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Faculty-Staff Handbook Addendum Updated - April

Addendum to the
Archdiocese of Seattle
Catholic Schools
Policies Manual, Section 3
Bishop Blanchet High School
Seattle, WA
Updated: April 30, 2018
Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Mission and Philosophy----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
Chapter 2
Faculty & Staff--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
Chapter 3
Teacher Substitutions-------------------------------------------------------------------------5
Chapter 4
Faculty and Staff Awards--------------------------------------------------------------------7
Chapter 5
Health and Welfare Benefits
A: 403 (b) Participation-------------------------------------------------------------8
B: Sick Leave---------------------------------------------------------------------------8
C: Emergency Days-------------------------------------------------------------------8
D: Educational Assistance----------------------------------------------------------8
E: Home Loan--------------------------------------------------------------------------9
F: Event Policies---------------------------------------------------------------------10
G: Holidays---------------------------------------------------------------------------10
Bishop Blanchet is a Catholic, college preparatory high school established by the Archbishop of
Seattle. Rooted in Gospel values, we educate students within a challenging, positive and
diverse learning environment. We inspire students to transform the world around them
through a lifelong commitment to faith, scholarship and service.
Christian values permeate all curricular and co-curricular programs and thus demonstrate to
the students that every aspect of their lives has purpose and direction. We are committed to
academic excellence for faculty and students, and we foster the growth of the whole person
intellectually, spiritually, emotionally, physically, socially and artistically. We provide ongoing opportunities for faculty to grow in competence and knowledge. In carrying out our
programs, we remain true to our traditions yet open to the changing needs of our time and
the working of the Holy Spirit.
We prepare reflective leaders who understand that their destiny is one of relationship to
God and to others in Christ, and we teach this by seeking always to model Christian values.
Also, we prepare leaders by teaching students to integrate thinking and believing in ways
that encourage intellectual and emotional growth, nurture faith and inspire action.
Our Christian beliefs demand that we educate and challenge our school community to reject
racism, sexism and other forms of discrimination. We incorporate and acknowledge the
contributions of men and women of diverse cultures and races in our curriculum. We pursue
and promote racial, ethnic, cultural and economic diversity in our school.
We teach that a positive school climate depends on individual self-discipline that respects
self and others. We challenge students to grow in personal responsibility, and this extends to
responsibility for those who suffer from lack of the basic needs of love, safety, shelter and
food. It also extends to care for our environment in this world of limited resources. Thus, our
school community is committed to promoting service to the wider community.
We recognize that involvement in high school life and the friendship bonds formed in school
can be a tremendous influence in the world of a young person. We seek to support family,
church and society in the education of youth by providing students with the experience of a
Christian faith community where we affirm, support and challenge youth. To this end
students are required to live with parents, and/or approved guardian. The school reserves
the right to review all such living arrangements.
As professionals teaching in a Catholic high school, Bishop Blanchet faculty and staff
members are expected to be models for the student body in academic excellence,
performance, good citizenship
and Christian living. To this end, the following professional code will be followed.
1. Continue personal and professional academic growth.
2. Prepare classes well in order to present class material in an orderly manner appropriate to
the class being taught.
3. Make clear to the students, in a prepared syllabus that is approved by the department chair
& VP of Academics, what is expected of them in terms of study and grading.
4. Make clear to the students expectations of classroom behavior.
5. Provide individual assistance when necessary.
6. Inform students of their progress upon request and inform both students and parents when
work is beginning to be unsatisfactory.
7. Correct and return papers to students promptly.
1. Continue to develop their knowledge and skills
2. Conscientiously fulfill their job descriptions and additional duties in a timely fashion
3. Seek new ways to improve performance in their area of responsibility
4. Be punctual in attending all faculty, department, and committee meetings; trainings; and
adult faith formation.
5. Keep supervisors informed of problem areas, safety incidents and supply needs
6. Exercise responsibility by being visible in the building in a supervisory role
7. Community Period Assignment: Full time Faculty (.8 FTE or more) will be assigned a
community period unless the Principal has assigned a specific, alternative responsibility.
8. Supervisory Responsibilities: Full time Faculty (.8 FTE or more) are required to serve four
(4) blocks of supervisory duties without additional compensation; Part-time (less than .8
FTE): two (2) supervisory duties without additional compensation.
