“Desiree’s Baby” Analysis Questions—20 points total 1. Paragraph 17 which begins, “What Desiree said was true” chiefly characterizes Desiree’s and Armand’s relationship as… (A) a symbiotic relationship in which both Desiree and Armand become better people because of each other. (B) a condescending relationship as Desiree seems to have the upper hand. (C) a codependent relationship where Desiree is dependent on Armand for emotional needs. (D) an uneven relationship that hinged on the emotions of Armand. (E) a romantic relationship that became stronger with the birth of a son. How do you know? For the short answer question, write one paragraph minimum that fully answers the question. Indirect and direct evidence must be used. 2. Explain two examples of irony present in the story (one cannot be about the ending). 3. Write a one paragraph summary without any direct, textual evidence. Rating Scales for Analysis Questions—15 points 1. How effectively do I explain my metacognition for my answer choice? __________________________________________________________________ | | | | 2 3 4 5 -BeginningIneffectively 2. Answer-choice may be incorrect or correct Metacognition displays an uneven and inaccurate explanation. Metacognition uses indirect evidence effectively. -DevelopingSomewhat Effectively Answer-choice may be incorrect or correct Metacognition displays a somewhat even and accurate explanation of the reasoning for the right answer and the wrong answers. Metacognition uses indirect evidence only effectively. -ShowcaseVery effectively Answer-choice may be incorrect or correct Metacognition displays a mostly even and accurate explanation of the reasoning for the right answer and the wrong answers. Metacognition uses both indirect and direct evidence effectively. Answer-choice is correct Metacognition displays an even and accurate explanation of the reasoning for the right answer and the wrong answers. Metacognition uses both indirect and direct evidence very effectively How effectively does my short answer convey a deep understanding of the text? ________________________________________________________________ | | | | 2 3 4 5 -BeginningIneffectively -DevelopedMostly Effectively Overall my evidence used helps to convey my weak understanding No parts of the question are answered. -DevelopingSomewhat Overall my evidence used somewhat conveys my understanding but may disprove my claim. Few parts of the question are answered. -DevelopedEffectively and Deeply Overall my evidence used helps to convey my understanding Most parts of the question are answered. -ShowcaseVery Effectively and Deeply Overall my evidence used helps to convey my deep understanding All parts of the question are answered. 3. How effectively I summarize the text to show a deep understanding? ________________________________________________________________ | | | | 2 3 -BeginningIneffectively I include none of the necessary supporting details that show a weak or misunderstanding of the text. My sentences are completely general. I have a multitude of question words in my answer. 4. Grammar points 5—error free 4—1-2 errors 3—3-4 errors 2—5+ errors 4 -DevelopingSomewhat I include some of the necessary supporting details that show somewhat of an understanding of the text. My sentences are general with few specifics. I have several question words in my answer. 5 -DevelopedEffectively and Deeply I include most of the necessary supporting details that show an understanding of the text. My sentences are concise and specific. I have few question words in my answer. -ShowcaseVery Effectively and Deeply I include all necessary supporting details that show a deep understanding of the text. My sentences are concise and effectively specific. I have no question words in my answer.