Accessory: 4x 6 rack pulls from just below knee 4x 6 BB rows 3x Pull ups 6-8 3x Kb swings x 10 Conditioning: 10-minute AMRAP: 3 wall walks 1 sled push (light) 50-100’ 5 burpees Day 2: Strength: Overhead press 3x5 72.5 or 75% 1RM + 1 AMRAP 10 Recline Rows Between sets 10 leg raises Accessory: 4x6 behind the Neck Push Press SUPER SET 4x Sub max dips (weighted If possible) 4x 8 Plate raises SUPERSET 3x 50’ heavy farmer carries 3x 30 second hollow hold Conditioning: NONE Day 3: Strength: Squat 3x5 @ 72.5/75 % + 1 AMRAP set 3 burpee broad jumps between sets Accessory: SUPER SET 3x DB step ups x 6 each leg 3x Sled pull 50-100’ 4xLeg press x 8 Conditioning: EMTOM: 12 1. 10/12/15 cal row 2. 20 bodyweight squats 3. 10/12/15 burpees 4. 45 second plank Day 4: Strength: Bench 3x5 @ 72.5/75 % 1RM + 1 AMRAP set DB Row 6 each arm 5-10 Ab roll outs Accessory: SUPER SET 4x 15 reps DB chest press 4x wide grip rows GIANT SET 3x 8 DB flies 3x submax chin-ups 3x 10 rear delt bent over flies Conditioning: Rest double the time it takes to complete each sprint. 4x 100m sprints 2x 200m sprint Week 4 Day 1: Strength: Dead Lift 3x5 @ 75/77.5% 1RM + 1 AMRAP Set 2 box jumps (high) 30 bicycles Accessory: 4x4 front squats GIANT SET 3x 6 good mornings 3x 8 db lunges per leg 3x 10 kb swings Conditioning: *ex… 3 box jumps overs, 3 hand release pushups 3 wall balls, then 6…9…12…9 back down. 3-6-9-12-9-6-3 Box jump overs Hand release push ups Wall balls Day 2: Strength: 3x5 @ Overhead Press 75/77.5 % 1RM + 1 AMRAP set 3-5 pull ups between sets (weighted if possible) Accessory: GIANT SET x 4 Barbell push press x 6 reps Explosive pushups x 5-10 reps Tricep push downs x 12 reps Conditioning: 3 rounds of… 3 Minutes of work 2 minutes of Rest 50 mountain climbers 15 sit ups Overhead carry 50’ Day 3: Strength: 3x5 @ 75/77.5% 1RM + 1 AMRAP Squat Accessory: 3x GIANT SET 4 broad jumps 12 Kb or DB lunges 12 KB or DB squats Conditioning: 12 Minute AMRAP 2-4-6-8… *keep increasing Burpees DB snatches (total) Sit ups Day 4: Strength: 3x5 @ 75/77.5% 1RM + 1 AMRAP SET Accessory: 3x GIANT SET Incline DB press x 10 Single Arm Farmer Carry (heavy) Dips 6-8 *weighed) + 1 Drop without weight 8 plate raises Conditioning: Complete for time 21-15-9 Renegade push ups Ab mat sit ups Box jumps Week 5: Day 1: Strength: Deadlift @77.5/80% 1RM + 1 AMRAP SET Accessory: 4x3 rack pulls HEAVY GIANT SET 3x 12 death marches 3x 12 KB swings 3x 12 back extensions Conditioning: 1 Minute of each movement 30 seconds of rest 5 rounds. 1-Jump rope 2- Side shuffles 3- Bear crawl down and back 10 yards Day 2: Strength: Overhead Press @ 77.5/80% 1RM + AMRAP SET Accessory: 4x4 barbell push press Super set 3x Sub-max dips 10 front plate raises Super Set: Farmer Carry 50’ Band pulls x 20 50 bicycles Conditioning: AMRAP 12 MINUTES 8 Box jumps 10 box jumps 12 V-ups 14 Kb swings Day 3: Strength: Squat @ 77.5/80% 1RM + 1 AMRAP 10-yard bear crawl 3 squat jumps Accessory: GIANT SET 3x Split squats x 8 per leg 3x 8x Sumo Dead lift high pull 3x 8 hip thruster’s w Barbell Conditioning: 6 x100’ sled sprints Day 4: Strength: Deadlift day 77.5/80% 1RM + 1 SET AMRAP 3 box jumps 10 leg raises Accessory: 4x Wide grip row x 6 reps 4x RDL’s (Romanian Dead Lifts) + pause below knee (1-2 secs) 4x front rack carry with sandbag or barbell 50’ Conditioning: 4 rounds: 2 Minutes of work 1 minute of rest… 10 squat jumps 10 sit ups 50m sprint or 50 jump ropes Week 6: FINAL WEEK! HIT PR’S AND REPEAT PROGRAM! Day 1: Strength: Dead Lift 77.5/80% 1RM + AMRAP SET 3 broad jumps 30 Russian twists Accessory: 4x4 front squats 3x8 RDL’s 4x3 box Jumps Conditioning: NONE REST & RECOVERY Day 2: Strength: Overhead Press 77.5/80% 1RM + AMRAP SET 3-5 clapping push ups 1 50m sprint Accessory: 3x Floor bench x 10 reps 3x 6Behind the neck push press 3x 15 face pulls Conditioning: 100 Burpees for time Day 3: Strength: Squat 77.5/80% 1RM + AMRAP SET 10 KB swings between sets 10 side plank raises each side Accessory: GIANT SET 6 each leg Front racked barbell lunges 12 squat jumps w weights in hands 6 barbell good mornings Conditioning: 3 rounds for time 20 calorie rows 15 wall balls or squat jumps 5 wall walks or incline push ups Day 4: Strength: Bench 3x5 @ 80% 1RM + AMRAP Single arm DB row 8 each arm 12 leg raises Accessory: GIANT SET 4x 12 incline push ups 10 DB flies 12 BB skull crushers Conditioning: 10-minute AMRAP 3 cleans 6 burpees over bar 9 box jumps or squat jumps THANK YOU! Subscribe to SZATSTRENGTH on youtube Follow on Instagram @SZATSTRENGTH ** EMAIL ME WITH YOUR EMAIL IF YOU WANT TO BECOME PART OF THE “LIONS DEN” ELITE GROUP! You will receive weekly motivation, tips, tricks, and FREE WORKOTUS! ** If you love this program and want more please make sure to contact me, I will be doing elite online coaching. This will provide you with a week by week/month by month fully customized program, specifically for you to meet your goals. I will do check in calls/texts and progress reports to make sure you