9. Example weighting of supervisory duties:
1. Retreats 4 blocks
2. Dances 2 blocks
3. Placement Exam Proctoring 2 blocks
4. Other events 1 block
5. Faculty will use the online supervision request system to sign up to supervise
events. The weights of the various supervisory opportunities will be posted on this
All PLC teams/departments will meet weekly during the late start meeting time. All faculty
members are expected to attend.
All faculty/staff meetings will occur monthly. All faculty are expected to attend. Staff is
invited as their schedule allows.
Prior to inviting any speaker or ministry provider from outside the Archdiocese to either
speak or serve in any capacity at a school event, written permission is required from the
Archbishop’s Office. At least eight weeks to complete the clearance process is necessary.
3.61 in Archdiocese of Seattle Office for Catholic Schools Personnel Policy
3.61 (A) All teachers employed in the Catholic schools shall be evaluated by the school
administrator or designee formatively in their first year, summatively in their second and third
years, and no less than every three years thereafter or as determined by the school administrator.
3.61 (B) Newly-assigned teachers shall be evaluated formally twice within the first year of their
assignment: once within the first 60 days of their assignment and again before May 15 and
thereafter according to the schedule set forth in 3.61 (A)
1. Student Course Feedback (twice each year)
2. Instructional Professional Development Learning Communities
3. Feedback/Meetings between teacher and academic department chair, Academic Vice
Principal and/or Principal, as needed
1. All teachers are to be in school from 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., and be in the first period classroom
at least 15 minutes before class begins. All classes are to start on time and end with the bell.
2. Teachers will check and record attendance carefully at the beginning of each class.
3. Teachers are to begin class with a prayer or spiritual reflection.
4. Students who are not inside their classroom when the bell to begin class has ceased ringing
are tardy. It is imperative for teachers to note all student tardies in Skyward and to follow
Student Handbook guidelines for consequences. A pattern of tardiness should be brought to
the attention of the Dean and the parent.
5. Students must have a visa in order to leave the classroom or homeroom. A visa is not
necessary for students called over the PA system, or when requested personally by a faculty
6. Between periods, teachers are on supervision duty. Teachers remaining in the same room
are to be alert to activity in the hall as well as inside the classroom. Teachers moving from
one place to another are asked to enforce school rules and monitor student behavior.
Teachers are to be aware of their general supervisory responsibility and not leave a section
of the building without some other faculty member in the area. On some occasions it may be
necessary for the teachers in an area to develop a plan for one teacher to delay leaving an
area until another teacher arrives.
7. Teachers are to be available to students after school until at least 3:00 p.m. Those teachers
involved in after school activities are to make arrangements to be available to students at
other times. Teachers are to let students know where they can be found at these available
8. If a teacher wishes to keep a student after school in his/her classroom, the teacher is to be
there to supervise. Do not leave the students by themselves.
9. At the end of the day, the teacher/staff is to have windows closed, blinds closed, lights off,
computer logged off and restarted and door locked. Whenever the classroom is not in use,
the door is to be locked.
1. A preparation period is important to enhance the quality of teaching, but given the dynamics
of everyday occurrences, it cannot always be guaranteed. (See “Emergency Situations”
2. When outside substitutes are used, every effort will be made to obtain substitutes who can
teach the lesson plan in the pertinent subject area. To assist in finding the best substitutes
possible, the Principal will screen, and recommend substitutes.
3. Current teaching staff may be needed to cover class periods (during the teacher’s prep
period). All teachers who substitute for a colleague during their prep period will be
compensated as a substitute teacher. Those teachers will be paid during the next
appropriate pay period.
4. Teachers who are willing and available to regularly substitute for a colleague during their
prep periods should provide notice of their willingness and provide the available prep
periods to the Substitute Coordinator at the beginning of each semester.
1. Multiple faculty absences on any given day e.g. department staff at a conference.
2. When a substitute is only needed for one period.
1. Outside substitutes will be paid by the class period including Community Period (CP).
2. Outside substitutes are usually hired to cover for teachers absent one or more days if
3. In the case of a “long-term” substitute (one teaching the classes for absences in excess of one
full week), the substitute will be paid for the prep period as well, totaling 4 teaching blocks
per day.
