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Unit 5 Exam: Book of Acts

Unit 5 Exam
Match each person from Unit 5 with the correct description.
1. He wrote an account of the early church and the spread of the gospel.
a. Matthias
2. Paul appealed, as a Roman citizen, for a trial before him in Rome.
b. Theophilus
3. He was the first martyr of the early church.
of John
4. He sent messengers to Peter asking him to come to Caesarea.
5. He died after allowing a crowd of people to refer to him as a god.
d. James, the brother
of Jesus
6. She died after lying about the amount of money she and her husband gave
to the church.
James, the brother
e. Peter
7. God sent him a vision of a sheet holding clean and unclean animals.
8. King Herod had him killed for his faith and planned to kill Peter when he saw
g. Philip
the Jews’ reaction.
9. He initially persecuted Christians and later became a great missionary in the
early church.
10. He led the council of Jerusalem in its decision regarding Gentiles and
Mosaic law.
h. Cornelius
John Mark
k. Sapphira
11. He left Paul and Barnabas during the first missionary journey.
m. Barnabas
12. He preached to an Ethiopian official traveling from Jerusalem.
n. Timothy
13. He was chosen by lot to become the 12th apostle.
o. Lydia
14. The Gospel of Luke and the Book of Acts are addressed to him.
p. Silas
15. He took his nephew with him to preach in Cyprus rather than accompanying
q. Luke
Paul on a second missionary journey.
16. His mother was a Jew, and his father was a Greek.
King Herod
17. Peter was empowered by God to raise her from the dead.
Caesar (emperor Nero)
18. He was jailed with Paul on a missionary trip.
19. He kept Paul in prison even though there were no real charges against him.
20. She sold purple cloth.
Put the following events in the correct chronological order.
Group 1
The gospel spreads to Samaria, where many believe.
The disciples choose a 12th member to replace Judas.
Peter and John are imprisoned by the Sanhedrin.
Jesus ascends into heaven.
Stephen is the first Christian martyr.
The Holy Spirit is poured out in Jerusalem.
Group 2
Philip brings the gospel message to Samaria.
Paul is left for dead outside the city gates of Lystra.
God directs Peter to bring the gospel message to the Gentiles in Caesarea.
Stephen is brought before the Sanhedrin on false charges.
Paul and Barnabas set out from Antioch on a missionary journey.
Saul travels to Damascus to persecute Christians.
Group 3
Paul remains in Ephesus for about three years.
The Jerusalem council meets to determine whether or not all Christians have to obey Mosaic law.
Paul is brought for trial before Felix.
Paul and Silas experience an earthquake while in prison.
Paul is shipwrecked.
Paul and Barnabas part ways before Paul’s second missionary journey.
1. Disciple.
2. Apostle.
3. Pentecost.
4. Hebraic Jews.
5. Hellenistic or Grecian Jews.
6. Samaritans.
7. Tarsus.
8. The temple of Artemis.
9. Ephesus.
10. Pax Romana.
Short Answer
Briefly answer the following questions in complete sentences, and use examples where appropriate.
1. How is the Book of Acts arranged?
2. Why was it appropriate that the Holy Spirit was poured out on Pentecost?
3. How did Stephen’s trial and death parallel Christ’s?
4. How did God prepare the Ethiopian for the gospel message?
5. How had God been preparing Saul to carry the gospel message even before his conversion?
6. How did God prepare Peter for bringing the gospel to the Gentiles?
7. What type of cities did Paul visit on his missionary journeys? What pattern did he follow in preaching the gospel in
these cities?
8. How did Paul travel on his various journeys?
9. What groups or people did Paul have to appear before when he was falsely charged of bringing a Gentile into
the temple?
Answer the following questions in complete sentences, and use examples where appropriate.
1. When we study the story of the early Christian church—what it was like, how it grew—what lessons can we
2. Luke recorded a number of outpourings of the Holy Spirit on groups of people. Why were these outpourings
especially significant?
3. Why was Saul’s conversion so important to the early church and the spread of the gospel?
4. Why was the acceptance of Gentile believers of great significance to the Jerusalem church?
5. How did God provide for Paul on his various journeys?
6. In Acts we see the movement from a largely Jewish church based in Jerusalem under Peter to a more Gentile
church under Paul’s leadership. Trace the development of the early church as presented in the Book of Acts.
7. The Book of Acts records many examples of God’s intervention in the lives of his people. List and describe three
examples of God’s interventions in the Book of Acts.