Uploaded by Devansh Modi

Vocational Training Report at BASF India Ltd.

Dahej Site
Done by
FROM 17/12/18 TO 28/12/18
BASF SE is a German chemical company and the largest chemical
producer in the world. The BASF Group comprises subsidiaries and
joint ventures in more than 80 countries and operates six integrated
production sites and 390 other production sites in Europe, Asia,
Australia, the Americas and Africa. Its headquarters is located in
Ludwigshafen, Germany. BASF has customers in over 190 countries
and supplies products to a wide variety of industries. Despite its size
and global presence, BASF has received relatively little public
attention since it abandoned manufacturing and selling BASF branded consumer electronics products in the 1990s.
At the end of 2017, the company employed around 115,490 people,
with over 52,000 in Germany alone. Between 1990 and 2005, the
company invested €5.6 billion in Asia, for example in sites near
Nanjing and Shanghai, China and Mangalore, India.
BASF is listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, London Stock
Exchange, and Zurich Stock Exchange. The company de-listed its
ADR from the New York Stock Exchange in September 2007. The
company is a component of the Euro Stoxx 50 stock market index.
Project Type
Integrated chemical complex
Construction Started
October 2014
INR10bn (approximately $180m)
BASF India’s chemical production complex at Dahej, Gujarat, started
operations in October 2014. At approximately INR10bn ($180m), it
is the biggest investment made by BASF in India.
The complex is located at the 453km² Dahej Petroleum, Chemicals
and Petrochemicals Investment Region (PCPIR). Planning for the
project started in mid-2011, the investment decision was made in
April 2012 and construction activities were completed in 2014 with
zero lost-time incidents.
The chemical complex integrates polyurethane manufacturing
facilities, as well as production facilities for care chemicals and
polymer dispersions to cater to the growing appliances, footwear,
automotive, construction, coatings, paper and home and personal care
The polyurethane plant produces BASF’s proprietary Elastollan
thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU), Cellasto
polyurethane components for automotive NVH (noise, vibration and
harshness) parts, and other polyurethane products applied primarily
in cold and heat-insulation applications.
The plant also integrates production facilities for precursors, such as
polyetherols and polyesterols, and an MDI (methylene diphenyl
diisocyanate) splitter, the first of its kind in South Asia, for
processing crude MDI.
The care chemicals facility at the site, which integrates the
company’s first sulphation plant in the country, produces surfactants
for home and personal care.
The polymer dispersions plant, which complements the company’s
existing dispersions facility in Mangalore, produces BASF’s
proprietary Acronal and Styrofan products for architectural coatings,
adhesives and construction, Styronal and Basonal for paper coating,
and Basoplast for sizing.
The project involved the construction of associated infrastructure,
including non-plant buildings, a demineralised water plant, a boiler, a
cooling tower, a thermal oxidiser, a compressor, a tempered water
package, a wastewater treatment plant, a 66KV switchyard, a fire and
gas system, storage facilities, utilities and offsites.
Firstly, I am grateful to Mr. Jayanti Parmar, Head - HR, and the
HR team, who guided me through the procedures of the vocational
Secondly, I am thankful to Mr. Satya Swarup, Head - EHS, who
provided me with the EHS induction highlighting all the hazards and
safety precautions one should take inside the camp site.
Also, I would like to thank Mr. Rakesh Modi, Manager Maintenance Engineering department, whose exemplary guidance,
supervision and careful monitoring helped me learn a lot about my
field. He also created a very friendly work environment.
Lastly, I would like to thank all the employees that have helped
me and guided me throughout the training period.
An Engineer is one who converts the theories of the textbooks into
the practical working models and processes. We learn many things
more perfectly and accurately through observations and applications.
Learning in classes just gives us the basic idea about any process,
while at the same time industrial training helps us to understand the
detailed and thorough working of that particular process. Hence, we
can clearly understand the principle application of the theoretical
This report consists the various unit operations and operational
details of the plant. This report has been prepared on basis of
information collected and provided during the vocational training I
underwent at BASF India Pvt. Ltd., Dahej. The information given in
this report is true as per my knowledge and data provided by the
 EHS policy
 Safety and Environment at work place
 Hazardous Substances
 Personal Protective Equipments (PPE)
 Use of mobile phones/camera in camp site is prohibited
 Housekeeping
 Safety Showers, fire extinguishers, etc.