1. Should you be ill in the morning, please email the substitute coordinator,
abartel@bishopblanchet.org, by 6:00 a.m.
2. Include (completing the required written and signed form) the following information to the
substitute coordinator:
a) Name, and signature
b) Coding of the absence: (illness, school-related, bereavement, personal day)
c) Assignment directives, including room number, subject and times (Avoid giving
study periods) (If information is available online, please indicate this.) NOTE: it
is recommended that you include all substitute class plans on your Google
Classroom platform.
d) Lunch period (1st or 2nd lunch)
e) CP room number and grade level, if applicable
f) Other information that the substitute coordinator or substitute should know. (If
possible, email assignments, post them on Google classroom (recommended
option) or make arrangements for someone to bring the assignments to school.)
3. Please be sure to have a current seating chart available either in the podium or in the top
right drawer of the desk. PE TEACHERS: Please have a current list of students for each class
available in a convenient location. Sometimes the attendance rosters are not in the
attendance folder. (Inaccuracy or lack of a seating chart is one of most common complaints
of substitutes.)
Each day, as late as 7:30 a.m. teachers should check their email inbox for substitution
request, especially if the teacher has agreed to serve as a paid in-building sub.
Please talk to the teacher or email them if there are concerns regarding the substitution.
Outside substitutes will complete and turn in a "Substitute Teacher Inventory" form before
Substitution Assignment Forms are available in the Main Office, in the substitute
coordinator’s office as well as the Shared Directory (G Drive, Bartel). Please fill them out
completely before giving them to the substitute coordinator. Be sure to include specific
times for lunch. All teachers must complete an absence form/substitution request
form and submit it to the Principal for approval as soon as an absence is anticipated
or immediately after returning from an unplanned absence.
Please review with your students’ proper behavior toward a substitute and assign a student
from each class to be ready to report a missing substitute to the substitute coordinator if a
substitute has not arrived to the class within 5-7 minutes after the final bell.
Recommendations for the absent teacher:
a) Please give a specific assignment rather than a study period.
b) Make assignments as complete as possible, including your expectations, such as
whether students may talk, work together, work alone, and silently.
c) Indicate when assignments are due: at the end of the period, the following day, etc.
d) Let the substitute coordinator know if the class needs "special" attention for a
particular reason.
e) Attendance needs to be taken for all classes and community periods need to be
turned in daily whether students are absent or not.
f) It is recommended that assignments be posted on teacher’s google classroom site
for student access on their iPads.
Note: If you have to sub on a particular day and know in advance, please let the
substitute coordinator knows so she won't schedule you to sub that day. Upon your
return from an absence, if you have any input on the substitute, either positive or
negative, please let the substitute coordinator know.
1. Teachers must arrange in writing and use the available Advance Request for Substitute form
in the Main Office. This form needs to be returned to the Principal for approval. This
anticipated absence will be recorded for substitution purposes.
2. Request for an anticipated absence due to personal day should be submitted to the Principal
for approval no less than two weeks prior to the personal day absence. Class Assignments
Form should be submitted no later than 3:00 p.m. of the day prior to the anticipated absence.
Please leave class assignments in the Substitute Coordinator’s mail box or office. Please print
and/or photocopy any papers that the substitute teacher will need to distribute to the
students. Post assignments on the Google Classroom for student iPad access.
If you are planning to have students miss school for an event and use either a Schoolsponsored or School-authorized dismissal (avoid May and June), please submit the official
form for approval to the Vice Principal of Academics no less than 3 weeks in advance. Once
the approval has been granted, fill out an Anticipated Absence Form and give this to the
Faculty/staff absences are taken in missed period increments. Administrator and director
absences are taken in hourly increments. Other staff (hourly and salaried) absences are
taken in hourly increments.
This award was established by Jim and his family in 2005. The gifts given to Jim upon his
retirement from Bishop Blanchet by family, relatives and friends were used to establish a
fund that would generate revenue. The interest earned would be given to a deserving
employee of Blanchet at the annual Faculty/Staff end of the year dinner. When possible a
member of the Pinsoneault family will attend the year end dinner and present the award.
