Uploaded by Eva Dupont

Marketing Research Report: Methods & Strategy

Team members
Lucie Lemière
Marie Lignier
Théo Pernot
Maeva Wisman,
Eva Dupont
Pauline Gac
Lou Kerjean
Question 1 : Explain why company decided to use each of the following methods : (1)
participant observation (2) interviews (3) focus group
Participant observation: allows the company to understand the habits of their prospects through their
eyes ; brings out the ideas taken for granted by the participants. Similarly, observation can allow
Cerenity to gain access to deviant or hidden hygiene habits and face the true reality of consumers.
Finally, observation can reveal the unbiased natural hygiene habits of consumers and allows us to see
how they can use the product. It brings a context to build the next step of the study and build a good
Interviews: analyse customers consumption habits / behaviours and capture insights, to establish
factors to build the best attributes to communicate on their product : the one that makes the product
desirable. With this method, you allow consumers to add an affective aspect in their answers.
Compared to participant observation, interviews allow the discovery of answers to questions that resist
observation. Interviewees reflect on past events / their lives. It is a more ethically defensible method that is
less intrusive and allows for broader coverage of the topic.
Question 1 : Explain why company decided to use each of the following methods : (1)
participant observation (2) interviews (3) focus group
(3) Focus Group: helps to understand how the consumers build their evaluation on the product
regarding other consumers who represent the social interactions and influence. Consequently, you can
find the additional value of communicating and how to target them in an efficient way.
Compared to interviews, focus group also implies an affective aspect, and it allows to confront a
consumer to social interactions by questioning and challenging each other. This method makes it
possible to obtain a wide range of opinions, it’s a very useful method for carrying out market research
that makes it possible to understand why people have certain opinions.
Question 2 : Explain why the sample size and sample selection affect the findings
of the study ? What would you do differently ?
Only targeted SEC A women.
Moreover the bigger the sample is, the more detailed and representative is the result. “The broader the scope of a qualitative study
and the more comparisons between groups in the sample that are required, the more interviews will need to be carried out” (Warren
2002; Morse 2004). For example, why giving the product to 30 students and only interviewing 9 of them? → The brand should
interview more people in terms of quantity (only 22 respondents). The more responses there are, the more reliable the trend that
Only interview people from 20
to 28 years old.
Interview people from larger age range: not only people from 20 to 28, we need a larger scale. Having just students is not
representative enough and can bias the result. Furthermore older women tend to care a lot about their health and could also be a
good target.
“Past experiences of the
respondents, others were a
result of their first experience
of using the product in the
Maybe it wasn’t relevant to make a non-user group that tried the product for the first time AND a user group that talked about their
past experience. Instead, it could be more relevant if non-users are given the product at the same time and have the same time to
test it, which is more objective (talking about past experiences is less spontaneous and can be altered by other factor and end-up
useless) → Focus group should include non-users only, that would have received and experienced the product during the same period
of time, for the first time.
Trial for non-users have been
during 1 week.
Trial for non-users should have been longer than 1 week, which is not representative in terms of context. We recommend to test it
during 30 days.
The focus group with too much
Separating the discuss group was a good idea but they should made focus groups with less women (2 groups of 5-6 for example).
Question 3 : Based on the research findings, propose a promotional and communication
strategy for this product.
Recommendations about promotion:
Set free samples in mall toilets, airports, bars, clubs… etc, for example in vending machines.
Bundles including the spray and others products of the brand in supermarkets.
Discount on the brand's products for the purchase of a spray (poster in the stores).
We can market the product in beauty e-retailers (Sephora, Nocibé, Doctipharma, etc.), in generalist pur
players (Amazon, Cdiscount) and destockeurs (ex : Veepee, Showroomprivé, etc.).
Exposure :
○ Sell the spray in a large range of stores : supermarkets, drugstore, beauty shops, ...
Distribution in small corners / vending machines in crowded places (airports, train stations, malls…).
Question 3 : Based on the research findings, propose a promotional and communication
strategy for this product.
Recommandations about communication
Conducting a kick-off campaign by displaying free samples of the product in overcrowded places such as train stations,
airports, malls … and put posters on toilets of these places.
The communication campaign should mention the product while being educational and giving sanitary information.
Also relating to women’s situation they faced with in the past “I generally do not use the toilet if I do not find it clean enough, but if I
have to, I use tissues and hand sanitiser to clean it for my own comfort” to make them feel concerned and involved.
Focus on how the product works, since such disinfectant product doesn’t exist in India and people don’t necessarily
know how to use it
Claims about the result of this product on health.