 Emergency alarm
 MCP - Manual Call Points
 Emergency numbers:
 108 - Ambulance (External) - For Medical help
 111 - Emergency Control Centre (Internal) - For
fire help
 102 - OHC (Internal) - For Medical help
 Number of assembly points: 4
 In order for any work to be done, either Standard Operating
Procedures (SOP) or work permit is required.
 Siren testing is done at 11:00 on every Wednesday.
Some safety symbols -
Boiler Specifications  Boiler make - Cethar vessel
 Type - Water tube boiler
 Capacity - 36.5 tph
 Green pipes carry water and red pipes carry steam or flue gases.
 Thermal oxidizer (TO) treats gases before releasing in the
 PLC monitoring system controls parameters of boiler.
 3 safety valves are used in boiler. 1 steam line safety valve and 2
steam drum safety valves.
 It is a natural circulation boiler.
Parts of boiler 1. Steam drum - collection vessel for steam and water. Steam and
water will be separated using steam separators. Steam is sent to
super heater and water to mud drum.
2. Mud/water drum - Solids and mud in water settle in the mud
drum and are removed after periodic blow down.
3. Water walls - Tubing arrangement to extract heat from fuel to
generate steam.
4. Super-heater - Increases temperature of steam.
5. Economizer - Accessory to recover heat of flue gases before
leaving boiler by heating feed water.
6. Air heater - Air supplied to boiler is pre heated.
7. Boiler fans - Forced draft fans send air from atmosphere to the
furnace. Air is extracted from furnace by induced draft fans.
Water - tube boiler
It sends fire water to the entire camp site. The pipes are of red
Equipment  Jockey pump - Maintains the header of water.
Works between 8.3 - 8.8kg/cm2 of pressure.
 Electrical HT pump - Starts when pressure falls to 7.8kg/cm2. It
has to be manually stopped.
 Diesel engine pump - Starts when pressure falls below
6.8kg/cm2. Once started it has to be manually stopped.
 Diesel Storage tank - diesel is stored in it which is used by the
diesel pumps.
 DM - De-mineralised water. It is used as a utility in other plants.
 Process water - water which comes to the camp site from
Equipment used 1. Process water tank
2. Sand filter (MGH)
4. Clean water tank
5. Transfer pumps
6. Backwash pump to reduce pressure
7. Air blowers
8. Cooling tower
9. Site Stream Filter (SSF)
10. Ultra-filtration
11. UF storage tank
12. Reverse osmosis - it has 3 stages and total 10 membranes
13. Air compressors - there are totally 3
14. Air dryers
15. Air receivers
16. De-gasser - removes excess ions
17. Mixed bed
18. DM water storage tank
19. Tempered water - DM water is heated by steam to 85℃
 Types of air used in plants:
 Instrument air - Does not contain moisture. Pressure range
between 6-7 bar which is mostly used for air operated
equipment (pneumatic cylinder)
 Wet air - Contains moisture
 Compressed air - pressure is above 7 bar used for AODD
 Liquid nitrogen is transported in vapour form
 Butadiene and propylene oxide (PO) are stored in concrete walls
as they are highly inflammable.
 The waste water from different units are accumulated in the
large neutralization tank of 1600KL.
 Neutralizing of pH by dosing of NaOH and HCl is done in this
tank by plunger pump.
 Water is then pumped to aeration tank.
 Water having hazardous particles is transmitted to effluent tank.
 Bacteria are added in aeration tank for decomposition of waste
in water and controlling of BOD and COD of water.
 The water from aeration tank is transferred to classifier tank
which contains two rotating rocker arms which collects the
sludge in center.
 The water treated from plant has COD less than 80.
 BASF standard limit specifies less than 150 while GPCB norms
are far at 250.
 Also called Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP).
 This room is main monitoring system of all the processes of
different units.
 The various gauges and machines provide accurate reading of
various quantities.
 PLC (Programmable logic control) is used for the controlling of
whole process.
 While DCS (Distributor control system) is also used which can
override the entire PLC program in faulty condition.
 Over this there is SIS system which can prevent the system from
damaging during process.
 The inputs are provided by PLC system itself and output can be
obtained on screens in CCR.
 This system makes the whole plant automated.
 The room has a special set of system which can modify the
initial data fed according to the need.