Rationale for the award: Jim Pinsoneault was in the field of education in both public and
private education for 45 years and was very involved in activities inside and outside the
classroom and his community. It was Mr. Pinsoneault’s firm belief that every employee at
Bishop Blanchet High School must be involved in co-curricular activities in the school and
volunteer in the larger community. The award is $500 and a personalized plaque.
1. Prepares him/herself the best they can every day.
2. Opens their heart to helping students in need.
3. Encourages students to get involved in activities.
4. Goes the extra mile to make Bishop Blanchet a better place to work.
5. Communicates with a warm and understanding attitude.
6. Is involved in the community.
1. Any employee who is willing to supervise and help students to grow academically,
physically, spiritually and socially.
2. Has been at Bishop Blanchet for at least 3 years.
3. Eligible for the award again in 5 years.
The selection process will be conducted by the President in collaboration with the Principal,
Director of Campus Ministry, Vice-Principal of Student Life, Vice Principal for Academics,
Deans, and Athletic Director. All faculty and staff will be solicited for nominations.
One of our former faculty members, Marilyn Rey Sherman, has established and funded an
award to recognize veteran faculty/staff. BBHS - 22 years or longer, you are eligible for the
Marilyn Rey Sherman Faculty/Staff Merit Award. The award of $300 will be presented at the
Faculty/Staff June Dinner.
1. Must have completed 22 years at Blanchet as a faculty or staff member.
2. The person may be part time
3. The award is not open to principals or vice-principals.
Nominations for the award can be made by persons eligible for the award.
The selection process will be conducted by the President in collaboration with the Principal,
Director of Campus Ministry, Vice-Principal of Student Life, Vice Principal for Academics,
Deans, and Athletic Director.
All faculty and staff members of Bishop Blanchet High School who are a .5 FTE or greater, are
eligible for BBHS specific benefits. A complete list of Health and Welfare benefits offered as
part of the Archdiocese can be found in the Archdiocese of Seattle Catholic Schools Policies
Manual, Section 3. The following are BBHS specific benefits offered to Blanchet employees
1. Bishop Blanchet High School will make an employer contribution to employee 403(b) plans
to match employee contributions each pay period for benefit-eligible employees.
In order to maximize employee savings, we will match employee contributions by ratio and
percentage of employee's income to be determined each year. Currently, Blanchet matches
50% of employee’s contribution up to 4% maximum. (Blanchet contributes a maximum of
2% for those employees contributing at least 4%)
Section 3.21 of the Office for Catholic Schools Handbook is superseded by the following:
Employees may use their sick leave in one hour increments. Terminating employees will not
be paid for any unused sick leave. Sick leave is not transferable to other employees.
1. Section 3.24 of the Office for Catholic Schools Handbook is superseded by the following: In
the event of extreme weather conditions or other unforeseen emergencies, the canonically
appointed leader or school administrator may close the school. Such closures will be
considered paid absences for all employees scheduled to work the day of the closure who
regularly work at least twenty hours per week, and employees will be compensated for that
time as if they had worked. Employees should use their own judgment in determining
whether travel to work poses a risk to their safety. If individual employees are unable to
report to work during extreme weather conditions or other unforeseen emergencies, and the
parish/school remains open, those employees may use sick time or personal time.
In the event an hourly employee is deemed essential to work on such an emergency day,
they will be paid the hours they actually worked on such day in addition to the hours they
were normally scheduled to work. For example, if a hourly full time facilities member came
to school on a day when the school was closed due to snow and shoveled the snow off the
parking lot for 4 hours, that person would be paid a total of 12 hours for that day.
Supervisors will approve who is deemed essential to work on a case-by-case basis.
The benefits eligible employee of Bishop Blanchet has two options for tuition assistance,
either for use of their own pursuit of educational credits that supports their role at BBHS or
for the tuition assistance of the employee’s children to attend BBHS. The employee will
choose which tuition assistance program they will utilize. At the time the employee accesses
the tuition assistance of their choice an agreement will be signed that the employee
understands they no longer are eligible to access the other tuition assistance program.
1. Employees of Bishop Blanchet High School may receive assistance for educational costs
incurred in the pursuit of a degree or pursuing/maintaining certification.