 There is a locker room where all employees can keep their
belongings and also give their clothes for laundry.
 Manufacture of shock absorbers which are used in 2 & 4
wheelers in India.
Equipment  Heating unit - Maintains a temperature of 90℃.
 Solvent bath - to clean parts using chemicals.
 Electrical curing oven - heating of parts to increase mechanical
 Dies - different dies for different requirement.
 Pneumatic air pump - to pump chemicals
 2 Chillers - to maintain temperature of water.
 Polyol oven - for heating chemicals.
 Vacuum pump - to remove moisture from chemicals and pump
chemicals in tank.
 PSV and rupture disc are provided for safety.
 Cooling cabinet with exhaust system - maintains temperature
of batch at 90℃.
 Manual cross linker - To make cross linked batch for mould.
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 Heaters are kept to maintain mould temperature.
 Power pack system - generates required pressure to operate
whole machine.
 On conveyor belt, there are 3 hydraulic cylinders.
 To open and close mould, pneumatic cylinders are used.
Tests done on sample  Hydro-pulsar machine - to test sample
 UTM - Universal Testing Machine. Gives load vs deflection graph
 Tensile specimen cutter - to test tensile force
 Compressive test
 Flexural test
 NIR lab - to test chemicals and batches
 Exhaust system - removes gases and fumes of chemicals.
 HVAC - For cooling and maintains temperature.
 Hydraulic pump is used to perform tests. Contains plate type
heat exchanger and produces a pressure of 200 bar.
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System house plant is the place for the mixture of the PEOLs and
PESOLs made. The products produced in the PEOL and PESOL plant
are the raw materials for the System House Plant.
It has 3 reactors, each having a capacity of 30 ton.
The System House Plant produces 2 components: Component A and
Component B.
 Component A is used in the foam of refrigerators.
 Component B is used in footwear soles and automotive parts.
Raw Materials 1. PEOL
3. Additives
4. Catalysts
5. Water
6. MDI (Methylene Di-Phenyl Di-Isocyanate)
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Equipment found in the Plant  3 reactors out of which one is called a blender reactor and the
other two are called pre-polymer reactors
 2 pre-polymer blowers
 Air extraction fan
 Carbon filter - To filter air before it is released outside
 Spill kits
 Safety showers
 Heating ovens
 Thermal Oxidizer (TO)
 Air Operated Double Diaphragm (AODD) pumps
 Screw pumps
Procedure in Brief  For the production of component A, PEOL along with catalysts,
additives and water are required.
For the production of component B, PEOL/PESOL along with
MDI and additives are required.
 First the blending of the materials takes place in the blender
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 By setting appropriate parameters, the components are formed.
 To remove the carbon dioxide from the reactor, rupture disc is
 Carbon filter is used to filter the air.
 Nitrogen gas is filled inside the reactor for inertization.
 TO is used for combustion.
 Tempered water and chill water are used to maintain the
 After the products are formed, they are directly loaded into the
 Blast Freezer - Some of the catalysts or additives required in this
plant have to be kept inside the blast freezer where a
temperature of -40℃ to -20℃ is maintained.
 Adipic acid and Sugar storage area - It is a storage area for
adipic acid and sugar. Also, the red drums contain the pre
polymer and the blue drums contain PESOL or PEOL.
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Process Description PEOLs are the result of the reaction between PO and sugar in
presence of a catalyst. The reaction is highly exothermic so regular
cooling is required for the reactor vessel. It contains just one
It is an etherification reaction. This plant is kept away from the
other plants as the reaction taking place here is highly exothermic
and dangerous.
Main product produced is Polyether.
Raw Materials 1. Sugar
2. Propylene oxide (PO)
3. Glycerine
4. Imidazol catalyst
5. Toluene Di-amine (TDA)
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Procedure in Brief  Recipe selection and Batch start phase.
 Required raw materials are brought from warehouse and loaded
into storage tanks.
 Sugar and PO are charged into the reactor along with catalysts.
 Reactor is inertized using nitrogen gas.
 Reactor temperature is set. If temperature rises above this limit,
the Safety Integrated System (SIS) gets activated.
 Quenching is kept on the 2nd floor, which gets activated if
temperature goes beyond a certain limit. It contains water
under high pressure.
 Sample of the product is checked and tested.
 The water which is used for cooling is cooled using a heat
 The product is stored in Intermediate Bulk Containers (IBCs) or
sent to the storage tanks. The IBCs are then taken to the
Utilities Required 1. Cooling water
2. Chilling water
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3. Thermal Oxidizer (TO)
4. Instrument air and Nitrogen gas
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Process Description PESOLs are the result of condensation reaction of a carboxylic
acids and poly-alcohols (glycols). Water is formed as a by-product.
It is an esterification reaction. Each batch cycle takes about 21
PESOL - Poly-Ester Polyol
Raw Materials used 1. Adipic acid
2. Mono Ethylene Glycol (MEG)
3. Di-Ethylene Glycol (DEG)
4. 1,4-Butanediol (BDO)
5. TYZOR Catalyst
6. Glycerine
Procedure in Brief  Recipe selection and batch start phase. Raw materials are
brought from the warehouse and loaded into the storage tanks.
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 Raw materials pre-charging phase.
 Utility start-up and checking phase.
 Raw materials are charged into the reactor. All safety
precautions must be taken.
 Atmospheric distillation is done in order to remove moisture.
 Nitrogen is added to the reactor for inertization.
 Sample checking phase.
 Tests are done on the sample.
 Cooled product is then packed into drums and then sent into
tank farms or the warehouse.
Tests for PESOL  Viscosity Test : This test is used to determine the viscosity of
 Hydroxyl Test : This test is used to check the value of free OH
ions present in that batch of PESOL.
 Acid Value Test : This test is used to determine the acidity of
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Utilities required 1. Cooling water
2. Chilling water
3. Thermic fluid heater
4. Vacuum system
5. Instrument air and Nitrogen gas
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The whole system is under vacuum. Also, continuous process takes
place here.
Raw Materials Crude MDI
Equipments Required 1. Magnetic driven pumps
2. Plate Heat Exchanger
3. Re-boilers
4. Packed Column
5. Vacuum system
Procedure in Brief  The raw material crude MDI is brought into the pre-heater.
 Here heating of MDI takes place.
 Then it goes to the re-boiler.
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 In the re-boiler, MDI splits into 2 components - MMDI & PMDI.
 PMDI goes to the tank farm.
 MMDI goes to the main column.
 By fractional distillation, MMDI again splits into ME and MI
(Mixed Isomer).
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The EM plant is divided into 3 parts 1. Sulphation
2. Turbo Tube Dryer (TTD)
3. Low Temperature Reactor (LTR)
 The main product formed is Sodium louryl ether sulphate.
 It is used in shampoos, soaps and hand wash and other personal
care products.
 Etholyxation reaction takes place.
Raw Materials 1. Caustic soda
2. Ammonia
3. Molten sulphur
4. Dry air
5. Hydrogen Peroxide - bleaching agent
6. Citric acid - to adjust pH
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7. Soda ash
8. DM water - adjust solids in paste
9. Fatty alcohol
Equipment  Molten sulphur tank - 2 pumps are kept submerged
 Burner
 2 reactors - R48 & R90 of falling film type
 SO3 absorber
 SO2 Scrubber
 6 Neutra vessels 
 5 Adjustment vessels
 Dilution vessel
 De-gasser
 Drums
 Pressure power package pump unit - recycles steam
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Procedure  Molten sulphur is brought to the burner from the molten
sulphur tank along with air from air drying unit.
 In the burner SO2 is formed.
 This product goes to the converter. The converter has 4 stages.
98% of reaction is completed here. SO3 is formed.
 Then it goes to the reactor where reactions take place.
 Then the product goes to neutra vessel. Here caustic soda is
added for neutralization.
 Then the product goes to de-gasser to remove air bubbles
trapped inside.
 Then product goes to adjustment vessel so that its pH and other
parameters can be altered depending on the requirement.
 If the paste is very thick then it goes to dilution vessel where
water is added to dilute it.
 Once required product is achieved it is filled into the drums.
 Raw materials are taken from the raw material tank farm.
 The drums are taken to finished goods tank farm.
 Before the plant is started, scrubber and absorber should be
started in order to absorb any unwanted air present.
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 If air used in burner is not dry, oleum will be produced.
 Mostly gear pumps are used in this plant.