2. A request for this assistance will be granted if it is approved by the President or Principal in
consultation with the Program Director that is, Department Head, Athletic Director, etc.
3. The granting of the educational assistance shall be contingent on the individual's return to
Bishop Blanchet High School the following year. Should the individual not return to Bishop
Blanchet the following year, the amount would be repaid to Bishop Blanchet in full.
This assistance will equal 25% of the net cost after scholarships or discounts to the
employee. Faculty and staff receiving tuition grants for their children to attend Bishop
Blanchet will not be eligible for education assistance.
1. Students of Faculty/Staff (Staff) may qualify for a discount. In order to be eligible for such
discount, the staff member must be at least a .5 FTE (benefits eligible). The amount of the
discount is pro-rated to the staff member’s FTE at the time their student enrolls at Bishop
2. The rate of the discount is determined based on years of service at Bishop Blanchet High
School. You receive a year of service if you are employed as a .5 FTE or above (benefits
eligible) at the start of the school year.
3. The rate of the discount is based on the following:
a) 1 - 3 years of service
b) 4th and 5th year of service
c) 6 years of service or above
4. The discount will apply to each dependent. The discount does not apply to stipend
personnel. It can only be used towards tuition during the regular school year. The discount
will apply to the children of deceased staff if that person has given 15 or more years of
service to Bishop Blanchet and dies while employed at the school. Children must be at least 6
years old at the time of the parent’s death to qualify for the discount. If the staff member
leaves the school and subsequently returns, any previous experience will count towards
years of service. The discount will apply to individual Bishop Blanchet employees and will
not accrue at a double rate if two family members are employed at the school at the same
time. Staff members who receive this discount are not eligible for education assistance for
themselves. In the event of a staff member’s death, the benefit will remain in effect until the
currently enrolled student has graduated.
1. Susan begins work in the Development Office in August 2020. She is full time. Her daughter
enrolls in Blanchet for the school year 2020-2021. The discount for Susan’s daughter is 50%.
2. Mary has been a .75 faculty member at Blanchet for 10 years. Her son starts school here in
September 2020. Her discount is 75% of the tuition for that year. She qualifies for a 100%
discount based on years of service but it will be pro-rated to her FTE.
3. Joe has worked in the Technology Department for 4 years as a .2 FTE (not benefits eligible).
In September of 2020, his son enrolls at Blanchet and he increases his FTE to .75. The
discount for Joe’s son is 37.5% (50% x .75 FTE). When Joe’s son is a senior the discount will
increase to 56.25% (75% x .75 FTE).
1. Bishop Blanchet will loan up to $5,000 payable over 5 years with 0% interest to those
benefit eligible employees who do not own their primary residence and want to purchase a
primary residence within 30 miles of Bishop Blanchet. This $5,000 could be used for down
payment, closing costs, payment to reduce the mortgage interest rate, or other costs
associated with the purchase of a home. Repayment of this debt would be in the form of a
payroll deduction on a schedule agreed upon by the Director of Finance and employee.
Should the employee leave Blanchet, the remaining balance would be due in full on the
termination date.
2. This policy does not reflect the full legal terms of this loan option. These terms are detailed
in the loan contract itself.
The following guidelines apply when your job requires you to attend an event or program
outside the normal office hours.
1. Non-exempt pay staff asked to work at an event must be paid for their time. This includes
any overtime hours that might accrue. Exempt staff are not paid additional to work at the
2. Staff working at an event will not pay any admittance fee and if a meal is served or available
during the event, the staff working the event will receive a free meal.
3. The Archdiocese policy on alcohol in the workplace should be followed by all staff working
an event.
4. Any fees incurred by a staff member working an event should be reimbursed upon the
submission of a receipt. Examples may include parking or mileage.
BBHS has designated the following as paid Holidays:
1. Labor Day
2. Veterans’ Day
3. Wednesday before Thanksgiving
4. Thanksgiving Day
5. Friday after Thanksgiving
6. Christmas Eve
7. Christmas Day
8. New Year’s Eve
9. New Year’s Day
10. Martin Luther King Day
11. Friday before President’s Day
12. President’s Day
13. Good Friday
14. Easter Monday
15. Memorial Day
16. July 4 (for year round staff only)