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Raw Materials 1) TSPP - Tetra Sodium Pyro-Phosphate
2) Ammonia - Used in red-ox reaction
3) TDM
4) Vor product
5) SPS - Initiator
6) TBHP - Used for red-ox reaction
7) SAB - Used for red-ox reaction
Most of them are taken from the raw material tank farm.
Equipment  Pre mix vessel
 Reactor or Poly-vessel
 2 Blow down vessels
 DESO tower
 Condensing tank
 Flash cooler
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 Vibratory filter
 AODD pumps are used in this plant
 AUX vessel
Procedure  All the raw materials go into the pre mix vessel. Here mixing and
blending is done.
 Then product from pre mix goes to main reactor where all major
reactions take place.
 Then some of unused product from reactor goes to blow doen
vessel where again reactions take place.
 Auxiliary vessel prepares solutions which will be required in
particular reactions, mostly maltose.
 From blow down vessel, product goes to DESO tower and then
to flash cooler where cooling takes place.
 Next it goes to vibratory filter to remove impurities. This is then
pumped to condensing tank using AODD pumps.
 In condensing tank, condensate is removed and then goes to
finished good tank farm.
 It is packaged either into IBCs or drums or directly into tankers.
 All raw materials are taken from raw material tank farm.
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 Stripping tower or DESO tower is mainly to remove moisture by
 Applications are paint, paper and construction.
 Styrene is stored in styrene tank farm.
 Monomer tank farm consists of :
 Acrylic acid
 Acrylamide
 Butyl acrylate
 Methyl methacrylate
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Equipment found  Hydra - It is used to shift heavy materials from one place to
 Hydraulic crane - Used to carry or shift heavy materials to a
 Drums for cables
 Boom lift - used to carry people to work at height provided with
work platform
 Pipe fittings
 Different types of pipes
 Valves
 Pumps - centrifugal pumps, magnetic driven pumps, vacuum dry
air pumps, gear pump, lobe pump.
 Booster
 Induction motor
 Gaskets
 AODD - Air Operated Double Diaphragm Pump. Used in mining
and where no electricity is available and in explosive areas.
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 Mechanical seal
Processes that can be done  TIG welding or argon welding (SS)
 Metal Arc welding (MS)
 Grinding
 Sheet bending
 Gas welding
 Gas cutting
It is a device that regulates, directs or controls the flow of the fluid
by opening, closing or partially obstructing various passageways.
It controls flow and pressure of a fluid within a system or process.
Types of Valves 1. Gate valve - Used for on/off control with low pressure drop.
Provides good shut off. Can be used for all fluid services.
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2. Globe valve - Used to start, stop or regulate the fluid flow.
Better shut off than gate. Costlier than gate.
3. Check valve - Prevents back flow. Pressure of fluid passing
through a pipeline opens the valve,any reversal of flow will close
the valve.
4. Plug valve - Quarter turn rotary motion. Can be used in vacuum
to high pressure and temperature applications. They are on-off
stop valves. Disk is in plug shape.
5. Ball valve - Quarter turn rotary motion. Ball shaped disc to stop
or start the flow. To operate it requires 90° turn of valve handle.
6. Butterfly valve - Quarter turn rotary motion. Used to stop,
regulate or start the flow. Compact and lightweight.
7. Needle valve - Disc is like sharp needle. Very accurate control of
flow in small diameter pipes.
8. Pinch valve - Also called clamp valve. Used in handling slurries.
Uses pinch mechanism to stop, regulate or start the flow.
9. Pressure and vacuum relief valve used to prevent over pressure
and vacuum with system.
10. Multi-port valve - Used to decide way fluid will go.
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It is a machine element that contains relative motion to only
desired motion and reduces friction between moving parts.
Types of bearings 1) Ball bearings - Can handle radial and thrust loads. Used for small
load. Contact between inner and outer race is a point.
2) Roller bearings - Used in conveyor belts, for heavy radial loads.
Contact between inner and outer race is a line. Cannot handle
thrust loading.
3) Needle bearing - Uses cylinders with very small diameter.
4) Ball thrust bearing - Low speed and cannot handle much radial
5) Roller thrust bearing - Can take large thrust loads. Used in car
transmissions between gears.
6) Tapered roller bearing - Can support large radial and large
thrust loads.
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It is a mechanical seal which fills the space between two or more
mating surfaces to prevent leakage or from or into the joined
objects while under compression.
Gaskets are used in fuel tanks, closed vessels, boilers and
Types of Gaskets 1. Rubber type
2. Non-asbestos type
3. Cork type
4. Full faced type
5. Inner bolt circle
6. Segmented
7. Spiral wound
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 Flange is used to connect pipes, valves and pumps to form a
piping system.
 It provides easy access for cleaning, inspection and modification.
 Flanges are usually welded or screwed.
 Gasket is provided between two flanges to provide a seal.
Types of Flanges 1. Weld neck flange - Used for high pressure, high/low
temperature applications. V-shaped butt welding is done to
connect pipe and flange.
2. Long weld neck flange - Neck is extended and acts like a boring
3. Slip on flange - Connected to pipe by two fillet welds, one inside
and other outside cavity of flange. Bore of pipe is greater than
bore of pipe. Can only be connected to pipes.
4. Threaded flange - Has threading inside and is screwed to pipes.
Used in explosive areas.
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5. Socket weld flange - Connected to pipes with single fillet weld
on outside of flange. Used for non-corrosive liquids and for
small size and high pressure piping.
6. Lap joint flange - Used in conjunction with a stub end.
7. Blind flange - Used to blind or seal a pipeline or to block the
flow of the fluid.
Pipe fittings help to change the direction of flow.
Types of fittings  Elbows
 45°
 90°
 Long radius
 Short radius
 180° bend
 Long radius
 Short radius
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 Tees
 Equal
 Reducing
 Cross
 Equal
 Reducing
 Caps
 Reducers
 Concentric
 Eccentric
 Stub ends
 Coupling
 Full
 Half
 Reducing
 Swag nipple
 Concentric
 Eccentric
 Unions
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AODD pump
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Pipe fittings
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Safety of Equipment :
 Pressure Safety Valve (PSV) - When set pressure of valve is
reached, it opens fully to discharge the fluid.
 Level Switch (LS) - Used to detect level of liquid in a tank.
 Flow Switch (FS) - It is a device that monitors the flow of air,
steam or liquid. It sends a trip signal to a pump to shut off or
turn on.
 Rupture disc - Also called pressure safety disc or bursting disc. It
protects a vessel from overpressure.
 Flow Transmitter (FT) - Flow meter with internal electronic
circuits used to provide electrical output.
 Radar - Measures how much liquid is there in vessel.
 Pressure Transmitter (PT) - Pressure meter with internal
electronic circuits used to provide electrical output.
 ON/OFF Valve - Used to stop or start the flow of a fluid.
 Control Valve - Used to regulate the flow of the fluid.
 Temperature bath
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 Temperature switch
 Pressure gauge
 Pressure switch
 PLC training kit
 Pressure calibrator
 Flow meter
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 There are 3 sub-stations in the camp site.
 The supply from the GEP is 66kV.
 GEP main supply comes to the switch yard.
 Inside the switch yard, the following are found :
 Lightening arrestors
 Earth pit
 Transformer
 Apex metering panel
 Isolator
 Current transformer
 Potential transformer
 Main breaker
 High voltage - 66kV, 131A
 Low voltage - 6.6kV, 1255A
 Transformer used is step-down transformer
 Lightening transformer is used for company lights rated at 230V
 Inside sub-station, following is found :
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 Breakers - ACB and VCB
 Relay circuit
 Main voltage supply panel (MVSP) - DC voltage at 110V
 Variable Frequency Drive (VFD)
 LDB - Lighting Distributor Board
 Power follows this path :
MVSP (66kV )  PCC (6.6kV )  MCC (6.6kV )  Motors (440V )
 There are totally 3 diesel generators  1 for EM plant
 2 are used for other plants during power fail
 Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) - Works on batteries when
power fail occurs
 Cellar - Cable room
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Control panels inside a sub station
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Diesel generator
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The summer training was useful in enhancing our understanding
of the engineering profession technically. In a short span of two
weeks, I was able to learn and observe how work is being done in a
real industry. Practical understanding of all the equipment can be
correlated with the fundamental concepts of engineering. I learnt
technical skills along with having a hard-working attitude. Team
work is another factor one should incorporate in himself as it is
required in an industry to coordinate with all the colleagues
efficiently. This training also improved my soft and functional skills.
I am grateful to BASF for providing me with such an opportunity
which helped me in expanding my knowledge and gave me a new
insight about industries.
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